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Fantasy Ashes of the Paragons [Main Thread]

ayy lmao it's a post

"Literally just got here. Howdy, deromors. You probably saw me on the plane, the paper one. That was me, I'm the paper boy."​

The regal-clothed man replied to, presumably, one of the Paragons. Looks like a normal dude. 'Xcept for that massive scar, and the magic aura seen through Silas' spectacles. Did he take a buckshot to the face and then have it reformed, or was it always this way? That's a pretty good question, innit? Does buckshot even exist in this world? These are all questions for another time. The others around him also had a blue dim glow to them, whether it be an item or something else. Weird, as he couldn't really tell what the schools of these were for the most part. This party was just MADE to be together, ey? Letting his sleeves cover his forearms, the Artificer crossed his arms, his backpack, which was filled to the brim with trinkets, clunking.

"It's 46 AR. Who are you though? Like, everyone. Who are y'all, nerds? Introductions come first, y'now. We've got a man wearing a carpet, a guy who.. keeps giving glances to the rear ends of each and every individual they meet on their path, which I personally take as a compliment, and some individuals that are of the cylindrical-eared race, also known as humans 2.0. Oh, and this guy, who's absolutely EPIC. And nobody knows who I am, right? Absolutely no idea? Asking for a friend. Or.. I guess in this case, a relative. Very close relative. It's me, I'm that relative. Name's uh, Silas. I'm a traveling merchant n' skilled artificer."
Si asked the presumable Paragon, turning his gaze to the rest of the gathering party. He was gesturing at each and every one of them as he spoke rather quickly, just to make sure he knew how many there were. To him it was important that nobody knew the Ure House. Mostly due to the fact that he's met one too many people who care about his blood, but not his name. Of course, their inventions are known amongst many circles of artificery and craftsmanship, so is the design of the brooch, but he had hope. The young man was never one to lose sight of it.

"What is it that you want, Silas? I'll let you have it. I simply wish to start anew, let me out."

'I'm literally the only man in existence that can unsheathe you. If you want, I can handle the sheath with you in it, and you'll be stuck in there forever. Fine by me.'

"What do you gain by keeping me sheathed, Silas? Let me out. Let me finish what I started. Change is required, sometimes accelerated."

'Nope. Ah, would'ja look at that, a far more competent conversationalist. We'll continue this conversation never.'


Silas never turned his gaze to someone else to start a conversation. He just said that to piss off Gutter. It worked, to the surprise of no one, as it shook on his belt. The pommel still looked at the man with the white tunic. The voice of the blade was displaced, monotonous, deep. It echoed within the young man's mind, causing any and all thoughts to simply vanish. The Artificer never cared to trully look deep into the mind of the blade. People say that an abyss can gaze back, which is absolutely stupid and mental. How can a place look at someone? In the case of an abyss, it's literally just a hole in the ground. It can't gaze back, there's nothing to use to gaze back. Unless you just slap some googly eyes with the might of Zeus on that, it ain't gonna look back. The sword is an entity on its own. An entrapped mind of a mad sorcerer, to be specific. The mind is all in the blade of the sword, yet its reach is far larger. It is felt from very far away places, depending on how sensitive you are towards mana.
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The wooden woman grabbed the nymphs wrist and nodded in Alan's direction. He wasn't looking directly at them but caught it in his peripheral vision.

Was I that obvious? Surely I'm not the only one who gives odd looks to a woman made out of wood. Am I? Are they a normal thing in this time?

He felt his hip to make sure he was wearing his sword. It was there in it's plain leather sheath that he switched it to so he wouldn't draw unnecessary attention. His normal sheath was a work of art. Gilted in gold and silver with a phoenix worked into it. It was sitting in his room at the farmers place. Nice and safe. He had wrapped leather around the hilt of his sword to hide the silver and jewels that adorned it. Hopefully he wouldn't need his sword here. Knights took an oath to only engage in combat to defend their kingdom and their honor. He looked back at the thin man who was still staring at the paper man's ass and then back at the two newcomers. They were still standing there and then nymph seemed to be muttering a prayer. Alan never cared much either way for nymphs. He didn't hate them or like them. To him they were like clouds in the sky. Nice to look at but you couldn't reach them and they were only good for blocking the sun.
[div style="background-color:#74645A; height:100px; max-width: 346px; width: 100%; float: left; margin:5px; padding:5px;"][div style="background-color:#CFB09B; height:80px; padding:10px; color:#fff; font-size:12px; line-height:12px; text-align:justify; margin:auto;"][class=blackWhite]width:90px; flex-grow:1; opacity:0.5; filter:grayscale(100%);[/class][class name=blackWhite state=hover] filter:grayscale(0%); opacity:1; transition: all .5s ease;[/class][div class=blackWhite][div style="float:left; background-image: url(http://i66.tinypic.com/okpe9d.jpg); height: 80px; width: 80px; background-size:110%; background-position:auto; border:1px solid #fff; padding:0px;"][/div][/div][/div][div style="position:relative; bottom:95px; left:100px;"][div style="font-family: 'times'; font-size: 20; color: #61574E"]SLEEP NOW, 'GOOD' MOLLY.[/div][div style="color:#61574E; font-size:10px; line-height:11px; overflow: hidden; text-align:justify; text-transform: uppercase; margin-right:104px;"][MISSING] has told me about the [MISSING], about the Gods and their love. But, do the Gods love their creations? I am an automaton created by human hands, would you ever think to love me? Of course, I do love you, isn't that how you've made me?[/div][/div][/div]The fence objected to the swordsman's weight, too old, too vintage for these times, and it was unmarred, too; a distinct hint that the Old Town saw its years. It creaked. It groaned. It had weathered many seasons. Surely, it can weather the swordsman's weight. And of the swordsman, he was tall - tall like Molly - but taller, and his hair was the colour of burnt charcoal, long and light-devouring. It reminded her of her companion's own. He donned several furs and belts and pauldrons, all thick and leathered. It was noonday and unsuitably warm for his armour. For Golden Tempests it seemed to be the temperature of the Queen's Light with melting days in the field. The colours of deep blue and gold. The lake that craves the dawn. It would be the final burst of heat before Last Harvests, all fading colours and the final burst of leaves before the Darkest Heavens. Orange comes before black.

Gradually, Molly approaches the wooden post, now in the meadow for all to see. She places a wooden hand on the fence, her hand the only viewable extraordinary thing about her. Her face was unmistakably human and radiant with flesh and beauty marks on her cheeks. One would easily mistaken her hands for prosthetics and the rest of her to be human. She hid the rest of herself in a unravelling long-sleeved blouse, pants, and beaten shoes with shoelaces that never stayed tied until she triple-knotted them. Molly turns to look at the swordsman now, more clear. He was rugged, he had a scar on his cheek, and he wasn't from here. An ectopic man, she pegged, but from where? Another city in the Motherlands? Nasadi had told her there were three kingdoms in this time, but Molly could neither confirm or deny their correlation with her displaced memories. Were these places the places she believed them to be?

