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Graded [Aslan City] I Summon Thee!

La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol

Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Character Sheet
Abomination, Fae, Construct, Isekai'd

Qzioah only smirked and giggled at Deliverence, was he truly so innocent or unconcerned with his actions where he would blatantly ignore them? Plus there was the one matter of that she couldn't so simply 'return from whence she came' now that she was brought here with no way of knowing where 'back' actually was. Tutting and shaking her head, she held her mischievous grin as she eyed the blonde boy.
"Tsk, tsk, that's not a very welcoming way to treat a woman. From what I can surmise, you've probably never been enough around a woman to actually become a man. So, little Deli, my little darling, I can't simply just leave when you're the one who dragged me out of my own business all the way here. Not even a ticket back or a goodbye kiss? I'm quite disheartened that you'd do that. After all, the summon only fits the summoner, so I was clearly brought here for a reason... unless, " she hummed, holding a mischievous grin as she walked up to the barrier that was to keep the circle safe. Giving it a gentle touch, she tested to see how strong it was and started to realise she could escape from it. One of the girls present had turned into some sort of tiny, fairy form, for whatever reason of which Deliverence had turned his attention to.

"You're a bit too shy with all these people around? I'd get it, sweetheart, sometimes your first experience interacting with a lady with a bunch of people around might get you quite embarrassed and your nerves all shaken up" she added. Having glanced to the Professor, she nodded.
"Thank you, I think I will stay around for a little while at least, since I was forcefully summoned here and all" she said, adding the last part for clearly no reason at all. She finally looked back to Deli and Xue, giggling as she made the last momentary choice to push through the barrier and leave the confines of the summoning circle.

"My, my, all this and that's your only welcome? A shy little oopsie and asking me to go back home? No wonder you must be at a loss with the ladies. Don't worry, honey, I'm sure I can teach you all about that and more. You shouldn't have reason to be disappointed about summoning me, I'm sure I can help you with whatever you need ask of~" she cooed, looking to the little fairy. What had happened exactly? Was summoning her really taxing on someone else?

"D'aww, hm? What's wrong with the little one? Are you lost, also shy like little ol' Deli-Deedee here? There's nothing to be afraid of, I won't bite. The blonde cutie, perhaps I might him, but not right now. What's your name, little lady~?" Qzioah curiously hummed, holding a hand out gently as she crouched down to see the little fairy.​
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Xue? (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 5/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
C: 1/2 (Energized C)
Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic

The little fairy's mind continued to buzz, confusingly ringing with the many different voices echoing throughout the crowded summoning space. Although her hearing seemed to have dulled and faded for the moment, her eyes remained wide and unblinking, watching the reaction of the one she loved without so much as a breath.

Briefly, the elf seemed to mumble to himself, before a puzzled expression suddenly crossed his face. His gestures seem to indicate that he cast a spell? Then he shook his head and seemed to ask a question. He seemed slightly... curt? Impatient? Which made her still even further for a moment in confusion, before she watched him seemingly turn to gesture to herself and being taken aback. Xue couldn't quite process what was happening before he suddenly appeared before her, her blank gaze following him all the way.

The sight of him familiarly offering her his scarred hands for comfort as he spoke, almost made her cry.

She felt she could finally understand what people meant when they said love was like a rollercoaster. Her heart felt like it had submerged so far irrecoverably, until to suddenly restore itself and rise back up. She hated it. It was scary. Unbeknownst to him, it felt like he could toy with her in the palm of his hand if he so pleased. Even if she knew deep down that the one she fell in love with wasn't that kind of person, she couldn't help but fear it.
Quietly, she rested both her mechanoid hand and her fae hand on his little pinky as she slowly put herself back together. "No I'm fine, it's nothing. It's nothing." She responded and re-iterated carefully, taking in a deep breath to finally clear her emotions and thoughts.

"Thank you, Deli. And you too... Phoebe was it? Think I heard your blue-haired friend over there shout your name quite loudly previously." She smiled and waved widely towards the pink-haired barrier keeper, knowing with the distance and her tiny size, it would be hard for Phoebe to make out her expression.

"I'm sorry for abandoning the barrier so suddenly." She mentioned more solemnly, deeply aware of how unbefitting it was for someone like her to lose her composure so suddenly. What if the succubus had been a malicious threat and she had just abandoned her duties out of emotion? The consequences could've been terrible. Feeling bitter, the goal of being able to call herself a 'hero' with pride only ever seemed to grow farther and farther away.

As the succubus easily waltzed through the weakened barrier and approached them both with her ever sultry speech, Ninelle couldn't help but grow defensive, her wings slightly whirring into action behind her.

"Please don't bite or touch him... unless he lets you?" She posed somewhat tentatively and vaguely, unsure of how to phrase it herself. But before long, she felt she had to add some sort of note of finality.

"He's mine." She stated softly with some protectiveness and determination, although her gaze somewhat flitted to and from Deliverance to gauge his reaction. Their relationship was still vague, and she didn't want to do anything that would overstep bounds or make him uncomfortable. Especially not with the scars on his body that spoke of a very unpleasant past.

Still, the succubus' friendliness towards herself was... a surprise? Perhaps she was led astray by some preconceived notions, as Xue had somewhat expected the succubus to be angry at having her prey's attention diverted.

Although she only caught the tail-end of their conversation, if what Deliverence said was true... it certainly wasn't the succubus' fault she was here. All of Xue's own recoil and initial abhorrence towards her existence was unwarranted. It wasn't fair to her at all. Mustering up a relatively gentle, if slightly uncomfortable, smile on her half-mechanoid face, Ninelle reached out a hand to meet the succubus's fingertip. "You can call me Xue. But welcome to this world, stranger. What was your name again... if you don't mind me asking? I was a little distracted and must have missed it." She managed to recover a bit more of her friendliness the more she spoke, quietly examining the foreign summon's purplish skin and dark fingertips. "I like your nails..."
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Kikimura Kikimura
Languages: Common | [Terran]

"Huh? Wait, what do you mean by student assist-" But before Phoebe could actually finish the sentence, the Professor had already left, leaving the young mage standing there bewildered on the sudden promotion. Being distracted by the sudden promotion and being the only one out of the original 3 students assigned to the magic circle still maintaining the barrier wasn't exactly a good thing for the stability and strength of the magic barrier, as one could imagine. Case in point, the Succubus that the guy summoned just walked through the barrier. Well... at least she seemed friendly enough, she's not outright hostile at the very least.

Now that she didn't have to continue on funneling her magic into the circles anymore, she went over to where the fairy and succubus were. "Yea, that's right, I'm Phoebe, nice to meet you." She responded to confirm the fairy's guess. "Oh, no worries about it. At least no harm came out of it this time. But more importantly, are you well? You did drop the barrier rather quickly, so I thought something was wrong."

As Phoebe was speaking, she caught a glimpse of Aqua out of the corner of her eye. What the heck was she doing on her hands, knees, and head to the ground? And what’s this about ‘child support?’ "Ah... um... excuse me for a moment..." She made her way over to where the blue haired mage was giving tribute to the mecha girl. “Hey, um, good job with the summoning Aqua, but… what is it that you’re doing right now?”
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Mentions & Goals:
Δstra 01 Kikimura KikimuraWait until she's summoned.
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol Femboy FemboyWait until she's summoned.
Diane Duste NimbusWing NimbusWing – Assist professor Anna (keep an eye on her not acting too childish), provide some historical context, gain some magic knowledge.
Phoebe Penrose Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic – Teach Aqua some magic and learn some new things herself as well. | Play the part of Student-Assistant?
Aqua Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread – Become a real Aqua water mage. | Passed summoning class.
Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. - Make some contacts and try to figure out her powers.
Desmond Develius Develius – Figure out his [Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams] summoning book.
Ninelle Lifeblossom SilverFeathers SilverFeathers – Help out Deliverance.
Deliverance Elvario Elvario – Improve his [Ethereal Luminary Student] grade by passing the Summoning Class. | Passed summoning class.

