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Finished [Aslan City] I Summon Thee!

"A-Astra, I see. T-that's a cool name. You can call me Aqua. Err... emm... Since I summoned you here feel free to a-ask my help if you need it. I'm not sure if I would be able to help though." Aqua meekly accepted Astra's handshake. Shaking a robotic hand in this world felt surreal. Its different from what she experienced here, heck, even in her previous life the technology wasn't advanced enough to have something like this... wait, did she and Astra actually came from the same world? Did she summon Astra because she used used a reference for the summoning chant? Questions started appearing inside her mind but Aqua didn't have time to process it as summoning class progressed. Maybe she could ask her summon a few questions later.

"I-I think summoning oneself from parallel universe is a plausible explanation." Aqua replied to Mad Maw while nodding in agreement with the Phoebe outside the barrier. She's both horrified and excited at the prospect of parallel universe. She wonders what kind of herself exist out there? A social butterfly Aqua that charms every boys and girls she met? The cool Aqua that became the most reliable member on any group she's in? The evil Aqua that was so petty she dedicated years of effort to make one particular person miserable? The possibilitier would be endless!

The Phoebe inside the barrier started making pleading face and made some signal using her glowing finger. Aqua curiously watched the signal and she recognized a pattern on the light, yet the thought of morse code didn't cross her mind at all as Aqua had zero knowledge of it. She did realize that the Phoebe inside the barrier was trying to communicate though.

"T-the professor said a summoned intelligent being c-can stay here if they want." Aqua nudged Phoebe's arms to interrupt her chanting, she didn't want her mentor to get into trouble with the law because of some hasty decision... Yeah, why did suddenly Phoebe become impatient? She glanced at the Phoebe outside the barrier, and then to the inside the barrier.

"I-I think we should hear what she wants to say." She suggested to the Phoebe outside the barrier.

"Miss Aqua. Would you be willing to grant your 'child support' to miss Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol as well?" Aqua froze for a moment before she turned her head towards the source of the voice. I-its the blonde guy that summoned the succubus, and he just nonchalantly asked something outrageous from her. Aqua's mind immediately went to the worst possible scenario. This guy just summoned a succubus and then asked her to give the succubus child support while compensating her. H-he must be one of those guys who like being cucked by stranger! A-A-A-A-A pervert!

As her mind performed an incredible mental gymnastic and reached the worst conclusion. Aqua backed away from Deliverance while looking at him as if he was some sort of disgusting cockroach.

"I-I-I think the succubus would prefer to have your child!" She blurted out.​
Xue (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 5/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 2/4
Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy
Hearing that Deli admit outright that he would not have liked her decision to cut things off, was somewhat surprising. Ninelle was still very much cautiously walking on eggshells around his 'love', always ready to face that he was actually feeling some other odd or scientific fascination toward her, considering he himself was not sure what his feelings were. But, the odd moments of silence in his speech revealed his genuine discomfort, with Ninelle aware that he rarely spoke with any hesitation.

She didn't quite know how to comfort him, with the pain from that retracted decision still lingering in her own heart. But, coming up with a sudden bright idea suddenly, she slowly and carefully traced the elaborate Sylvan character for love on his palm, hoping to silently reassure him that her decision had indeed remained to stay amidst the conversations being shared.

Listening quietly to Qzioah's reply, the little fairy spoke up from the elf's palm after a moment of pause. "You're thinking rather far ahead there, aren't you?" Ninelle chuckled, both mildly amused yet confused by her response about what would happen after Deliverance achieved his goal. "I don't think anyone quite plans the rest of their life that far out ahead of time." Although she said that, it was true that it was kind of hard to imagine what a Deliverance without the Ethereal would be like. Would he change to have some new research focus? Or would he slowly become a different person entirely? Perhaps some idle food for thought for another time.

For the succubus' later point though, she merely tilted her head to the side. "Perhaps there is someone out there that knows all about the ethereal. But there's no guarantee our paths would ever cross, right?" She was a little unsure what Qzioah's point was here, or how it related to continuing to mock Deliverance, but she continued to listen to her ramblings earnestly regardless.

Deliverance's sudden announcement of completely detaching himself from Qzioah was kind of incredible to listen to. He so quickly located someone suitable around, seemingly to fob her off as soon as possible; the stoic efficiency was so like him.

Aqua's rapid and flustered response back immediately cut off any other idle thoughts though.

"I-I-I think the succubus would prefer to have your child!"

Immediately, the sound of something snapping filled the air. In the fairy's hand, lay a wand snapped in two, crumbling away despite initially reaching for it just to check it was still there. "Apologies... I think I've been a little overly stressed lately." She bowed gently with a soft sigh, her mind a little elsewhere as she gathered the splintered pieces of wood together, carefully checking no debris was left on Deliverance's gloved palm.

Irritation was an annoying thing. But Ninelle was growing a bit stretched taut due to the emotional mess this day had been. Up and downs, up and downs, it was getting rather tiring. She felt she was growing numb to the shock and surprise at this point.

Additionally, Qzioah somehow seemed adamant on staying around. Ninelle thought for sure she'd simply drift off to look for an easier target to leech off from. She felt she could understand if she felt an instinctive need to latch onto the first person she first met in a new, foreign world though, despite all the conflicts. She had been in that position before.

As the conversation suddenly turned back to their romance, Ninelle was somewhat flabbergasted. "I don't think either us particularly want to rush into things..." She mentioned tentatively amidst the succubus' ramblings, though she was silently a little comforted to hear that Qzioah at least had no plans to latch onto Deliverance forever. Her constant jabs at Deliverance were humorously harmless, and it comforted her tired mood to know that, at the very least, the turmoil over the succubus' intentions seemed genuinely over.

"Oh, my transformation...?" Though initially caught off-guard by the topic change, it was certainly a much more welcome topic than the child support and such that was being discussed previously. "I can, but I'm no expert either. Like you, I also only have one other alternate form." She began her explanation thoughtfully. "I only recently learnt how to create it also, from a shapeshifting expert in the Fae See, Deacon Masa. He's quite known over there for his various forms of the land, sky and sea. Think I've heard some folk give him the title 'Owner of the Three Realms'." She hummed at the memory, knowing she had sought him out specifically for a reason back then.

"Ah, sorry, I'm rambling. Anyway, I helped him out with something in exchange for teaching me how to create it." She finalized briefly, before musing over Qzioah's earnest request for a showing. "If it's alright with you, I'll show you a little later, or another time, when I'm feeling a bit better. In the meanwhile, feel free to show me yours? Maybe I'll be able to gleam something from it." She smiled quietly, looking up at the tall succubus with both anticipation and curiosity. It was no lie that she was a little out of it, but part of the reason for her denial was also Deliverance. She wasn't sure if he was feeling better yet, so she felt she should remain on his palm as a source of comfort, at least until it seemed like he had grown accustomed to the succubus' presence.
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Garbage. Garbage.
Languages: Common | [Terran]

Phoebe let out an exasperated sigh, or at least it looked like it as there wasn't any sound coming out of her mouth right now. It looked like only Aqua was the only one so far confronting the fake her before going back to the topic of child support... again. She'd be more than happy to give her side of the story, as Aqua tried to tell her clone to do, if she could speak in the first place that is. And she neither she, nor probably the rest of the others, knew enough morse code, to properly communicate with flashing lights.

Adrenaline began to flow through Phoebe's veins as her other self started chanting in some archaic language. She had to do something, and fast! Phoebe didn't exactly feel like going on an impromptu expedition to whatever dimension her alter came from. If that were to happen, she'd better hope that her alter's little remark about parallel universes was true in some part, but that had to be a pipe dream at best. Her eyes scanned over what was happening on the other side of the barrier.

Hang on, weren't Aqua and Maw supposed to be helping out with her barrier? This might be her chance to break free then! Better than just standing around waiting to be teleported to another plane of reality. Phoebe gave the barrier a few taps to test its strength before attempting to break through it entirely. Assuming she made it to the other side unscathed, she'd make no attempts to aggressively engage or start anything with her alter. With her identity itself still in the air, she shouldn't do anything too rash now should she.
Mentions & Goals:
Δstra 01 Kikimura KikimuraWait until she's summoned.
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol Femboy FemboyWait until she's summoned.
Diane Duste NimbusWing NimbusWing – Assist professor Anna (keep an eye on her not acting too childish), provide some historical context, gain some magic knowledge.
Phoebe Penrose Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic – Teach Aqua some magic and learn some new things herself as well. | Play the part of Student-Assistant? | Passed summoning class.
Aqua Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread – Become a real Aqua water mage. | Passed summoning class.
Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. - Make some contacts and try to figure out her powers.
Desmond Develius Develius – Figure out his [Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams] summoning book.
Ninelle Lifeblossom SilverFeathers SilverFeathers – Help out Deliverance.
Deliverance Elvario Elvario – Improve his [Ethereal Luminary Student] grade by passing the Summoning Class. | Passed summoning class.
Koralia Ironjaw Maxxob Maxxob – Enjoy her sudden summoning. | Give the gnoll a bone.