The automaton turned towards the people at the windmill, a paper plane that un-mâché'd itself into a man with hundreds of calligraphed marks on his skin, a young boy with a bandana over his left eye, and two venerable Paragons. Molly knows about the world of Paragons - what they are and what they represent - but is out of touch with their history. The two Paragons seemed well long into their years, the first marks of greying visible in their hair and their lines deepening in their skin. Under the windmill, they seemed peaceful, like two old friends coming to sit under passing winds to reflect on life, their glory days, their families, their regrets, only to pass on shortly after.

She approaches the group with the nymph still held close. Nasadi retreated into her earlier and since then, Molly had wrapped her long arms around her shoulders and held the her closer, protective. She enjoyed being close to Nasadi, and even more so for being trusted to look after her. It was a privilege, Molly told her once, and the feeling was the same today. A privilege. It is a privilege to walk and learn besides her, to know and understand her faith, to watch her sing, to watch her dance. These were the dearest moments that Molly venerated. May Vor'Syn love you in this life and the next.

As the wind from the windmill played with the loose wisps of her sunset coloured hair, the decaying Tudor rose hairpin keeping it intact, Molly felt as if she was teetering on the brink of something, a page being turned, a new chapter, the nervousness before plunging into the sea, the held breath before stepping barefoot into fresh snow, the augury of a whole book to come. Molly tightened her embrace on Nasadi. She knows not what this foreshadows, but will be ready when it comes. She releases an exhale and addresses the group with a strong, 'Hello.'

Lu-Lu Lu-Lu / Blood Born Angel Blood Born Angel / Frenzy Frenzy / Unicorn666 Unicorn666 / Hextremus Hextremus
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Alan held his breath as the wooden girl approached with the nymph. He saw she had the face of a normal human woman, a kinda pretty one at that, but those hands where definitely wooden. His eyes weren't playing tricks on him. As she walked past she laid one of those wooden hands on the fence. It's skeletal digits caressed the old wood like one would an old friend. Almost as if she were reassuring the wood that it things would be okay. Then she wrapped her arms around the nymph and continued on her way to the rest of the group.

Once she was far enough away Alan finally exhaled. He did not know why he held his breath. Surely a wooden person would be useless in a fight so he had no reason to fear she would try to harm him. Maybe he subconsciously sensed something about her and holding his breath was a way to make sure he didn't do anything stupid?

Yes, that's it. I just didn't want to do or say anything foolish. That's all...

ooc: short post I know but I felt my characters pov would make good filler XD
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The Paragons

Quite the crowd had been gathered by their announcement it would seem. The sheer variety of powers and personalities was a beautiful thing to the Paragon's eyes. If this were part of a tale now would be when the storyteller regaled of the heroes and their first meeting and of quests yet to come. However, this wasn't some fairy tale. Even if those gathered had promise the story could still tip either way, as the worst was still ahead. They prayed this many alone would even suffice.

Caelum listened intently and waited patiently on the group to settle. The only one to voice any questions was the... paper man. While the Paragon was use to talking to people of many different personalities he was honestly having a hard time keeping up with this one.

"Well.. uh, pardon me if I didn't follow all of that. Though, it would seem we've forgotten etiquette." Caelum cleared his throat and put his hand over his chest, giving the group a respectful bow. "My name is Caelum Mavro Asteri. Resident priest, and Paragon."

Avak didn't sit up from his spot, but interlocked his fingers as they rested in his lap. "My name is Avak. I am the bailiff, but mostly help with redevelopment around Old Town."

The self-appointed priest rested his hands on his hips, giving the group as charming a smile you can get with a half-mangled face. "Thank you for joining us. If you would care to listen, I think it's time we got down to business..."

Once he was sure he had everyone's attention, or at least part of their attention, Caelum began his explanation to their summonings. "First off, we don't know if you know exactly who we are, but we are the founders of Old Town and govern over the settlement. Please don't worry about any formalities, as we are not your landlords and don't fancy ourselves nobles in the slightest. You may or may not also know about our title; Paragon." Caelum lifted his hands and made a so-so gesture as he went on, "While you may have heard tales of the Paragons told overzealously, we aren't some fictional heroes or divine messengers. We are just like any of you, and hope to be treated with a mutual level of respect."

The man wrapped in ebon robes chimed in as well, "The title of Paragon is one given to those with great achievements or skill. For the most part, there won't be any Paragons in your generation, as it mostly spread during our lands heroic age before the war. The two of us could very well be some of the last, and only ones you'll ever see."

"Ah, we do have another one here in Old Town," Caelum interjected. "He's unfortunately gone to collect resources and supplies for the winter. Hopefully you'll meet him in the next week or two."

Avak huffed at Feo's mention, but continued on with the explanations. "To get to the point, we were deemed as exceptionally talented individuals and praised as heroes in our prime. However, the war has taken its toll on everyone, and we are no longer as young and powerful as we once were."

"That's where you come in!" Caelum grinned, and went on with a bit more enthusiasm than his partner. "Your elders are prepared to bestow upon you our wisdom and knowledge in hopes of raising the next generation of Paragons! This is not something you are being forced into, so we hope you do not feel any obligations for coming today. Some of you may not be suited for the life of an adventurer, and we can respect that should you choose to walk away." Caelum's fingers combed back through his hair, and his tone softened from the sales-man pitch styled enthusiasm. "However, if we could convince you to help us, we'd be forever in your debts." His blinded eye closed, and his scarred lips pursed before Caelum continued, "To tell you all the truth, we're in desperate need of any help we can get. Whether you stay a while in Old Town and just help grow the settlement, or choose to come under our tutelage. Dark times are coming and it is best to begin preparations now before the worst begins."

"So, here is our proposition," Avak leaned forward, gesturing with an open palm as if he were handing out a physical representation of the remark. "Anyone here that wishes to grow in skill, power, knowledge, or prestige need simply train with us during our spare times. We will provide everything necessary, and can guarantee that no one else in the world is capable of matching our tutelage."

"There is only one thing we ask in return for training you." Caelum's single sapphire orb peered over each man and woman present. It's gaze sank into any others it met with a pervasive feeling. "Anyone who receives training to become a Paragon will be asked to save the world for us."