OOC Stuff:
Thanks for the wait! I'm back alive and (mostly) well, so we'll be picking back up the Wednesday/Sunday narration round rhythm, UTC+1 (post before that or be skipped) from here.

Seaside Tower
The Grand Duchy of Roran, Capital City [Aslan], Outskirts near the Continental Lake, Ethereal Luminary Dependency Building, Seaside Tower
From: Lornn (Midjourney): https://lornn.itch.io/backgrounds-magic-school


He looked at the purple creature (Qzioah) with a mixture of annoyance and confusion. “I believe I would be considered a man by most definition, but it is not important enough for me to discuss. Yet I must admit your way of addressing me is...” He stopped, trying to find the word for it. He knew there was one. A word for a feeling he'd been killing off most of his life. The one where you felt negative emotion based on someone else action or inaction... He couldn't recall. “I dislike it.” He ended up stating instead.

That's when he heard Aqua call out, which surprised him. “Excuse me, blue haired one. This child support. Is that obligatory?” He looked at Qzioah. Was that why she was being so annoying. “Are you calling me a child due to wishing for this child support the blue-haired one mentioned?” That... that might make sense? He'd been too obsessed trying to summon something ethereal to look into such details. “I shall attempt to acquire the necessary funds.” He hoped that'd get her to agree.

The next bits Qzioah told him were equally odd. “I do not believe my heart suffers from a condition that'd make it sweet.” The next bit made him realise another bit. “I must admit, it is a bit embarrassing to summon something entirely unintended. Although I do not see why it would make me 'shy' in this case.”

He was confused, by her next statement, but her offer did sound appealing. “Would you be able to help me figure out why my circle failed? Perhaps if I know why it connected to wherever you're from, I can figure out why it failed to connect to the Ethereal.” For the first time, his lips formed a slight smile. “That reminds me, I was told I might wish for an assistant or familiar to practice my magic further, if you wish to help me, would you be willing to help me experiment with my magic in my attempts to find the Ethereal?”

Turning his attention back to Ninelle, he nodded. “I'm glad you're fine. Although, I must ask, how come you undid your transformation?” That bit still concerned him. One of the other things he really didn't get was the biting bit. “I do not desire to be bitten. I'm already glad I wasn't eaten as a slave back in the Western Empire.” He stated, recalling those drooling gnolls... It was not a fond memory. As he said it, he couldn't help glossing over at Mad Maw. She looked a whole lot different from those man-eaters, but he'd still rather not be alone with her.

When Ninelle caught him 'hers' he looked a tad confused. “With all due respect, I do not wish for another to have ownership over me again. Not even you.” He stated, wondering if he'd been charmed into becoming a slave again. Surely not, right?

As they were discussing, the professor reappeared.

Professor Anna

“Nyugh.” She... sounded? It was an odd sound, but it sounded like a mixture of tired and annoyed at least. “Sooo... the tower is all good. You two were just weird.” She'd point at Aqua, then at Deliverance. “You should join the special magic class, and I guess you're already in the special class for good reason.”

“Anyhow... what was your name again?” She asked Aqua. “You can move away and ehh...” She looked around. “Dipple, dapple, dup, you, are... up!” She pointed at the remaining few one by one, until her finger landed on Phoebe. “Well, your time to try summoning. We'll go by one by one now, as I don't want too much more weirdness.”

“You two, support her barrier.” She pointed at Aqua and Mad Maw. “And you three, get your things sorted.” She pointed at Deliverance, Ninelle and Qzioah. Finally, she turned to Desmond and Diana. “Any results on that book?” She asked.

Phoebe – Summoning. (Results will be given next round. Flavour the process of the summoning itself, drawing circles etc., however you want. Bonus points for playing up Student Assistant role.)
Aqua / Mad Maw – Support Phoebe's barrier when she summons.
Diana / Desmond – Check Desmond's book for cultism. (Post to confirm continued involvement, or let me know OOC if you're dipping out or needing something IC/OOC to get active.)
Deliverance / Qzioah / Ninelle – Figure stuff out amongst themselves.
Astra - (Post to confirm continued involvement, or let me know OOC if you're dipping out or needing something IC/OOC to get active.)

Astra01 let out a weary sigh, the dark circles under her eyes a testament to her exhaustion. She didn't require rest in the physical sense, but her mind was fatigued. Years of battling relentless alien invasions had drained her energy faster than she could replenish it. Now, Astra01 was acutely aware of just how long she had been running on empty.

"Please excuse me while I..." Her voice trailed off as she started walking towards the exit, but her legs gave out beneath her, and she collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

Finally. I can rest.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario

Apologies for the bad look, mobile doesn't let me change text color, or size, or boldness. Just stuck like this...
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol

Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Character Sheet
Abomination, Fae, Construct, Isekai'd

Qzioah simply held her smile as she looked at the little fairy, being careful as she held out her hand not wanting to make sudden movements in case it somehow was more like a push to the little one. The fairy's possessive little remark about Deli being hers was an interesting one, was such a serious boy into tiny, flying people? That was surely a first. Nevertheless, she kept up her cheery expression.
"Thank you for the compliment, my little dearie. I must say, your wings and hair are delightfully pretty. I must ask who it is that keeps your hair tidy and in check, is it yourself or your so-proclaimed black-heart boytoy here that delicately holds and does it for you? Why if so, I might just very much have to help myself to asking him for the same treatment~" she answered with a giggle, before continuing.
"You can call me La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol, or if it's easier, you can call me Qzioah in short. I'm sure it would be easier for a sweet, little head like yours to remember it, darling~" she spoke before turning her attention to Deliverence. There were some necessities to answer to.

"Oh, child support for little ol' me? Why, I've only known you for so little, but I'm touched. I'm glad to hear that you're so thoughtfully thinking and caring about our future, maybe we should discuss the amount of children we may be considering~!" she giggled. Qzioah listened on to his next offer, delighted when he had asked about being an assistant. The succubus gave a small turn of her head to Xue in the matter, giving a devious grin before looking back to Deli.

"Why of course, I'd be delighted to~! Finding the Ethereal shouldn't be too hard at all darling, I'm sure we could find it in no time at all! You know, I always heard that one can improve their magic tenfold by aligning their mana with a magical being, you know, one like myself. There are some good ways to do that, hand-holding, embracing, contact such as kissing is a really good one, it really helps in-tune your mana with a being of true magic existence and strengthens your own. Not an insistence, just a little suggestion from me honeycakes" Qzioah offered in suggestion to Deliverence, choosing not to even be very subtle at all but wondering if he was truly the intensely dense protagonist type. He seemed more dense than anything, so maybe she could get away with such things to see what he would or wouldn't clue in on. Though one thing made her find smug joy more than anything and made her have to restrain her laughter.

"Ahahah, yours indeed, my little dear girlie-friend. Maybe things do not string that way, but I'm sure you may have better chances with at least someone with time. For now, I should probably help and tend to my little boyfriend here with his magical work. I'm sure with enough time, me and Deli-Darling can spark some wonderful kindred magic amongst eachother. It'll be the kind of otherworldly sensational magic he could only dream of" she mentioned to Ninelle, doing it blatantly aloud so Deli could hear.

"And unfortunately, I'd have yet to say a woman couldn't consider you as a true man yet. Don't worry, as your faithful and personally exclusive assistant, I'll fully assist you into becoming a true adult man in no time at all~!".​
Xue (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 5/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
C: 2/2 (Energized C)
Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic

The little fairy gave a small thumbs up to Phoebe as she expressed her concern, her wings fluttering slightly as she smiled. "I'm fine, really, don't worry. Just a momentary lapse in concentration. I'll recover my mana and be back to form soon enough." She explained reassuringly, before nodding and briefly watching the pink-haired mage head to the other side of the room to reunite with her... kneeling? blue-haired friend. Though curious and a bit worried about what in the world was going on over there, Ninelle managed to tear her gaze back to the two giants crouching down by her side. But deep down, a part of her did not really want to confront or deal with this scene either.

