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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Eleven

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Yay! I like taking answers that I haven't already covered! 8D

Well, understand that armor provides Armor Class to its user, not Hardness.

Hardness applies to any item that is in danger of being damaged. Hardening increases an item's protection (if any) so if a bad thing happens to your favorite maul (like Glider smashing it in half with his Improved Sunder Feat!) or if you're trying to reinforce that wooden door the ogres are trying to break down to get to you, Hardening permanently decreases how much damage that item takes every time it is damaged.

At Luna's level, Hardening can make that wooden door stronger than stone (to iron-level hardness).

Hardening does not affect living things in any way.
Hm. Interesting. What materials are there that have a natural Damage Reduction to them? I'm trying to come up with ways to keep Luna alive with her mere 50 hit points.
Here is a suggestion: Don't get hit! Helpful, I know, but as a wizard, you are supposed to be ranged support to the 'in your face' melee fighters out there.
Smartass! You are not helping. When looking at the raw damage that a spellcaster of her level can dish out along with the low hit points that the casters have, it seems like a no-brainer to hit the wizard hard to keep them from lobbing those spells around.
Somewhat true, but with melee fighters like Powerpaw (I've seen his pictures; kinda scary) and Bren the Paladin, it distracts the opponents from being able to dish out the damage to you as much without ignoring the guys up in their grill with the sharp pointy stabbity stabbity stuff.
Ok, just to confirm, Hardness cast on armor just makes it harder to break, not any better in reducing damage done to the wearer. Are there any rings/amulet kind of stuff in the Core book that does grant damage reduction, and if so, what are they? Psy is on the target with her comments, but I still would like to be able to reduce any incoming damage done to Luna.
Arcane casters are somewhat fragile by design. Hell, they had d4 hit points every level in the first few editions! Divine casters, on the other hand, are designed to work well in armor.
Damage reduction items are extremely hard to find at your level. They're usually reserved for higher-level campaigns. I can't think of any such items in the Core Book around 10th adventuring level.

Psychie, you're right on target with your thinking except that, in my games, I always take into account the enemy's way of thinking. Trolls are generally too stupid to attack anything except that which is in front of them, but those damned Monk/Mages of Wee Jas? They take huge amounts of joy hitting enemies in their weakest spots.
Well, if we are talking about wish list magic items, I'm in the market for Bracers of Archery. They would be natural for me to go to get. Perhaps someday, I'll either find them or be able to afford them on my own.
Psychie, you're right on target with your thinking except that, in my games, I always take into account the enemy's way of thinking. Trolls are generally too stupid to attack anything except that which is in front of them, but those damned Monk/Mages of Wee Jas? They take huge amounts of joy hitting enemies in their weakest spots.
That just means we have to hit them in their weak spots to make up for it!
Yeah, those Bracers would be sweet for you. Good luck finding/affording them! I'm looking forward to seeing if we have gathered up enough loot with a few things that I plan on selling to be able to afford the Rod of Fire Extinguishing (assuming that I can find one here in the city).
Hmmm. Here is an idea for more hit points for your caster: take a few levels of Barbarian for the d12 roll instead of just the d6 of the Wizard. :hornstongue;
Hmmm. Here is an idea for more hit points for your caster: take a few levels of Barbarian for the d12 roll instead of just the d6 of the Wizard. :hornstongue;

Ha ha ha! Yeah, I can imagine that going over really well with the rest of Luna's family back in Summerset!

Sparkle whispering to Luna: "Run."

Bad dudes, I believe that they are followers of Loviatar, an evil Goddess.
Nope! The Monk/Mages of Wee Jas follow... Wee Jas! The evil goddess of Magic.
Yeah, the Wayward Wanderers met up with them during the Ambush on the Road Kings back in Chapter Seven: Melshaef's Tree and the Crown of Chains. I'll let your fellow players give you their impressions of them. Suffice to say, these guys are the eternal enemies of the Ko monks (like Bria).
Somewhat true, but with melee fighters like Powerpaw (I've seen his pictures; kinda scary) and Bren the Paladin, it distracts the opponents from being able to dish out the damage to you as much without ignoring the guys up in their grill with the sharp pointy stabbity stabbity stuff.
That is our job, y'know. ^;3^

Hmmm. Here is an idea for more hit points for your caster: take a few levels of Barbarian for the d12 roll instead of just the d6 of the Wizard. :hornstongue;
For the record (and this is a question people have actually asked!) taking levels in Barbarian does not make you forget how to read.

