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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Eleven

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Another question on the duration of my spells. Using the Shield spell as an example, it lasts for 1 minute per level. Is that my Wizard level of 2, or my character's total level of 9?
My guess is that it is only based off of the Wizard levels you have and not your total character level. But I could be wrong.
I have found a magic item that Luna needs. It's called a Rod of Flame Extinguishing from the core book. With all of the fireballs I throw, being able to put out fires would be a good thing. I wonder if the city we are currently in has one for sale?
Psychie, here is the Arcane Archer prestige class. Look under "Spells Per Day."

The description seems to say to add together Arcane Archer levels (not Fighter) and the class levels of the arcane class (in Oreleth's case, wizard) prior to the character becoming an Arcane Archer.

In other words, add wizard and Arcane Archer levels to determine spell duration.

Sherwood, well, there's only one way to find out! =)
You're welcome, lady! When you want hel in the future, just give me a shout. =)

I hope to have a post introducing Oreleth into Highwind sometime this weekend! Thank you for helping me learn about her character in our Conversation (that goes for you too, Kaerri-darlin'). =)
Bren's response left the girl standing there with her mouth open. That by itself would have made her look merely surprised, but not when combined with the condemning glare in her eyes that followed - made worse if Bren had faced away from her in the meantime, though she was about to command his attention, and probably (inadvertently?) someone else's, whatever the case...

"What? No!" she argued. "You said it would be 'on the list of preparations', for whatever that's worth! But when was I supposed to write it, between crashing here last night and being woken up today before the sun had even gone up?! And with what? Do I look like a scribe? And then you ask if it's ready to send!"

She wasn't looking at anyone else while she spoke but Bren, vividly using her whole body to get the point across.

Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr I am confused. Why is Nivirea giving Brendoran a condemning glare and suddenly arguing with him when his response to her request was basically, "Sure! If it's ready, let's do it today."

I'm clearly missing something.
You're not missing anything. You're just not a spoiled, haughty 21 year old girl descended from nobility, with all the accompanying temper issues.

Which is good. You're not supposed to understand it. You're supposed to think what every normal, mature person would think: That she's being stupid, bitchy, and throwing a tantrum for no reason. Here we can engage in a mild psychological analysis, though I think what follows are conclusions that the others should be making IC, thus making them a bit of a spoiler, but at the same time it ought to be obvious. You can skip or read as you want.

The best part is, it's entirely possible that she herself may be remotely aware of the above, but the behavior has become so ingrained into her that she's doing it anyway. She's acting on impulse. Sure, it doesn't help that she hasn't had enough beauty sleep or that she just went through a less than satisfying training regime (and to think that's why her sleep was cut short! argh!), but those are not excuses. Additionally, I suspect being back in civilization is having an adverse effect on her. Whereas traversing the dirt and grime of the wilderness, sleeping in a tent (at best), and having to constantly be on her guard all served to force to her grow up a little, finding herself back in comparative luxury has her mind switching back to home-in-Summerset mode.

Shit like this right now not only wouldn't fly out in the field, but there'd be no point since she was on her own. That solitude clearly did her some good. No one to complain about. No one to complain to. Either sit down and die, or grit your teeth and get stuff done. Sink or swim. I'm sure there will be a positive change in her behavior once she's out there again, especially with the mission to focus on.

The reasons for her overreaction are all in her dialogue, really, with some context.

She's taken offense over Bren's assumption that the letter is done, that she's had the time to do it, and that she's had the means to. Bren said it would be "added to the list", and he's in charge, so... She probably expected he'd send someone over to her room to bring her a lilac-scented parchment and quality ink or something. Maybe she thinks Bren, what with being a lord and friendly with the leadership of Highwind, has servants running around with copies of the list of preparations, seeing it done. Now not only has that proven clearly not the case, but she's thinking that with all the talk of departure and finality, she may not get the chance at all - and if it's not done, and she complains about it, she'll get blamed for it even though in her mind she had neither the when or the how to do it!

Can you say.... entitled? :D

All that said, the fact that I understand her this well and that I myself saw a potential problem in what Bren said, might be somewhat concerning, lol. My mind did interpret this the same way Nivirea's did - I just have the common sense (and other things...) to handle the situation differently, were it me. Did I explain it well?

Extremely well! Thank you, Wolf! =)

If left to my own designs, I would have thought along the lines you have described. Giving you the benefit of the doubt and knowing Nivi as you have written her, it was, for me, the only "logical" reason for her behavior. All I was missing was confirmation from her creative and true player. =)

As Sherwood and Kaerri can tell you from Real Life, I am most comfortable when I have my facts straight. Ha ha! =)
Here is a oddball question. Once Luna hits level 12 and has a second attack per round with her BAB, can I activate a wand more than once per round? Or is it a one shot per round like casting a spell?
Here's another one. Sherwood and Dannigan, you've been roleplaying for so many years now, so how come you still have all these questions? Sherwood asks for just permission most of the time, granted, I get that, but not always. And even Dannigan keeps saying how he needs to dig around the book and check often! Not only do you have so much RPing experience, but unless I am mistaken, a good chunk of it was spent RPing together. Yet so many questions and discussions :D

First I thought: Okay, Sharseya is new and maybe it has all these new rules being made... But wait, it isn't! Haven't you said that Sharseya, in its offline form, has been around for like over a decade? :P

Nothing against questions. I like questions :P

Evidently *woof*
Here is a oddball question. Once Luna hits level 12 and has a second attack per round with her BAB, can I activate a wand more than once per round? Or is it a one shot per round like casting a spell?