Seaside Tower
The Grand Duchy of Roran, Capital City [Aslan], Outskirts near the Continental Lake, Ethereal Luminary Dependency Building, Seaside Tower
From: Lornn (Midjourney): https://lornn.itch.io/backgrounds-magic-school

Professor Anna

The professor looked rather excited as Mad Maw got to summoning, as she hadn't had lunch yet and was really hoping for it. When Mad Maw whispered to her, however, it wasn't sweet tantalising whispers of food, but just some whispers of the obvious. “Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.” She waved the comment away, though it was unclear if she fully realised what was up or if she just wanted to get to the food-summoning already.

Food was summoned. Just not in the way she'd want. At all. “Bloody hell... that's bloody.” She stated, noticing the shark woman being a man-eater that was... well, man-eating even after being summoned. It wasn't even the good kind. “Right, let me just...” She stated, as Koralia would be able to feel herself getting washed over by a high level of appraisal stemming from the professor. “Well... no monster, no criminal, no food... Who the hell petted you?” She surmised her findings.

I'll be assuming the [Thoroughly Petted] from the Fair RP is there already as it'd count as a mandatory title and all the conditions for it were fulfilled. If Mad Maw wants to feel its effects as well, this is the official title description;
Character allows themselves to be thoroughly petted. Any beastman that is made aware of this title will be unable to look the character in the eye, feeling an overwhelming sense of embarrassment on their behalf or will feel angry that a beastmen would allow someone to treat them like a common animal. Character is banned from membership in any beastman factions while title is maintained. Exception are beastmen factions that believe in non-beastman superiority

She looked at the appendage being held like a drumstick. “I wonder if we could fry that up...” She debated it. She'd earned some lunch, right? Clearly her classes were amazing if all her students were summoning beings from all over. She was totally the best teacher ever. “Anyhow, welcome. As you're a non-criminal sentient summon, you have the right to stick around and all that. Hold up.” She stated, as she'd dispel the barrier for Koralia. “Just try not to eat anyone here, I guess.” She figured she'd add just to be safe.

With that all settled, she could turn her attention back to Desmond. “Yes, yes. Desmond is a good Desmond.” She replied, as she took his book and started to go through it. “Oh wow, these look fancy.” She stated, looking at the drawings of dinosaurs. “Is this like a family history?” She asked him.

Anna could feel Desmond's pain when it was revealed that no food had been summoned. “You and me both, my friend. You and me both.” She answered to him saying he wanted ribs or turkey. She'd momentarily forgotten she was meant to be the teacher here, as shared trauma did that to a person.

That brought her attention back to Astra. “Yep, yep. Mana is magical energy. It helps you do magic.” She replied, being an actual teacher for a bit. “You've been at war so long? Oh my. Seems like you need a break.” She concluded, very scientifically so. “Ah, don't worry, it just shows personality.” She stated when Astra was worried about her display. It actually, literally so, as it showed she wasn't a brainless and soulless type of construct. She'd accept the hand to shake. “Nice to meet you Astra-Zero-One. Let me know if you need anything and I guess I might try to get it?” She stated, regretting her offer halfway through as she realised it might mean she'd actually be asked to go get something, which might be a lot of extra work.

However, overhearing some of what the gnoll was saying, she felt betrayed. “So you never meant to summon us lunch to begin with? Tssk. I should have you fail class.” She grumbled. What a betrayal. “Well, you should've summoned pecans. Hmphm.” Clearly, with nobody supervising her, the professor was getting more childish by the post minute. “Barrier's down already, courtesy of yours truly.” She did add.

Phoebe Penrose

She giggled when Desmond called out her smelling like charcoal. “Oh, I think I just got some of the professor's candle-wax spilled onto me earlier~” she explained it, though that was probably not entirely how you'd get charcoal on yourself... “Trying to trick us, surely!” She'd add.

Sadly enough, her chanting got rudely interrupted by a nudge. “Eh? But it's creepy!” She replied. “What if the barrier breaks and we get mixed up or something?” She shook her head. “I don't think it can talk.” She replied to the idea of hearing Phoebe out.

Professor Anna

Upon Phoebe breaking through the barrier with ease, Anna yawned. “Well, time to send you back where you belong, before you're starting up trouble.” She said, quickly chanting something to cast magic and making 'Phoebe' disappear. Luckily enough, it was the non-Phoebe Phoebe that got sent back. Meanwhile, the Phoebe-Phoebe got a compliment. “Well done on staying calm all the way through, you've passed your test.” She stated, nodding with satisfaction. “Although I would suggest not summoning another doppelgänger of that level. Can't say I saw one that managed to forcefully switch places with someone and mask their identity as quickly and as nearly flawlessly as that one. Your magic-ritual-summoning powers are almost too good for you own well-being, summoning demonic creatures of such powers. It's a good thing you got an awesome professor like me... and some weary classmates, of course.” She added.

She yawned. “Oh, right, now that you're back let me just...” She cast another magic spell, as Phoebe would find herself able to speak again. “Can't leave my student-assistant unable to talk. To think it'd even use a silencing spell... Oh, can you do me a favour and get that blue-haired friend of yours to stop trying to make the succubus and elf-boy have children during class?”

Finally, it was Desmonds time to go up and summon. “Your book seems fine. Pretty non-cultist. It's a real shame there is barely any food in it though. Perhaps we can try summoning one of their eggs and make a giant omelet? These should be the runes to try targetting based on age, so if we just try to target them at the youngest possible age...” She'd draw some lines in the sand. “That might work.” (Flavour Desmond's summoning attempt however you wish to. Results will be granted next post.)


He listened stoically to the succubus' long-winded story. “Finding the Ethereal, the real ethereal, should not need any follow-up goals, for it'd be Ethereal.” He explained his answer to the first question. “Although if Ninelle isn't there with me at the time, I would want to go find her to show it to her as well.” He added, realising that was probably the only other thing he'd want after finding the Ethereal.

The next bit confused him. “Why would you seek to help me if you cannot gain what you want the most from me?” He sighed. “Either way, I'm not doing anything without Ninelle's agreement, for I feel like that'd be wrong.” He added, not caring if that would make him sound more like a 'boy-toy' or whatever. “I'm not sure if I should trust your relationship advise as the best for us, but... I do believe it would be a better option than your previous suggestions?” He stated, a bit unsure.

“Ah, so child support is the same after all. Miss Aqua had me believe it had a different meaning in these realms.” He nodded, then turning to Aqua. He was a tad upset at her for getting them all on the wrong page. “It was you who brought up the need for children and child support. Personally, I do not wish for a child with her, yet I do so believe it would only be fair for you to grant her a child after bringing it up.” He stated. “I believe there are some mages in the Ethereal Luminary that can rather easily make that possible between the two of you. It was one of the topics that, just like miss Qzioah did, gets wrongfully associated with the Ethereal.”

Alas, his gloves did not make him feel what Ninelle was doing. Instead, he was a bit confused. “They do not do so?” He was already planning how to proceed finding the Ethereal and figuring out how to keep in contact or bring alone Ninelle for the next century or two. He assumed she'd easily live that long as well, being part Fae as well, after all. “That is a shame.” He'd add, realising they might think differently about such things.

Seeing Ninelle suddenly snap her wand was confusing. “So stress makes you wish to break your property?” He asked, a bit surprised by that. It also might be the first time he sounded genuinely interested in something not leading to the Ethereal.

He nodded when Ninelle mentioned not rushing things. “Rushing things can only lead to bad results and false conclusions.” He added, as that much was just basic science.

However, that's when he spotted HER. As well as what she was holding. Immediately, upon noticing Koralia, he froze up. Of all his trauma's as a slave, she was triggering the strongest and worst of them all. After a moment of being a statue, he started to move. Or rather, to tremble. Ninelle would feel like she was experience a minor earthquake, as he couldn't keep himself still. He'd bring his hand closer to his chest, then used his free hand to cover Ninelle. She could see they were both trembling like crazy as he started to slowly walk backwards.

Keeping his eyes on Koralia at all time, he was backing off gradually, clearly trying to get away from the summoning class altogether. Without speaking a word and with his legs barely wanting to move, shaking as he went. Seeing the blood of what was most clearly a humanoid drip down her chin. Seeing her holding a limb like it was just an afternoon snack... It was trigger the most brutal and gruesome sights he'd seen during his entire time as a slave. The [Beast] masters feasting on the freshest, liveliest 'meat' around as he was forced to watch them and wonder if he'd be next. It forced his mind into [retreat] mode, though even in that utter panic, he did his best to bring along Ninelle in his slow and steady retreat. Not daring to break eye contact with Koralia even once, worried that one of his limbs or Ninelle might be next in the food chain.