The mage's lips turned up into a small smile. His expression portrayed a mischievous innocence as he waited expectantly on the others reactions. Would they scoff at his absurd claims and demands? It did sound a bit insane to be told you would be trained to save the world. The Paragons probably looked like no more than an a couple of old coots to these strangers. Caelum cared not if the request came off as embellished or suspicious to those listening, because the way it was presented to them was of little consequence. What mattered was the truth in their words, and whether anyone was brave enough to accept it. The Father taught that fate would always decree whether a story continued or not, and Caelum couldn't insult him by not being true to himself for the sake of recruiting others.

"Please, feel free to express your thoughts. We don't have any later engagements."

- - - - -
Unicorn666 Unicorn666 Hextremus Hextremus Frenzy Frenzy Ronan Ronan Lu-Lu Lu-Lu FireMaiden FireMaiden
o.o.c.: Oof, I feel like this didn't flow as well as it could have. That's what I get for taking so long. Anyways, after this I will start making smaller posts more frequently to encourage individual conversation with the Paragons more. Hopefully the pace increase from this weeks lull will be refreshing for everyone.

And again, apologies if I missed anyone for tags. I'm suffering a bit of a lack of sleep. Gotta keep checking every 5 mins and still keep forgetting.
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Nasadi I'l Sadahin
location; windmill
Mentions; Frenzy Frenzy Unicorn666 Unicorn666 Hextremus Hextremus Ronan Ronan FireMaiden FireMaiden Blood Born Angel Blood Born Angel (why isn't there an everyone tag omg)

A chill, cold and piercing it was much like a shadow caressing its icy finger down the length of her spine and Nasadi was again grateful for the arms that had engulfed her for she was unsure of the source of such a feeling and she searched the gathering with quiet apprehension. Different again from the mana gathered here that swirled like the slow tide of the sea, resplendent in shimmering blues it was powerful and consuming, a sensation not unlike one felt when in the presence of the Queen; yet against the flow and ebb of the tide there was a distinct.. something.
Wrapped up in Molly's embrace, a consuming abyss against shining gold, the Ljósálfr receded even further so as to shrink her presence from those gathered as emerald eyes surveyed the crowd from her position of comfort. The enjoyment of closeness was shared between the two and Nasadi came to hold one of the arms that embraced her within her own delicate, pale palm; neatly manicured fingernails tracing lightly against the 'skin' of the other.
The man who had earlier soared across the fields of golds and greens sat atop the paper 'bird' spoke now and she observed that he even his being seemed to be constructed of the same paper; an artificer he claimed to be and the bag which rested upon his back chimed from within as the oddities clashed together his movements gave truth to his claims of trade. He wore clothes well suited to one who came from wealth, regal in his attire he bore a shocking contrast to the gathered group who seemed comparatively worn and underdressed. Behind him stood the mage who's slow trek down the rock strewn hillside was a point of interest as she stood above the hemlock umbels in the fields below, his being shimmered in a kaleidoscope of colours to the eyes of Nasadi who saw magic as easily as one would see their reflection though she could not see through the glamour he cloaked himself in, nor would she make any attempts to do so least it was a task required.
"Let the wisdom of Idin'ilmr show true the path you must take and Freyr'sol in his radiance light the way. I am Nasadi I'l Sadahin of the Ljósálfr, High Priestess of the Citadel."

It was now that the Paragons, whom had thus far said very little chose to voice their intentions. The history of their title was well written in the tomes that decorated the Vaults of the Citadel; exceptional skill or achievement could be considered a vast understatement of the skill the title bestowed yet she remained silent through their impassioned pleas to the younger generation; instead she considered what they were not explicitly saying.
"closer dwells the domain of Sehk'ehel, who's robes of smoke twist in agony and whose footsteps herald disaster. You seem confident in your assessment, what gives you thought that a need for such warriors is an urgent commodity?"

Ps; I'm gonna edit in the info I gave Blood Born Angel Blood Born Angel about her religion so ya'll know what the hell I'm on about
PPS; Soz got assessments coming out my.. ears. and brain farts a plenty so have a short post.

Cailean Ó Cnaimhín

The ocean was calm today. A gentle breeze passing through the open spaces of the ship, caressing those who walked around on the main deck to clean the ship and make sure that everything was in place for when they were going to disembark. Some birds had taken place on the main mast, chirping cheerfully while sitting close to each other as it wasn’t that hot these days. It was truly a beautiful day despite the frosty morning air, one Cailean had missed after the harsh days on the wide open sea where the waves mercilessly crashed into the ship, trying to make it fall over with pure force. If it wasn’t for the strong materials it was build and with the expertise of the captain and his crew, it would have already sank to the bottom. If he was lucky, a mermaid could have saved him but he highly doubted that one.

As Captain Cailean, he didn’t bother using his last name since a lot of people had trouble with it, opened the door of the captain’s cabin, he faced the main deck clearly. Standing higher which gave him a nice overview of everything that was going on. The air that escaped his mouth could be seen for a few seconds. When he first met his crew, they thought he was joking since a hellhound wouldn’t go on the water out of free will. Cailean never thought that way however since he saw the ocean as freedom, being able to go wherever he wanted. The only thing he had to do was to get over his fear of water. It didn’t happen in a matter of days but more in years. Learning how to swim and see the true beauty of water that he was going to sail over. Of course it wasn’t always easy to be on the seas but because of that, he came to love it even more as it reminded him of life. Nothing was written in stone, the future could be changed all the time with just a few actions.

Once they were nearing land, he got down and helped the crew with doing the last few preparations before they disembarked. The first step he put on land was immediately a different feeling. He felt more secure when he was there but that was about it. He loved both sides, they both had their ups and downs. But his ship offered just that bit more of freedom that he craved for. He wouldn’t sell it in his lifetime. Even chasing those who stole it to the end of the world just to get it back.

Lavender eyes going over the landscape for as far as he could see. He wasn’t wearing much despite it being cold, just a coat and shirt with pants and boots. Of course his golden accessories couldn’t be forgotten. With that, he took out his compass and set way to Old Town. A place he remembered his father speaking of before he passed away. Lead by strong people who would show him the right path, whatever that could’ve meant. He admired his father but they couldn’t just agree on everything either. They were both stubborn which made their discussions a regular thing, yet they never came to dislike each other. Mainly annoyed, but never dislike. He missed those days, almost seeming like it was yesterday they had gotten into another fight. If it wasn’t with words, it was with swords or bare hands. The corner of his mouth creeping upwards as he thought back on it.