Deliverance's rejection did not hurt as much as she thought it would, her thoughts lingering more carefully on his prior admission. So it was slavery after all... Although the signs had always been there, hearing the truth straight from his mouth was... another matter entirely. "I'm sorry Deli, I did not mean it that way. I just... didn't know what to state our relationship as." She explained cautiously. Despite knowing how literally he took many things, she had been a bit caught up in the heat of the moment, and could only chide herself for it. Love aside, even as a friend, making such mistakes was not okay.

Originally, Ninelle had been reassured by the initial kindness of Qzioah, and Deliverance's explanation and care. But slowly, the sound of their conversation grew more and more absurd the more she listened.

Qzioah in particular managed to send her on an emotional rollercoaster in the span of a few seconds, with Ninelle smiling giddily at her little return compliments, blushing beet-red and being bewildered by her calling Deliverance her 'black-hearted boytoy', and frowning at her continued attempts towards Deli. The sudden talk of child support virtually came out of nowhere for Ninelle, having been way too out of it to hear any conversations across the room.

Still, it was clear the succubus had no intention to back down, and Ninelle felt at a loss on what to do. She was new to romance in general, and had yet to emotionally figure herself out for it, although fortunately the initial shock had worn off and she could think properly again.

Still, as she pondered, she realized, in the end, it wasn't exactly her place to step in was it?

If Deliverance flirted back or otherwise accepted Qzi's advances, she would just leave, wouldn't she? It meant he was not right for her, right? Following that line of logic, the little fairy felt the world became more clear, although Qzi's latter words still cut her heart. "You wound me Qzioah. I thought we could be friends, but sadly, I see you don't take me seriously." She smiled somewhat sadly, shaking her head as she took a few steps back from her hand. "But still, I know that being an otherworlder in a foreign world can be difficult, so I wish you the best in that regard." The little fae smiled a little more genuinely, emptying her head a little as she awaited the scene to play out.

A succubus was a succubus, so she tried not to hate her flirtatiousness. And Deli was Deli, so she could not blame him for being lured by claims of the ethereal. Perhaps life would be simpler and happier, if she managed to just let it all go.

"I am prostrating and apologizing like the flea I am." Aqua replied to Phoebe while still keeping her dogeza pose. Though her summon didn't seems to have much reaction rather than curiosity after being summoned, and she just walked away. Aqua wondered if this mean she's good to go, raising her head, she found the other group had approached her. The male who did the summon asked about her words before, the child support one and Aqua's mind instantly blanked out. Its not like she didn't know the meaning, but she just didn't know how to explain, she just blurted the word mindlessly. So instead of answering, Aqua gradually retreat from the conversation as the group delved into some talks about owning each other and having children. Enough summoning for the day, she should pack her belonging and le-

The professor returned, stating that there's nothing wrong with the tower. Aqua was thinking to ask permission for an early leave before the professor suggesting her to join the special class. She didn't know what a special class would be, but she couldn't refuse that so she canceled her thought of leaving early.

"I-It's Aqua!" She replied excitedly and nodded as the professor instructed her and Maw to assist Phoebe. Approaching the pink-haired mage, Aqua leaned to her and asked in a whisper

"What is a special magic class?" Too shy to ask the professor directly, she opted to ask the only person here that she's already comfortable with. Phoebe was an experienced mage too so she probably know one or two things.​

Mad Maw
The gnolls could hardly believe how chaotic things had become! It had not taken long since the teacher's departure for things to become quite estranged. Mad Maw was still perplexed by the high tech warrior that had been summoned; or rather she was baffled by the dissonance between said warrior and the voluptuously piece of sass the other wizard man had summoned. She wasn't sure on the 'classes' of everyone here. Aiden had mentioned others like her so it only made her more curious to see where these other lives came from.

The tension between the succubus, the pixie, and this seemingly dense man went mostly unnoticed it seemed, but it piqued her interest. A fluffy ear shifting and perking underneath her hat as she listened to the drama unfold. A fluttering in her own heart as she thought of the shark skinned beauty that had crossed her path during the fair. Her calico features heating up as her brown cheeks lit up to a light mocha momentarily.

Astra collapsing had derailed her train of thought; eyes widening in worry as she hurriedly moved toward her. The teacher arriving and giving her the task of aiding Phoebe with her task, though Mad Maw spelled the name Feebee in her mind. An important detail that will surely be important at a later point.

"Will she be okay? Maybe summoning has a physical lag? Do you think some water would help?" Mad Maw cautiously optimistic that Astra would be fine, this was a sanctioned class right? Right? She waved at Aqua, giving her a ginger elbow to the side as she chuckled "What do you think Feebs will summon? With the current odds, im thinking an eldritch horror from sesame street. The Bigged Bird" Mad Maw said, wielding her wand like a conductor of a symphony as she swished it through the air; a trickle of purplish mana following behind.

Elvario Elvario Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Kikimura Kikimura Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Garbage. Garbage.
Languages: Common | [Terran]

Phoebe gave an awkward chuckle at Aqua's response. "I don't know if money is what she would need right now though..." After a short while, shorter than she honestly expected with the nature of their "visitors," the Professor returned who then decided it was Phoebe's turn to try her hand at summoning. "Right, but uh..." she looked over to the girl that Aqua had summoned who had now collapsed onto the ground. "Is she gonna be ok...?"

Speaking of her blue haired friend, Aqua asked about that special class the Professor mentioned. "Ah, I believe it's kind of like an accelerated course. Like how regular, non-magic schools have regular classes for most of the students and honors classes for students with more aptitude, skill, or ability than the average student. It's the same principle here, except in this case it's magical ability instead of typical academics." She gave Aqua a pat on the back. "I'd take that as a compliment, you know? You've got the makings for a good mage, Aqua."

With that, Phoebe began to draw her own magic circle in the sand. "So, let's see here... Start off with the barrier circles in the outer 2 layers..." She voiced her process, in part for the sake of her own focus and in part because she might as well play the role of that sudden "student-assistant" promotion the Professor gave her. "Aqua, Maw, when I start summoning, channel your mana into these layers. It'll help me out with maintaining the barrier" She called over to them as she drew geometric patterns for the barrier layers. "Alright... now for the address with relatively more complex runes..." Moving over to the center of the 2 circles, she began to draw the inner summoning circle. This part was probably the most tricky of the entire process, so it was a good thing she had read up on the field of Arcana back home during her cram session. The runes she inscribed in the inner layer could be described as having a vaguely astral appearance to them. "Aaand there we go... that should summon something from a celestial plane if my runes are correct, hopefully it'll be as amicable as our other guests here."

Stepping back outside the circle, she readied herself.
"Here goes." As she began channeling her magic into the summoning circle, it began to glow a pinkish hue. "Watchers of the world, thy who guide those to their destinies from cradle to grave, lend me thy wisdom and hear my call!" As Phoebe chanted, the light began to grow in intensity, by the end of her chant seemingly glowing as bright as the stars themselves.
Mentions & Goals:
Δstra 01 Kikimura KikimuraWait until she's summoned.
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol Femboy FemboyWait until she's summoned.
Diane Duste NimbusWing NimbusWing – Assist professor Anna (keep an eye on her not acting too childish), provide some historical context, gain some magic knowledge.
Phoebe Penrose Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic – Teach Aqua some magic and learn some new things herself as well. | Play the part of Student-Assistant?
Aqua Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread – Become a real Aqua water mage. | Passed summoning class.
Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. - Make some contacts and try to figure out her powers.
Desmond Develius Develius – Figure out his [Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams] summoning book.
Ninelle Lifeblossom SilverFeathers SilverFeathers – Help out Deliverance.
Deliverance Elvario Elvario – Improve his [Ethereal Luminary Student] grade by passing the Summoning Class. | Passed summoning class.

Seaside Tower
The Grand Duchy of Roran, Capital City [Aslan], Outskirts near the Continental Lake, Ethereal Luminary Dependency Building, Seaside Tower
From: Lornn (Midjourney): https://lornn.itch.io/backgrounds-magic-school

Professor Anna

She looked at the passed out robot (Astra01) with curiosity. “Huh, it seems it already ran out of mana?” She was intending to just (mostly) leave it be, but this was a golden opportunity she couldn't let pass. Heading over, she'd lean down to start poking Astra. “I see, I see. How informative.” She stated, even though it wasn't clear if she was doing anything more than just poking her cheeks and lots of other places. “I don't see a way to input a new energy source or to charge her up with mana or something... I wonder if using lightning magic on her as a whole would work.”