"Aqua it is then." She said simply, giving a courteous headnod.
She then looked at the other weird or fascinating people in the vicinity; she will have much to learn.
"You, witch." Astra said with no ill intent, walking closer to the teacher. "I would appreciate a map of the world if you have it." She said, deciding to give no other explanation.

Reactions: Elvario Elvario Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol

Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Maxxob Maxxob
Character Sheet
Abomination, Fae, Construct, Isekai'd

Glaring and moving her eyes to look to Aqua when she suggested about a child with Deli, she huffed and looked back and forth between them.
"I'm not asking for a child, why do you keep saying about child support!? It sounds like you're all the ones with the questionable intentions filling your heads rather than me, maybe you should check yourself before you judge people for what you believe they think they want because of racial stereotypes. Come on, are you still living in the stone ages or what?" she asked openly, feeling quite a bit annoyed by such points as she looked to the little fairy who had broke their wand. Raising an eyebrow, the succubus thought that the little one must've had quite some internal problems related to their relationship especially when she stated that they weren't looking to rush into anything. She tutted quietly and spoke softly to herself.

"Ah, simply two shy individuals who don't understand love... even though anyone could tell that's at least what one of you is feeling. Something tells me that relationship is gonna fall dead on its face with no progress if someone doesn't know what they're doing. You end up keep claiming that you're 'unsure' or 'taking it slow' and you eventually lose the chance. That's how it always goes, love isn't gonna automatically form between you for you but that's up to you" Qzioah shrugged, mainly speaking to Ninelle. On Deliverence's point of rushing things, she spoke again.

"Isn't trying to summon something you don't have all said facts about, rushing something? You didn't know where I came from, or what danger I possessed. Do you have any clue what danger the Ethereal possesses, or if they want you summoning them? I'm pretty sure anyone being yanked out of home and family for good just because you want it would be very, very angry so I'm surprised that Mr. Super Serious and Prepared didn't consider that. At least be respectful and... I dunno, give them a message or a call first so you don't get evaporated by whatever powerful being didn't ask for you to intrude upon their lives. Rushing into a life-or-death situation feels much worse than hand-holding too early... oh, but I guess you two already do that on the regular, don't you~? You're already a step there~!" Qzioah asked and pointed out, plus the two clearly had known eachother for a while and at least one of them was feeling feels for the other so it seemed a lot less like 'rushing'.

Hearing and tihnking about Deli saying on how it would be a little up to Ninelle to give her opinion, she supposed that trying to get the fairy's positive opinion on her would be necessary.
"Hm, what would it take for you to trust me?" Qzioah spoke softly in curiosity, lightly tapping her lips.
"Oh, I can show you my transformation, here, let me try do it... " she said as she concentrated for a moment to use her [Transformation (F)].

Assuming that it would successfully occur and she would shift appearance, Qzioah's appearance would change from that of a vibrant purple and alluringly dressed visage to that of a modest and more innocent-looking maid of a draconic visage. Where an hourglass-bodied temptress had once stood, soon enough replaced a wider and more cutesie-faced beastkin which albeit had some similar features yet in different appearance and shape, namely having varied horns and tail between both forms.
"Ah, I'm sure this would be to your ideal standard of not trying to be so tempting. I'd guess something like this would make you and others more confident into trusting me, and look more like a personal assistant... " she spoke softly, looking herself over to Ninelle.
"What do you think, assuming you can gleam something from this?" 'Qzioah' asked, looking to the small fairy.

Soon enough, she would notice Deli having some sort of odd panic attack, glancing to Ninelle wondering if they had seen him do something of the sort before and if it was normal. Despite the fact that it'd probably seem forced and unnatural for her to care and that they'd presume she was just pretending, having someone integral to her arrival have some sort of panic-enduced heart attack or something terrible so quickly would not be good.

"Is he okay? Does this usually happen?... " she asked as she watched him, trying to trace his eyes and following his gaze to where he could see Koralia. Was it some sort of fear of aquatic life, sharks? Big, scary beast? Hm, maybe it was the blood and gore. Humans were queasy and set off by that kind of thing at times... for someone summoning the unknown, shouldn't he be prepared for something like this?
"Maybe we should move him somewhere else if one of the other summons is setting him off while trying to calm him down. Somewhere out of eyeline... I don't know how capable you'd be able to make him move when you're... you know," she said, gesturing a small size with both hands to Ninelle's given height.

"Here, okay, just get in Deli-boy's face and speak to him calmly, get him to focus on you and remember that you're here for him. I'll help you try to move him somewhere else where he doesn't have to look at... whatever it is exactly that's setting him off. It'd probably hold or get his attention more for you to look like you rather than one of your transformations" 'Qzioah' spoke in suggestion, weirdly acting like she was caring differently and actually showing concern as she tried to give suggestion to Ninelle on a way to help. If the fae agreed, she'd go to try and gently grab onto Deli to try and start lightly pulling him away elsewhere just to be out of line of sight of the big shark-lady.

1. Transformation (F) (Draconic)
2. If Ninelle allowed it, to help the fairy move Deli away to help him calm down
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario Garbage. Garbage. Develius Develius

Little by little, the confusion created from the summoning of her in an odd place started to subside in Koralia’s mind. Even more, as her focus was solely on the gnoll woman right in front of her. The memory of the Fair was still pretty vivid inside the shark’s mind, considering it was one of the few times which she took to ‘relax’ and enjoy a less violent outlet for her boredom. The master of meats, the baroness and the spunky little, at least sometimes, lizard came to mind. And, on top of those new acquaintances, there was Mad Maw that, whilst their meeting was more brief than she had hope, the eccentric magician had been quite direct.

Hearing about the gnoll explain about what was happening, that Koralia had been ‘summoned’, there was a bit of a confusion still present in her face. The mercenary was no mage, and had little knowledge of the arcane arts, but she accepted the explanation that Mad Maw gave her, relaxing even further.

The shark leaned over, ever so slightly, towards her summoner, flashing her a bloodied grin and narrowing her eyes slightly. “So, ya tried to summon a snack only to become a ‘snack’ yerself? Been thinkin’ on that ridin’ offer I made ya?” The timbre of Koralia’s voice was deep, accompanied by her own raw and unapologetic usual self. And Mad Maw’s blushing just added to it, tugging at a different part of her predatory nature.

Her attention, however, shifted as she heard a stuttering. Snapping her head towards the source, she began looking towards a creature she had never seen before: small and covered in feathers. It looked like a chicken, but she was sure it wasn’t one. Or was it? Taking a bite of it would be the only way to truly know. “Sorry, lil’ guy, I’m the one who does da eatin’.” Koralia said, a rumbling laughter leaving her throat, as her gaze slowly slid back towards the gnoll, her tongue trailing her own lips to lick the blood which was splattered on them.

Trying to take a step forward, her muzzle hit some sort of barrier, flattening against it slightly. The boop would make her eyebrows furrow, that was if she had them, a hint of annoyance crossing her features. “The fuck?” She muttered, stepping back and bringing her serrated Zweihänder forward, poking whatever that was with its tip, noticing its hardy consistency. “Hmmm…” The mercenary would grumble, before bringing the severed arm to her mouth once more, taking a considerable bite out of it, crunching even bone with each munch.

While she enjoyed another bite of her snack, her attention would drift towards the source of something that was used on her, azure eyes zeroing in Anna, the grip on her sword tightening for a few moments, until she noticed that nothing amiss had happened to her. “No food? But I’ve food right here!” Koralia told her professor, still munching on the meat, moving the arm around and making some droplets of blood splutter around. Swallowing hard, it came the question about who petted her. That list had a single person in it. “Heh, was a human, back in Ryke. Baroness Caelia and, gotta admit, she knows how to handle a polearm.” The shark warrior said, not even crossing her mind why this stranger would know about it.

And, seeing her gaze towards the severed arm, followed by the suggestion to fry it, the mercenary almost looked offended. “Fry it? That would ruin the flavor of it. Pffft, non-beasts…” Koralia shook her head, not understanding why so many would not eat meat in the ‘proper’ manner: raw and unadulterated. “Thanks for the welcome, I’ll try my best to not eat anyone.” She nodded, with a rather friendly smirk plastered on her face, enjoying her new-found freedom to saunter over to Mad Maw, licking her bloodied lips clean again.