As he and the crew were having a good time making their way to the Old Town, time passed as if it were just mere minutes. And there he was finally. The main street of the town was laying directly in front of them. The eyes of the members lit up and without a second thought, they mingled with the people. They still stood out a little though. Cailean rolled his eyes at the behaviour of them but since they wouldn’t cause any trouble, he could walk around in peace and have a drink… or two. And that was exactly what he did. Though as he heard people talking about the paragons who were having a ‘meeting’ at the windmill, he couldn’t stop his curiosity from taking over. Filling his hip flask with some alcohol before he made his way over there.

Seeing a small group standing together in front of two people, he raised an eyebrow as he went closer to them. Squinting his eyes to see who were the important people speaking up. One voice in particular was familiar to him. Tapping his foot as he tried to remember the name that was on the tip of his tongue. Once the speech ended, he took one more good look at the two elder ones and then as if something hit him, he remembered the name. ”Aaaah ! Avak!” He blurted out while pointing at the bulkiest of the three. Not caring what people might have thought about him for being so blunt with his words. But he couldn’t contain his excitement when seeing an old friend of his late father. Someone that reminded him of his family was always welcome in his life. A goofy grin spread on his lips as he closed the distance between them, shoving those away who were in his path.

Blood Born Angel Blood Born Angel
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OLD TOWN windmill

Oh gods. Too many people. Too many people. Sigrun's grip on his coat tightened further as his gaze flicked around the expanding group, taking mental notes. The first person he noticed was a broad man, probably a soldier, leaning against an old wooden post. Sigrun instantly designated him as a write-off; anyone leaning against something the way he was either think they're way more epic than they really are or are just... insecure and trying really hard to make people think that they're epic. Poor man.

That sword was still staring at him. Sigrun knew he should probably be unsettled, but walking amongst the living and the dead every waking hour desensitises one to what most would consider unnatural. AKA, the guy doesn't get spooked.

Sigrun then noticed a couple. A couple of strange folks, that is. His gaze was first drawn to the strange automaton, built in the image of a beautiful female. He looked it up and down as it said hello, quite literally, noting the wooden hands and the decay it suffered. Interesting. Her partner was someone he cared less about; apparently an elf, graceful in her movements and lilting in her voice. It annoyed him. Write-off.

Was that it? That was it. Okay, not too many people. Sigrun still didn't like it. The Paragons now began talking, finally giving the gathered group some info on what they wanted from them. Sigrun focused heavily on their words, trying to ignore the whispering and muttering around him. When his eye met Caelum's, he couldn't stop it from narrowing. It was as if the Paragon was attempting to peer into him, and it was something that Sigrun was 100% not okay with. Could the old wizard see through his Glamour? It wasn't impossible; the man was a Paragon, after all. Didn't mean Sigrun had to like it. When Caelum's gaze moved past him, Sigrun realised that he'd unconsciously raised his hand to cover his left eye, to cover his Glamour. A further layer of security. He quickly dropped it, still frowning.

"Anyone who receives training to become a Paragon will be asked to save the world for us."

As soon as Sigrun registered the sentence, he spun on his heel and began walking away. Save the world? Ha, yeah right. A complete waste of time, what a load of shi-

"You'Re goING t-to kEep ruN-runnInG, brother?"

Sigrun growled in response, glancing over his shoulder at where he knew the spirit hovered. Always. His eye(s) narrowed. When he spoke his voice was hushed, the words hissed.

"I won't be a part of this. Let this crock of idiots save the world, it has nothing to do with me. So yes, brother, I'm going to keep-"

Sigrun broke off with a mighty flinch, the words withering in his mouth as the voice roared in his ear.


The Cursebearer stopped dead in his tracks, grip on his coat tightening to such a degree that he could probably have torn right through it if he wished. His teeth ground together, thin face conflicted. A quiet curse escaped his lips as he turned around and made his way back to the group, standing a short distance behind the paper man and looking around them again.

"Sigrun Panahin. Nice to meet you."

He muttered, shaking his head. He couldn't believe he was doing this. He should have left the town days ago- who the hell is yelling about aardvarks??? An annoyingly handsome man that looked like he'd come right out of a romance novel ran past, so close that Sigrun couldn't stop himself from recoiling and hissing. He glowered at the man's back as he made for one of the Paragons, apparently called Aardvark.


Sigrun growled to himself. That nickname was then uploaded and saved to his brain's hard drive.

Oh gods, what had he gotten himself into?
Join them...

Alan nearly jumped out of his skin at the suddenness of the words whispered in his ear. He looked around for the source but saw no one close enough to him to be the culprit.

You must join the Paragons...

The voice... No, the voices... They sounded familiar though he couldn't quite place why. His necklace began to feel cold as ice beneath his shirt causing goosebumps to form on his neck. He peeked down and could see a faint glow coming from his chest like a full moon trying it's best to shine proudly behind the cover of clouds.

He closed his eyes...

Beneath his closed eyelids he saw them. The eight council members stood before him in the darkness. They were ghostly looking and transparent with a blueish aura around them. They were all looking at him as if they were expecting him to respond. So he did.

"Why? Why should I join these men on their fool's quest? They can't fix what happened to our kingdom! IT'S GONE!! DID YOU KNOW THAT?!? EVERYTHING!!! EVERYTHING is... gone..."

"We know. But you must join them. If you are successful you will prevent the same fate that befell our kingdom from happening again. If you fail, there will be no returning to try it again. There will be nothing to return to. There will just be nothing."

They all spoke in unison. The chorus of their voices touching the deepest parts of his soul. He considered what they said for a few moments and made a decision

"Okay. I'll join."

He opened his eyes and was met with the gazes of every single person at the windmill. They were staring at him, some thoughtfully. As if he had been speaking to them.

Was I saying all of that out loud? I must look like a crazy man to these people now.
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Marcus Jade
The Sapphire Forge

