[Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

Well yeah the lack of surroundings was my biggest issue but I didn't want to nag you with extreme details. And when I sent him to look for a news center I was vague because I had no idea whether to expect a newspaper boy or a kiosk or I dunno what - so that meant any apparent source of information. Nevermind now, what's done is done.
highdarklord said:
Damn you not speaking and writing perfect English like you were born to the tongue!
Well, it's not that. At the risk of sounding arrogant or whatever, nowadays I primarily think in English (no, seriously). My pronunciation could be better, but I'm probably among the best of English speaking/understanding Finns.. Hell, over the course of interacting with Americans and even British, I've often found myself correcting them. :D Now if that doesn't mean I'm at least decent at the bloody language, then damn it all to hell, back to school, eh?!

With describing environments and stuff, it's more of an issue of knowing how to put it all together, without it becoming too repetitive. Most of the time, I find myself using the same words and terms over and over. Same goes for describing people, which is why I hate having to write the appearance and/or personality of a character in RPs.
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Though correcting native speakers is kind of... depends on the what they're being corrected on, especially with written English...
American Public Education system did not teach me vary well when it came to English... Or any other language for that matter.
@Freeman - or perhaps you didn't learn vary well!

Nah, it's probably the system's fault.

And correcting native speakers was never easier than now. I mean, less and less people can distinguish the difference between "your" and you're" (and similar examples), let alone grasp more advanced grammar.

Between you and Wolf, guys, I think that generation of idiots that Einstein was grumbling about has arrived. Ahead of schedule, too! *bark*
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]@Freeman - or perhaps you didn't learn vary well!
Nah, it's probably the system's fault.

And correcting native speakers was never easier than now. I mean, less and less people can distinguish the difference between "your" and you're" (and similar examples), let alone grasp more advanced grammar.

Between you and Wolf, guys, I think that generation of idiots that Einstein was grumbling about has arrived. Ahead of schedule, too! *bark*

I think they arrived a few decades or so ago.. Or haven't you been following any politics these days?

Heyooooooo! Ziiiiing! Zooom zooom zoom! Buuuuurnnn!!! Ring-a-ding-ling!!! HAhah.. heh...... ha...

I'll go away now. :(
No, no... its sadly true... politicions... why can't real world politicions be like all of ours in this game? Easily cowed, threatened with violence, or removed from power when they question the commands of our supreme rulers?
highdarklord said:
No, no... its sadly true... politicions... why can't real world politicions be like all of ours in this game? Easily cowed, threatened with violence, or removed from power when they question the commands of our supreme rulers?
I know right?

Then again, if RL politicians were anything like those we RP in these games, Humanity would probably come to the verge of nuclear war on a daily basis, because of how mixed of a sort their leaders'd be. :D
But they'd never launch!!! Unemployment would be damn near non-existant, and technology would be advancing at breakneck speeds!

... this not taking into account that the major nations of the world regularly invading and conquering the smaller ones being the normal state of things...
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]@Freeman - or perhaps you didn't learn vary well!

I got A's in Spanish class but I don't speak a lick of it. The rush you through it, and some times the teachers are so lazy and worn out, they say fuck it and give you the answers. You just have to take notes, which I did and not many other did. But what did that prove? I can take notes but I can't speak any Spanish. I am in Texas, kids from Mexico, first generation they speak Spanish in TexMex. But these kids are so lazy, and they don't care they fail. I can understand why because in the education system there is no motivation. And thats why is sucks. And I came from a 4A school graduating in 10% percent.

And if you look to my posts, I understand everything, but my spelling and grammar is shit.

[QUOTE="Helix Nebula]They're just NPCs, who cares, right? ;)

Ahh yes I remember the time me and HDL split up half of Europe.

I'll just reply to this:

[QUOTE="Helix Nebula]I think they arrived a few decades or so ago.. Or haven't you been following any politics these days?