Satisfied with the poking, she'd use the back of her broom to bonk her a few times instead. Getting that satisfying metallic clang ringing through the air. “Sounds like she's less hollow than the mecha's we sent to Rotia to fight off the monsters.” She concluded.

Hearing Aqua reply to Phoebe, she shook her head. “You summoned a pretty cool thing from a place nobody managed to summon from. Be a bit more proud and all that.” She replied. “Either that or help me figure out how to charge this thing, Aqua. You're the one that summoned it, after all.”

Upon Mad Maw suggesting water, she shook her head. “Unless it would active her emergency protocols, I don't think it would. I guess we could try throwing her in the Continental Lake.” She stated, looking over to the edge of the cliff they were on. “Yet it'd be a waste if that were to fail.”

She watched with the occasional nod as Phoebe not only managed to do all that she was told, but even managed to explain her process. “Good, good.” She'd nod, happy that she was able to delegate her workload already.

However, as Phoebe summoned, she would realise something odd. The thing she summoned was a cardboard copy of herself. Yet there was one thing that was off even more than anything else. The actual Phoebe was the one that suddenly found herself inside the summoning circle, with the barrier surrounding her. Whatever she'd summoned had somehow managed to switch places almost instantly. It was also quick to speak up.

Phoebe Penrose

“What? That's so creepy! It looks exactly like me!” The 'Phoebe' outside of the summoning circle would call out in shock.

As if this turn-about wasn't enough of a concern for poor Phoebe, the moment she'd speak up, she realised no sound would come out. Her voice simply didn't seem to work any-more. Another trick pulled by whatever she'd summoned? Whichever it was, this was starting to get more and more concerning. Perhaps... she might be able to alert the others, somehow, even without being able to speak up?


“I do not wish to have offspring. I merely wish to get these formalities out of the way as quickly and efficiently as possible.” He'd reply to Qzioah, annoyed and confused in equal measure. “I was under the assuming that, as I summoned you, you would be considered the 'child' I'd be supporting.” He added as an explanation of how he'd understood Aqua's earlier remark.

That said, her next words insulted him. “If finding the Ethereal was easy, I would have been able to do so long ago. To suggest it is easy is highly insulting.” There was one part that stood out, however, the thing about aligning mana with a magical being. “Is that true?”

Excited, he'd turn to Ninelle. “If she's right, could we attempt to align our mana? If it's you, I don't think I'd mind attempting methods as odd as the ones that miss Sol just suggested. I'm pretty sure after what we've been through, it might at least be partially alignt already or something, right?” He didn't even realise he was completely ignoring Qzioah or using her own words directly against her.

When he heard Qzioah speak up next, he was yet again annoyed. “As I said, I do not believe I am a 'boy' and I do not believe that were are 'friends' either. I'm willing to own up to having summoned you, but only to the minimal legal obligations.” He stated, as something about her was starting to make him feel... not good. “Besides, I have no desire to figure out whatever this 'becoming an adult man' is that you speak off. I merely wish to find the Ethereal.”

As for Ninelle herself, however, her words made him think for a bit. “I see... That is fair.” He surmised, as he wouldn't be sure either. He suddenly got a brilliant idea. “There was a Fae songstress I once met that might know how to state our relationship. Perhaps we should visit her. I believe her name was... Ophania?” He nodded to himself, deciding this might be worth sacrificing some time for that he could've spent on studying the Ethereal. “She might be able to help us.”

That said, there was one thing that he couldn't get out of his mind. “Might I request something of you?” He'd ask of Ninelle. “This odd purple creature is making me highly confused and uncomfortable, but I have an odd feeling it'd be better if you were to be seated upon my hand. Just like when we were looking for the Plaguebearing Heart. I'm not sure why or how, but... I believe that might be better. Perhaps due to some unknown magic or this 'love' we discussed.” He'd stated his awkwardly uncovered findings, as he held out his hand, hoping she'd agree to test this theory of his.
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Astra wasn't sleeping, not in the normal sense at least. It has never happened before that her mind just shut off-- almost like a phone left in the sun for too long. If there was a way to recharge it would probably be cooling off, like leaving said overheated device in the shade. At least such she surmise if she were present. But currently she was stuck in her past, fighting onslaughts, losing comrades, losing ground. Losing.
'Worry not commander! We trust you with our lives!' Jason's laughter echoed through her brain. 'I told you not to call me that.' the Wasp repeated with a sigh. And then that laughter echoed out again.
"Jason!" She suddenly called out loud, the whirring of her machinery coming back to life as she looked around frantically. A grave reminder as to why she made herself incapable of sleep. Because whenever she did . . .
That's right. . . I'm. . . Somewhere else.
After her breathing stabilized, Astra01 shook her head and stood up again, appraising the teacher who was poking on her.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Garbage. Garbage.

Astra01 woke from her slumber after a disturbing nightmare.


- Uncover and learn the secrets of the "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]".
- Summon something from the Compendium.
- Potentially learn a new bard spell or two.
  • "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]": Illustrations of mythical reptiles and enchanted burrows animate before one's eyes, moving within the borders of the pages as if alive. Why this book could be used to summon such creatures from legend if one dreamed hard enough and was willing to pay a small price!
  • Dreamshade Elixir E (x1) - The delicate shiny vial filled with a swirling, luminescent liquid that seemed to dance with its own inner light. This was no ordinary potion; it was [Dreamshade Elixir], a rare and potent substance rumored to grant visions of otherworldly clarity, but at a steep price to the unwary.

| Garbage. Garbage. [Mad Maw] | NimbusWing NimbusWing [Diane] | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic [Phoebe] | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread [Aqua] |

"Cheezuses n pretz-tals?" Desmond wondered, as he processed the idea of a charcuterie board filled with these delectable goods, "Yum yum! Desmond hungry now...". His stomach grumbled slightly at the thought. If only he could summon some snacks to munch on. In the meantime, the stylish Gnoll inquired Assistant Professor Diane more about he properties of the book, mentioning a figure known as "Sandman" and if he used the potty. The young raptor's head cocked sideways at Mad Maw, showing visible signs of confusion. "What is Sandyman and why's it so important to ask if he uses potty?" he asked innocently, genuinely curious to hear more about this man made of sand.

While still waiting for his book, Desmond overheard Professor Ann order the other members to help out with the summoning. His new friend, Maddy Maw, alongside Aqua was to help with Phoebe's summoning ritual accordingly. The raptor was already eager to start learning, but preferred to have the book with him before he could start. In the meantime, he had to pay attention. His stomach had been doing more thinking than his intellect. Focus Desmond, focus! The raptor carefully watched Phoebe create the rune barrier layers, glowing in a playful pinkish hue as the girl chanted. A flash of light and... Desmond's eyes would widen.

Phoebe had cloned herself?! Or, er, mimicked?

Desmond eyed the Phoebe within the circle curiously, already trotting towards her location. "Ooooh! Ooooh!" barked the raptor as he clapped his hands with a plucky giggle, "Pinky got mimicked! Pinky got mimicked!" To him, this situation seemed par for the course; being truly unaware truly of what was really going on. Though out of sheer curiosity, Desmond began to use his [Heightened Smell F] and [Perception F] to identify even the slightest hint at which Phoebe was the real one and which wasn't.
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol

Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Character Sheet
Abomination, Fae, Construct, Isekai'd

After Xue had mentioned about the potential of being friend, Qzioah hummed a small laugh and rolled her eyes. Some of the things Deliverence would go on to say would also be very boring and uninteresting. Sighing and dropping her smile, she tutted and shook her head.
"Oh you both are so boring, was I summoned to the reality of zombies or what? You're really disappointing me here goth-dollface, I'm starting to see why the Ethereal isn't picking up. I mean, if some kid whose never laughed once in his entire life came forcefully trying to knock in going 'Greetings, I wish to see the Ethereal because I must see and know everything because that's part of my character traits, I'm a three-dimensional being with a one-dimensional personality looking for fourth-dimensional beings in order to waste their time' I mean come on, what were you expecting?" La Qzioah criticized, putting on a stereotypical nerdy tone of voice in order to comment on how Deli was acting, she was hoping to have fun but he was proving to be a real boring stick in the mud.

