At a Glance [SU]

Ok cool. ^.^ Then when we start up, Zil is accepted. :3

Yeah, same here, Estil. @ . @ haha. At a Glance can really be a cool roleplay, it's just not working with me right now... :saddd:
Aw, ok DG. Have fun on vacation!

Alright everyone, now is the time I would like to hear if any of you have ideas or setups for the plot or just for the roleplay that you might like to have. :3 I'd really like this roleplay to succeed and I think it will help if we lay out everything ahead of time, like who's with Gemini, who isn't, etc. So, I'm going to set up a list once everyone's done updating their characters and adding new ones and such. Also, I've added another skelly to the front page specifically for Gemini agents. For those who do have Gemini agents, I just ask to transfer their info from the old skelly into the Gemini specific one. ^.^

Here's the list so far. :3 I will keep updating and adding things to it as we go. I will also post Troy's character sheet when I finish it. ^.^

Gemini Officials

Director ~ Head of the Gemini Facilites throughout the State ~ NPC

Vareal Bruden ~ ? ~ kaze

Troy Winfield ~ Lieutenant/Elite Field Agent ~ Tyra

Dr. Bree ~ Head of the Genetic Experimentation Division ~ Estillum

Dusk(Kuro Miyabi) ~ Elite Hired Assassin ~ Zekeziel


Tyra ~ Ice Blessed Dragon ~ Tyra

Rei ~ Werewolf ~ Tyra

Mirina Storma ~ Hydra Dragon Hybrid ~ DGXP

Berch Storma ~ Hydra Dragon Hybrid ~ DGXP

Kane Jones ~ Shadow Creature ~ DGXP

Rikka ~ Cat/Human Hybrid ~ Estillum

Zil ~ Living Shadow ~ Zekeziel

Noah Slade ~ Fire Blessed Dragon ~ Aura

Mai ~ Half Vampire ~ Annacat
I made the edits to Dusk to incorporate the new Gemini character skeleton. I have an idea. Just as before, Dusk can betray Gemini for a reason ranging from money to maybe having a score to settle with someone higher up in the Gemini chain of command.
Yeah, that sounds good Zek. :3 Do you have anyone in particular Dusk would want to get back at out of the characters on the list? or would it be more like an NPC?
Either Bree or the Director as far as I can think of. Maybe the reason could be something like the classic thing of having lost a friend or loved one to experiments or something. Say for example, he originally joined Gemini with one of his reasons being to know what exactly they were doing so that he could hide someone from them but said person ended up being captured and died as a result of experiments or something before he could get them out. Or maybe instead of being dead, said person turns out to be alive but Dusk thinks said person died. Actually, the person he wants revenge on could also be the agent who was responsible for the capture. That could be an NPC or someone could control that character.
The Rp will be much more interesting and dynamic if we tie some of the plot elements and characters together, To a point at least.
@Estellium Good idea about tying plot elements and characters together. Any ideas to add to the rp?

What if there was some treasure that belonged to the dragons and the Director of Gemini found out about it and wants to capture blessed dragons in order to unlock a vault or something that said treasure is in? Maybe it's a case where the hiding place can only be accessed by said dragons so they want to infuse humans with DNA from those dragons and the hybrids can get inside and get at the treasure?
That wouldn't explain the capture and torture of all other non humans though, unless they found out about it after the fact. Actually I've been thinking about making a lurching abomination in the depths of the facility to add more of a sense of urgency and terror as they flee from Gemini and to replace the antagonist part Ithnuul would of played, Perhaps that is a failed attempt to create a hybrid of the species?

The Head of the Gemini would already be relatively wealthy to run a multinational corporation, so perhaps the treasure has some supernatural quality he desires, created when all the Dragons where hidden. Maybe unimaginable power bestowed by the angel? Then again that seems rather childish and token..
When I was thinking of treasure, what came to mind wasn't so much gold and gems and that sort of thing but more along the lines of some artefact that would bestow upon its wielder eternal youth or something else that people would desire. As for that abomination, that sounds like a nice touch. This is how it sounds to me and sorry if my guess is wrong but it sounds like not only would they have to escape from Gemini but they also have to get away from some rampaging monstrosity.

As for filling the plot holes in relation to that treasure, maybe the capture and torture of other non-humans is for all manner of various reasons such as for example, wanting to create maybe a serum or something that reduces age but they have to study non-humans who are capable reversing their age progress through means such as maybe draining life from others or something. So maybe they might capture a shapeshifter because they want to create something that would remove scars and repair bodily damage with regards to appearance or something?
What ever the monster would be would undoubtedly be under the control of Bree, and probably only released by accident or a last resort due the the chaos it would cause; I'd talked to Tyra before about a serum Bree was synthesizing to control the change in lycans and other shape changers, and something like that would fit perfectly in her research. Whether that would be steal their powers or subvert them as a whole.. Some of the Gemini's actions would probably need to be confidential to the lesser members to keep them in line as well.
Right so since my character is pretty much just a hired sword who is really good at what he does then he likely won't be given any details whatsoever pertaining to a lot of the organization's actions. That means he would probably get his intel from planting bugs in offices or sneaking in and looking through files.
Wow, nice discussion guys! :3 I have to say, I love all your ideas. And yes, I do agree making connections with characters and plots previously before we start the roleplay makes it interesting as well. ^.^

Hybrids and a lot of other non-humans usually live much much longer than normal humans. The main thing I saw Gemini doing after becoming corrupted was trying to figure out why they do so? They conduct the mass majority of their experiments trying to create a serum or formula that will extend a human's lifetime. :3

I agree that the item Gemini could be trying to go after has some supernatural power to it. Maybe an artifact blessed by the angel and given to the blessed dragons to help protect them? Or something along those lines.
An idea came to me. What if said serum that could extend human life was to be developed and someone who just wanted to raise hell and cause mischief, were to impersonate a Gemini agent to sneak into the facility and steal it. Then they alert all the agents in the facility, causing a big chase which ends in said person using the only existing vial of the serum to play monkey in the middle with the agents?
It's a little disingenuous for them to attempt to use the non-humans to only extend their lives when they're practically gods among men. Surely They would set their aspirations a little higher then that..

I guess someone could steal it, but it has to fit in somehow..

I'm actually really interested in restarting this, none of my other rp's are going anywhere -_-

I guess we have to wait for DG to get back.
Hey everyone, I'm hopping back in on the remake and hopefully I'll find more of a place for Noah this time. I think I'll just stand back while you guys plan however.
Well, Tyra put forward the whole extending life thing so I'm just going along with that as a guideline for some of my ideas. Maybe they want to see if they can give humans some of the powers that non-humans have? Example, the ability of vampires (depending on region) to heal their wounds by ingesting blood or the ability of doppelgangers to shapeshift.
I'm back in Georgia! I think thats a cool idea Zek! And awesome I'm sure you can fit him back in the remake! Sorry I was gone for so long I was kinda out of internet when I got home ^^'
I drew my char, but Am unsure on the specifics.

I want to really invest in a good char, but I want to make sure we're still going though with this first..

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