The latter. A wand, rod, or staff may only be activated once per round (unless it is some special ability of the item in question).

Sherwood and Dannigan, you've been roleplaying for so many years now, so how come you still have all these questions?

Heh! Because, like an attic, a person's brain can only hold so much! =)

My guesses are (and, as always, please correct me if I'm wrong!).... this is the first time Sherwood has ever played in my D&D/Pathfinder world (and every Dungeon Master has their own house rules). Pathfinder is not Sherwood's main game (Robotech is, and in that game he has a much greater understanding of the rules in part because he's been GMing it for almost as long as I've been DMIng D&D).

Both games have a lot of rules, plus Sherwood has other interests too (like Exalted and Scion, to name a pair). Even people who play only one game are bound to have questions, especially if they're not playing something in their field (like a player who's into rangers trying sorcerers for the first time). =)

Am I right about that, Sherwood?

I like knowing there are questions Sherwood doesn't have to ask. =)

As longtime gaming buddies and Real Life friends, if something is confusing, then our giving benefit of the doubt for each other is automatic. Our trust with each other is as high as it gets. That alone feels great!

Sherwood knows me. He can take comfort knowing I'm not a PK'er (player-killer) or a Monty Hauler (give treasure and xp away for nearly nothing). I don't play favorites (just ask Kaerri), I don't make things easy for the sake of it ("You don't get something for nothing." - Rush), and I am here for everyone's fun and not just my own.

There are a lot of pitfalls Dungeon Masters fall into. Some they can dig themselves out of (like screwing up an encounter or not being consistent with the rules). Some they can't (like breaking player trust or being an asshole and taking it out regularly on their players).

Plus, there are some DMs who don't like questions. Out of laziness or lack of care, they'll tell you to "go look it up." Or worse, "I don't have time to hold your hand. Buy your own copy of the rules or don't play my game."
When it comes to Sharseya, this is our first Pathfinder game here on RP Nation. Prior to this, Sharseya tabletop was all Dungeons & Dragons (from 1st Edition to Edition 3.5). Sherwood never played Sharseya tabletop with Kaerri and me, hence the questions. =)

Those are my guesses anyway. Only Sherwood can tell you for certain.

On a related note, Kaerri-darlin' has a lot less questions here on Adventurers' Table because she asks me in -person and being a longtime player, she understands D&D and Pathfinder pretty well herself. In Robotech: Broadsword, not so much. There, Sherwood's in his element; he's able to answer more questions than ask.

I bet that feels good too. =)
Hm. Yeah, I get it. Well said *woof*

Not having much experience with tabletops I inherently don't have any experience with bad DMs, but I'd like to think I am still being appreciative of you being the way you are! *howl* :D
You have summed it up quite well. Pathfinder is not a hard system, but I don't know its in's and out's as well as I do with Robotech or Hero System, so in order to avoid a flub in the IC thread, I ask. Also, there are a bunch of house rules here, some of which may have been forgotten to be added in. In these cases, its best to ask instead of assuming.
And just for the record, I have had less dealings with bad Storytellers than I have had with bad players. In fact, I was going to a Shadowrun game on Friday nights that I dropped out of due to a problem player. No need in my life for that level of stress. But bad DMs are out there. Keep a watch for them.
Psychie Psychie The time has come! Oreleth is now in the game! Welcome, Psychie! Thanks much for your kind patience and enjoy yourself! =)
Woot woot! Welcome to the mix! You should have run while you had the chance . . . now its too late!
Here is another spell question. Since the various attribute enhancement spells (Owl's Wisdom, Bull's Strength, etc) have been combined up in one spell of Enhance Ability, do you need to designate which attribute it raises when memorizing it, or can you leave it as a wild card until time of casting?
You're right! That information should be in Shop Talk.

It's a wild card (no, not the Robotech: Broadsword kind of Wild Card!) - memorize Enhance Ability and select the ability score to buff upon casting.

I'll add that to Shop Talk now. Thanks, Sherwood! =)

Edit: Oh wait. I already did in the description under New Spells... "The caster selects which Ability Score to improve upon casting the spell."
I do wish folks would check Shop Talk prior to asking questions like this. I haven't spent hours writing all that up just for my own benefit.
Ok, here is a question that is not answered in Shop Talk.

The spell Hardening increases the Hardness of an item, +1 every two levels. How does that affect armor? Does it reduce the amount of damage that gets through to the person wearing it? I ask because there are some kinds of metals that do have a level of damage reduction to them, and I am wondering if this spell will grant that.
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