Marcus was very happy with how things were going. The day was just getting busy, he had gotten a fresh batch of metal from the Arken mines, and was having his assistant heat the metal for a plough the local farmstead ordered. He was about to settle down for some tea when he saw a strange procession of folks begin to walk by. From his doorway, adorned in blue robes and gold jewelry, he watched as a man on a paper airplane the size of a cart fell from the sky. This man folded his construct into a more manageable size, and as he did a amulet on his neck grabbed Marcus's attention. "Ure" he muttered, and watched as the figure froze for a moment, then reading the pamphlet, walked briskly towards the Mill. Why a person would fake being be a member of a dead tinkers house was Marcus's main thought, as A pale, oddly dressed man walked past, seemingly following the fake-Ure. A hungover Valya followed, as did a Orc who had been hanging around town for a couple days. The orc stopped a odd looking mage, and proceeded to look over a piece of paper together, before the mage med him towards the Mill as well. At this point Marcus was getting curious as to why everyone was heading there, and wandered over to the message board too see what all the fuss was about. "The Paragons are choosing students, huh. Well, I guess this means I'll be making more weapons than I usually do." He wandered back to his shop, and watched as the metal finished heating, as almost liquid at this point. He pulled up his sleeves, and when his assistant was far enough away, his eye began to glow, as the metal floated up, and shifted until a plow-head was formed. His eye narrowed as it moved over to a vat of water, and placed it in gently, a hiss of steam rising as the metal began to cool. The glow from his eye faded, and he relaxed, then went to the window and finished his tea, as his assistant began the prep for the wooden handle in the background.
[div style="background-color:#74645A; height:100px; max-width: 346px; width: 100%; float: left; margin:5px; padding:5px;"][div style="background-color:#CFB09B; height:80px; padding:10px; color:#fff; font-size:12px; line-height:12px; text-align:justify; margin:auto;"][class=blackWhite]width:90px; flex-grow:1; opacity:0.5; filter:grayscale(100%);[/class][class name=blackWhite state=hover] filter:grayscale(0%); opacity:1; transition: all .5s ease;[/class][div class=blackWhite][div style="float:left; background-image: url(http://i66.tinypic.com/okpe9d.jpg); height: 80px; width: 80px; background-size:110%; background-position:auto; border:1px solid #fff; padding:0px;"][/div][/div][/div][div style="position:relative; bottom:95px; left:100px;"][div style="font-family: 'times'; font-size: 20; color: #61574E"]SWEET MOLLY, KIND MOLLY.[/div][div style="color:#61574E; font-size:10px; line-height:11px; overflow: hidden; text-align:justify; text-transform: uppercase; margin-right:104px;"][MISSING] has told me about the [MISSING], about the Gods and their love. But, do the Gods love their creations? I am an automaton created by human hands, would you ever think to love me? Of course, I do love you, isn't that how you've made me?[/div][/div][/div]She grimaced.

Molly had no shred of saving-the-world in her. Her calling was something else that was malleable, that transformed in the ages past and the ages to come. It was many things, but in this timeline, this present, her calling was to serve and provide companionship for Nasadi; to provide advice, to think, to communicate, to dwell within her space. Her role would change when the Ljósálfr passed. All roles were temporary, but no role of hers, past or present has been to the save world. No one ever sought that, no one ever dreamed of it, and certainly not Molly. Saving the world conflicted with her role as Nasadi's companion. It wouldn't be protecting her - it would be grooming her for death. Molly wanted no place in that narrative.

She moved an arm, the one Nasadi was lazily tracing, and placed it on her shoulder and leaned down to her ear, 'Ma'am, we should not entertain the request of these Paragons.' Molly knew about Paragons, what the represented and what storms and peace they brought with them. She had no interest in them or their plight. No interest in what they are in the Motherlands, or how transformative they could be. It was too much power given to men, power men should've never been given. It waged wars, it brought down kingdoms, raised new ones in its place, all choices leaving a wake of destruction in its path for different people. Would it be the elves who suffered? The merfolk? The little men, the nymphs, the genasi? The Paragons, to Molly, were dangerous and a folly in this world. She may be an automaton with dead wood for hands, but at least she did not attempt to justify suffering.

'We should return home,' she said, moving her other hand to rest on Nasadi's shoulder. She gripped it firmly, but not too hard, just enough to urge her to reconsider. To let her know what Molly thought of the Paragons and the people of the windmill. To return to their peaceful, wayfaring lives proselytising and spreading the interest of the Citadel and learning. She didn't want to give up their lives for the hollow promises of Paragons.

'Please,' Molly turned the nymph's head, tilting her chin up. Her deep brown eyes boring into the deep, forested ones below her, and Nasadi's chin held between her own dried, moss-smelling wooded hands.

Lu-Lu Lu-Lu
The Paragons

Caelum felt a bit of disappointment when the young man cloaked in glamour turned to leave. It was his decision, and the Paragon would not hold it against him if the thought of saving the world was too much of a burden. Honestly, no sane person would accept that kind of request. Before he had stepped to far; however, something seemed to stop him in his tracks. Caelum was sure he saw the boy speak, but to whom he wasn't so sure. A curious display, but a welcome one. Whatever had occurred appeared to draw the young man back to the group, and warranted an introduction.

"Well met, Sigrun." Caelum's eye moved from the boy to a young woman next, "And you too, Nasadi."

The priestess had a great level of wisdom it would seem, as her words cut through the Paragon's speech to the deeper meaning in their words. There was indeed a reason this gathering of pupils was a necessity. A dark look passed over the cheery mage's face as the thoughts passed through his mind, but it was gone in a blink. Caelum felt now was not the time to show the deep unease that had been eating at his heart. There would be plenty of time later.

"The necessity for warriors is in part due to the war, but... I will confess that this conflict to the South is the least of my fears." Caelum paused for a moment to decide on whether or not to elaborate. Unfortunately his train of thought was soon interrupted by a newcomer who knew the old man seated in front of the windmill.

Avak's head snapped toward the man who approached. His eyes narrowed to study the stranger, and after a moment he rose from his seat to meet him. The Paragon easily towered over most the group, and it only took him a few strides to meet the man who called out. The giant old man scratched his beard for a moment while gazing down at the golden haired boy.


The Paragon's uncertainty soon vanished from his eyes. He reached out with his right arm as if to greet the boy more intimately, but at the last moment, the man's calloused hand rapped against the back of his skull instead. "Cailean! Taken after your fathers manners I see?" Avak's voice came harsh and seemingly bridling with anger. A stranger would most likely shrink in fear from that tone, but there was a... hollowness to it. Like a threat one might give a family member. Caelum looked on with a bit of surprise that someone could illicit a response like that from the old man.

Someone else also seemed to be talking, though Caelum only caught the tail end of their conversation. It seemed this man had his share of loss too, though that aura around him was strange... In fact, Caelum was sure there was something else in the air with a particular malice. It could have been his imagination though, as there were a lot of strangers he hadn't met before.

The poor man looked a little embarrassed so Caelum chimed in to try and break any tension, "Well I'm glad we're already getting so many on board. Certainly eases my heart." His eyes went to the automaton who held onto the priestess like one would their child. A smart girl, but it brought a pained expression to the Paragon's face. "You are right to be wary of us youngling, but I'm afraid this involves you whether you stay or not. You don't have to learn to fight or anything like that, but when the end comes we'll all have to face it in one way or another... I simply offer a better option."

- - - - -
Unicorn666 Unicorn666 Hextremus Hextremus Frenzy Frenzy Ronan Ronan Lu-Lu Lu-Lu FireMaiden FireMaiden Doughnut Doughnut

o.o.c.: Oops, didn't @ correctly. Hope you all still notice. x.x I did this at work. Since I'm a rebel, and tired of feeling dead when I'm home.
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sorry for being absent for so long

"Deal. I'm in for the job. Your party's just got an Artificer, y'all."