"And you both, oh what I'm saying is rude? Who told me that I'm going to be suddenly transported to who knows where and I have to suddenly act to your customs? How do you know what's normal and respectful for me? I was being very nice and charming and throwing compliments and appreciation your way, but what do I get? Treated like some backwater-monster that doesn't even have a name. And you-" she answered, pointing to Xue.

"What are you even supposed to be, his follower love interest? Typical, you follow around the densest being known to any plane of existence just hoping that one day he'll turn around and understand the concept of reciprocating your feelings in any sort of way but no, rather than your little fantasy of him putting hands on you, he's putting his hands all over magic summoning circles that DON'T EVEN WORK, and summon COMPLETELY OTHER WOMEN. So SOH-REE, but I think both of you don't have your priorities in check on what you're doing or who you're criticising. BUT, because I'm SO NICE, I will reintroduce myself" she said in a rather annoyed tone, holding her hand out with a forced smile.

"Hello, my name is La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol, but you can call me Qzioah for short since it's easier. YES, I can be your assistant and personally help you find the Ethereal, let us be on COMMON GROUND and MUTUAL TERMS, because I cannot just 'GO HOME' and I am STUCK HERE NOW. So graciously thanks to your FUNCTIONING SUMMONING CIRCLE" she introduced again. Being summoned to who-knows-where to a bunch of people criticial of who you are is NOT what she wanted to do today.​

"I-I want a cute but cool baby dragon." Aqua said her prediction to the gnoll. Her prediction was more about what she would like to see though, and it would soon proven to be completely wrong.

As Phoebe filled her in on what the special magic class would likely be, Aqua eyes widen as she started to realize what would that entail. Does that mean she would be able to attend here? In this prestigious school. The pink-haired mage's compliment, followed by the professor's affirmation definitely didn't help at reigning her imagination as her mind go wild. Its like her brain melted into jelly from all the compliments she's getting.

'You are a wizard Aqua.' Then she would put the talking hat on her head and it would announce, 'OK, Slytherin!' then she would join her friends on the seats for the gryf-

Wait, why Slytherin???

Aqua snapped back to reality as the professor asked her opinion on how to charge the girl she just summoned. She turned her head to Astra and was astounded as she saw Astra collapsed and suddenly jolted up as if she just had a nightmare. Aqua kneeled next to Astra, gently stroking her head in an attempt to calm her, that's what her mother did whenever she's having a nightmare. She wasn't sure what to said though other than some awkward 'there there', but her touching Astra's head made her realize something. She poses body heat and breath. She might looks like part robot but her human parts were definitely still working. She approached the professor and said.

"I-I think she can digest regular human foods." She reported. There's nothing much she can do for her summon for now other than letting the academy take care of her and hoping she would recover as soon as possible.

Returning back to the task at hand. Aqua positioned herself to help Phoebe with the barrier. When the older mage started her chant, Aqua immediately poured her mana into the circle. She looked at the circle as it began to glow, and then for the second time in a row she once again got blinded by the bright light that came from the summoning process. Next time she might need to look the other way or wear an eye cover during the summoning.

“What? That's so creepy! It looks exactly like me!”

"Pinky got mimicked! Pinky got mimicked!"

W-what?! What happened?? Aqua thought Phoebe just summoned another sentient being from another world, but once her sight recovered what she saw was another Phoebe inside the circle, with the same exact appearance as the real Phoebe. Aqua's head just darted between the two Phoebes in confusion at what was currently happening.​
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Mad Maw
The gnoll was distracted by the not too distant sound of drama being perpetuated by the love triangle poor Deliverance had summoned into his life, both spiritual and physical. All she could think was that she was seeing this for free, at least until Phoebe started to use prepare her summoning circle. Mad Maw's Mana Channeled through her body as she figured it was something better learned on instinct, at least in her chaotic case. Her hands outstretched, feeding the frenetic purple energy into the circle.

She could hardly believe such a thing could actually bring forth a whole other person, yet she and others like her balked at such disbelief. What she hadn't expected was the exact replica of Phoebe. Was that how it was supposed to work? Her friend, Aqua, equally confused it seemed. She wasn't sure if it was how she always was, or if it was the gnollish brain chemistry, but she found herself suspicious.

"Miss Agua, are we sure that's...correct? Summoning shouldn't imply oneself..." She didn't want to come across as a fool, but it was better than the alternative. Her eyes lighting up a soft purple [Appraise F]
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Garbage. Garbage. Develius Develius
Languages: Common | [Terran]

As the light subsided and the world returned to her vision, the scene lay before Phoebe was definitely not one she was expecting. The fact that she was looking at a dead ringer of herself was a rattling enough, her actual feelings being more or less what her doppelgänger had said. The fact that it even sounded exactly like her only added to the alarm of her situation. However, the real "oh crap" moment was the realization that she was in the center of the summoning circle instead of whatever the thing on the other side of the barrier was.

Phoebe opened her mouth to tell the others what was wrong, but nothing came out, no matter how hard she tried. She held her hand over her throat in disbelief. Was this really just a simple case of switching places with a doppelganger at time of summoning? Or had it stolen her body entirely, swapping her consciousness into the her inside the barrier?

She had to tell the others, but if she can't do it with her voice, then she'll have to fall back on telling them via magic. Ordinarily, she'd be unable to cast any spells at all with her voice gone, but thankfully she studied Componentless Magic before coming to the academy, which gave her a few options to work with...

Or so one would think.

Almost all of her spells went out the window immediately due to their nature as offensive spells. Aggressively attacking the barrier itself to get to her reflection on the other side of the barrier doesn't exactly convey "I'm the real Phoebe, don't kill me." At the very least, if she can't tell the others that the other her is a fake, she shouldn't give her other self a reasonable excuse to propose disposing of an overly aggressive "summon."

That left [Soothing Waters] as the only viable spell she could possibly use in this situation. Her thought process being if she could help the mech girl that Aqua summoned with whatever ailments troubled her that would go to prove that she was the real Phoebe. However, that wouldn't work either. The barrier was meant to keep a summon in, so it was a no brainer that it would be able to do the same with a summon's magic.

At this point, should she just attempt to communicate with whatever hand gestures or in some kind of code and hope the others would get it? Wait... code? Perhaps there was one kind of magic that could work after all. It was a bit of a long shot, but it was all she got within the confines of the barrier with her voice stolen by her doppelganger. She walked up to the barrier, a pleading kind of look on her face. She held up her index finger and focused mana into her finger tip. It was one of the first things all mages learned how to do in their early years to get a better feel for controlling their mana. But instead of creating one continuous glow at her fingertip, Phoebe focused her mana in a way to create a pattern in the glow.

3 short glow bursts, followed by 3 longer glows, followed again by 3 short bursts. Anyone that knew what morse code was would be able to read it: SOS.
Xue (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 5/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
C: 2/2 (Energized C)
Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Having been watching the exchange between the two with cautiously rapt attention, Ninelle was caught off-guard when Deliverance suddenly whipped his head round to address herself. "You, wait, wha, me?" Surprised, she slowly recalled the list of things the succubus had flirtatiously mentioned earlier, having partially blocked some of it out at the time because she didn't want to hear or know about it if Deliverance had accepted.

Hand-holding, embracing... and kissing? Eh? It took her a moment to process exactly it was he wanted to do with her, but when she did, she immediately flushed red from top to bottom. Not only that, his added insinuation that their magic might already be 'partially aligned' only made her redden further.

What he was asking on its own wasn't that crazy. But never in a million years did she expect him to be the one to request these things first, even if it was all only to potentially align their mana and further his research. She had adamantly resolved herself into being the one to take a little step forward each time in their relationship, and here he was suddenly leaping forward?

