Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Rita finished, clamping her mouth shut embarrassed. A red tinge worked its way across her face. "...y-yeah um.. so.. we sounded awesome.."
As the song ended, Alie went to Samantha saying, "That was great, your voice is beautiful. Thanks Rita and Samantha!" She put her guitar around her back and collected the sheet music.
When Rita was nudged, she turned about four or five shades redder, and laughed, rubbing her head. "Haha so did you.. I guess I've been playing for a while.."
Rita awkwardly got up and inched away from the Piano, a bit sad she couldn't really run back to her work. "Well, yeah, songs. Awesome job, Alie."
Rita grinned as well. She reached under the table and pulled out a cake. "I couldnt get it myself, but i called Namane.. its from Lorenzo's." She recieved a lot of greif when her aunt saw her, but it was worth it. She had plates under the cake. "Here, enjoy"
Rita gave him a happy grin and sat back down, pushing everything to the middle of the table. "Oh, right." She pulled out plastic wear as well.
Adrian stood, rolling his shoulders back before stretching a hand out to Samantha. Another person, in their small group, fun.
After a bit, Rita decided they had stayed in the club too long. It was already getting late. She laid her head on the table, staring at the happy group, before attempting to put the brace back on. Her foot was too puffy so it felt too small, but after stuffing it in, she got up. "Well.. i think its time for all the good kids to go to bed."
Adrian put on a face like he where a pouting child, before crossing his arms over his chest.
Rita laughed a bit at Adrians reaction. "Stay if you would like, but pretty soon it will be too late to leave. I need to get something out in town, myself..." she didnt know how that would work. Maybe if Namane wasnt too pissed, she could get her to take her.
"Well be careful on that leg okay? I'll walk you out" Apollo said as he helped her up.

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Rita shrugged. "Its um.. its fine. Im going to call my aunt. She can sort of drive a bit.." She froze, turning white. "On second thought, you are allowed to worry if Im not back in the morning.. The last time she drove me, she was on a main road and she stopped, not pulling over, just stopped, to say hi to a guy she knew."
Rita frowned, facepalming. "Oh geez.. remember when I told you she's more of a spas than I am? God, and she hasn't seen my foot. I told her I tripped and my ankle twisted. She's going to go crazy.. Have any morphine? You know.. in case Namane needs to be sedated?"

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