As she stood right before the gnoll, towering her, she could feel a burning gaze towards her, which didn’t come from Mad Maw herself. Her nostrils opened and closed a few times, as if she was getting some sort of scent. Her head would slowly turn towards the blond-haired man, staring towards him, just as he was staring towards her. “He reeks of fear.” Her bestial nature knew, her predatory nature knew. The display in front of her tugged again and again in her mind, as she enjoyed that sight: the look of terror, true and real.

However, despite enjoying every bit of the sight, which played so much onto her animalistic instincts, her attention would go back to the magician gnoll. “Guess I can be quite the sight.” Smirking, the shark would lean towards Mad Maw, gazing directly into her eyes. “Ya’ve been in my mind too.” Her tone dropped, quite a bit, barely above a whisper. “Wearin’ nothin’, but a smile.” She winked, straightening her back. “What have ya been doin’ since the Fair?”
Xue (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 4/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 2/4
D: 0/1
E: In Use
Regen: 0/6
Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy
Although she knew many fae enjoyed their transformations, it was not every day one was willing to showcase their shapeshifting secrets first-hand. As such, watching Qzioah work her magic was quite fascinating, with Ninelle's gaze turning quite studious as she analysed the magical sequence and the flow of mana. Her gaze lingered thoughtfully on the most similar features to her original form, namely the facial structure, horns and tail, but before she could tentatively [Appraise] to see if she could gleam anything extra before commenting, her entire world suddenly shook.

Instinctively, the tiny fairy wrapped herself tighter around Deliverance's pinky as the earthquakes began, a large shadow suddenly also blanketing her into darkness. Bewilderment was one thing, but for the fae, concern quickly overshadowed anything else. Peeking her head out through the gaps, she looked up, noting his frozen expression and quickly trailing his line of sight towards the bloody shark freshly summoned contemplatively.

Ninelle had never seen Deliverance like this. Ever. Not when the earth suddenly tore beneath him and he fell into a gaping icy chasm without wings, nor when they were abruptly assailed by glowing turrets in a silent, pitch-black cavern. Not once had he lost his cool. And that thought was incredibly scary. Her mind stilled in shock, and yet her body moved instinctively, barely registering most of Qzioah's initial words.

Fiercely, without thinking, she roughly bit down on her own arm, drawing blood as she tried to bring forth [Fairy Tears D] as fast as she could muster them from the pain. Barely discernible by the human eye, she coalesced her glowing tears into a shimmering orb and sent them to his core, trying to use their healing qualities to hurriedly soothe any growing mental anguish or despair.

But she did not stop there. Although she cherished and was grateful for the little protective cage he had made for her, the little fairy resolved herself, wiggling through the gap between his stiff fingers and hovering before him, using [Flutterby F] to draw his attention. Her hand remained on her wailing ire bracer, about to cast something more, but Qzioah's words rung true. He did seem happier when she was in her natural form. Whipping her head back briefly to appreciate and address the demon's suggestions, she mused for the briefest of moments before nodding in acquiescence.

Could she trust that Qzioah would not harm or cast a spell on Deliverance in the meanwhile? No. But her current concern for her beloved far outweighed such fears. If she seduced him in the meanwhile, then so be it. At least he would be safe.

"{Through woven bark, a floral haze blossoms.}" The Sylvan chant flowed off her tongue with familiarity, abruptly using [Floral Divide E] to erect a thick wall wound by vibrant vines and bark just a few feet in front of the trio. The winding vines suddenly also blossomed after reaching full height, hopefully drawing Deliverance's attention back to the present with an array of colourful flowers and leaves, their scents delicate as they swayed in the wind. Still, as much as she tried to control it this time, she could not separate her entwined magic, with patches of shimmering metallic flowers and vines dotting the divider.

Slightly breathless from the sudden outlet of mana, she turned back to Deliverance without pause, moving to rest a careful hand on his cheek. "It's fine. Everything will be fine." She stated softly, her voice and eyes gentle yet firm, leaving no room for doubt. "Nothing can hurt you whilst I am here."

  • Fairy Tears D
    • Healing F (D -> See Limiters), Magic D, Magic Range F, Energized D, Focus D
    • Cry magic-infused tears to heal a target within 30ft (4 uses, 3 targets per rp).
      • The tears of a fairy have long been fabled to have strange and magical properties. Though this boon was only realized in Ninelle after her resurrection.
  • Flutterby F
    • Flight F, Energized F
    • Dance and weave through the air, using aerial techniques to aid her in avoiding or minimizing injury.
  • Floral Divide E
    • Nature/Metal Affinity F, Magic E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Spell Duration F, Energized E, Focus E
    • Craft a tightly wound wall of thick vines and bark, adorned with various flowers and leaves decoratively. Subconsciously, random patches of the wall and flora are made of varying metals. (up to 15ft area, 30ft away, 1 hour)

Aqua let out a terrified squeak as Deli seemed pretty adamant on shoving the succubus onto her, or rather, he looks like he's looking for a way to distance himself from the succubus. It wasn't long before the said succubus berated him again, something about how he treats love or some sort. Aqua didn't want to get involved in what looks like a love-triangle collapsing marriage scenario so she used the opportunity sneak away from the conversation, again.

Finding her way back to Phoebe. She was shocked to learn that Phoebe was switched placed by her own summon. Now that she thought about it, Phoebe did acts weird after the ritual. Rushing to send the summon back while calling her creepy. As Phoebe's disciple #1 she should be able to differentiate the real one with the fake one, but she didn't. Or maybe her indecisiveness held her back from thinking more about her suspicion? One thing for sure though, she's a failure as a disciple.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't know that was an impostor." Aqua said to Phoebe ashamedly.

Mad Maw
Koralia's voice brought everything around Mad Maw to a standstill; a depth to her baritone that crackled up her spine. Anna gave a clear for Koralia and she approached the gnoll. Mad Maw felt a wave of nervousness, where did that come from? She hadn't felt like this, but it didn't feel off either. Regula was almost the door to the sudden friends she had made in Ryke (Including her, though she may not know that yet). Gunhilde the wizened sage, Aiden the jolly honey salesman, and Koralia: A warrior sculpted from sharky marble. Her words sending her mind in a dizzy, but she couldn't freeze! She had been the one to summon her here afterall, if there was initiative to be taken...

Koralia's flirtatious beginning to the conversation already putting Mad Maw in a proverbial headlock, she refuted the point with a nervous giggle. She still couldn't believe the selachimorphan goddess had actually appeared. It was hard to imagine she had enough power to make her wishes manifest, surely this was another doppleganger?

Logic combating madness as Anna would have immediately caught onto that, and sent her back.

"Ride..u-uh...d-eal. Yeah, of course! I'm a certified wheelman as it were!~ I'll uh...drive you crazy?" She managed to squeak out the flirts back, but practically flubbed the delivery as her hands fidgeted against her coat buttons. Koralia was dominant and seemed to understand exaxtly what she wanted, such confidence was attractive and the gnoll couldn't help but gravitate toward such animalistic charisma.

The mention of the baroness only increased her curiosity; Had Regula known their paths would cross? It was utter madness to think so, but there was more than a little part of her that believed it. Mad Maw followed her wandering gaze toward the couple with the succubus; the mention of fear made it clear that it seemed the man was quite spooked. Was child support that terrifying? She'd have to keep that in mind. Mad Maw trembling a smile as she agreed on her physique, nodding eagerly as she took a tentative step forward. Their height difference forcing her to look up, beaming with both a blush and teeth.

"Really? I...I mean of course you have!~ Im a debutante of awkward charisma~" Mad Maw said, giggling as she found it fun to flirt, especially with someone who seemed so experience in handling it, though the mention of her wearing only a smile caused her mind to draw a blank. She just asks how she has been after causally inviting her to such fiery affairs? She nearly slumped into a puddle, bouncing on her heels with jittery energy. "Oh Oh! I've met so many fun people on the road, who would've thought people could get so passionated about stand up?? I found Aslan and came across this summoning class! It's been so fun and the scared guy has a fairy he's dating and it's really cute and-" The subject of dating causing her heart to skip a beat. Her words coming out like a sputtering hose.

"Well they got me thinking about you...and that may be...why you're here. Would you like...to uh...go...on a date? I'd make it a fun adventure..."