"Yes. Erm, I'd love to, but l-later." She hid behind her hands, her voice and tone a little evasive from embarrassment as she recovered herself. "I-I've successfully injected my mana into someone before so hopefully t-that experience could help?" She helped cool herself off by thinking more logically about this potential mana alignment, recalling the recent memory of the time she awakened Fei Liu's magic potential as thanks for saving her life.

The anticipation of crushing her own heart was swiftly swept away, only aided by his continual clear rejections. Her heart still felt rather turbulent, but was eased in a way that was difficult to describe in words. She almost felt she just wanted to lay down after this whole ordeal.

"Ophenia? What a pretty name. I don't mind travelling with you someplace else, but perhaps not immediately." She replied vaguely to the strange mention of a relationship songstress, not against the odd idea by any means, but aware that a deep part of her was still itching terribly to return home now that she finally could.

The familiar sight of being offered his hand made her smile, the scene overlapping mentally with those perilous memories of ice and snow. "Okay." She stated simply, not one to reject such a rare and simple request, from her beloved no less. The tinkling of her mana reserves recovering told her that she could transform back now, but looking up at his rare earnestness towards her, she couldn't help but be a bit sneaky and hide that fact.

Just as she seated herself familiarly upon the black fabric, cautiously curling around his pinky for support, Qzioah exploded. The sudden barrage of insults was surprising, yet somehow cathartic at the same time. It really showed that the succubus was not just an endlessly and relentlessly flirting demon, and actually could feel as well.

In a slight daze from how fast she was speaking, when Ninelle was pointed out, she subconsciously gulped, preparing herself for whatever heinous insults were about to be thrown her way. However, it seemed more like she was mostly... just continuing to insult Deliverance? And, well, her taste in men? Saying the man she loved was dense, bad at magic circles, and summoning other women in front of her?

The realization was kind of hilarious the more she thought about it, unable to help her lips quirking up in a weird half-smiling fashion. But, she knew she couldn't remain silent as she spent a few quiet moments pondering how to address everything.

"You make it sound like, I wanted to fall in love." She began amusedly with a quiet shake of her head, briefly looking back up towards the handsome scar-ridden elf she had fallen in love with. "I have a lot on my plate. I don't need all these emotional rollercoasters either okay? I can't help that my day is brightened just by looking at him, even if he's working on his 'women-summoning magic circles'." She continued lightly with a gentle chuckle. "But it can't be helped. And though it scares me, I crave it at the same time."

"Ah, you called me a 'follower love interest' too, but I assure you just moments ago I was ready to cut everything off. I can make the decision when needed for my own wellbeing, I swear."
She chuckled at the thought, aware that she was genuinely lost and wavering earlier, but quickly pulled herself together after the shock wore off. Being called just a 'follower love interest' was amusing though. Ninelle felt she seemed so far from those words, but considering Qzioah's point of view and the few seconds they'd known each other, she couldn't blame her for the conclusion. Still, she couldn't help but amusedly wonder how those in the Fae See would react if she decided to share that new title with them.

Considering most of Qzioah's outburst addressed Deliverance, Ninelle didn't feel too confrontational or heated, nor a great need to really explain everything needlessly, so she moved on to at least defend her beloved a little bit.

"I think, of all things, his drive towards the ethereal, as one-dimensional as it may seem to you, is something to envy rather than mock." She began thoughtfully, faintly recalling her very first impression of the elf that stopped at nothing in the pursuit of his research. "To be able to strive towards something relentlessly without stopping or caring what others think. Trying and trying again regardless of anything, I think it's inspirational."

"I wish I could say I had a goal like that myself."
She hummed in finality, her thoughts drifting to her own many volatile and unsure goals somewhat before moving on.

"It definitely might be a bit chaotic at times, even dangerous, but it's always nice to see his face light up when he makes a breakthrough. I think it's cute. I'm glad he can work on his own clear path forward without hindrance." Somewhat realizing she was beginning to ramble, the little fairy adjusted her position and re-focused herself on the succubus.

"But yes. You are right in that it is unfair to ask you to perfectly adjust to our customs and culture within moments of being summoned. However, I will tell you now, if Deli says no, and you continue, then I will help stop you. I would do the same for anyone. In this world at least, we have the power to stop unwanted advances or behaviour." She explained wholeheartedly, somewhat having donned her usual mask and demeanour of a 'hero' subconsciously.
Mentions & Goals:
Δstra 01 Kikimura KikimuraWait until she's summoned.
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol Femboy FemboyWait until she's summoned.
Diane Duste NimbusWing NimbusWing – Assist professor Anna (keep an eye on her not acting too childish), provide some historical context, gain some magic knowledge.
Phoebe Penrose Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic – Teach Aqua some magic and learn some new things herself as well. | Play the part of Student-Assistant?
Aqua Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread – Become a real Aqua water mage. | Passed summoning class.
Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. - Make some contacts and try to figure out her powers.
Desmond Develius Develius – Figure out his [Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams] summoning book.
Ninelle Lifeblossom SilverFeathers SilverFeathers – Help out Deliverance.
Deliverance Elvario Elvario – Improve his [Ethereal Luminary Student] grade by passing the Summoning Class. | Passed summoning class.

Seaside Tower
The Grand Duchy of Roran, Capital City [Aslan], Outskirts near the Continental Lake, Ethereal Luminary Dependency Building, Seaside Tower
From: Lornn (Midjourney): https://lornn.itch.io/backgrounds-magic-school

Professor Anna

“Jason? I'm afraid I don't know any Jason. I only know a Wilson.” She stated upon her continuous poking causing Astra to call out a name. “Soooooo.... you good or what?” She asked, tilting her head and having the candles on her hat shove precariously to one side. “Also, now that you're up and about, where's your mana input point. Is it like, you know... down there?” She asked, as she surely hadn't seen an input point elsewhere.

Hearing Desmond, however, she was distracted for a moment. “We should try summoning food next, in that case. I once managed to summon a whole dinner of stuffed roasted turkey, potatoes with gravy, pecan pie and pumpkin pie all in one go! Makes you wonder why people would have all those sorts of food in one place.”

Turning her attention back to Aqua, the professor was confused. “What makes you think that?” She'd lean in and try to pry open Astra's mouth to stare into her throat and see if there was a soundbox there or some sort of food-processor instead. Perhaps both. Assuming Astra would let her do so, of course. “Oh, perhaps you're right, come check this out.” She'd invite Aqua to come do the same (if Astra would let them) in staring down her mouth to see what hardware she had going on there.

“Anyhow, let's keep the class rolling. You, mister... ” She forgot Desmond's name. “... with the book. It seems my assistant-professor can't decipher it, so please hand it over and I'll check it myself. Meanwhile, you, gnoll.” She pointed at Mad Maw. “It's time to get ready to summon.” (Feel free to spruce up how Mad Maw would prepare her summoning circle however you want.) “Although, might I suggest adding these...” She showed a few runes that seemed to look an awful lot like cutlery. “That's what got me the best food-summoning ever, the turkey I talked about. Mister with the book, you're on barrier support duty.” She stated, as she looked around to notice it seemed most were too busy to appoint a second. Ah well, it was only going to be food, right? Surely they'd not need a second.

Phoebe Penrose

As Desmond started to smell at her, he would smell a slight charcoal-ish scent and some black dust on her. His perception/heightened smell wouldn't notice anything off otherwise. “I know, it's so creepy!” She'd reply to Desmond. Turning to Mad Maw, she figured she'd explain more. “Oh, what if it's 'me' from a parallel universe!” She offered the suggestion. Mad Maw's Appraisal F would not get anything from 'Phoebe' herself, but it did pick up on [Charcoal Dust] particles floating around her.

As 'Phoebe' looked at Phoebe, she looked in shock when the other one started to signal. “Oh no, is that some call for aid? Maybe she's in trouble and wants to be sent home! We should sent her home instantly! Perhaps the air here is killing her!” She explained, starting to chant some sort of spell that the others wouldn't recognise.


