Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Apollo handed her the snow globe and the envelope holding the letter, the snow globe was a model of the city.

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Adrian smiled widely at the sight of Cady though his nervousness. He ran his fingers through his hair as he watched her reactions to the presents.
Samantha opens the art class room door that she was told about by Apollo. I turn the knob hoping he wasn't messing with me and walk in. "I-Is this a wrong time...?" I blush a little as I notice everyone watching me.
"Not at all come on in if you'd like" Apollo told her. He pointed to Adrian and Cady "this is Adrian and Cady, they're members too"

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Alie heard Apollo calling everyone's name and went back into the art room where Rita, Adrain and Apollo stood, waiting for Cady to come back. In her hand was a picture of Cady, with Adrian hold her, and Apollo holding Rita. Alie was sitting beside them, strumming her guitar. Zedric stood by the tree and even the new girl Alie met in the hallway before attending to Rita's foot. Everyone seemed to be having a great time together. She also had sheet music for the piano and guitar, with lyrics that represent the friendship of the club. "Hey Rita, Do you play the piano? I saw you playing it at the new music store." Alie asked and handing Rita the piano version.
"Hey. Glad you could make it! We are just welcoming back a friend from a little trip she went on. Come in." She said from her seat, not thinking twice about lying about where Cady was. "Hm..? Piano? Yeah. Thanks Alie." She said, limping over to the piano seat and reading over the music.
"Cady, this is a picture for you and a little lalliby I wrote while in the hospital for you. Rita, will you play along and if anyone can sing, can join in as well." Alie waiting for everyone to decided whether or not to join in and Alie started the song. Strumming notes here and there in a steady beat.
Rita swallowed, not a fan of an audience, but shrugged any nervousness off with ease the moment she pressed the first key, then she began to pay seriously.
Alie pulled out another guitar version and handed it to Samantha. After a few notes, Alie winked at Rita and Samantha to start singing.

(If you wanna know, it's All about Us by He is We.

Rita kept her mouth firmly shut, only focused on her playing. There was no way she would make any other noise. She didn't miss a single note though.
Adrian sat criss crossed in his chair not able to wait till the whole piece began. He loved music it revolved around all of his hobbies, music told stories even without words. He gripped his ankles listening intently with his eyes closed swaying ever so slightly to its hidden beat.
Samantha blushes a little little from not usually singing in front people and shyly starts to sing the lyrics and slowly moves in to my mind of where I move in my thoughts. I think of my past as I sing and get lost in the music.
Rita sung lightly, closing her eyes and getting really into the song. Her voice wasn't bad in any way. It was just too quiet to be counted as singing.
Adrian listened, knowing the song personally and finally opened his eyes at the end of the second verse and watched each persons hands play their instruments. Their fingers mesmerizing as he tried to predict the next string or key.
Apollo sat back, watching Rita play and sing, happy that they were all together.

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