It wasn't hard to convince Silas to join the party. That's why he was here in the first place, why'd he back out now?
Afterwards, a new challenger approached. Another cylindrical-eared fella. It wasn't her appearance that suprirsed Silas, nor was it the construct, but rather her manner of speech.

'..Huh. She's speaking about some religious mumbo-jumbo, so education goes out the window as a theory already. Perhaps, royalty? I mean, I'm one, but I choose not to speak like the smartest man alive. Perchance they're from a religious royal house? That makes sense. Don't get to hear this kind of speech from simpletons.'

As the Artificer wondered whether or not this new fella was of blue blood, some funky looking dude brushed past the man Gutter feels all tingly about. Quite the apparel, if you ask me. Flashy, fancy, stylish, colorful.. More royalty? Unlikely, as the chances of this amount of royal folk in some random-ass town are slim to none. But regardless, they did stick out like a sore thumb in this group, even more so Silas himself. It also seems they were a good friend to the Paragons, or at least one of them, so it's reassuring to know there are more. Maybe this is the one they were talking about previously who had just arrived or.. something? No idea, famicom.

"They sense me. I sense them, too. My presence is known to them. To everyone. Do you think they won't suspect you for being a cultist, Silas?"

'Cheers bro, I'll drink to that.'

'Eventually, when you see your flaming star, I'll be unsheathed. Your attempts at comedy only make my patience thinner.'

'I don't rememba askin' you a DAAAMM' thing. I can stare at the sun for approximatley five seconds, and have in the past, yet you're still in that sheath of yours. So shut'cho dang nabbit face.'

Gutter was getting more and more agitated the more it spoke with Silas. It was just not its day today, and this young man is here to ruin it completely. Thus far, he is, indeed, successful. This isn't the first time he was screwin' with his sword, nor will it be the last. This thing keeps speaking like it's some kind of threat and big deal, but so far all it has been is a nice decoration on his belt. The sword did look outstanding, most likely crafted by a master long gone. They also both finally learned the carpet-wearing-man's name - Sigrun. Another S.. interesting. May that is why Gutter wanted to be handed over to him? Just.. really into that letter S, I guess. Regardless, the sheath was starting to slightly wobble on the Artificer's waist. It was stopped once he put a hand on it, holding it in place.

"So, when're we going to start the training, yo? Or are we just waitin' for more dudes n' dudettes to show up to this totally wacky party?"
Aedan hurried over to the windmill, embarrassed to be late for such an important gathering. The Speaker raked him over the coals more than once for failure to be punctual. Aedan slowed as he drew closer, not wanting to interrupt the Paragon's speech. Quietly, he moved around the outside of the crowd to one of the front edges so he could hear better. Though he missed the beginning, he heard the most important parts quite well - be trained to become a Paragon, and save the world. The suggestion floored Aedan. He looked down at his hands, curling them into the fists he used as weapons. Reach the level of Paragon? Save the world? He'd trained for eight years under the Speaker and he wasn't anywhere near powerful enough to be considered a Paragon. Just how long would it take to reach that level? And what of saving the world? Who among this band of villagers could be built up such that they could stop a world-ending force?

Once, Aedan's master roughly threw him into an earthen pit and left him there. She didn't explain herself, and didn't respond to any of Aedan's confused shouts. Unsure of his role in whatever this exercise was, Aedan merely sat there for a time, looking up at the sky through the opening. The clouds prevented him from keeping time with shadows cast in the pit by the sun; he remains unsure of exactly how long he waited. Eventually, after some number of hours, he heard the voice of his master calling out to him.
"Who is going to rescue you?"

The answer to both questions, of course, was the same - who else?

"Teach me," Aedan raised his head and spoke to the Paragon, "and I will learn."
We have called you here before us Sir Alan Tothor, the Phoenix Knight, to bestow upon you a great honor. With this honor comes immense responsibility.

Alan was kneeling in the Great Hall of Oktellum in front of the Council. The hall was circular and built with huge stones, too big for any normal man to move. There were eight black pillars holding up a ceiling made of a clear stone, several hands thick and almost glowing when hit by the sun just right. The floor was mostly white with intricate designs carved into it in an almost maze like pattern and filled with gold and silver in various places.

He was in the center of the maze, head bowed, holding his sword in front of him with it's jeweled hilt up and sword tip on the floor. He was wearing his armor. A polished steel breastplate with intricate gold work weaving in various directions to mimic flames surrounding the bronze bird-like plating in the center. His leg guards were also steel with extra bronze plating around the knee areas. And his helmet, tucked under his other arm, was a masterpiece of smithing that would make any knight envious. Steel and bronze face guard attached to a bell shaped helm, it's eyeslits perfectly placed to minimize blindspots on all sides, and a golden plume of horse hair shooting up from the top that looked like rays from the sun itself were being left in his wake. When fully suited his enemies both admired his armor and feared it.

A necklace suddenly appeared around his neck but he dared not move to examine it. That would be disrespectful.

You must never take that necklace off. Whenever you are in great danger, the power within the pendant hanging from the necklace will protect you.

Now on to the matter of which we called upon you. We have sensed a disturbance. We don't know what it is or where it is from but we do know that it is powerful. Powerful enough to end all. You, Sir Alan, must seek it out and dest...

The skies erupted in a blinding light and the earth shook violently. The eight council members seemed to be devoured by the light and vanished into nothing. Alan was thrown on to his back and he passed out.

He never noticed the glowing coming from his chest and the mist entering his nostrils and mouth...

It was the last memory he had of what is now called the Old Kingdom. And it was not a good memory... But, somehow, he's still alive. And he has volunteered to join these Paragons for their training and quest. There was a new kid here now. He must have joined the group during Alan's freaky conversation with ghosts. He appears eager to train with these Paragons.

He's as eager as my old squire. Maybe I'll help this kid too...

Mention: FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
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Zelnite Winterfell

Walking out of the local shop, Zel walks toward the town square. His white hair shining in the sunlight, contrasting his pitch black outfit. Sticking out like a sore thumb, he is forced to wear a hood in order to blend in with the locals. Satisfied by a flawless deal with the shop keep, he raises the gold amulet he bought in admiration; but he stops in his tracks, noticing a crowd of people nearby the windmill.

So many... interesting individuals are gathered on top of the hill. Piquing his interest, he heads up the hill in order to take a closer look.

Taking a closer look at the various people gathered, he immediately eyes the valuable accessories that they wore. Are they nobles? Important people? Royalty? He wondered why these decorated people were even in this town, let alone gathered nearby a windmill.