- Uncover and learn the secrets of the "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]".
- Summon something from the Compendium.
- Potentially learn a new bard spell or two.
  • "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]": Illustrations of mythical reptiles and enchanted burrows animate before one's eyes, moving within the borders of the pages as if alive. Why this book could be used to summon such creatures from legend if one dreamed hard enough and was willing to pay a small price!
  • Dreamshade Elixir E (x1) - The delicate shiny vial filled with a swirling, luminescent liquid that seemed to dance with its own inner light. This was no ordinary potion; it was [Dreamshade Elixir], a rare and potent substance rumored to grant visions of otherworldly clarity, but at a steep price to the unwary.

| Elvario Elvario (Professor Anna) |@Maxxob (Koralia) | Garbage. Garbage. (Mad Maw) |

"EEP!" Desmond curled back as the massive shark woman asserted her dominance over the situation. Though shortly after he'd find his nose twitching profusely at the stench of her breath, or at the very least what she imagined it to be. He mumbled, "Sharky's breath smells of feesh..." With the two enraptured beastfolk now in the midst of what could only be described as a flirtacious mating ritual, Desmond now found himself unwillingly as the unfortunate third-wheel of this whole endeavor. It didn't help that Mad Maw - his new best friend - was completely enraptured with her, even ignoring his question!

Desmond felt confused, if not a bit jealous and sad.

Thankfully, the temporary downer wouldn't last terribly long, as Anna would finally give the Compendium back and approved it for usage. "Yippe! Yippe!" Desmond barked ecstatically, "Desmond will finally summon something after all!" While the professor lamented over the lack of food variety present within its pages, she suggested summoning one of their eggs to make an omelette. Though the eggs which Desmond initially thought of were not quite what she might've been thinking, as his eyes widened almost offensively at her suggestion. Saurians of the Meslandica continent back in the Fantozoica do lay eggs and are treated carefully in the incubation phase.

However, eggs of the culinary kind were based off fauna and monsters found in the wild; something which Desmond realized and laughed off the confusion. "Ahahaha... Eggz!" Desmond chuckled bashfully, "Right! Eaty eggs not... 'baby' eggs. Desmond shall summon eggiez for splendid omelette, yez!"

And so, after being handed the appropriate runes and Anna drawing out the summoning lines in the sand, Desmond would proceed to set up the ritual. He was somewhat nervous, given this was his first time, but he was more so excited for the possibilities that might birth from both the pages of his compendium and the depths of his chaotic yet colorful mind. Brushing through the pages, he came across a random image of a selection of various eggs and planted the open book in the center of the summoning circle. Then, picking up the summoning wand with his mouth, he took a moment to think what exactly he wanted to summon. While eggs had been on the forefront of his mind thinking up of all the prepared ways of eating them, as instructed by Professor Anna, now his mind drifted towards more... loftier ideas.

The thought of eating a "dragoon steak" had him salivating immensely; tasting the tender red medium-rare meat of what were essentially saurian drakes. A rare yet prized meal for all who happened to slay them. He imagined great saurian warriors riding into battle with their "Megalozaur" mounts - being essentially large mounts of reptilian and canine-esque origins. They were loyal companions, which were excellent hunters and guard creatures for any lucky owner to have. They were relatively common in his world, but he never had a chance to own one himself. After all, smart as they were, they could get deceptively large - about 6 feet high at the shoulder for the largest specimens. He nearly found himself entranced with tall the possibilities from his world and culture, his eyes of ambition being far larger than what his stomach could truly handle.

After all, he wouldn't be able to summon any of these cool ideas on his first go, right? Desmond may be foolish, but he wasn't totally naive.

Quickly shaking off his gaze, the raptor would pick up his guitar and proceed to whip about a short song; dancing around the ritual circle with leaps and bounces in his step.

"Worlds Away! Worlds Apart!
We summon thee to thy crossway!
Desmond is hungry! Desmond is famished!
So part us something to cure us ravished!
Fetch thee an egg or a steak medium-rare!
While we pray and prepare cookware for your fare!"

  • Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]: Illustrations of mythical reptiles and enchanted burrows animate before one's eyes, moving within the borders of the pages as if alive. Why this book could be used to summon such creatures from legend if one dreamed hard enough and was willing to pay a small price!

Skills Utilized:
  • Magic E
  • Summon Creature F
  • Educated [Path of the Bard] F
    • Focus F
    • Performance [Music] F
    • Visual Arts E
  • Acrobatics F
  • Jumping F
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Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Languages: Common | [Terran]

Phoebe cleared her throat and did a little voice exercise as her ability to speak was restored to her, as if to test if it actually worked before exhaling a sigh of relief. “Thanks, Professor. That, uh… thing wasn’t the only one that thought this entire thing was freaky." Of course it was probably just saying that for the sake of banishing her to whatever plane it came from, but its words nonetheless did reflect Phoebe's actual feelings about the situation, if only in part. "A demon though... hmm... Desmond did say that my other self did smell like charcoal..." She looked back at the runes she drew in her magic circle. "Did I open a portal to hell itself instead of a celestial plane...?"

It was only then when Phoebe noticed Koralia. "GAH- shit!" She instinctively cursed and recoiled at the sight of the severed human arm and all the blood. The last time she saw a severed body part was back in that godforsaken cave of goblins, and that was not a fun time.After a moment to collect herself, deep breaths and all, after the sharkoid eating severed arm jumpscare. "Well, at least they seem friendly enough... uhhh..." She mumbled to herself.

Drawing her attention away from the shark and her bloody snack, Phoebe turned to Aqua as she apologized for the doppelganger incident. "Oh, don't apologize, Aqua! None of it was your fault to begin with. I'm alright now, so it's everything is fine now! Besides, it must have been pretty powerful for it to do all that in a split second, it's only natural that it would be hard to discern it from whoever it's posing as without really good magic knowledge. Oh! And speaking of, did you have anything specific in mind of what you want to learn first? Like general magic control, elemental control, stuff like that. Like I said before, I may not be a master, but what I do know I'd be happy to teach you while we have our hands free during the others' summons!"
Mentions & Goals:
Δstra 01 Kikimura KikimuraWait until she's summoned.
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol Femboy FemboyWait until she's summoned.
Phoebe Penrose Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic – Teach Aqua some magic and learn some new things herself as well. | Play the part of Student-Assistant? | Passed summoning class.
Aqua Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread – Become a real Aqua water mage. | Passed summoning class.
Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. - Make some contacts and try to figure out her powers. | Passed summoning class.
Desmond Develius Develius – Figure out his [Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams] summoning book.
Ninelle Lifeblossom SilverFeathers SilverFeathers – Help out Deliverance.
Deliverance Elvario Elvario – Improve his [Ethereal Luminary Student] grade by passing the Summoning Class. | Passed summoning class.
Koralia Ironjaw Maxxob Maxxob – Enjoy her sudden summoning. | Give the gnoll a bone.

Seaside Tower
The Grand Duchy of Roran, Capital City [Aslan], Outskirts near the Continental Lake, Ethereal Luminary Dependency Building, Seaside Tower
From: Lornn (Midjourney): https://lornn.itch.io/backgrounds-magic-school

Professor Anna

“Me, I'm a witch, yes. Though Anna works too. Or perhaps Professor. Oh, Professor Anna might be neat.” She replied to being called out by Astra. She was confused by the sudden request. A map of the world? “I don't think I do, but it looks something like this.” She drew some quick shapes in the sand.


“There's the first continent, which I forgot what it looked like. Then there's the Kingdom, West Empire, Grand Duchy, where we're at right now, The See, Continental Lake, Republic, Ryke, East Empire and Widersia and then some Sky Kingdom island things floating above it all.” She explained. “If you want more, you should go find something like a geography or diplomacy teacher or something... oh, right, the black bit at the top right are the Paizu Mountains. Those are fairly well known.”

Upon getting her answer after some of the previous comments she'd heard the shark made, the teacher could only wonder. “Are you talking about a polearm or a 'polearm'?” She asked. “Actually, wait, no, this is a lesson. Don't answer that and keep it down and all.” She realised she was supposed to be professional here.

“Nhegh, fine. Keep it to yourself and all. So long as you don't eat anyone I'll look for lunch elsewhere.” She grumbled. Her summoning classes were both going amazing and horrible at once. “Oh, right, gnoll. You passed and all that.” She was still annoyed she wasn't granted the lunch she desired, but alas, such was life. “Seriously though, you two, this is a class and all.” She stated, kind-off wanting to at least try to be teacher-like, but failing. Since her supervisor was gone, she'd turn to her Student Assistant (Phoebe). “You tell them as well to tone it down.”

Deciding to play up her role as a teacher, she turned to Phoebe. “Demonic and celestial dimensions are more similar than most think. Not only can your runes activate an opening for both, the time, place and force of it all play their own parts as well. The most troublesome bit is that demonic beings are often capable of picking up on summoning attempts and interfering with them on their end. The slightest mistake can make them break into your attempt and force themselves to be summoned instead. That's one big reason why we've got barriers and all. With how well-prepared the one you summoned was, it'd probably been waiting to tap into a summoning for a rather long while, so it'd have happened to the best of us.”

