[Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]I don't see your argument clashing with mine, so I'm sticking to what I said *bark*
It is understood that by "politics in practice" I mean the people who abused it. Look around you. There's no good political practice, and that's the truth beneath the pretty veneer.

And Communism works on paper, to bad no in Practice. We need a Computer to rule over us thats what we need.
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]I don't see your argument clashing with mine, so I'm sticking to what I said *bark*
It is understood that by "politics in practice" I mean the people who abused it. Look around you. There's no good political practice, and that's the truth beneath the pretty veneer.

Then you probably didn't read the whole thing.
I did. That's why I'm done with it now *bark*

Pointless discussion over a pointless thing. Whatever you and me say, the damn thing doesn't work and never will.
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]I did. That's why I'm done with it now *bark*
Pointless discussion over a pointless thing. Whatever you and me say, the damn thing doesn't work and never will.

Try saying that in a Political science class
I just want to re-state my opinion...

Appoint me Emperor of Europe and/or North America, give me absolute power and let me go crazy with fixing THE WORLD. Live like a Nemonian and die like one a Nemonian! By the bloody sword and the hot lead!
Freeman said:
Try saying that in a Political science class
I did. The professor stopped liking me. She mumbled something about what a shame and how I had potential and we never really talked again :tongue:

Politics is a whore, and that's its most accurate description.
Anyone who mentions politics again, that isn't related to the Earth-saving, Mankind enhancing, technology advancing, glorious agenda of our almighty Emperor of Nemonia- Is going to get shot by Galactic Cantina's very own bouncer; Greedo.

And trust me, this time he will shoot first.
Why do I always feel like I'm faced with situations where there's two or three choices (plus others that are spin-offs), and every single one a bad one?

My advice is simple Wolf:

You've got your away team back, you're facing a ship probably equal to or greater in total tonnage than your entire fleet in orbit, and likely with far advanced weapons and other systems by simple virtue of him being worshipped as a God... take a lesson from sci-fi stories everywhere and follow the implied advice of your crew. Its smarter to leave orbit and live to fight another day than die a horrible screaming death. He is being pretty straightforward and you never know what opportunity can still arise at a later moment. Now, HOW you break orbit and go about your business is entirely up to you.
And if HDL's advice seems too meta-game for you, just break the situation down into the facts you've been presented with:

You, as a player or through your characters, know absolutely nothing of either species- What history they might share, or why one is attacking the other. One has proven capable of shrugging off a full weapons barrage from at least one of your ships and the native species, has made no apparent effort, of either resisting or asking for aid.

So what would your Admiral do? Leave orbit as demanded, abandoning the natives to whatever fate awaits them at the hands of Anubis, or intervene in a conflict of unknown origin or possible justification, in the progress running the risk of losing several ships and hundreds of lives, all in the defense of a species which might or not be, friend or foe in itself.

Sometimes it's better to think about the most obvious in a situation, instead of worrying needlessly about every tiny 'what if', thinking that whatever you do, it'll be a bad or wrong choice.

As a general reminder lads: There are no "wrong" choices, not really. I don't have a text file somewhere that lists all the "right" and "wrong" paths. Half the time, there are no set paths- I have the general storylines, but they adapt to your decisions. Nearly every major choice you make, has both positive and negative influences, that can be apparent right away, or might only appear much later on- Or, might have no effect at all, at least not one you as players can see.
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I have a bad tendency to simply skip the "help them break it down" step when giving advice... follow Nebula's thought process as he's broken it down, and in most cases (except those where, once adjusting for your people's natural culture) it should lead you to a logical conclusion.

I want somebody to run a "Kill everything with everything" kind of people now... just so we can watch them play their nation like they're supposed to and say fuck it all!
highdarklord said:
I want somebody to run a "Kill everything with everything" kind of people now... just so we can watch them play their nation like they're supposed to and say fuck it all!
[ominous]Ahah... heh.. eheheh... hahahah... hehehahahehah...[/ominous]

... yeah ... :cool:
Also, as a tip for the future Wolfie; Do not hesitate to have Admiral whatshisnout turn to his bridge officers, for opinions or advice, if you yourself feel confused or indecisive, they're not just random NPCs that deliver information - That's also kind of why I created the XO character for you, as a second-in-command you could have your Admiral rely and fall back on, when facing a tough decision, an officer with more experience than Lieutenants or such and perhaps even more of a friend to Watergaze.

Sort of how Tigh was with Adama, if you will. :P
If only somebody would... we have the super-stealthy/sneaky bastards of the Mundus, the crazy feral cat warriors of whatever Freeman's monsters are, and the warrior stoic wolves of Wolf's people...

That's how I usually view my bridge crew as is xD "Subject matter experts" in their specific fields, or general advisors with great skill, like senior NCO's and and officers.
Well Magnimus/generic dormientibus is a link to the Hive Mind, and I think I have some generic XO in addition to that... hehehe...
highdarklord said:
Well Magnimus/generic dormientibus is a link to the Hive Mind, and I think I have some generic XO in addition to that... hehehe...

ink indeed. ;)
Although I've not learned anything new, thanks for the tips because sometimes it's good just to be reminded I suppose. I just reaaaally didn't want to run away so I kept brainstorming for something lol. And the reason why I didn't ask for advice is because I felt like what the hell I'm the Admiral I can't just approach with that Oblivion/Fallout/RPG game attitude where you enter a building and ask someone: "What is this place and what am I supposed to do here?" Mainly I felt like he should know what to do on his own, especially if it's a simple situation :P *bark*
So simple it takes you days to figure it out, eh? ;)

It's perfectly fine to show humbleness, especially in a supposedly honor-based society such as your Tsardom. And it's not that exaggerated, that your crew would just have all the answers- However a good leader knows to value the opinions of his subordinates.

Of course in your current situation it doesn't matter, since there's gonna be a few dozen hostile squadrons on top of you, within seconds. :tongue:
It is simple. It's not that I can't think of actions, it's that I have thought them up but could not decide which one to take :P

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