He was effectively silenced by confusion after Qzioah's long speech. He wanted to react, but he had no clue how to do so. It was much, much easier to focus on Ninelle instead. “Well, yes.” He answered when she asked for confirmation if it was really 'her' he'd prefer to try these mana methods with. “Are you alright?” He asked, as it looked like she had changed colour a bit. How odd. “Of course, of course. All in proper time.” He stated, when she suggested later... One thing she might notice, was that he'd (for the moment) not realised what effect these actions might have on his own feelings and that he was taking them as natural exercises needed for his studies. Upon the travelling suggestion, he nodded. “Of course, I can try writing her again first.” He stated, wondering if her advise had been correct after all.

With Ninelle upon his hand, he felt a bit more confident. He'd listen to her replies to the succubus. They did confuse him... “I did not know it was like that for you as well.” He eventually replied, not realising she'd also been wondering how this 'love' thing was working and all that. Or that her day was also brightened by having him near, just like how he felt happier whenever he saw her flutter around. The other bit, however, made him feel this weird, uncomfortable feeling, somewhere in his stomach area. “I... would not have liked that.” He stated, learning she was about to cut off everything. “I'm... glad you didn't.” He added, trying to figure out how to untie this knot in his stomach.

When she was praising his life-goal, he had no clue what to say. Yet before he could figure out something, she surprised him by telling him she had no such goals. “I'm surprised you do not.” He admitted, figuring a grand Fae Hero like her would've at least had something. Upon hearing Ninelle being on his side, he took a deep breath. He was ready to face the succubus again.

Bowing deeply, towards her, though taking care to keep Ninelle level upon his hand, he spoke up. “I apologise for summoning you and being unable to accommodate your wishes, as well as not being able to fully understand or accept your desires and demands. Whilst I would like an assistant, I do not believe I'm able to accept the type of assistance you wish to offer, nor do I think I could give you the type of compensation you seem to desire. However, I can help you find an acceptable replacement. Would that be of use to you?”

He'd look around the group. “Perhaps one of the others present would be willing to give you what you desire?” He looked around, wondering who he might request to take care of this succubus. Perhaps the blue-haired one? “Miss Aqua.” He'd call out. “Would you be willing to grant your 'child support' to miss Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol as well? I can financially compensate you in turn.” That seemed like the perfect solution. Aqua had already offered it to her own summon, so what was offering it to one more?

Mad Maw
Mad Maw was a naturally suspicious creature; a wonderful mix of chaos and curiosity. It was hard for her to imagine summoning was a simple transaction when Deli was having such a tough time with his own summon. If there were chances for mistakes...then it was possible this double was chief among them. Her outlandish perception of reality was rarely vindicated, but when she noticed the winks of light from within the barrier. Her eyes narrowed further. Her father in her human life had been a real bastard, but war does that to a man. What he lacked in fatherly tact, he made up for in the numerous skills he had picked up.
One of which he imparted was Morse Code.
3 short glow bursts, followed by 3 longer glows, followed again by 3 short bursts

Madeline wracked him brain as she ran through all the letter combinations before slowly nodding to the unheard beat of the dashes hitting their mark; S...O...S. It was at the same time Faux Phoebe was quite insistent on sending back her 'clone'. She didn't know quite how to handle the situation, and instead relied on the teacher alone. When she explained Mad Maw's assignment, she nodded enthusiastically, pulling off her hat in a distracting way. The brim of the hat blocking vision of Mad Maw's mouth. Her voice low enough for only Anna's ears.

"The summon is out here with us"

She felt that was the best she could do in that situation, giving the teacher an eager grin at the mention of summoning food, though she couldn't help but feel nervous since it was her first summon ever. What if she messed up and brought yogsathoth into the world again? that was a terrible birthday present. She swallowed her fear as she raised her wand. letting her deep purplish magic well up along the grooved end, and like a drop of wild magic rain. It fell onto the ground and ballooned into a chaotic summoning circle that'd likely make long winded wizards weep. The topic of romance and love being brought into her mind from the situation across the training grounds. Koralia coming to mind; the tall chiseled sharkskin goddess bringing heat to the surface of her face with only a thought; completely changing the subject of her summoning.

If only I could see her again...
Last edited:
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario Garbage. Garbage.

In the outskirts of Ryken, between the canopy of bark and sea of green, Koralia had just finished another assignment for the Adventurer's Guild. The pay was rather meager, fully matching how inconsequential the ruffians she had dealt with were. It even made her question why the village hadn't mustered some of its own men to take care of the problem. That, however, was for her own advantage, as the country was, after all, a land of mercenaries and sellswords.

With the last weakling human criminal crumbling towards the ground, the shark had decided to take a small break before returning to report on her progress. Predatory eyes narrowed, for more than simply coin often accompanied the rewards of her job. Koralia was a connoisseur of flesh, always eager to taste and experiment, the rush of having vitae, regardless of color, spurting into her mouth and tongue which followed the closing of sharp, serrated teeth.

Her mouth was already watering with anticipation, as her left hand grabbed corpse's one, right foot finding purchase against its torso, stepping on it as if it were nothing. In the very next moment, the massive Zweihänder came down, severing the limb from the rest of the body at the height of the shoulder. A few droplets of the crimson liquid, still warm, spilled against her colorful clothing. Not that it mattered, that canvas had already been painted on during this fight, red upon red made no difference.

And, holding the severed arm like a chicken drumstick, Koralia brought it to her mouth, jaws and teeth closing with primal hunger around the shoulder. It was at that moment which the mercenary felt her world spin, the ground grassy ground disappearing from under her boots, giving place to somewhere else. In a flash, she was in an entire different place, no longer surrounded by the sea of green and brown. At the distance, her eyes picked what appeared to be a... tower at the top of a hill.

The shark towering form changed, aggressively so, while her bestial mind worked to make sense of what had happened. Narrowing eyes, dangerously so, accompanied by her muscles tensing and bulging. Her jaw closed even more firmly against the arm which was between her teeth, blood dripping ever so slowly towards the ground, some of which trailed down her white-colored neck, until it finally ripped off a good chunk of the meat from the appendage. A low-rumbling growl started being emitted from the depths of her throat, not much different from any wild animal. The predatory gaze shifted from each of those present, the hand which held the sword increasing the power of its grip considerably.

That lasted until her furious gaze fell upon a familiar gnoll. "Mad Maw...?" Those words, uttered between the chewing of the meat inside her mouth, contained palpable confusion. Her stance relaxed, infinitesimally, followed by the hard swallowing of the impromptu snack. It was clear that she had no idea of what was going on, yet the sight of a familiar face amongst the sea of unknown ones was a slight relief. "What's... goin' on?" She asked, straightening her posture. While tension still exuded from her contracted muscles, it was nowhere near as before.
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- Uncover and learn the secrets of the "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]".
- Summon something from the Compendium.
- Potentially learn a new bard spell or two.
  • "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]": Illustrations of mythical reptiles and enchanted burrows animate before one's eyes, moving within the borders of the pages as if alive. Why this book could be used to summon such creatures from legend if one dreamed hard enough and was willing to pay a small price!
  • Dreamshade Elixir E (x1) - The delicate shiny vial filled with a swirling, luminescent liquid that seemed to dance with its own inner light. This was no ordinary potion; it was [Dreamshade Elixir], a rare and potent substance rumored to grant visions of otherworldly clarity, but at a steep price to the unwary.

| Elvario Elvario (Professor Anna) | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic (Phoebe) | Garbage. Garbage. (Mad Maw) | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread (Aqua) | Maxxob Maxxob (Koralia) |

Anna called for him again, seemingly lost place of the Deinonychian's name. "You call for Desmond?" he asked curiously, pointing to himself while his head cocked to the side. Hearing the Professor wanting to take a look at the book, given how her assistant wasn't able to decipher it, Desmond obliged before handing her the Compendium. "Thanks ya Professor Annaz!" he replied happily, before engaging with the Phoebe situation.