She'd nod at Phoebe offering to teach Aqua more. “Good, good. If you need help, let me know... wait, ehh...” She was a teacher so she should offer to help out. Yet that would mean extra work, wouldn't it? She was only here for the summoning class, so why should she do extra work? Hmmm. “Ask the Elf once he calmed down. He probably knows a lot as well. I've ehh... got to stimulate inter-student cooperation.” What a flawless excuse.

That brought the scene to Desmond. “Yes, yes. Eaty Eggs!” She had no clue what he meant, but so long as he seemed on board for summoning lunch, that was where it was at. “Good, good!” Finally a student that understood what summoning was really for. No more intergalactic constructs, succubi, doppelgängers or lusty sharkwomen. Just a simple lunch.

However, simple was everything but what Desmond was making it. With his thoughts distracted and with him using more skills than anyone before him, the magic ended up weaving together in a most complex ritual. The book, the summoning circle and his innate [Summon Creature] started to interfere with one another, blending together into a powerful force that was sent into the multiverse...


And all of a sudden, it stood there. A vibrant food stand with an even more vibrant chef. “Hello, hello~ Thank you for summoning the interdimensional Saurian Chef. A rice-bowl with fried eggs and a medium rare stake coming right up! That'll be two mana stones, or do you want anything else as well? The dino-burgers with eggs and cheese are our speciality! Can I get anyone else something as well?” The creature spoke from within the barrier, as if it was the most normal business ever.

“Yes, I'll have an extra large dinoburger and ehh...” She looked at the menu. Yes. There was a menu. Although it seemed to be in a language that nobody was able to read, as Anna was using magic on it to decipherer it. “Sweet potato fries!” She ended up ordering.

“Coming right up! What about you, pink miss, blue miss, shark miss, hyena miss, fairy miss, green miss, miss-looking-boy and construct miss?” He asked the others if they'd want to order.


He missed most of Qzioah's words thanks to his panic attack upon seeing the shark. By the time he snapped back to it, he'd been moved away a bit from the summoning area by Qzioah, staring at a wall of vines and bark. Blinking a few times, he tried to recall what'd just occurred. He couldn't. That wasn't great. Clearly he did something wrong or something, right? “My apologies, I'm not sure what just...”

He noticed Ninelle, very close to his face, with a hand on his cheek. It was oddly comforting, yet he was quick to notice it. She seemed hurt. “Wait, you are injured. What happened?” He asked, somewhat concerned. What in the world had he done to cause that? Or was that not him? Why did he not recall what he'd done or seen for the past few minutes? Why was his mind a total and utter blank?

He'd notice the odd green woman short after. “Who... who are you?” His confusion grew even more. “My most humble apologies, it seems something went wrong. Perhaps an after-effect of the summoning... right, I was summoning.” He recalled that much. “Did miss Qzioah leave?” He recalled summoning her as well, but after that, things were getting hazy.
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"S-sorry... I-I mean, thank you for thinking that way." Aqua felts a some relieve from Phoebe's words and tried to smile. She knew that her first instinct at most problem was to blame herself, and she's aware that she must stop doing that. It's just the habit was really hard for her to remove so any reassurance would help, probably, but she also feel if she got too many positive words she would get carried away, probably. The professor also testified that the demon that Phoebe summoned was indeed strong. Though when the professor mentioned that the blonde male from before might also be able to teach her some magic she just quickly recoiled at the thought of it. Nope, she would just stick with Phoebe, he would probably just try to give her the succubus again.

"For the magic I want to learn... E-erm..." Aqua pondered about Phoebe's offer. They did have some time now so she could learn some magic.

"I-If possible. I want to learn w-water magic..." A slight blush appeared on her face as she's thinking about it, as if she was getting embarrassed about it. She immediately follow it up with some info dump to cover her embarrassment.

"Y-you know my name made people think I can conjure and c-control water. But, but, I can't. I-I can't swim. I-I-I-I can't even..." For a brief moment Aqua's eyes glanced at the Continental Lake far in the distance, if she focus on it she could feel the uncomfortable feeling stirring inside her stomach. "I don't think I can even touch the sea."

"T-The truth was some water elementals accompanied my m-mother during her pregnancy. So s-she named me Aqua to memorize them, but I never saw them, those elementals... Sorry, that was irrelevant. I mean, i dont want to betray people's expectation. I want to be able to extinguish fire and provide clean water when people expect me to..."
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol

Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Character Sheet
Abomination, Fae, Construct, Isekai'd

A bit distracted by other matters to pay attention to the other things that were going on amidst the summonings of others, 'Qzioah' helped with moving and making Deliverence more comfortable by letting him be reminded he was safe with the presence of his little fairy friend Ninelle. Though soon enough, it would appear as if Deli had recovered from whatever it was he had briefly experienced with his little panic attack of some sort.

"Whew, at least that seems all over. You should probably get that sorted out, you'll never know when that'll happen again" 'Qzioah' murmured softly over it all, hearing Deli ask about who she was. Realising that she had transformed and he didn't notice nor recognise her afterwards, she simply smiled and made a little heart with her index fingers and thumbs. She might as well toy with a free opportunity.

"Why, I'm your conscious, silly~! I'm the hard-working little maid in your head keeping all your thoughts and thinking space clean and tidy so you can fill it up with bright information~! But I must say, that last little trifle messed it all up quite a little that I'd have to tidy it up again... sigh, my work is never done. Anyway, just kidding, it's me. Your little butterfly asked for a moment to see my transformation magic, though I'd assume someone with your dark and gothic tastes in clothing, you most likely find the real Qzioah a lot more attractive since you both share a colour thematic in dresses~. It's okay, I can change back whenever I please, feels like you should be a lot more concerned with whatever just happened to you" 'Qzioah' mentioned, pointing out his reaction as it appeared as if the boy didn't much remember.

1. Transformation (F) (Draconic)
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario Garbage. Garbage. Develius Develius

Koralia attention shifted to Anna, giving her a knowing smirk. While the shark warrior would not answer the first question about what ‘polearm’ she was talking about, she would let out a comment. “Ehhh… guess things are gettin’ a bit more heated than ya expected, huh?” She teased, before her azure eyes would focus on Mad Maw once more.

“Drive me crazy, heh? I hold ya to that promise. But a wheelman wasn’t exactly it… more like one of those ‘tinman’ on top of horses.” The shark said the very last word with a strong intonation, watching the gnoll fiddling with her clothing. After the distance between them were closed, Koralia’s thick shark tail would slither, almost like a snake, from her right side, towards the gnoll. It would then make its way around Mad Maw’s back, pulling her towards the shark, making their bodies press against each other.

“Uhum, I can tell ya later exactly what happens afterward, Maddy, or…” She would lean over towards the gnoll, bringing her shark maw close to the gnoll’s ear. “... I can show ya instead.” Her rumbling tone dropped to a whisper, warm breath tickling against Mad Maw’s skin and fur. And, with a wide-grin present on her lips, she would pull back. Her eyes drifting towards the ‘scared guy’, but couldn’t readily find him. “Mmmm… bet dis fairy must be the one who ‘dominates’ between them.” The mercenary commented, thinking it was the most logical which their relationship would work.

And, as the gnoll continued, her voice getting lower and lower, the aquatic beastkin could still hear what she said. Koralia tilted her head slightly, a bit surprised with being invited to a date. However, that only lasted for a brief moment, before her eyes narrowed a few pegs. “That sounds like fun. I accept the invitation.” Those words were accompanied by the shark’s tail fully wrapping around Mad Maw’s waist, giving her a firm squeeze, before letting it go and once more slithering back behind Koralia.

Hearing another scared voice, the shark would look for its source, noticing it came from the short, reptilian-chicken creature. A rumbling laughter would leave her throat once more, enjoying how the little guy was behaving. “Hehehe, flesh it is. Can I give ya a hand?” Koralia would offer Desmond what remained from the arm she had been eating, which was the hand, as she thought he could be curious to find out how it tasted like. It still dripped, every so slightly, with blood at the height of the wrist.

She would shake her head in negation, when some sort of cook was summoned from thin air. Koralia’s hunger had been satisfied at that moment… at least for food.
Astra nodded, thinking for a bit. She stared down at the drawing in the sand; her eyes flashing blue for a bit almost like a broken TV as the map was committed to memory.

"This will do. Thank you for the information, Professor. Hopefully we meet again someday."

Astra nods, walking outside and looking around, preparing to take flight as her engines started roaring into life.


Elvario Elvario (apologies, I'll do as many replies as I can but I'm mostly busy and stuff this week. Should free up Sunday)
Xue (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 4/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 2/4
D: 1/1
E: In Use
Regen: 1/6
Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

"The first thing you notice is that I'm bleeding? From this tiny wound?" Ninelle chuckled weakly both from amusement and surprise, letting out a soft sigh of relief soon after. Briefly glancing down at the bite wound on her arm, she carelessly wiped the thin trickle of blood that had trailed down without much thought. Given her size, it would be difficult for someone of human size to notice the leftover details at a glance. "Don't worry about it. Let's focus on you."