He was about to walk away until he hears one of the men speak.

"My name is Caelum Mavro Asteri. Resident priest, and Paragon."

Paragon? What the hell is a Paragon?

Thinking that this would be interesting, he stayed to listen to their speeches. It's not as if he had anything important to do anyways, the Guild has been boring recently, only giving him mediocre jobs and tasks that anyone could do. Maybe these so called 'Paragons' would give him a much more interesting job. Intently listening to the two, he carefully thought about what they said.

Saving the world? What kind of evil is out there that's much worse than the already corrupted streets of Ald-Goret? What kind of training would they put us thorough? Do we even have the strength to face whatever is coming?

His train of thought breaks as he hears the man beside the mage talk.

"Anyone here that wishes to grow in skill, power, knowledge, or prestige need simply train with us during our spare times."

Prestige... huh? Now that's a word I can get behind!

He walks toward the man, as he gets nearer, he realizes that this man was bigger that he expected. Is he a monster? What the hell kind of person is this? is he even human? He looks like he's about 8 feet tall and could probably kill me in a single punch. How does a man get this big?

Mustering up his courage, he asks in a serious, yet shaky voice.

"Hey! Giant! Avak... was it? If people really do join this 'battle for evil', what kind of reward are we talking about here?"

Blood Born Angel Blood Born Angel
Having finished the plow,Marcus decided to wander over to the stands, and listen in on these young adventurers. He blinked, opening his slightly glowing eyes, and was fascinated by the array of colors that radiated from each group. He mentally berated himself for not checking them out sooner, and slowly advanced, checking out each weapon in advance. One boy had no discernible weapon, but his skin itself glowed with Enchantment magic, as did a large piece of paper on his back. A rather rough looking figure had a necklace that seemed to mix Evocation and Necromancy, a strange combination. One spear was especially fascinating, having a weave of magic giving it varied powers. Many had ambient magic, but he expected that from their species. As he reached the edge of the crowd, he looked up to the paragons, a slight smile on his face.

"While I ask for no training, , as it would leave my shop destitute of any decent craftsmen, I offer my services as a procurer of magical goods, and crafter of weapons and armor. I can do much, but limit it to a request at a time, depending on how powerful the enchantment would be. I advise you all to take this offer, after all you all can improve. Also, I will not make a endless supply of alcohol of any kind, unless you pay me a kings ransom. So stop asking Hayalet." He pointedly looked at her, then moved back into the crowd.
As the young man spoke, Aedan cast a sidelong glance in his direction. Someone would ask about a reward when the Paragons made the transaction so clear? Stand against a threat to all existence, and in return be granted the power to stand victorious thereafter. Anyone who's been listening should understand that much. If this person is speaking of a reward, it must be because he wants even more. Was the offer to be on par with the Paragons themselves not already valuable enough? Whether made through greed, ignorance, or perhaps a simple desire to push his luck, the black-clothed figure's request for further payment struck Aedan as outlandish. He couldn't keep himself from glaring.

The cleric took in the full appearance of the arrival, sizing him up. A slight build. Black clothes, suited for skulking about in the dark. A hood, hiding head and face. White hair. Aedan's polar opposite. He had a feeling they weren't going to get along.

Mention: Naeg1 Naeg1
The Moon
Yusaria sighed to herself as she looked up at the planet above. This was a very difficult decision for her to make, leaving behind everything she knew and loved to explore Sotiris. Everyone around her tried to convince her to stay, and she really wanted to, but she wanted to know about the world in the sky more. So she said her goodbyes, donned the armor and sword she was given, and now she stood in front of three Al-mi'raj who were gifted with rapid transport magic. It wasn't teleportation per se, but it was very fast, and she would be on Sotiris' surface in a matter of minutes. Taking a deep breath, she approached the transporters, who nodded to her in response. They worked their magic, and she found herself surrounded by light, shooting towards a destination she couldn't see.

Hills outside Old Town
(Current Phase: N/A (Moon not visible))​
A white light streaked through the sky, flying rapidly towards the ground. Passing above the old village, it soon landed in the middle of the plains just outside. It didn't make a crash or boom though, instead it stopped just above the surface and deposited its passenger before fading away. Yusaria blinked rapidly, not used to everything being so colorful, as she looked around and tried to figure out where she was.

Of course, she had no idea.

Still, she couldn't help but smile a bit. She was finally here, to see the whole world for herself! That was rather exciting. She took some time taking in her surroundings before she started wandering around the hills. She did see the town in the distance, but she had no idea what the people there would think of her, so she opted to keep her distance, at least for now.
FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat Royalblue127 Royalblue127 Naeg1 Naeg1 Frenzy Frenzy Unicorn666 Unicorn666 Ronan Ronan Hextremus Hextremus Doughnut Doughnut Lu-Lu Lu-Lu LegoLad659 LegoLad659 marorda marorda
O.O.C.: It's been a bit of a lull and I can understand if some of you have to drop out for one reason or another. Going forward I'll only @ people who post in between major updates as to not annoy those who are not interested anymore. I'll be attempting to make a story post once a week if time permits me, and as we get farther in I'll be adding more GM's to take some of the load off of me. Feel free to annoy me if you think I'm slow as well, I don't mind.

The Paragon's
"Ah! Everyone's curious and ready to go it seems," the priest chuckled and turned on his heels to face away from the group, and began to make his way away from town; his personality flipping as easily as a coin it seemed. The large man in the feathered cloak grunted and stuck his thumb back at the receding figure of Caelum. "It's easier to show you what you're getting out of this. Just follow us if your curiosity is getting the better of you."

Avak then proceeded to make his way after Caelum; who had this childish smile that did not match the image of a Paragon at all. "This is the fun part, don't you agree, Avak?" The man scoffed and shook his head, "You just want to show off to the younglings." This warranted another chuckle from the younger looking man, "How else can they envision the heights they may soar to?"

The two paragons descended down the shallow incline away from the windmill. Who followed and who remained would determine the amount of trainees they had to start with. A smaller number was probably best, but deep down they worried over how many would be enough in the end. In time it may look like the whole world is against them, but that was something for the future, not now. The two men strolled passed the field a ways, once more ascending up a boulder strewn hill. Trees were scarce here because of logging teams clearing space for more fields in the future, and needing the resources for the reconstruction efforts. Once they crested the hill the town was nothing more than a quaint background drop with the mostly cleared fields in between.

"Think this is enough space?" Asked the flamboyant Paragon.