Sniffing the Phoebe in front of her, Desmond's keen nose would pick up the vague scent of... charcoal? Was that right? The raptor smelled again, taking deep breaths before feeling something go up his sinuses. "AHHH-CHOOO!" Desmond sneezed, enough for him to jump several feet into the air. Once back on the ground, he sniffled as he wiped his nose with his poka-dotted robe. "S-scuse Desmond..." he grumbled, before dusting himself off, "Pinky here smells sorty like charcoal." Upon taking a slightly closer look at Phoebe, he'd notice bits of black dust on her, "And... dust? Hmm..." Aside from that, nothing seemed too out of the ordinary.

Looking into the Phoebe within the summoning sphere however, Desmond could see the Phoebe from a 'parallel universe' within getting antsy. Unable to hear what she was saying, he looked curiously at the entity within. Though as she started banging on the barrier, Desmond gave another startled gasp as he backed away a foot. "What is Pinky in da Jar doing?" he barked concernedly, eying her cautiously. "Phoebe" believed she wanted to go home, as if she wasn't able to sustain herself within this realm's air. At the same time, Phoebe within was doing some strange hand gestures.

Desmond, unfortunately, knew nothing about Morse Code.

Before taking a closer look however, Desmond's head nearly cocked 180 degrees upon overhearing Anna's culinary summoning experiences, as was their suggestion for him to try summoning food. His pupils expanded thrice their size as he ogled at the Professor. "HOW CAN DESMOND DO THAT?" he pleaded with a drooling maw and his tongue sticking out. Though it turned out he was not going to be summoning food directly (at least yet) but on barrier support duty for Mad Maw. Despite feeling a bit disappointed he was not going to do his own thing, he nodded enthusiastically before following Mad Maw to her summoning circle. "Summony food! Summony food!" he chirped peppingly, "Please summon something good and delicious like to eat! L-Like ribs! M-Maybe Owlybear ribs? You know, Desmond should tell you about that one time Desmond was in a dungeon with these-"

Completely enraptured in his infosplattering, Desmond wouldn't pay attention to the way Mad Maw did her ritual until a flash of light revealed her target. "S-S-S-SHARKFOLK?!" Desmond stuttered upon seeing Koralia be summoning into the fold. His surprised then turned to disappointment, "B-But Desmond wanted ribs or turkey..." Though interestingly, within her blatant confusion, this sharkfolk recognized Mad Maw. Curious. Was this due to it being a summoned entity that was tied to Mad Maw's name? Or was it a real, flesh-and-blood, living character who actually knew her? "D-Does Maddy Maw know her?" Desmond asked Mad Maw curiously before lowering his stance to eye the sharkfolk cautiously.
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Astra stood up, shaking her head lightly at the Hat-Lady's question of...whatever that was. "Mana? I assume it is this worlds type of energy then? hm." She thought aloud, tapping a finger to her chin. "And yes, I will be alright. It is the first and last time I have collapsed, seems a war spanning many generations takes it out of one mentally. Mayhaps it was a mistake to leave my brain untouched. A shameful display indeed." She muttered, dissapointed with herself as she appraised the teacher and the young girl who poked her. "My name was lost with my world; but you can call me by my designated model number-- Astra01." She offered both hands to shake, one to the teacher and the other to the summoner.


Astra stood up and offered a handshake to the teacher and aqua.
Reactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Elvario Elvario
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol

Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Character Sheet
Abomination, Fae, Construct, Isekai'd

"Yeah, yeah, so what does he do after he achieves the goal, assuming he does it? What, does he just move on, or expect that there'll guaranteed be something else to investigate after that? I mean if you're gonna spend all your time hyperfocusing on one thing, you should probably plan ahead better and make sure you've got something else figured out if you end up reaching a dead end. But hey, that's just my point. I mean, I'm gonna take a guess and assume that there's probably someone whose figured it all out before and can just tell him everything he wants to know or help him do it all. Everything's been done before, after all" Qzioah mentioned as she moved on, listening to all that Deliverence has to say about not willing to take her as an assistant. If he was going to summon her to hells knows where and then just leave her off on her own, then she was not taking it.

"No, no, you don't get to just take me away from my entire life, and just say 'I don't want you' and then leave it be. You summoned me, now you have to be stuck with me, you're not pawning me off to someone else that I'm not wanting to go with. If I choose to go with someone else it's on my terms, not yours. You'd be up in arms and fussing about if I claimed that because there are too many present in this world now, that your little fairy friend here had to go and ditch this reality. Fine, don't give me a kiss or anything. But, I do expect that as per your 'child support', you still have to keep me around as an assistant for your own desires and goals, to give me place to stay and food and all, until I myself choose to leave. It's only fair, you made me homeless, and with no money. And that's your fault. Some nice guy, the hero here, making women homeless and starving, aren't you impressive~? I will help you find the 'ethereal' you so covet, but you have to help me out in return. That is simply a fair deal" Qzioah offered, crossing her arms. Eyeing Ninelle for a moment, she spoke up.

"Plus, your romance is clearly in shambles right now and neither of you are getting anywhere. Clearly, you need a true licensed love doctor in order to get you schmoovin' so fast that you'll both be holding hands at the altar by tomorrow night... metaphorically speaking, it's not obvious to tell that slate-face here isn't moving anywhere except towards the true love of his life that is a school textbook. I'm sure that I'll find a way better charmer than you, but if I die of going hungy-wungy, that's not happening is it? While I'll help you find the ethereal, I'll make an active attempt to go scout out potential suitable people, and I'll play cupid for you and your little pocket butterfly" she added, playing matchmaker could be fun enough too. It'd probably be easier consentually third-wheeling herself and watching a budding romance between two... people she just met, that she can try and push them together.

"Oh and by the way, if you're still not gonna trust me, let me explain child support. See, child support is when you impregnate a woman, but are a bad father and choose to not stay with her. So, you are expected to give money so that the single mother is able to care for the child for herself. For context, I am not a child, I am not your child, and I feel like as a first recommendation... you really gotta get outside more or something. I feel like you're missing out on standard knowledge that's supposed to get you through life. Sheesh, you should get a girlfriend. Well, you heard it Xue. You got a lot to fix with that one, props to if you can figure that out. Though an interesting point about hyperfocusing on pointless things, you weren't a small little fairy prior correct? Is that transformational magic, I can sort of do the same thing, but not at a very strong level. Are you able to better show me that? I'm able to transform but, I've only managed to master one alternate form so far. It's fun to pretend to be different identities, you know. Spectating and fiddling around with the lives of others is entertaining" she asked with a smile, suddenly seeming so interested in learning something like Deli about the Ethereal. Ethereal connection to wherever? Pff, who cares. Transforming? That's where it was at.​

Mad Maw
There were a great many way she had expected this to go; she couldn't summon a finger to pick her nose, let alone a whole feast. A whole new world, yet she was still plagued with anxieties; heightened and spiraled by gnollish brain chemistry. The people she had met in Ryke bringing forth memories of the festival as she took in a shaky breath. Regula was a powerful leader, and was the first among the swell bunch she found herself adoring. The sharkly, beastly woman she met there had frayed her wires, but moreover, shown a level of confidence in their beastkin nature.

It was a pride she wanted to emulate; A race lottery most would say she lost, she will instead own.


A immolation of purple blinding her eyes momentarily, pulling up her goggles and rubbing her eyes with the palms of her hands. The sound of a familiar, deep voice brought her heart to a flutter. The calico splotches on her face flushing a brighter mocha.

Mad Maw had to blink a few times, but the striking visage of Koralia was standing before her. Surprised, bloodied, beautiful. She snapped to her senses and quickly explained the very strange situation she had brought Koralia into.

"You are exactly what I meant to summon!" Mad Maw sputtered, voice cracking as she giggled and awkwardly waved, taking a tentative step closer. "This is a summoning class I joined, on a whim I suppose? Im trying to get better at using my magic, and was tasked with well...summoning food." She said defeatedly, giving up the proverbial ghost on her mistake

I was pretty nervous since there are some pretty skilled mages here, and well...I thought of you and how strong you were, and your abs " Mad Maw rambled, flustered to her core.

Im glad you're here! Here i thought I couldn't summon pecans. Is there a word I say to release you? A hand gesture? Horcrux?..."

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