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At the Adventurers' Table: Chapter Eleven

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You're welcome! Besides, you asked. When a player asks for guidance and then acts on the advice, that tends to go a long way with me (especially with beginners). It means that player is willing to communicate and then make the effort to make the most of it, not just for the sake of the story, but for the fun of all involved. =)

Oh, that looks so much better. Thank you for the paragraphs! =)
Well, it would be rude of me not to thank you, when you could have been all mean and fangy and grrr, and not let me edit the post when I was trying to make an effort to be 'minotaur-ish'. Lots to learn about your world, and I'm looking forward to it!
Oh Psychie, I love this kind of talk! When we take the time and effort to clearly communicate, it puts us both on the same page and that page is where all the fun is! I deeply wish there was more talk like this in Robotech: Broadsword.

It is through chats like these that I'm able to determine how I'm doing as a Dungeon Master. I need to know how each of you are feeling. Not only do I like knowing what I'm doing well, but I can't fix something if I don't know what's broken.

So... my enemy is silence. If I am reaching out to you, and you're not reaching back, there's not a damn thing I can do about it. So it was with Epiphany. So it kind of is with Kaerri and Cap'n.

In that game, there is a part of me that feels that I should just start focusing mostly on Sherwood and Psychie's characters, because at least you guys are posting regularly like we all used to. Again, silence.

So yeah. OOC is the lifeblood of either of my games.

Pardon me, for I didn't mean for this to turn into a rant. =)
Wow, such much spam *woof*

Let me just formally welcome Psychie to the game, and may we meet real soon IC. Though something tells me Oreleth won't like Nivirea that much ha ha XD

That said, hey Sherwood Sherwood , doesn't the nice lady from Psychie's avatar look a little like Luna! :D *rrrrrrrr*
I have noticed a tendency in my online games to overpost and not give the other players a chance to stand out and make posts of their own, and when I post too much, it puts pressure on the Storyteller and in the past it has been a source of frustration. I try to make sure to take time between posts to give everyone time to respond. But, that being said, I will endeavor to post more in the OOC threads of both games to keep any miscommunications at bay and do the kind of thing that Psychie did with Oreleth and her talking with the minotaurs.

And on a side note, the artist that drew the pics that I'm using for Luna and that Psy is using is Masamune Shirow, a fantastically talented man with several art books to his name. One of his more famous works was recently made into the movie Ghost in the Shell. I just love his work.
Good point, Sherwood. I'll take this discussion into Fat Gandalf's where it belongs now.
"I think it's called petulance.", he replied, under his breath, "Acting childish and self-centered. At any time, she could have asked for the means and time to write this letter, could have made time for herself, but she didn't. Instead, she resorts to this behavior to cover her own failure."
Lucky for Otiorin that Nivirea couldn't hear that. Else you'd hear ALL about how there wasn't enough time and how the training started too early and and and [REDACTED]

That said, there actually wasn't that much time, you know? You may have forgotten because of how long this is taking IRL, but the Wanderers landed in Highwind yesterday evening, presumably going to sleep early due to fatigue and the fact they had to get up before dawn the following day - and yeah, they were already training since dawn. So realistically, when was Nivi supposed to draft a letter?

Also, Cap'n, you probably meant to say that Otiorin's body was now significantly bigger than his clothes? If they're stretched taut on him? :P

Lucky for Otiorin that Nivirea couldn't hear that. Else you'd hear ALL about how there wasn't enough time and how the training started too early and and and [REDACTED]

That said, there actually wasn't that much time, you know? You may have forgotten because of how long this is taking IRL, but the Wanderers landed in Highwind yesterday evening, presumably going to sleep early due to fatigue and the fact they had to get up before dawn the following day - and yeah, they were already training since dawn. So realistically, when was Nivi supposed to draft a letter?

True, we were up early and training, but Nivirea certainly under any constraints to bow out, if the letter was that important. Training could have waited until she’d done what she needed to do.

Captain Hesperus
Speaking as his player, that would entirely depend upon the contents and urgency of the letter. =)

Face it, folks - Nivirea is snooty, Powerpaw has a speech impediment, Bria is naive, and Mamapaw tends to overly worry. Good roleplaying does not involve only expressing your characters good traits! =)
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Psychie Psychie
"I am Oreleth Soumral, from the Elven homelands in the great forest."

Elves mostly live in forests. Oreleth's statement is kind of like saying, "Hi, I'm a hobbit from a hole in the ground." Where else would they come from?

If Oreleth is hiding her origin for some reason, this is probably not a good time to do that. She is trying to enter a city that is in the middle of a war. If, instead, Oreleth would rather answer, "...from the Forest Eternal" or "of the Wood Elves," it might get her farther. Just a hint. =)
Wow, one glance at the procedure for admittance into Highwind has got me appreciating the fashion in which we arrived! Not that we'd have quite the same trouble as Oreleth had we come knocking on the front door, what with young master Bren in our number, but without him... Why, we'd likely have been jumping through hoops until Flagg himself came to get us.

By the way, as I am reading Stephen King's The Stand at the moment, I get the shivers just writing that last thought! Brrrrr.

Oh, and, about Sif's... umm.... titties... I know Sif is a goddess from the Norse mythology, but I'm a gamer so my first association with Sif is this:

The Great Grey Wolf Sif from Dark Souls

Re: Highwind admittance. Now that you see what Oreleth is going through, I'm glad you appreciate it. It certainly pays to have friends in high places (like Mielikki)! =)

Re: Grand Vizier Randall Flagg. There is actually a little story behind that. Back when Highland was in its infancy, I had created a grand vizier, a great wizard who answered directly to the king and queen. While I had his personality in order, I did not yet have a name for the man.

