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Finished [Aslan City] I Summon Thee!

La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol

Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
Character Sheet
Abomination, Fae, Construct, Isekai'd

Qzioah would drop her spell soon enough, seeing that Ninelle didn't have much else to say about it and was likely too distracted with Deli's condition for the moment. Rolling her eyes, she responded to Deli's 'lack of attraction'.
"Pff, you and your ridiculous words. Any sort of like or appreciation is a kind of attraction. Just because you don't love someone doesn't mean you can't be attracted to them, even if it's not based on romance or such. You're doing attraction right now, who says things like 'fair skin' and isn't attracted in some type of way? You sir, apparently don't even understand yourself. I guess that's what happens when you do more outward discovery than self-discovery" she answered, sighing and shaking her head a little.

Though after hearing his story, he tapped her chin in thought.
"Huh, that explains a lot. But I guess that's just kind of the weird thing that happens somewhere in the world. I'm surprised that you're not more focused on trying to counteract that sort of thing with all this 'determination' I hear about you having from your little butterfly... feels like some sort of crucial life moment that would dictate and influence your goals, y'know" she murmured.

Moving on, she hummed in thought when Deli mentioned about going elsewhere.
"That's probably more interesting than sitting around doing nothing. Unless you actually go to school here or something, maybe you should take a relaxing trip or something that doesn't entirely have to do with the Ethereal. Just a hint, but you know, sometimes taking your mind off of something makes it way easier to do when you come back to it. Perhaps you'll figure out your counterspell thingy to your woes too, or your next summoning or whatever will go right. Or you and I could get to know eachother better~... and Xue too, and I'm sure you both could use some time together since, you seem close. But clearly to my skilled Love Doctor knowledge-" she said, leaning close and whispering.

"-Yes, because that's a legitimate doctorate that I have, I don't care what your customs say about that-" she answered, before returning back to where she was and continuing.

"-Think that both of yours... friendship, and relationship, has an awkward little invisible wall that both of you can't see and are struggling with a little. I think doing so will help both of you understand and cooperate with eachother better, and it'll help with mana enlightenment when you are with eachother. You both need a vacation or trip somewhere to help clear and focus your minds on your own goals, and to help give you both a better understanding of yourselves" Qzioah pointed out with a smile as she crossed her arms.​
Xue (#54d1b0)


Character Sheet
HP (Speed B): 4/5
Armour HP (Light Armour E): 2/2
Bracer HP (Catalyst C): 4/4
Wand HP (Catalyst C): 2/4
C: In Use - Xue C - Transform and take on her alternate human form and alias, Xue for up to 1 day. (Alternate Identity C, Transformation E, Magic D, Spell Duration E, Energized C)
E: In Use (Floral Divide)
Regen: 2/6
Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy
"That's awful. But... thank you for sharing." Ninelle spoke up sombrely yet tentatively, grateful to hear him talk a bit about it despite the circumstances. Carefully, she bit her tongue, knowing not to share the very first thought that came to mind as he spoke. Livestock. Living both as tireless workers and free food whenever they wished for their keepers. What a frightening and terrible thought.

Slavery. The two empires of this land seemed to be such big fans of it, though she could not understand it. Was it so hard to treat the people that worked for you their entire lives with a crumb of respect or empathy? She shook her head at the thought, knowing that questioning such customs would only lead her to yet another downward spiral.

At his apology, the tiny fairy immediately shook her head. "You're fine. Traumas are not so easy to heal. I know I am still recovering from some of my own." She smiled briefly, though his next few words made her ponder, staring back up at him thoughtfully for a moment.

"Deli... I feel there are... some things that are unhealthy to solve with spells." Using magic to solve your emotions and traumas... wasn't that simply drug usage? It was a fearful thought to think of it as an equivalent to such a thing, but now, she couldn't see it any other way. Growing dependent on anything too much was unhealthy, and she felt a growing anxiousness at the realization that it seemed Deliverance relied on magic quite a bit to solve his problems.

Subconsciously, a warning signal was flared, and she resolved herself to keep this in mind for later.

Fluttering closer to the succubus as she murmured her own thoughts about Deliverance's story to herself, she whispered a little response by her ear. "...I think his memory loss explains that. From what I've seen, apathy and avoidance are pretty common responses to trauma. And... I don't know if you've heard this kind of thing before, but when you've lived under the foot of someone for a long time... that power dynamic gets embedded within you subconsciously. If not, I'm sure slave uprisings would be more common." She explained her past ponderings quietly to Qzioah, at a volume her recently traumatized elf should hopefully be unable to hear.