"You were under quite some stress. So much so that it seems your brain erased the memory..."
She mused for a moment, glad he was back, as much as his memory loss was concerning. Still, it was vaguely reassuring to know that his mind seemed to have preventative measures against such sudden and undue stress. "I advise you to stay here... unless you think you can face the sight. There was a shark woman summoned. Covered in blood and eating flesh." She warned tentatively, examining his expression cautiously with every word she spoke. If anything seemed too much, she would stop talking early.

"Would you like me to maybe ask her if she can clean up a little? Or, perhaps you'd just like to sit here for a bit? I could bring you food... or maybe just something to drink, from the saurian chef summoned over there." She pondered quickly and offered thoughtfully, cautiously sniffing the enticing aromas slowly spreading throughout the room, even as it combined with the feral smell of blood, though her mind was still somewhat racing.

Although Qzioah's little continued flirtations made her heart feel a little hollow as she replied to Deliverance's questions, Ninelle genuinely appreciated her light-hearted little jokes, feeling her own tension ease somewhat despite the circumstances. Though Deliverance had forgotten and Qzioah had no reason to be, Ninelle was still dwelling in the shock of discovering the depths of his trauma. She itched to know all the details and find out a way to help him deal with it, but at the same time, she didn't want to bring up back up terrible memories and cause him more pain.

Fidgeting in place a little, she remained by the elf's side, still carefully directing her mana to avoid any holes and such from appearing in her hurriedly put up wooden and floral divider.
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Languages: Common | [Terran]

Phoebe nodded along with the Professor's explanation on the matter about celestial planes and hell. "Hmm... I see... I still have a lot to learn about different dimensions and planes of existence. I'll be make sure to be more prepared next time."

"Oh, don't worry, it was an interesting story! Your heart is definitely in the right place, Aqua. What better way to study magic than to help people." Phoebe responded with a smile. "Well, it just so happens that a while back I did learn a thing or two about water magic when I was at the bottom of the Continental Lake." Phoebe held up her and conjured up a small sphere of water from her [Soothing Waters] spell to illustrate her point before dissipating it shortly after.

"Magic and casting spells is kind of an exercise of imagination as much as it is an exercise in controlling the mana in your body, since it’s ultimately up to you to will your mana into a specific form after you channel it for use in a spell. Let’s see… there’s only so much I could teach by just talking, so could you try to conjure a ball of water, just like I did, Aqua? Form an image of the shape you want your mana to form in your mind, and then gradually channel your mana to fit that shape, like pouring something into a mold. Take your time, there’s no rush. Close your eyes and chant if you need to, whatever helps you imagine water. It’s always a bit difficult the first few times learning a new spell or kind of magic, but once you get used to it you’ll be able to do it like it’s second nature."

Mad Maw
Mad Maw could hardly believe her luck. She had come to this place without any inclination of what she wanted to do, yet she had received a free lesson and summoned her muse. What she really hadn't expected was Koralia to be so...abrasive. A squeak spilling from her muzzle as Koralia's shark tail wrapped around snug. A clown horn heard with a squeeze; she couldn't help but sneak a small nuzzle against the warrior's chest. Her embarrassment slowly faded, replaced by excitement at the mention of the fair and her interesting relationship.

"They are the reason I had you on my mind! They are chaotic and fascinating, just like us" She said, flaring her fingers with a flourish, purplish magic following suite. "Then you better get ready for your socks to uh...explode! It's going to be a trip into a dangerous stretch of desert, I thought it'd be a good excuse for us to get to know eachother better? We could make it a lovey dovey adventure retreat and invite the other couple over there, though he doesn't seem to like you very much...I guess you did show up with an arm" She said, trailing off awkwardly, motioning toward one of the dino cooks and snagging a rice bowl as it was offered.

"I like the food other races create! Raw is fine, very carnal, but there is alot of good cooked meals. You wouldn't believe the ingredients you can put together! Try! Try! For me?" Mad Maw jumping up in front of Koralia, holding up the bowl to her sharky muzzle with every hop.


- Uncover and learn the secrets of the "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]".
- Summon something from the Compendium.
- Potentially learn a new bard spell or two.
  • "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]": Illustrations of mythical reptiles and enchanted burrows animate before one's eyes, moving within the borders of the pages as if alive. Why this book could be used to summon such creatures from legend if one dreamed hard enough and was willing to pay a small price!
  • Dreamshade Elixir E (x1) - The delicate shiny vial filled with a swirling, luminescent liquid that seemed to dance with its own inner light. This was no ordinary potion; it was [Dreamshade Elixir], a rare and potent substance rumored to grant visions of otherworldly clarity, but at a steep price to the unwary.

| Elvario Elvario (Professor Anna | Summoned) |@Maxxob (Koralia) | Garbage. Garbage. (Mad Maw) |

Desmond's head cocked back as Koralia presented him the severed hand of a poor unfortunate human. This shark was TRULY a man-eater! Sniffing the bloodied hand nervously, Desmond shook his head. "U-Um, No t-thanks. Desmond gooooood." the raptor replied shakily. Even as a fellow carnivore, he preferred his meat cooked as well as coming from reliable and nonsentient origins.

As the raptor danced around the ritual circle, he felt his magical aura begin to take form. Admittedly, the rhymes spitting from Desmond's big mouth weren't calculated or thought out as thematically coherent. His mind was plagued with a variety of different thoughts and ideas, of which he had no idea were all blending into the ritual. Frankly, he had no idea what he was about to summon, but by the gods was he giving it his all! The compendium shook and jostled in place, building up into something far more powerful than what Desmond could even imagine.

Then a flash bursted forth, forcing Desmond to cover his eyes temporarily as the light would fade. His jaw dropped. Desmond couldn't believe it. What he saw before him was a true manifestation of his chaotic thoughts... another Saurian! This one resembled a mix-match of various medium-large sized theropods - either a Carnosaurian or some Megaraptoran entity. A Saurian chef - from whatever an interdimensional realm is - that was cooking oh so delicious food! He could smell the many aromas filling his nostrils; herbs and spices, the cooking of meat, and the savory taste of smoke lapping at his tongue. "D... Dezmond did it..." he muttered in shock, looking too and fro to confirm his success. He nearly found himself being overwhelmed by all these stimulations, though his sheer excitement and joy powered through the jargon as he gave a mighty cheer fit for a tyrannosaurian.

"HURRAY!!!" Desmond cheered ecstatically, leaping into the air with his arms held high, "DESMOND DID IT! YIPEE! YIPEE!" He rushed towards the chef with eyes wide and his mouth salivating furiously. Upon hearing his order, he paid the two rune stones and got his meal. "T-THANKIE YOU, KINDLY CHEF! THATS SHALL BE ALLZ, YEZ!" He proceeded to devour the contents of the pour with haste, as he called for everyone else. "EVERYONEZ!" Desmond called out enthusiastically, feeling proud of what he conjured, "DESMOND SUMMONED FEAST TRUCK! GO EAT! GO EAT! GRAB SOMETHING TO EAT N' DRINK, YEZ!"

He then rushed back towards the chef and inspected him curiously. "M-Mister chef?" he asked with a curious look, "If you don't mind Desmond asking, where did youz come from? Did you come from Meslandica too, like Desmond? In Gea?" Desmond referred to the world in which the Fantozoica lain as Gea;, with Meslandica being one of the three major continents where Saurians, Pterosaurians, and Marine Reptilians primarily lived and originated from.
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Mentions & Goals:
Δstra 01 Kikimura KikimuraWait until she's summoned.
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol Femboy FemboyWait until she's summoned.
Phoebe Penrose Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_MagicTeach Aqua some magic and learn some new things herself as well. | Play the part of Student-Assistant? | Passed summoning class.
Aqua Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread – Become a real Aqua water mage. | Passed summoning class.
Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage. - Make some contacts and try to figure out her powers. | Passed summoning class with honours.
Desmond Develius Develius – Figure out his [Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams] summoning book. Passed summoning class.
Ninelle Lifeblossom SilverFeathers SilverFeathers – Help out Deliverance.
Deliverance Elvario Elvario – Improve his [Ethereal Luminary Student] grade by passing the Summoning Class. | Passed summoning class.
Koralia Ironjaw Maxxob MaxxobEnjoy her sudden summoning. | Give the gnoll a bone.