We had some Stephen King fans in our game (Kaerri being one) and these friends practically begged me to name the guy Randall Flagg. For some reason, they just loved the idea, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why.

Of course, I had to ask questions and find out who this guy really was, but really, I figured it was only a name and I said, "What the heck. He is now Grand Vizier Randall Flagg!" This decision brought my players immense joy! They literally cheered right there in our living room!

Only later when I read The Stand would I come to know what kind of fellow Flagg was in King's work. What a surprise!

Re: Sif, the Norse goddess of skill in combat. My first experience with this character came from the excellent Dungeons and Dragons book, Deities and Demigods (1st Edition) and soon after Marvel Comics' Thor.

Here was a fabulous fighting woman with tremendous spirit, confidence, and heroism. Characters like Sif, I think, inspired me to create similarly-strong heroines like Lt. Shirley Mackenzie and Dr. Hitomi Yashida who are now in our Robotech: Broadsword game.

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Heck, imagine the headaches of having the guards search the Grand Wagon as we try to come into the city! I for one am glad that we just flew in, and have a Goddess vouching for us!
Heck, imagine the headaches of having the guards search the Grand Wagon as we try to come into the city! I for one am glad that we just flew in, and have a Goddess vouching for us!
Highwind Guard: "So let me get this straight. You have a library, a study, five bedrooms, a swimming pool and a wine cellar in here? What kind of idiot do you take me for?"
2nd Highwind Guard: "Err, Sarge. I think that chest there is giving me the stink eye..."
Sarge: "It's a bleeding chest, Jenkins. It can't give you the stink eye."
Jenkins: "Saaaaarge, it just fucking growled at me!"
Sarge: "Jenkins, if you say one more thing about that chest, so help me."
Jenkins: "...."
Sarge turns around to see nothing but Jenkins' boots and a crumpled guardsman's helmet.
Sarge: "...."

Captain Hesperus
Re: Cap'n's statement above.

*Translated from Killer Mimic*
Arfy: "Our names are Arfy, Barfy, and Snarfy and we approve of this message!"
Barfy: "Jenkins was delicious!"
*Snarfy grins.*
Arfy and Barfy: "What is it?"
Snarfy: "So was the sergeant... Hee hee hee!"
*All three Killer Mimics burst into howling, canine laughter.*
Here is another question. How does the Feat Spell Penetration work? I understand that some creatures have magic resistance and that the Feat is a bonus to get through it. What is the base for this die roll? Is it off of Spellcraft, or is it based solely on the character's level? Or is it based on something else entirely?
Oh boy, let me try! Can I try?


Some creatures have the innate ability, or else ability bestowed upon them through a spell, to avoid being affected by spells. This is called Spell Resistance. In order to affect such creatures with a spell, you must first overcome their Spell Resistance. This is done by making a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) at least equal to the creature’s Spell Resistance (the defender's SR acts like AC against magic attacks). If you fail the check, then your spell has no effect on the creature. It is important to note that the defending creature doesn't need to do anything special or even be aware of the incoming attack; its Spell Resistance is applied automatically.

It should also be noted that only spells and spell-like abilities are subject to the Spell Resistance check. Extraordinary and supernatural abilities (including enhancement bonuses on magic weapons) are not. Exceptionally, there are certain spells that ignore SR; notably those that summon or create something, as opposed to targeting creatures (more on that here).

But to get back to the original question, the Feat Spell Penetration helps you overcome a creature's SR more easily by granting you a flat +2 bonus on your normal caster level check (1d20 + caster level). So there you have it.

Wow I feel so educated right now *woof*
Very good, Wolf! Have a cookie! You've earned it! =)

That is indeed how Spell Penetration works! It seems your information comes straight off of the Paizo website (the creators of Pathfinder) and that leads me to my next couple of points. =)

1. If you have rules-based information, it is my preference that you provide a direct link to that information. For example: Spell Resistance from the Paizo website (please scroll down to Spell Resistance). Why are links important? Because spell resistance... is also a spell! If you do a search, you might get that instead and get confuzzled! Oh noes!

2. You provide a link to... D20PFSRD and not Paizo (see the first link). Urgh! I feel good about this because I really haven't had to bring this up in probably about two whole years, so allow me to refresh everyone. Pathfinder and D20PFSRD are not the same thing or the same people. While they are very, very similar, they sometimes have different ways of using the Open Game License (the rules we are playing by).

And when they differ, they differ in ways that can screw up a character, an encounter, or even a campaign!

So... unless I specifically say otherwise (and I'm pretty sure I haven't yet since we started Sharseya Online), please only use Paizo as a resource. Treat D20PFSRD like a fan-fiction (for lack of better term)? The only time I think I use D20PFSRD is when I've allowed a spell from it that Paizo doesn't have. Otherwise, I take pains to leave it alone.

Again, good job, Wolf! =)
That is an interesting take on the D20PFSRD. I had thought that it was the official Pathfinder site, and would go there to look up stuff for everything from Feats to Spells.
I don't recall the exact details any more, but since we started Sharseya (tabletop), there were about three incidents involving D20PFSRD that clashed in such a way that I had to stop the game and compare the two. Not fun. I don't like having to stop the game over such things.

Plus, I found that if I had gone by D20PFSRD instead of Paizo, the outcomes of these issues would have been quite different. I had to put my foot down on the matter (but it was not like the players were giving me trouble or anything).
Well, you are the Storyteller, and so there are times that you have to make that kind of call. I see no problem with it. I just have to remind myself to tap into only stuff from the Core Pathfinder book unless it is specifically approved by you first. Works for me.
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