I was referring to the mentality of the people in general. I'm not talking about politics. If we were to look at politics and judge where the idiot part showed up, we'd have to go much deeper than a few decades. Politics has been one of the worst things to happen to humanity since day one - it may be a sound idea, but in practice there was hardly a point in time where it was worth the trouble.
Ahhh, for the glory days of dividing up entire continents between allied super powers... those were the good days Freeman...

And yeah, Freeman's grammar and spelling it shit but you can tell what he's saying still... I hate the grammar nazi's that have tried to attack him before in other games... pisses me off.

Yeah... they arrived LONG before Einstien did xD
highdarklord said:
And yeah, Freeman's grammar and spelling it shit but you can tell what he's saying still... I hate the grammar nazi's that have tried to attack him before in other games... pisses me off.
I know! I think since we've been RPing with him for such a long time, we've developed a sort of internal Freeman-translator. I know I have, since nowadays I can just read straight through most of his typos, like they weren't there at all! :D

[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]I was referring to the mentality of the people in general. I'm not talking about politics. If we were to look at politics and judge where the idiot part showed up, we'd have to go much deeper than a few decades. Politics has been one of the worst things to happen to humanity since day one - it may be a sound idea, but in practice there was hardly a point in time where it was worth the trouble.

I was referring to the fact that most politicians currently in office, are old farts and 90% of them are utter morons- Hence, the generation of idiots old Einie was talking about, arrived decades ago. :tongue:

Also, I wouldn't say politics as a broader concept is a bad thing, it maintains order in society and without any administration, every country would be in one form of anarchy or another- The main issue is that coming out of the World Wars, politicians themselves have grown too accustomed to the status quo, that they've kind of forgotten what they're supposed to be doing, or are afraid to take a real stand. Democracy is the most dominant form of government right now and yet, probably in most Democratic countries all that really means, is that people get to elect their dictators every X years and half the time, it's the same snozzles who get all the votes, through false campaign promises and exaggerated ideals and goals.

Then the general populace watches their "elected "representatives"", represent nothing but their personal/party/wallets' agenda and then complain about it- Only to be right there in the booth, voting for the same idiots come next term. Well, at least that's what the situation has devolved to in Finland and here our congressmen are literally called, 'people's representatives'- And yet, they represent everything but the people or the common good of the Finnish nation. It's all "EU this, EU that" and when some big societal issue comes up (immigration, gay rights, dual-language) it's always swept under the rug and the dicktators in congress, are too afraid to talk about it.

After all, there are more important issues to discuss.. Like loaning yet another X billion € of the citizens' tax money, to some other country in debt- Or giving prisoners more comforts in their luxury hotels, while the elderly rot and die alone in prison cells. Just two weeks ago, a man who'd murdered and mutilated his victim, didn't return to prison from a vacation, but wasn't deemed "dangerous" enough, to be actively searched.

But hey, refuse to be drafted into the Defense Force and you're a godless traitor who deserves to be hanged and will be treated as such, by the Govt. and justice system. No leeway, no reason, just jail time. All that fancy "freedom" stuff, is reserved for our precious little murderers and rapists.

And will the parliament listen, or lift a finger, when these issues (among others) are brought up? Nope. The representatives are too busy, not attending assemblies and instead, enjoying their manors, luxury apartments, expensive cars and other fun stuff, they can spend their bloated, un-taxed, salaries on. While depression, poverty and unemployment, plague the citizens and because all of the Govt.'s money is spent on sucking the D of EU, there isn't enough to go around to those that, really, need support.


Sorry, I shouldn't be allowed to talk politics. I always end up going on long winded rants. :x
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Always good to know that other country's governments are as screwed up or almost as screwed up as ours in the United States xD We all share so many of the same issues it seems.
You've only proved my point, mate. Nebula. Quite illustriously at that.

Like I said, politics in theory is a great thing, something that's supposed to help organize and govern the people on a specific area with the goal of advancement and genuine betterment of everyone involved. Now, politics in practice is definitely one of the worst things that's ever happened to humanity, because it was politics that started all the wars and crafted the horrible conditions people live in today as well as completely frakked up what humans as a race could have accomplished by now.