She had seen these things first hand, with eastern empire slaves, past friends and now the western empire. As much as it was difficult to accept, slavery's presence had pervaded much of her life since she left her little fairy village.

Ninelle nodded as Deliverance mentioned just leaving the area, thinking it for the best, though Qzioah's little whisperings and consequent statement made her pause. "...You really think so?" She tilted her head, glancing from Qzioah to Deliverance thoughtfully. The succubus had mentioned this multiple times now, and with her recent kindness in helping Deliverance, she couldn't help but feel a bit more inclined to believe the things she said.

"Perhaps... perhaps we could. It would be difficult but... perhaps you'd like to accompany me to my old home in the Otenzian Empire? If I find a path that avoids the guards or some kind of disguise for you two... if not, I could handle a small trip elsewhere as well. Hopefully not much farther from the Otenzian Empire though, I must return home. If I have any goal at the moment, it would be that." She stated and explained, with a quiet but firm resolution.

The feathered dinosaur's loud excitement at his successful summoning broke the fae's thoughts, thinking it both infectious and adorable. Pulled towards it, she transformed and grabbed a little something to eat as they prepared to depart, not minding if Deliverance or Qzioah wanted to try things from her plate.
Mentions & Goals:
Δstra 01 @KikimuraWait until she's summoned.
La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol Femboy FemboyWait until she's summoned.
Phoebe Penrose @Clockwork_MagicTeach Aqua some magic and learn some new things herself as well. | Play the part of Student-Assistant? | Passed summoning class.
Aqua @Spoiled Bread – Become a real Aqua water mage. | Passed summoning class.
Mad Maw @Garbage. - Make some contacts and try to figure out her powers. | Passed summoning class with honours.
Desmond @DeveliusFigure out his [Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams] summoning book. | Passed summoning class.
Ninelle Lifeblossom SilverFeathers SilverFeathers – Help out Deliverance.
Deliverance Elvario ElvarioImprove his [Ethereal Luminary Student] grade by passing the Summoning Class. | Passed summoning class.
Koralia Ironjaw @MaxxobEnjoy her sudden summoning. | Give the gnoll a bone.

Seaside Tower
The Grand Duchy of Roran, Capital City [Aslan], Outskirts near the Continental Lake, Ethereal Luminary Dependency Building, Seaside Tower
From: Lornn (Midjourney): https://lornn.itch.io/backgrounds-magic-school

Professor Anna

She was rather surprised when the construct stopped her plans to fly off. Whilst they might not be entirely on the same page, Anna was pretty happy to hear. “Good, good. I can't wait to find out if there's a way to insert a mana stone into you... or if you have sensitivity censors. Not many constructs seem to have those, though I'm not too familiar with building them to know why.” She was surprised when she'd want to learn magic, but shrugged. “Sure, I can show you some real magic, I guess.” Teaching one person in exchange for learning from them wasn't the worst deal. She might earn some respect from her co-workers if she brought in valuable knowledge on constructs.


Looking at the book, between stirring some pots, the chef eventually nodded. “That certainly brings back memories, but it feels like this might be a book from long before I was there.” He stated. “Time tends to get messy when you're dealing with interdimensional business. If I had to make a guess, this book would normally link to a far more specific time and period in your world to draw upon its denizens, yet with all the other magical elements involved here, it was powerful enough for me to be able to 'pick up the call' as you would. That's just a theory though.” He ended up concluding. “Ah, I think I'm getting another summoning. Well, it's been a pleasure doing business with you all!” He stated, and just as quickly as he was summoned, he and his food stand were vanishing before everyone's eyes again.


He looked at the succubus with a bit of an empty stare. Should he correct her that he meant he just was attracted to her? Probably not. That'd be more trouble than it's worth. “Finding the Ethereal would solve any such issues with ease.” He stated, upon hearing her ask why he wasn't trying to counteract that sort of thing. It was pretty simple, so he didn't get why she was ignorant of it.

“A... relaxing trip?” He didn't like the sound of that. He sighed after hearing out the rest of her speech. “Well, if you insist on getting to know us better and if Ni... Xue doesn't mind, I would be willing to provide you the courtesy of attempting your suggestions.” That would hopefully satisfy her, as he honestly still had no clue what to do with. She could perhaps be good for magic, but something about her felt... potentially problematic at best.

He'd nod at Ninelle, although some of her words were confusing. “Trauma... Yes. That might explain what happened. Another reason to find the Ethereal soon.” That should help get rid of such inconveniences as well. He looked at her with a puzzled expression. “Why?” It seemed like magic was the easiest sure-fire way to fix things. “Besides, it would only be needed until I find the Ethereal.”

