At a Glance [SU]

Yeah :/ Plus hey I mean fresh start most of the charecters are already here maybe if we DO restart we'll get more people to join!
^.^ Oh, and I've added another paragraph to the story info page and some more stuff to the rules and such so you all can go take a look. :3
Btw I don't hate you, I wasnt on or busy. *takes brownie and eats it*

Yeah I wouldn't mind a restart and mine isn't dark, I just made it sound dark because of people's posts.
Yay! ^^ Oh no, you're ok, Kaze. :3 I was just talking about the demon stuff, haha. I'm a bit iffy when it comes to that, lol. X3 I'm going to make a high ranking general up in Gemini that either works with Vareal, gives Vareal orders, or works under him.

So once Zekezial gets on and if Zek agrees to a restart, I'll get a mod to delete this thread and repost another one. I'll also see if maybe anyone else wants to join. ^.^
You could just get this closed. After all people might want to look to here for their character sheets and all, it's a good reference.
Well I'd make the new thread first, have everyone transfer over their character sheets, then delete this one to make it easy for everyone. :3
Alrighty then owo I think we should restart if Zek agrees and just start all over. Maybe just re-do the chara sheets so we can fix any errors that we made while making them. (Like me with my horrible spelling xD )
just so you know, i'm not going to post anymore since we are trying to restart. also i'd rather have Vareal work with someone instead of giving or having to take orders.
I messaged him already. :3

and ok, Kaze. ^^ I'll have my general be Vareal's partner.
Sorry it took me so long. I stopped watching this thread weeks ago and I don't come on here unless I get a notification that someone has posted in an rp. Been a slow week for me when it comes to role playing. I'm okay with a restart. Maybe I can add a non-human character to the one I already have if it won't cause any issues.
No, that won't cause an issue. ^^ Go ahead, Zek.

Alright, so I'm not going to delete this OOC thread, but rather just have everyone edit their characters if needed and I'll go over and give 'em a quick check. As to the roleplay, I probably won't set it up until I go over my plans and stuff to make sure that it will start off right, haha

Ok, Estillum.
You can definitely keep Bree. ^.^ Whether you want to add another charie or not, that's up to you. :3 I don't mind, whatever you decide.
Clap* Not bad Estill. Alright well I'm going to work on my charecters. I'll add in Kane's bio and a Human I guess. :/ IDK what to do for the Human
Well you don't have to if you don't want to DG. :3

Sounds interesting, Zekeziel. ^^ It does sound a bit dark, but as long as it doesn't make the rp too dark, your charie's accepted.

Very nice, Estillum! xD

Alright guys, I hope you don't mind but I just have too many roleplays and real life stuff to keep up with right now so I think I'm going to delay the restart of At a Glance for a while. D: I don't know when exactly that will be, but right now I just can't manage it. I hope you all understand.
Zil is more amusing than anything else. I doubt he'll cause anything more than a bit of chaos and some interesting scenarios. He's not a killer or anything like that.

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