I honestly think Croatia was far better off during the 10th century under the reign of its first king. For a personal example. If historic records are to be given even half credit. The kingdom was way bigger, richer and happier altogether. On the minus side, we did not have toilet paper. That sucked *bark*

And now? About 25% unemployment rate, millions of euros indebted, and entered the European Union which is already crumbling and won't last for another couple decades at this rate. Not to mention of the the highest rates of corruption in the world, insane taxes, no real hope for the future, et cetera.

Ah, if I could somehow take that toilet paper invention back to the 10th century, we wouldn't have this conversation *howl*
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All the other vets here know what I mean... so everybody but you Wolf... I apoligize... almost.
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]You've only proved my point, mate. Nebula. Quite illustriously at that.
Like I said, politics in theory is a great thing, something that's supposed to help organize and govern the people on a specific area with the goal of advancement and genuine betterment of everyone involved. Now, politics in practice is definitely one of the worst things that's ever happened to humanity, because it was politics that started all the wars and crafted the horrible conditions people live in today as well as completely frakked up what humans as a race could have accomplished by now.

You can't blame the flaws, errors and mistakes of the people that practice an ideology, on the ideology itself. Christianity, as a belief, didn't call for the crusades or summon the Dark Ages. Democracy or the Federal Republic -system, didn't invade Vietnam or every-which country in the Middle-East. Communism, didn't assassinate ministers, or create an oppressive regime and the iron curtain. Just like the ideology of Communism, didn't invade Finland under false pretense, first in 1939 and later in 1941- Stalin is the one who gave the order, who declared war. Just like it was Mannerheim and the Finnish parliament of that time, that approved our alliance with Nazi Germany - Not, because our Center-Left ideology and politics wanted to, but because we as a people were desperate: The Allies had turned their backs on us, and Sweden insisted on remaining neutral.

But we didn't hide behind "politics" or an ideology. We didn't and to this day don't, blame Communism, National Socialism or the general theory of Democracy; The fault is Stalin's, Hitler's and the Allied leaders', the fault belongs to our leaders, for not foreseeing the inevitable expansionism of Stalin's regime and striving to join the Allies, or form some coalition with Scandinavian countries.

You say politics is among the worst things to have happened to Humanity- That politics in practice, are to blame for wars and poor living conditions across the globe, that without politics, we could be further ahead as a species. Let me ask you: Was it politics that discovered the killing power of sticks and stones? Was it politics that invented the sword and utilized gunpowder for warfare? That created the atom bomb? No. It was Mankind, that did those things. Just like Mankind invented the wheel, created modern medicine and not-too-long-ago, launched into space- Which, in fact, was encouraged by politics!

So in fact I would argue, that politics in theory and in practice, has been the best thing to have happened to Humanity. Politics are exciting and interesting! They prompt discussion, debate and innovation- Different ideologies and politics, challenge us to question our own and to broaden our knowledge, they bring people together into groups, parties and movements. Politics are a tool to be used and a platform, for diplomacy, legislation and even something as simple as running a Roleplaying community.

"Without debate, without criticism; No administration and no country can succeed."

- John F. Kennedy

Politics are one of the most ancient practices, right there with religion - And the most basic form of "politics", could be considered the barbaric instinctual hierarchy, of early mammals and many present day animals. Wolves, the beings you adore so much, work in packs with a distinct hierarchy and understanding of leadership: That's politics. It's crude, it's prompted by instinct, instead of sentient thought, but still it can be considered a basic, "political" system. They have territory, they coordinate their hunting efforts and they even have challenges for leadership. Just like we have borders, coordinated military and rebellions.

Without politics, Human society would never have evolved. And without politics, we wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell- To ever achieve, supranational unity on any level.

And yes, I just quoted Kennedy on you.
I don't see your argument clashing with mine, so I'm sticking to what I said *bark*

It is understood that by "politics in practice" I mean the people who abused it. Look around you. There's no good political practice, and that's the truth beneath the pretty veneer.

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