At a Glance [SU]

People are probably going avoid this thread since it already has so many posts to it.. So we might have ask someone directly.. Anyone come to mind?
Mmm, not really. D: I can post a blog though, saying we need more people to join, especially people who like to play villains. :3
I like villains... though I don't know about one of my chars being the 'big baddie' but I can play a super flukey on a leash sort to sense. I have two characters that I wanna try out... shadow demon and werewolf. The demon is all kinds of messed in the head from all the drugs and experiments done to him, and can be quite the obedient one if needed, the werewolf looks out for number one, but hey staying alive with some freedom sounds good to me. Let me know if there's any interest in me bringing them for some opposition.
Ok, will do. :3 They sound cool and maybe could be added, but I'm really looking for a main villain more involved with Gemini, like a general or something, who could be the main villain or one of the main villains.
The Main "Friendly" Villain MUAHAHAHAHA! (you'll see what i mean by "Friendly")

Name: Vareal Bruden

Age: 21 In human years, 2100 in Dragon years

Gender: Male


Reality: Cold-Hearted, Cunning, Intelligent, Silver-tongued, Can't control his temper at times which screws up his Fight or Flight senses.

Over-Shell: Nice, Friendly, smart, caring, The Everyone wants to be my friend and vice-versa.

Species: Chaos Dragon

Powers/Enhanced Abilites:

1) Rapid healing - Grows back everything as long as he has time to concentrate (like 1 minute worth of concentration)

2) Contortion - No not the kind where the body can turn at different angles, the ability to shape his elemnt to what he wants (EX: Instead of him forming a round fireball in his right hand, he had formed a fiery trident that he had then flung at his enemy.)

Element: Dark Fire

Spouse/Bf/Gf: N/A

Human - Purple Hair'd one - View attachment 4698

Dragon -

Half-Cross: Think of the Dragon Picture being the height of his human form but instead of the red, it is purple like the human forms hair.

Backstory: Among the few to be born among the Chaos dragons, Vareal showed true Evil in his heart, not only was he a devious mastermind, but he also showed true hatred for his fellow Brethren the "Blessed" Dragons and Angels. This was why he was chosen to be blessed by the Demons. So when he grew up, he left his Outkast Dragon tribe and explored the world around him. Not much else is known about him other then him somehow working with the government on Project Gemini. It has been proven though, that the government does know about his true being in this world.

Chaos Dragons: Those born among the Outkast groups of the Dragon tribes. Demons come among them and choose only a few that show exceeding talent in hatred and true Evil. The Demons come every 50 Human years (5000 Dragon years). Upon Blessing the dragon with Chaos the Dragons Element is infused with darkness.

The Darkness: An affinity for the Element of the dragon. Thus protects the dragon from any harm coming from his chosen element (EX: Dark Fire = Immune to fire) But is however still vulnerable to the opposing Element.

Human/Dragon Forms: The Chaos Dragons still have the 48 Hour Human form before they become exhausted. However they have a Special Half-cross that allows them to be in their original dragon form but at the size of a human, they can hold this form for 72 Hours before they become exhausted.

The Big Villian likes Mushroom pizza with Chocolate Ice cream
Oooh, this looks interesting! :D Now, there are two things. First, would you be willing to have this character high up in Gemini, such a general or something. He maybe could have formed a deal with Gemini that they wouldn't make him a prisoner if he promised to bring in other non-humans including those of his own kind and he succeeded greatly at that so he just kept moving up the chain of command. Second, your character would be in control of a group (or more if you want) of Gemini agents, which would make you in charge of them. Is that ok with you? :3

Also, to help with the plot, anyone is welcome to play Gemini agents and help with the storyline. ^^
To the first and second: I wouldn't have joined if I wasn't prepared to do that. Btw Tyra, send me a forum pm so I can tell you something towards a "plot"
I've got a few ideas plot wise here. Sorry I haven't been on much, busy and stuff. I've been watching my cousin for abit. ^^" I'm thinking of making a villan of some sort. ^^ I'll message you with the info on it if you want Tyra. I'll try and help out more with the Gemini agents when I get the chance.
Sorry I couldn't post yesterday, I had to work. I'm free all day to today after driving school.

AlwaysChaos Should make a new character as well, seeing as theres not much going on outside the facility at the moment.
Alright guys, because of the fourth of July, I'm going to be gone on vacation from today until Monday. Then on Tuesday, I'm going to an amusement park so I'll be gone all day then, and on Wednesday evening, I'm going out with my family to see fireworks. So I'll try my best to get on whenever I can on my dad's iphone since it has internet to check up on how the roleplay's going, but I will most likely not be posting due to all the activities my family has planned on our vacation. D:

So I'll see you all soon!
@Tyra What about Annacat and AlwaysChaos? Mabye we can tie them back in with dusk and Kane?

Also I have an Idea for the plot, if you'll indulge me.

This is the year, where hope fails you!

The test subjects run the experiments!

And the bastards you know, is the hero you hate.

But cohesing is posssible if we strive!

Theres no reason, theres no lesson,

No time like the present, telling you right now!

What have you got to lose, what have you got to lose

Except your soul! who's with us!!
Yeah, I've been trying to think of a way to get them back involved... D: Yeah, maybe we could have Kane contact Rei. That way, Carnage, Rei, and Mai could all get into the action. ^.^
Also the plot idea is that after be break out we gather other non-humans and start a revolution or something.
Yeah, that sounds good. :3 You know, I was actually thinking about restarting At a Glance. I think we had a bad start, haha, and mainly I was hoping for other hybrid characters, not so many demon type stuff. I should have specified it in the sign up but I wasn't thinking until we actually got going in the rp. DX lol. Plus, I'd like to start over and get Kaze more established with his main villain and add a Lieutenant or General charie in there.
Wow, Tyra I may be a lot of things but a Chick isn't one of them *feels offended*
Ooh! So sorry!! DX I didn't mean to say that! Arrgggh, I hate it when I do that.... So sorry! ^^;;; *anime sweat drop*

I apologize! I meant to put "their" instead of "her". I've been roleplaying a lot of girl characters lately so I automatically say her sometimes... *dies from utter embarrassment*
I hate being genderized xD

Heh I'd prob be up for a restart, since I kept coming and going to see if my char got stuff going in around them and already stopped reading *facepalm*

Was I saying about a Sebby or an Ophelia for possiable baddie? lol
Yeah, because I really have a vision for this roleplay and it did not turn out all as I imagined. :C I'm voting for a restart, but I also wanted to see what all you guys think.

*offers Kaze brownies* I'm really sorry.... D: Brownie?
If thats what you want, I was hoping we could do it again afterwards anyway, with different characters just to see what the outcome would be. And I really don't like how My chars turned out anyway...
Great, now he probably hates me... DX *headdesk*

Yeah, I wasn't very happy with how my charies turned out either. So then everyone votes for a restart? :3 And maybe those of you that have demon charies, would you be willing to change them to something else I just think the demon stuff makes the rp too dark, you know?
But dark is good T-T

It's your rp, I'll do as you wish

@Tyra So what are you going to do? And we should probably talk to Zekeziel too, we can't just restart on him without notice
Maybe a restart is in order. :/ I mean I think my charecters are kind of well... Not to good right now. Plus I wanna bring in some other things. ^^" I feel like I'm being sort of bland in my roleplaying right now. I actually planned to have Kane be a big part in my charecters but I'm thinking a better start. Seeing as everyone was caught like right away.
Yeah, I'm going to wait and see what Zek has to say about it because I wouldn't want to restart without him.

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