On a more serious note, who are these monks of WeeJas?
Nasty people. There should be an entry for Wee Jas in the Deities thread. She's an evil goddess of magic. So the monk/mages are evil monks with some surprising tricks. First time I (and Bren) encountered them, we had ye olde standard party formation (tanks and melee up front, casters and archer in the back), and they used (I think) Dimension Door to jump behind everyone and really did a number on our poor archer before we could get him some backup.
Just to let you know, Oreleth is not trying to start a fight with the minotaur. It is my guess that with the change of language comes a bit of a different vocabulary, so I'm writing that way to reflect her knowledge of the slang of what she's saying, not just a passing familiarity. If that will backfire, please let me know and I'll tweak my post to keep a full out war going on between me and Baltor.

But I have a feeling that he's going to be more amused than insulted by the 'little elf woman' speakin' shit to him.
Psychie - Yes, this might very well backfire.

Well, first off... Proper minotaur language does not involve tons of profanity - that's a Baltor thing. Kind of like Powerpaw speaks the way he does because that's the way he is? Baltor the Minotaur has his own way of coming across. Please don't think all minotaurs talk like he does.

You may have also noticed his minotaur buddy he was speaking to at the gate? The perfect gentleman?

Yeah, I appreciate the effort, but Oreleth is free to speak as she normally does when using the language. However, having said that, I think what Oreleth is trying to do is fit in with the culture? The edginess works, but if, by chance, you're a Star Trek fan, think Klingon here for moment? You say "you have a problem with that?" and "your ugly kind" are definitely insulting and fight-picking.

Basically, Oreleth is saying she doesn't respect Highwind Minotaurs and she's ready to fight Baltor here and now if he doesn't like it. Is that truly what she's trying to say? If not, just have her talk the way she normally talks (with something in there saying it's all in minotaur language).

One more thing - would you mind making use of that Enter button and splitting up future posts with paragraphs? I want to continue to enjoy your posts (like the ones you write in Robotech: Broadsword). I find them easier to read (and I am probably not the only one). =)

=) I Am Just Kidding With This Example! =)