“Isn't it at war with the See?” He was confused when Ninelle asked them to come to the Otenzian Empire. “It would be wiser for the both of you to teach me this Alternate Identity magic you both seem to posses and for us to practice it together first.” He stated, weighing his options. It'd surely distract him from his studies into the Ethereal, but perhaps expanding his magical knowledge more broadly would also open up new opportunities and get him to pass more classes so that he could rely upon more of the university's resources. “I would not necessarily be opposed to such a thing.” Considering it might also allow him to study magic elsewhere, it seemed a promising enough thing to try. That and he'd be able to spent more time with Ninelle.


With the last things settled upon, the chef having been summoned elsewehre and everyone that was there to try pass the class having done so already, the class was soon dismissed. Anna had a construct to thoroughly start probing. Phoebe and Aqua could continue their own lessons in peace. Koralia and Mad Maw could go find some privacy or head towards the desert. Desmond had at least some idea on his book from the Saurian chef. Deliverance, Ninelle and Qzioah would be able to continue discussing their next adventure. Before they left, Anna would hand out certificates to some of them, which would be able to help them get into the school based on the talents they'd displayed.

The End

Narrator Suggestions:
Δstra 01 @KikimuraWait until she's summoned.
Title: [Probed] – Character allowed themselves to be probed. For science.

La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol Femboy FemboyWait until she's summoned.
Title: [Seducer] – Character has an aura of seduction surrounding them.

Phoebe Penrose @Clockwork_MagicTeach Aqua some magic and learn some new things herself as well. | Play the part of Student-Assistant? | Passed summoning class.
Title/asset: [Ethereal Luminary Student] – Grade F
Character is a student of the prestigious magic academy in the the magic capital of the world Aslan/Duchy. Character has access to the resources therein and any perks available to Ethereal Luminary students.
Item: [Summoning Certificate] – A certificate proving that the character was capable of summoning a [Doppelgänger] using the resources available at the [Ethereal Luminary's] open-summoning class.

Aqua @Spoiled Bread – Become a real Aqua water mage. | Passed summoning class.
Title/asset: [Ethereal Luminary Student] – Grade F
Character is a student of the prestigious magic academy in the the magic capital of the world Aslan/Duchy. Character has access to the resources therein and any perks available to Ethereal Luminary students.
Item: [Summoning Certificate] – A certificate proving that the character was capable of summoning an [Δstra 01] using the resources available at the [Ethereal Luminary's] open-summoning class.

Mad Maw @Garbage. - Make some contacts and try to figure out her powers. | Passed summoning class.
Title/asset: [Ethereal Luminary Student] – Grade F
Character is a student of the prestigious magic academy in the the magic capital of the world Aslan/Duchy. Character has access to the resources therein and any perks available to Ethereal Luminary students.
Item: [Summoning Certificate] – A certificate proving that the character was capable of summoning a [Koralia Ironjaw] using the resources available at the [Ethereal Luminary's] open-summoning class.

Desmond @DeveliusFigure out his [Compendium of Prehistoric Dreams] summoning book. | Passed summoning class with honours.
Title/asset: [Ethereal Luminary Student] – Grade F
Character is a student of the prestigious magic academy in the the magic capital of the world Aslan/Duchy. Character has access to the resources therein and any perks available to Ethereal Luminary students.
Item: [Summoning Certificate] – A certificate proving that the character was capable of summoning an [Interdimensional Saurian Chef] using the resources available at the [Ethereal Luminary's] open-summoning class. It has a handwritten note on it that states 'Passed with Honours!'
Item: [Interdimensional Saurian Lunch Coupons] – Coupons for a free lunch at any Saurian owned interdimensional food summoning service.

Ninelle Lifeblossom SilverFeathers SilverFeathersHelp out Deliverance.
Title: [Supporter] – Character has been able to support others through their struggles and/or aided them in achieving their goals.

Deliverance Elvario Elvario – Improve his [Ethereal Luminary Student] grade by passing the Summoning Class. | Passed summoning class.
Title/asset: [Ethereal Luminary Student] – Grade D => C
Item: [Summoning Certificate] – A certificate proving that the character was capable of summoning a [La Qzioah Taenebraia-Sol] using the resources available at the [Ethereal Luminary's] open-summoning class.

Koralia Ironjaw @MaxxobEnjoy her sudden summoning. | Give the gnoll a bone.
Title: [Maneater] – Character's willingness to feast on intelligent folk of any race or species will spread fear to whomever believes they might end up on their dinner table. Those that believe themselves to be above such practices are more likely to look down upon the character as an uncultured barbarian.

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