[Astrum: Heavens] The Galactic Cantina

for fucks sake i thought it pretty clear i gape at this:

[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]for fucks sake i thought it pretty clear i gape at this:

Alright, calm down. It wasn't very clear since HDL was the one doing the gasping and you posted right after I'd posted about the traits. :tongue:

Not that it matters, since the traits are pretty lame epic if I do say so myself, so no big deal, eh?
Wolf admits he should have been more.. indicative? Anyway, I wasn't mad or anything. It's cool.


I am so fucking clueless. Admiral Adama would be dissapointed in me :(

Takes me days to contemplate a situation he would have solved in seconds...
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]I am so fucking clueless. Admiral Adama would be dissapointed in me :(
Takes me days to contemplate a situation he would have solved in seconds...

It's fortunate then, that days convert into mere moments in-game and you don't have that same, on-the-spot pressure, as Adama has in BSG.

That's also why it's beneficial for Astrum to be such a broad game, set in an entire Galaxy with players far apart and each of you having your own sets of events and story-lines. This way, everyone else doesn't have suffer if someone takes longer to post. Of course, that doesn't mean I encourage procrastinating or deliberately delaying one's post, if they're fully capable of typing at least a sentence up. :tongue:

In any case, if you're stuck on what to do- Feel free to ask for advice, either via PM or here.
Ask for it here! Lareo shouldn't be given all the fun of helping you learn the in's and out's of this style of game!
[QUOTE="Helix Nebula]It's fortunate then, that days convert into mere moments in-game and you don't have that same, on-the-spot pressure, as Adama has in BSG.
That's also why it's beneficial for Astrum to be such a broad game, set in an entire Galaxy with players far apart and each of you having your own sets of events and story-lines. This way, everyone else doesn't have suffer if someone takes longer to post. Of course, that doesn't mean I encourage procrastinating or deliberately delaying one's post, if they're fully capable of typing at least a sentence up. :tongue:

In any case, if you're stuck on what to do- Feel free to ask for advice, either via PM or here.

I just give anyone a brake...
[QUOTE="Helix Nebula]In any case, if you're stuck on what to do- Feel free to ask for advice, either via PM or here.

Isn't that sort of cheating? I mean, any information that we come by and use ingame, that was acquired OOC is technically metagame thinking.
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]Isn't that sort of cheating? I mean, any information that we come by and use ingame, that was acquired OOC is technically metagame thinking.

Giving advice and giving information, are two different things. It's not cheating, if we vaguely assist you as a newcomer to this genre, on possible ways to deal with whatever situation you're in: Suggestions, thoughts, opinions- That sort of thing. If I tell you; "It might be prudent not to be too hasty in your decisions", I'm not really giving you metagame information am I? ;)

However, it would be cheating, if one of the other players had encountered the same aliens as you and told you; "Weak spots: Here, there and here." And then you used that to directly attack said weak spots. Or if you read someone else's Frontier thread(s) and used information given to them, to benefit yourself in the Rev'mar's missions. Or outright copy+pasted someone else's research projects and whatnot.
So to sum it up, there are two outcomes when someone goes to the ST for help.

"It might be prudent not to be too hasty in your decisions"
TAG: advice

cheating: no

useful: no

"Weak spots: Here, there and here."
TAG: information

cheating: yes

useful: yes
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]herpy derpy


No. For one, I have/will/would not, ever give directly beneficial ('metagame/cheating') information to a player in OOC, ever. Whether it be here, via PM or via platforms such as Steam. The only instance where I might do so, is if it's regarding an event that has already been resolved, thus rendering the info all kinds of useless.

Second, I was only reciting simple examples.

And third, "It might be prudent not to be too hasty in your decisions" - IS useful. You shouldn't charge into every situation with an invasion force, expecting to win because you're a player. That's a simple gameplay fact. I've said it before and I'll say it again: You CAN die and lose horribly in Astrum, if you screw things up. (STFU Freeman you haven't screwed up yet :P )
I know, I know. I was just noting how it doesn't actually help to ask for advice, since any advice you might dispense would be general logic and sense and as such not particularly useful.

I mean I already know not to be hasty, but that doesn't help me on its own, and I certainly don't profit from someone telling it again to me. Though I suppose a reminder can at times come in handy.