"I highly doubt it, but it will do for our demonstration," replied the hulking man. He plopped himself on a stump facing those who followed. Giving all those who gave into their curiosity a piercing gaze. While Avak looked toward the group, Caelum had his eyes fixed on another sight. A streak of light as fast as a shooting star plummeting to the earth. For a moment he thought it was about to crash into land and he visibly tensed, but when he felt it would strike there was nothing. Odd...

"So... Who here thinks they can beat this punk of a priest in a fight?" Caelum spun around at that, looking toward his companion with a dry smile. "Who you calling punk? Don't you know to respect your elders?" His good eye glanced over at those who joined them, a teasing smile on his lips as he awaited their answer. All the while silently probing the surroundings for whatever had soared through the sky just then.
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Location: Countryside nearby Old Town

It was cold here, so far north of the Endless Sands. There it would be freezing cold during the nights, but when the sun rose the temperature would rapidly rise. They hardly knew this thing called "seasons" either. It was always just the same. Glaring, blazing hot sun during the day, deadly freezing cold at night. And the occasional downpour, but that was so rare every drop of rain that fell from the skies was almost celebrated and seen as some divine miracle. That, other than her tail had made her stand out further to the north, happily skipping through the rain. Okay, not literally happily skipping... but definitely enjoying the cool water. That had quickly changed, for rain further inlands was far more common, and Cirina had quickly gotten annoyed with being soaking wet and the sun not being warm enough to quickly dry her up again. And now she was here, further up north than any of her people had ever been. Far past the mountain that had birthed the sun. Cold lands, wet lands, and winter's approach. She had her regrets coming all this way, longing for the familiar sands and napping on the rocks. But she had come too far to turn back.

Cirina shuddered in the crisp air, wrapping yet another layer of clock around herself to ward off the cold. A beam of light coming down from the sky drew her attention. Shooting stars were nothing uncommon, but for one to come so close... and seemingly plummet right into the earth? That's something new. She expected to hear the loud sound of a crash, perhaps even feel the very earth shake beneath her feet. Nothing. Cirina blinked slowly, hand instinctively reaching for her blade. She was cautious and unsure what to make of what she had just seen. Just another thing to add to the increasing list of oddities of the North. Her tail flicked, orange eyes carefully scanning the area. There was a town in the distance, undoubtedly the town where these so-called "Paragons" had made their refuge. Her reason for coming all the way here, other than curiosity and having little to return to in the South. Trinkets and knickknacks from this area could make her some decent coin if she'd take it back home. Another reason for her to have come this way. Money. A Blade for Hire can only do so many things before rich merchants start wanting to hire you to dispose of competition rather than guarding and guiding their caravans through the Endless Sands. And while a warrior by training, Cirina had enough sense of honor to not harm an innocent man, woman, or child. Especially children.

Another something drew her attention. A gathering of people nearby in the hills. A whole variety of them too, so it seemed. Cirina loosened the grip on her blade's hilt, not wanting to appear aggressive or like a possible threat, making her way over to the group. She walked with certainty, yet caution since this was unfamiliar territory. That, and she still wondered what in the Dragon's name could have crashed down from the sky just moments before. Cirina caught the last few words spoken between two of the men in the group. Something about a fight, and respecting one's elders. Cirina knew her way around both of those two. Yet other than moving closer, she did not respond. For all she knew she'd walked into the public execution of some criminal, about to be beaten to death by those he had wronged. Seemed a bit barbaric to her. No, criminals were poisoned by snakes and left into the desert to die and rot in the sun. Only the worst of them though. Most others were just hanged. She crossed her arms and watched the scene in front of her unfold.
“Well,” said Marcus, heading over to some of the lumber pieces that had been left behind, “as much as it seems like a wonderful activity, I’m afraid I forgot my armor today, and remembered my sanity. I’ll just head over here and watch.”

As he says this, his eyes glowed a powerful blue, as the wood seemed to melt. It moved in the air, and formed itself into a basic chair, that seemed to be carved from a singular piece of wool. Marcus stumbled a bit, but straightened and smiled sarcastically at the group in front of him, as he lowered himself into the chair. “Go ahead and have fun, should be a laugh to watch.”
Aedan stepped forward. He had no doubt that he would be defeated soundly. Regardless, the opportunity to spar with a Paragon was simply too valuable to miss. Experience is a wonderful teacher, and very few got the chance to accumulate any dealing with a Paragon. This bout was as insane to pass up as it was to accept. The relative quiet of the outskirts allowed Aedan to hear his boots crunch the ground beneath with each footfall. He could feel his heart beating harder. A slight breeze blew across the hilltop, against him, as if warning him to turn back. But he took his position in front of the priest and straightened his back, eyes focused and intent on confrontation.

"I don't," Aedan said, answering Avak's question. Even so, he clearly intended to try.

To the untrained eye, it would seem that Aedan merely tensed up in anticipation of combat. However, his was most certainly a fighting stance. His torso angled somewhat with that of his opponent, meaning he had one foot in front of the other; his hands tightened into fists; his elbows and knees bent ever so slightly. Martial artists train in low stances to strengthen their legs, making movements faster and more powerful when standing upright in a real fight. Several feet made up the distance between the combatants, but the priest undoubtedly stood within the wanderer's range. The young man had prepared himself to explode towards his foe and strike the instant the battle began. Aedan remained still, focused on keeping his breathing steady until the start of the match.
Mentions: Blood Born Angel Blood Born Angel
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Alan followed the group up the hill and found a nice flat stump to sit on to watch whatever was going to happen.

Ah... It appears that there is going to be a fight!

Being a warrior, Alan never turned up a chance to test his skill against others in a friendly sparring match. But that was in the past. He knew who he was going against then but these Paragons were new to him. He remembered the words his father spoke to him once during sword training.

A wise warrior never goes into battle with his eyes closed.

So he would watch this Paragon fight and learn how formidable he is.

Is that kid challenging him? He really IS an eager lad isn't he? He would be a perfect squire if times were different. Maybe a bit of a handful but still...


Now let's see how good the kid is at taking advice

mentions: Blood Born Angel Blood Born Angel FearTheKumquat FearTheKumquat
Zel followed the group, listening intently as the pair issued a challenge to the crowd. Seems like they're ready to show what they can really do.

I'd probably die if it's the giant, but the priest? Seems easy enough

He looks around the crowd, seems like two people are sitting out of this fight. One person looks ready to go, but no one seems to make the first move yet.

"If everyone's just going to stand still, mind if I start this off?"

Dagger on his right hand he crouches as low as he can and prepares to lunge at the priest. He throws a small knife as he proceeds to lunge at the man, his left hand beside his holster and his right in front of his face. He aims at the lower part of the body, planning to quickly immobilize him in order to gain an advantage.

Blood Born Angel Blood Born Angel

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