At a Glance [SU]

Ack! Sorry for such a short post, Zek. X . X My one character's unconscious and the agent didn't really have more to say at the moment, haha. xD I'm hoping to bring in Rei, but later when the circumstances fit better. ^^
Alright well I'm heading to bed guys cuz I need my sleep. :3 I'll try my best to get on tomorrow but I might be busy so I just have to see how things go. Night!
Ah! Eep. I didn't even think to check on the roleplay status until today. I'll just try to insert Noah into the craziness as subtly and try not to make it awkward or forced.
Don't worry about it, Doom, haha. X3 We haven't gotten too far just yet so feel free to jump in however you like! :D
Oh and feel free to use this thread for OOC chat about the roleplay and such. :3



Personality:Sassy, Cute and Tough. Always Loves a great fight, but hates being teased

Species:Half Vampire

Powers/Enhanced Abilites: Mai has very strong hypnosis that can control feeling, thoughts, etc. Mai also can summon any animal nearby with just a whistle.

Spouse/Bf/Gf:None, but is always on the look out for a suitible boyfriend


Backstory: Mai had lived with her parents all her life and depended on them for everything. Not once did she have to do somthing for herself. She grew up in the strange town of Ravens Briar, where no one seemed.. normal. When she was 11 years of age, a mysterious hooded figure attacked her parents, killing them. The only clues she had were the two bite marks on their necks. Mai had tried to survive, but living off her parents didnt give her the skills she needed to really do anything. She tried and tried, but alas, life got to tiring and she was close to death. Mai was about to give up when the hooded figure returned. All she remembers is him taking her, and the change afterwards. Mai was now the Vampires hybrid slave, after being kidnapped by him. Mai was sent into the world to do his bidding, but rebeled and was no longer under his powerful grip.

Other:Mai has very good lockpicking skills and thinks at times she hears her parents whispering to her.

Strawberry or Cherry Cheesecake
Looks good, Annacat. :3 Just make sure she'd not overly powerful, she has to have some weaknesses. Only one thing, you're missing something at the bottom of your post. (Hint: Check the rules.)
Alright, thank you! I will be sure to not make her as powerful as included in the charecter sheet. Im only worried about where to start in the rp haha!
Oh, and I forgot some important info about Blessed Dragons. ^^ So I'll post it here and put it into their description in the first post. Because Blessed Dragons are elemental, they can become quite powerful in their element, but they are weak to their opposites. For example, since Tyra is an ice Blessed Dragon, if her body temperature rises too high, it could be come fatal. She has a heightened sensitivity to fire. Fire and Ice are opposites while Earth and Electricity are opposites.

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Alright, you're accepted, Annacat! ^^ Just feel free to jump in wherever! : D Yayyy, so many cheesecake lovers. xD lol
Oh yeah tyra, im leaving for Vacation 2morrow and may not be able to get on for a little bit. If i can i definatly will, but im sorry if icant.. pretend im sick or somthing lol.. I will be on late tonight so.. yeah.. Haha thnx Tyra and epic rp goin on here!
Aww, ok, no pressure to get on or anything. :3 I'll be sure to catch you up on anything you miss. ^^ Have fun on vacation! And thanks, I was a bit nervous about starting my own roleplay but I decided to give it a shot, haha. XP

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I hope everyone is enjoying it so far! *bites nails, nervous that no one's gonna like it* lol
Haha, yus. xD He's certainly going to butt heads with Tyra, that's for sure, rofl.

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Ooooh, yeah that's right, Zek! Thanks for reminding me! D: *facepalms* Ok, so let's just say that the truck waited instead of heading back. ^^; Sorry, I forgot about that. D:
[MENTION=2213]Estillum[/MENTION]: Oh, and just so you know, everything Tyra went through before she was put in the holding cell happened to Rikka as well. ^^ She was even put in the cell right next to Tyra's. :3 I'mma gonna go edit my post right now to make that clearer. I hate seeing you have to wait and your charies unable to interract. D:
So yesterday I wasn't able to get on because I had a test for General Psychology and an assignment for another course but let's just pretend that Noah made it straight to his cell. So I'll just hop back in when everyone makes it to their cells and pretend that he was in there the whole time.

Could Noah and Berch share a cell? I'm heartless and luff drama like that.
Oh ok, no problem. :3 Hmm, I don't think there's anything wrong with that. ^^ lol, so sure. Rikka and Mirina could share a cell too, to get more interaction going.
Thanks Tyra.

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Fine by me, I don't think Rikka has spoken to anyone since the beginning of the rp..
Hey, sorry I've been kinda inactive lately. D: I want to let you guys know that I'm going to be gone camping this weekend so I won't be on for a few days.

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