Seaside Tower
The Grand Duchy of Roran, Capital City [Aslan], Outskirts near the Continental Lake, Ethereal Luminary Dependency Building, Seaside Tower
From: Lornn (Midjourney): https://lornn.itch.io/backgrounds-magic-school

Professor Anna

Anna heard something potentially problematic coming from Aqua's mouth and was quick to cover for herself. “Swimming lessons are not included. If you drown I can't be held liable.” That should probably cover her, right? She thought that was how the law worked. Although, she did also hear another thing. “I can summon one, a water elemental, if that keeps you from drowning yourself.” She offered, figuring that might be even safer. Wasn't she the greatest teacher ever?

“Nyeh. For a classroom, most definitely.” She stated to the shark. She never even learned what pole-arm the shark had been talking about. Sadly, the shark only kept making things worse. “Seriously, won't somebody think of the children?” That's what you had to say in a scenario like this, right? She wasn't sure, but her supervisor left and her student assistant was ignoring her, so she was fresh out of options and ideas. Perhaps she should just use some [Wind] magic to blow them into the Continental Lake to cool off? She definitely debated it.

To make matters worse, the construct just flew off. “Ehm. Right. See ya!” She called out, sort-off wanting to have her stick around, but alas, she had no right or reason to. “Ah, but do let me know if you'd allow me to study you! We make lots of mecha's here and you seem like a treasure trove of information on how to make fancier ones!” She eventually added. That should boost her reputation as teacher for sure.

At the very least Phoebe seemed to be doing some good work at teaching. That saved her the hassle. Even though it was just one student and one type of magic unrelated to the current class, it still meant less work for her, so that was a net-win in the end.

Seeing Desmond celebrate whilst munching on her food, she confirmed it was the real deal. “Yep, yep. Desmond did it. You've passed summoning class, with honours. I score you 10/10 or A++ for your efforts.” She decided. Clearly he was the best student among all of them by far. “Food will be on me.” She stated as she handed over enough mana stones to cover for the whole class. They weren't exactly expensive here to begin with, so this was a bargain.


He looked at the gnoll taking a bowl of rice, then at the shark. “The miss is correct, I offer the finest interdimensional dining that you can find in this highway of multiverses. I can assure you, it would even satisfy the palate of the carnal dining. I'd highly recommend the 'rough and bloody' special.”

As for Desmond, he nodded. “Ah, yes, I do recall that realm as my place of origins. Although I have been in the interdimensional food business for so long that I must admit I've rather lost touch with with my home-planet. I was young enough when I left to not even recall if I was from Gea or elsewhere...” He admitted. “But I must say, the summoning this time felt oddly nostalgic. Might you perhaps have an artefact related to the home dimension?”


Upon being told to get something sorted, he just looked puzzled. Still trying to piece together what was going on. “I possess no such conscious.” He immediately stated when she told him she was his conscious. He knew at least that much had to be true.

He was a bit surprised by what she said next, then shook his head. “I must admit that purple reminds me the most of the Ethereal and that I prefer black colours for their simplicity, but you seem to insinuate some form of attraction that I do not possess.” He stated after evaluating what he felt about it. “Regardless, it seems you aided me, for which I thank you.”

He then turned to Ninelle. “The red is a stark contrast upon your fair skin.” He stated, offering a simple answer to how he spotted it. “Your close proximity also made it easier to see.”

When she told him he was under enough stress for his brain to erase the memory, he looked surprised. “How peculiar. I must've been confronted with an antithesis of the Ethereal.” That was his first guess. When she stated what was going on, he was more surprised. “Whilst I was reluctant to interact with Humans and Beasts at first, I've met plenty kind ones, so I am not sure how such a sight would affect me.” He tried his best to remember what might have done something, until suddenly something came to mind. “I do... think I recall one thing. I had a friend for a while, when I was still enslaved. He stole food for us, once, when we were nearly starved by the Human overseers. Then... I think they told us 'food for food' was the price to pay. I recall we were brought into the Beastmaster's dining room and... leaving alone.” His breath got a bit more shallow, as he seemed to be starting to recollect something, but he shook his head.

“My apologies, it would be rather unreasonable to let such memories affect me in this time and day. If it did, I should prioritise working on an appropriate counter spell.” He concluded, feeling somewhat embarrassed he'd have fallen for such a thing. “I believe miss professor told me I passed, so we could also just leave, per chance, unless you'd wish to remain behind.” He stated, although something did seem a bit curious. “A Saurian chef..?” He had never heard of it, although it didn't sound the most Ethereal.
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---------((Note for Elvario Elvario Astra was only revving her engines, not yet in flight. As such I will play this out as if she heard the teach while on the ground.))-----------

Astra's engines died down as she looked back at the teacher. Anna was beautiful, and most certainly unique. Astra hadn't had the privilege of probing a romance in her prior life, maybe now is an opportunity not to be afforded again.

"Sure, I'll let you probe me. But I do expect you to teach me more about that ... Magic of yours."

She said simply, offering a very slight and weighed down smile.

Apologies for the half assed msg, that's how it is when I'm not home behe


- Uncover and learn the secrets of the "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]".
- Summon something from the Compendium.
- Potentially learn a new bard spell or two.
  • "Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams [D]": Illustrations of mythical reptiles and enchanted burrows animate before one's eyes, moving within the borders of the pages as if alive. Why this book could be used to summon such creatures from legend if one dreamed hard enough and was willing to pay a small price!
  • Dreamshade Elixir E (x1) - The delicate shiny vial filled with a swirling, luminescent liquid that seemed to dance with its own inner light. This was no ordinary potion; it was [Dreamshade Elixir], a rare and potent substance rumored to grant visions of otherworldly clarity, but at a steep price to the unwary.

| Elvario Elvario (Professor Anna) | Summoned) |@Maxxob (Koralia) | Garbage. Garbage. (Mad Maw) |

With Professor Anna praising his efforts and feeling his contributions felt in summoning an entire luncheon, Desmond felt the proudest he had ever felt up to that time. He never suspected he'd get this far so quickly, but the constructs of life and magic have a tendency for enacting surprises once in awhile. Perhaps he was simply lucky... Or maybe he truly was gifted with dormant magics that simply needed to stretch their legs once to get going? And he didn't even need to take out and drink the Dreamshade Elixir hidden within his robe. Desmond beamed a radiant toothy smile, the biggest this clever boy had ever grinned, before cocking his head and emitting a series of triumphant calls.

Desmond got more than excited to hear he was not the only saurian out here. Never did he believe he'd see a fellow saurian in all of his time here, even if he was more removed from his homeworld than expected. When the chef asked to see the artifact which brought him here, Desmond's eyes immediately began searching for the Compendium. Given it was at the center of the summoning circle, the raptor feared initially that it was under the vendor. His anxiety flared, fearing the worst. Yet thankfully, it would turn out the force of the summoning blast has knocked the Compendium from the center and landed opposite of where Desmond stood. Relieved, Desmond picked up the book and presented it to the chef.

"Dis compendium iz from dis world, not from Gea," Desmond explained honestly as he pointed a claw to the pages, "But book contains certain stuff from homeworld! All Desmond did was dream up something in book and POOF! You popped outtie here."
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Elvario Elvario Garbage. Garbage. Develius Develius

Koralia let out a soft chuckle at Desmond's refusal of the bloodied hand, grinning. “Suit yerself! It ain’t easy to find an opportunity for human meat,” she said confidently, discarding the severed hand on the ground. Maybe the little guy would eventually discover the joys of raw, unadulterated flesh.

Her chuckle intensified at Anna’s reaction to the interaction between the mercenary and the magician gnoll. Still, it was her class, and Koralia kept a modicum of civility, even though her self-restraint was mediocre at best. She was, after all, deeply connected to her bestial side.

Looking down at Mad Maw, who nuzzled against her ample and firm bosom, a wide smile spread across Koralia's lips, revealing her razor-sharp teeth. “The desert, huh? Can’t say I’ve ever been there. But it seems good—plenty of privacy,” she mused, her gaze fixed on the beastkin. Abrasive as she was, she continued, “Ehhh… Can’t say I have a problem with them joinin’... uh?” Tilting her head slightly, she added, “Ya caught me when I was having a snack.” She shrugged, not quite seeing the issue with carrying around a bloodied, severed arm.

Her face twisted slightly as Maddy returned with a bowl of rice, eager for her to try it. “Uhhh… sure, some of the food non-beastkin make can be good… like that bee-boy’s honey.” Despite her suspicion, Koralia gave in to the gnoll’s excitement. “Fine… I’ll try it for you.” She scooped a fistful of rice with her gloved hand and brought it to her mouth.

As her tongue and teeth worked together, she tasted and chewed the food. What might have been a feast for someone with a normal palate, accustomed to seasoning and various ingredients, was a struggle for Koralia, who was used to raw and unseasoned meat. Her muzzle twitched, and her eyelids spasmed as she swallowed hard. “That was… okay,” she lied, clearly not wanting to repeat the experience anytime soon.

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