Ach, what Wolf's saying is... Unless you're gonna let me cheat, I don't think I'll get anything useful out of asking for advice. Probably going to play the stoic, since that's what I do usually when I'm not sure what to do.
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]plz lemme cheet plz mod i be ur best frond 4 evur plz cheatz gimme

So THAT'S your agenda, eh? Pretending to be all confused and helpless, so you can con people into letting you cheat! Well you're busted, buster! Go to your room- Cave- Whatever! :mad:

is disclaimer: i joke i not serious
Think of it like this:

If you're stuck and feel like you have one option for what you can viably do with the situation you're in, 99% of the time you're wrong in these kinds of games. There are paths of least and most resistance in EVERY single NBRP action. What you might be finding is a heavy resistance path, that is more direct, while players with experiance are more apt to try for a (often much) longer but much less painful path. You can hamfist character development with violence, or you can more intricately weave in development. For instance, I had no f*cking idea the Mundus were going to be as attatched to the Dormientibus as they apperantly are until I started RP-ing it more, I figured I'd end up using the Dormientibus as mass produced throw-aways...

What your people currently are is always able to change. They've entered space now. You could engineer a total social revolution just through RP-ing in the right ways. I've started adding to my people's culture as I RP because I'm developing it in ways I had NO idea it would go when I first crafted it.
highdarklord said:
Well thats one way to look at it, and I do kind of see it as that. I mean I try not to play the most obvious rode available. But I have found out, with Learo its a god damn hall of mirrors.
Well, I know that technically in a game like this there isn't supposed to be the wrong choice - good and bad are relative things, depending on perspective. However, so far through all that my nation's been through, I couldn't help but feel like I frakked up every single choice I make, because whatever I do, the blasted Nebula finds a way to take that and hit me on the head with it, as if that's not that I was supposed to do or something. But sometimes I literally have no idea what to do beside one or two ideas, even though I sometimes spend a week not posting - not because I don't have the time to post but because every time I sit and try to post I still can't think of anything else so I'm giving it time to think, usually in vain. Hah :D *bark*
In those moments feel free to post here. I can't speak for Freeman but I know I check this forum almost daily, usually several times a day. I'm always game with helping to open up your eyes to new choices/ideas for actions. I'll be honest, when I've read some of your RPs, its felt like you're almost impatiant with some of them (granted, I have no real knowledge of your nation's personality/culture).
What do you mean "when I've read some of your RPs, its felt like you're almost impatiant with some of them"? :oops:
I think he might've meant posts in Astrum, or maybe not. I don't know. :question:

Maybe it's HDL's hobby to stalk other RPs and study their mods and players alike.. Y'know, when he's not tyrannizing nations and conquering worlds! :cool:
Well... you know... your god is always watching, especially when you're sleeping... so cute and adorable...

But what I mean is, best example I have off the top of my head is your current ground-side mission here in Astrum. When your commander was basically "zapped" into whatever world he was zapped into, you immeiditly tried to get out of that world and used attempting to blend in as a way to manage till than. I would have gone on an exploring spree to learn as much as I could have before trying to leave, damn the consquences! I don't know what the plan was in Lareo's mind, but its likely you "triggered" the arrival of that ship once you reached a certain point in that thread, rather than a "x number of posts" kind of thing. Its also possible you only had so many posts before he would trigger it automatically, but you used your posts trying to escape that world rather than learn from it.
Hey I do recall sending him off to find a news center and learn something! But other than that was I supposed to be learning, other than general stuff, which I tried.

Although I won't deny tending to speed through things a bit. It's what I do when I don't have an objective in my mind. But on this particular example, I was faithfully roleplaying the character in that situation, and not meta-thinking from a player's perspective.
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]Hey I do recall sending him off to find a news center and learn something! But other than that was I supposed to be learning, other than general stuff, which I tried.
Although I won't deny tending to speed through things a bit. It's what I do when I don't have an objective in my mind. But on this particular example, I was faithfully roleplaying the character in that situation, and not meta-thinking from a player's perspective.

Well.. to get real technical here, you sent whats-his-snout towards a building he presumed was a news center, rather than actually sending him to look for one. Granted, I could've conveyed the surroundings better in that scenario, but I've always sucked at doing that in English.

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