(Dungeon Master note for all: Welcome, Psychie, to Sharseya! This introduction is about 2,000 words long so I hope you brought a snack and drink. Oreleth has made it to Highwind's gates! But what lies in store for her? Enjoy!)The morning clouds rolled swiftly over the Highwindian mountainside bringing with them the soft orange glow of the sun over the troubled realm. The Road of Kings glowed in the dawn like a blood-drenched arrow and there at the highway's most northerly point, the great winding trail began leading up and up the mountainside finally to reach Highwind's massive eastern gates. The thick, white walls of the city and tall towers behind them rose over the landscape like a gentle guardian.Below them, cool morning breezes flowed over mountain flowers and grasses along with the many dozens of souls waiting with travel-weary horses and road-caked wagons to be admitted in with the early morning light. Here, among the throngs of merchants, messengers, travelers, and foresters were humans with their many shades of skins, hairstyles, and clothing standing alongside mountain dwarves, as patient and as hardy as their namesake. They all sat or stood with the stillness of stumps and trees.Only one among them hailed from the distant Forest Eternal, the mysterious and ancient forest far to the south of Summerset and farther still from Highwind. This was Oreleth of the Wood Elves. Her pointed ears, sharp facial features, and long hair that spilled down her back like sunshine marked her to all as one of Corellon Larethian's children. As such, humans stared and whispered cautiously amongst themselves while the dwarves seemed to look upon her like those seeing a rare stone far from its place of origin.It had been a very long road from the Forest Eternal to these proud gates, but it was here, she had learned that the Soulsinger bow, the bow of her dreams, was known to one Oscar of Highwind. If tales were true, Oscar was a human scholar whose wisdom had reached the stars long ago and whose name among the wise was highly regarded as authentic and just. Oreleth had heard that the extremely tall, lanky man with graying hair was the one loremaster in all of the continent of Averlund, perhaps in all Sharseya, that knew not only about the Soulsinger, but how it might come into her ageless hands. How he had come by this knowledge, none could say. But he was here! Somewhere! And finally, so was she! The thrill of having traveled so many weeks and days across plain and hill and forest and highway to know that one was closer to her destination was a very good reason to be thrilled.So it was that Oreleth was first in line! Second behind her among the teeming trail of people was a quartet of well-made wagons complete with armed Summerset mercenaries, carrying Corellon-knew-what. And those mercenaries regarded her with jealous looks for her being ahead of them.Without warning, the sounds of flapping, leathery wings came from behind the high wall. One of Highwind's dragon-riders, no doubt, come for some detail or another. Oreleth never saw the reptile nor its rider, but she knew these people could deliver messages with the swiftness of arrows. It was no secret that Highwind had dragons in their army. Indeed, Highwind appeared to have many secrets.A moment later, a great bell sounded from behind the wall and its single, heavy toll shook the land like the coming of a king. Suddenly, all around Oreleth, men and womens' eyes lit up like fires. Horses trembled nervously and the sighs of relief among person and beast were many as they rose to enter."Good morning!" said a resounding female voice from the ramparts in the Common tongue. That call echoed down from above from one of the many helmeted faces now able to be seen looming over the walls. "Good morning..." came the replies in various states of enthusiasm from among the crowds. There was a sharp cracking sound and the thunderous grinding of well-oiled gears as the twin portcullis rose like a sleeping giant. One of the massive, scarred doors behind the gate, just wide enough to admit something large like a draft horse or a merchant's wagon......or an armored minotaur.The brute was nearly ten feet tall, his terrible horns almost that wide. Wreathed in heavy chain mail with many a nick and chip across its skin, the monster's bulging arms and barrel-chest spoke of strength far beyond any typical elf or human. He carried a massive sword sheathed on each hip, a round shield over one shoulder, and perhaps the biggest blade Oreleth had ever seen in her young life, a two-handed greatsword some eight feet in length, across his back. But it was his glare that was easiest to note, for there was an irritated flame in them that was no stranger to violence.An urgent voice behind him caused the warrior to pause. Another minotaur dressed in the white and green hippogryph tabard of Highwind spoke quietly, yet Oreleth's keen hearing could understand every word - for the elf understood the Minotaur tongue fluently."Baltor, you need not do this! Guard duty is below one of your station! How are you here?!"The minotaur called Baltor snarled back. "Gromash is how I'm here, dammit!" he said. "I showed up at Mista Holy Man's church all fucked up on ale! This here is Captain of the Guard Gromash's way of makin' me pay back my debt to Highwind. Guard duty for a whole day!""By the Odinson! You showed at the church-fortress drunk?!" "By Thor, I was hungover, man! I ain't got no peace! Oscar of Highwind is dead! DEAD! Killed by puttin' his nose inta some damned magic book!" Baltor snorted hatefully. "What the hell are we gonna do NOW?!"Baltor stared back at his shocked brethren. Neither of them had any answer."Now bring that thievin' bastard out here..."The door opened a bit farther and out staggered a brown-cloaked man with his hands tied behind his back. He had a very large and ugly bruise on his head. A rope from his hands extended into Baltor's. The thief cursed and spat until he saw the vast green wilderness stretching out before him. Then, seeing his fate before him, he moaned in despair.Behind him, more minotaurs ushered along three commonly-dressed people, all human. A young girl no more than ten years of age, a woman twice her age, and a cane-bearing crone some eighty years into life. Baltor lined them up and addressed them. His tone changed to one of politeness, but lost none of its authority. He spoke in the Common tongue."All right, ladies. This fool done robbed you blind, takin' your last copper piece while holdin' you up with a knife to the little girl's throat!" Having said this aloud, Baltor seemed to lose control of himself for a moment. He turned to the thief and shouted at him in rage. "She's a little girl! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Wait, don't answer dat." He turned back to the ladies. "Sorry about that. Now listen, misses an' ma'am. Before I check all these nice people tryin' to enter my city, first I gotta make an example outta this ass-- ass..." he caught himself and said, "...assine dude. This way, everybody behaves, right?" He pointed at the thief. "According to Highwind law, this dude has been sentenced to exile, but before he goes..." Baltor gave a big grin, "I'm a guard today, right? Well, I'm makin' some use outta this. How? If I'm playin' a guard, then I make the rules! An' I say, for what he did to you, a little tiny bit of Highwind Minotaur justice is in order. "By the God of Thunder, I say each of you gets to kick that dude square in his behind before we send him on his way!"Upon hearing this proclamation, all of the dwarves and humans looked at each other in some dismay with the exception of the ladies. The thief blanched in humiliation. "Little girl, you get to go first." Baltor then proceeded to grab the thief, forcibly bend him over, and drop him to the height of the little girl. She looked up at the woman twice her age, who nodded approvingly. Then with a little girly snarl that only little girls can give, she gave him a mighty little kick right in his butt. The thief just laughed a little at her."All right," Baltor nodded. "My lady, it's your turn." The twenty-year old woman hauled off and kicked him hard. "Take this, you rotten louse! That's my niece you held at knifepoint!"His cry was heard down the mountainside. "Ooowww, you damned bitch!!"Baltor twitched and bit his lip, but did not kill the man. Instead, he took a deep breath, regained his composure, and turned to the crone. "All right, grandmother. Your turn."But she hesitated. Leaning on her cane, she looked up at Baltor with pleading eyes. Sweetly, she said, "Young man?"Baltor quickly stepped over to her ready to lend her a hand. "Yes, grandmother?""I would greatly prefer... if you did it for me?" Baltor straightened up with the largest wide-eyed grin Oreleth had ever seen on a minotaur. He was all eyes and smile and joy. Her words were purest music to his ears. Suddenly, barbarically, Baltor ran as fast as he could, grabbed the thief, held him up off the ground, yanked his pants down to his ankles until his naked butt showed, and reared back with his hoof.
"Yes, ma'am!!" he roared. "No, no!" the thief screamed. "Mercy! Don't do it! Plea--" Baltor loosed with everything he had. POW!! "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Baltor punted the screaming thief so hard he flew high up into the air and soared for some seconds. When he finally came crashing down the mountainside, rolling and rolling and leaving long trails of dirt, dust, and grass, he went with no sign of stopping. And no one helping him either. The whole scene looked so painful and deserved, smiling Highwindians watching from their ramparts, made various thankful signs to their gods for his departure. It was at that moment that Baltor graciously thanked and gently indicated the ladies should return inside, which they did. This done, he then angrily stomped up, fists clenched, hooves ready, and addressed Oreleth and the wide-eyed crowd of travelers and merchants."Y'all mothafuckas see dat? That could be YOU! If you cause shit in my city, that WILL be you!" Baltor folded his muscled arms and gave a short speech. "Now hear this! At this very moment, there are mothafuckas all around Shandra's Evergreen, lookin' up at that flyin', thieving asshole, wonderin' what the hell just happened!" Baltor acted, peering up into the sky as if watching the scene from below the city. "Think about it! Right now, some fishermen are sayin', 'Hey, man! Look up there! Highwind must have some new wizard magic to launch a motherfucker that high!" He shouted at the crowd. "Well, it ain't no wiggly-finger, archmage spell - it's my hoof in yo ass! "Dwarfies from Morgandir Mountain are talkin' this very minute! 'Hey shorty-brother! See that out yonder? Highwind must have a new catapult!" Baltor screamed. "But it ain't no shiny new catapult! It's my hoof in yo ass!"Druids! Druids hidin' in the forest are watchin' this very second! 'Hey! That figure hurtling through the sky! It is a sign! Mielikki has blessed us!"
Baltor bellowed. "But it ain't no froofy, holy, priestly stuff! "IT'S MYYYYY HOOF IN YO AAAAAASS!!"
Then he turned to the first person in line. This was Oreleth. "Now then! All right, miss Elfie! Don't think just because you got the pretty hair and nice twinkly eyes that you are gonna sweet-elfie yo self into my city! I gotta hear you out to make sure you gotta good reason for comin' in! Baltor stared down at Oreleth, his giant body literally overshadowing hers to the point other people nearest her shrank away. He then gave her his fullest attention. Sternly, but politely in the manner of Highwind Minotaurs, he asked her slowly and pointedly."So, miss elfie! What'choo got ta say?"All eyes fell on Oreleth. Only the wind spoke. And then, quietly.(DM note: Welcome to Highwind, Psychie!)
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