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Active [Aslan City] I Summon Thee!

La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol

Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Character Sheet
Abomination, Fae, Construct, Isekai'd

Qzioah only smirked and giggled at Deliverence, was he truly so innocent or unconcerned with his actions where he would blatantly ignore them? Plus there was the one matter of that she couldn't so simply 'return from whence she came' now that she was brought here with no way of knowing where 'back' actually was. Tutting and shaking her head, she held her mischievous grin as she eyed the blonde boy.
"Tsk, tsk, that's not a very welcoming way to treat a woman. From what I can surmise, you've probably never been enough around a woman to actually become a man. So, little Deli, my little darling, I can't simply just leave when you're the one who dragged me out of my own business all the way here. Not even a ticket back or a goodbye kiss? I'm quite disheartened that you'd do that. After all, the summon only fits the summoner, so I was clearly brought here for a reason... unless, " she hummed, holding a mischievous grin as she walked up to the barrier that was to keep the circle safe. Giving it a gentle touch, she tested to see how strong it was and started to realise she could escape from it. One of the girls present had turned into some sort of tiny, fairy form, for whatever reason of which Deliverence had turned his attention to.

"You're a bit too shy with all these people around? I'd get it, sweetheart, sometimes your first experience interacting with a lady with a bunch of people around might get you quite embarrassed and your nerves all shaken up" she added. Having glanced to the Professor, she nodded.
"Thank you, I think I will stay around for a little while at least, since I was forcefully summoned here and all" she said, adding the last part for clearly no reason at all. She finally looked back to Deli and Xue, giggling as she made the last momentary choice to push through the barrier and leave the confines of the summoning circle.

"My, my, all this and that's your only welcome? A shy little oopsie and asking me to go back home? No wonder you must be at a loss with the ladies. Don't worry, honey, I'm sure I can teach you all about that and more. You shouldn't have reason to be disappointed about summoning me, I'm sure I can help you with whatever you need ask of~" she cooed, looking to the little fairy. What had happened exactly? Was summoning her really taxing on someone else?

"D'aww, hm? What's wrong with the little one? Are you lost, also shy like little ol' Deli-Deedee here? There's nothing to be afraid of, I won't bite. The blonde cutie, perhaps I might him, but not right now. What's your name, little lady~?" Qzioah curiously hummed, holding a hand out gently as she crouched down to see the little fairy.​
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Xue? (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 5/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
C: 1/2 (Energized C)
Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic

The little fairy's mind continued to buzz, confusingly ringing with the many different voices echoing throughout the crowded summoning space. Although her hearing seemed to have dulled and faded for the moment, her eyes remained wide and unblinking, watching the reaction of the one she loved without so much as a breath.

Briefly, the elf seemed to mumble to himself, before a puzzled expression suddenly crossed his face. His gestures seem to indicate that he cast a spell? Then he shook his head and seemed to ask a question. He seemed slightly... curt? Impatient? Which made her still even further for a moment in confusion, before she watched him seemingly turn to gesture to herself and being taken aback. Xue couldn't quite process what was happening before he suddenly appeared before her, her blank gaze following him all the way.

The sight of him familiarly offering her his scarred hands for comfort as he spoke, almost made her cry.

She felt she could finally understand what people meant when they said love was like a rollercoaster. Her heart felt like it had submerged so far irrecoverably, until to suddenly restore itself and rise back up. She hated it. It was scary. Unbeknownst to him, it felt like he could toy with her in the palm of his hand if he so pleased. Even if she knew deep down that the one she fell in love with wasn't that kind of person, she couldn't help but fear it.
Quietly, she rested both her mechanoid hand and her fae hand on his little pinky as she slowly put herself back together. "No I'm fine, it's nothing. It's nothing." She responded and re-iterated carefully, taking in a deep breath to finally clear her emotions and thoughts.

"Thank you, Deli. And you too... Phoebe was it? Think I heard your blue-haired friend over there shout your name quite loudly previously." She smiled and waved widely towards the pink-haired barrier keeper, knowing with the distance and her tiny size, it would be hard for Phoebe to make out her expression.

"I'm sorry for abandoning the barrier so suddenly." She mentioned more solemnly, deeply aware of how unbefitting it was for someone like her to lose her composure so suddenly. What if the succubus had been a malicious threat and she had just abandoned her duties out of emotion? The consequences could've been terrible. Feeling bitter, the goal of being able to call herself a 'hero' with pride only ever seemed to grow farther and farther away.

As the succubus easily waltzed through the weakened barrier and approached them both with her ever sultry speech, Ninelle couldn't help but grow defensive, her wings slightly whirring into action behind her.

"Please don't bite or touch him... unless he lets you?" She posed somewhat tentatively and vaguely, unsure of how to phrase it herself. But before long, she felt she had to add some sort of note of finality.

"He's mine." She stated softly with some protectiveness and determination, although her gaze somewhat flitted to and from Deliverance to gauge his reaction. Their relationship was still vague, and she didn't want to do anything that would overstep bounds or make him uncomfortable. Especially not with the scars on his body that spoke of a very unpleasant past.

Still, the succubus' friendliness towards herself was... a surprise? Perhaps she was led astray by some preconceived notions, as Xue had somewhat expected the succubus to be angry at having her prey's attention diverted.

Although she only caught the tail-end of their conversation, if what Deliverence said was true... it certainly wasn't the succubus' fault she was here. All of Xue's own recoil and initial abhorrence towards her existence was unwarranted. It wasn't fair to her at all. Mustering up a relatively gentle, if slightly uncomfortable, smile on her half-mechanoid face, Ninelle reached out a hand to meet the succubus's fingertip. "You can call me Xue. But welcome to this world, stranger. What was your name again... if you don't mind me asking? I was a little distracted and must have missed it." She managed to recover a bit more of her friendliness the more she spoke, quietly examining the foreign summon's purplish skin and dark fingertips. "I like your nails..."
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Kikimura Kikimura
Languages: Common | [Terran]

"Huh? Wait, what do you mean by student assist-" But before Phoebe could actually finish the sentence, the Professor had already left, leaving the young mage standing there bewildered on the sudden promotion. Being distracted by the sudden promotion and being the only one out of the original 3 students assigned to the magic circle still maintaining the barrier wasn't exactly a good thing for the stability and strength of the magic barrier, as one could imagine. Case in point, the Succubus that the guy summoned just walked through the barrier. Well... at least she seemed friendly enough, she's not outright hostile at the very least.

Now that she didn't have to continue on funneling her magic into the circles anymore, she went over to where the fairy and succubus were. "Yea, that's right, I'm Phoebe, nice to meet you." She responded to confirm the fairy's guess. "Oh, no worries about it. At least no harm came out of it this time. But more importantly, are you well? You did drop the barrier rather quickly, so I thought something was wrong."

As Phoebe was speaking, she caught a glimpse of Aqua out of the corner of her eye. What the heck was she doing on her hands, knees, and head to the ground? And what’s this about ‘child support?’ "Ah... um... excuse me for a moment..." She made her way over to where the blue haired mage was giving tribute to the mecha girl. “Hey, um, good job with the summoning Aqua, but… what is it that you’re doing right now?”
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