Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Adrian looked down at her knee, then back up at her before nodding and mouthing, 'you okay?'
Rita nodded back to Adrian. "I guess i sorta cracked a bone in my ankle, and my knee was only bruised day or two ago. No big deal though. Have any good ideas?" She asked, handing him her sketch pad. She was good at lip readed but this was easier.
"Rita! Adrian! Alie! Cady's coming back later, she's been discharged." Apollo told them excitedly

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Adrian smiled weakly before writing in the notebook, well we can ice it for now and if you want take you to the doctor. But if you want I can look to see if you did crack a bone.' Adrian was about to show her when he heard Apollo and his smile grew larger.
Rita nodded. "Got an xray yesterday.. and yeah. It really sucked, haha. Wait! Shes coming! Get to work Adrian! Hurry before she gets here!" She replied with a giddy smile.
"Good to see you excited" Apollo told her with a smile. "And no more running" he said, his face becoming more serious.

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Adrain stood up nodding before running out without a thought, what could he do. He ran through the halls searching for inspiration knowing he wouldn't have time to buy something. His heart pounded in his chest as he finally came to the music room and entered trying to think of something. Once he entered the answer nearly stopped his heart, it was gonna take all his courage, all of it leaving no ounce behind. But it was all he had time to do so he sat on the piano bench and begun to write hoping Cady would like his gift.
Rita jabbed Apollo in the ribs. "I can tell.. he is really thinking about the bestthing to give for Cady. Better save his gift for last. Hm?"
Cady plugged her headphones in at the gym and lost herself in the exercise, feeling better about herself. She was heating up but she couldn't take her long sleeves off, she couldn't. Everyone would stare.
Rita sat and waited for Cady, completing one of her mugs and moving onbto a matching platter and bowl. She worked quietly, expecting Cady to come any time.
Adrian closed his eyes as he hummed the melody, the sound shook with his anxiety. His hands gripped teh neck of the ukulele before he begun to strum the first chord and mouthed the words. His heart pounded though he still didn't use his voice, he hoped they wouldn't judge him. He hoped they wouldn't care if he sounded terrible, and he hoped that Cady would most of all like it. 
Once complete with his present Adrian came back into the art room placing his ukulele and notebook in the corner by the canvas stands. Before sitting back down by the others tugging at his sleeves with extra energy.
Cady finished at the gym and hailed another taxi, she sent a quick text to Adrian. "On my way to College now, see you guys soon x" she tapped her feet anxiously, hoping they'd want to see her.
Rita gave Adrian a gentle grin. "By the looks of it, youre almost ready. All you need is a little more confidence. But i bet she will love whatever you have planned for her."
Adrian shurgged giving a small smile before feeling his back pocket vibrate from his phone and slipped his hand into his pocket taking it out. He read over the messege before showing Rita and Apollo.
Adrian nodded replying to Cadys text, 'can't wait to see you up and running.' He hit send his thumb shaking as it touched his phones surface. He was afraid he wasn't going to go through with his gift, as he placed his phone back in his pocket he rose his hand up to his throat and slid his thumb a crossed it's surface slightly. Using his voice so purposly had become but a memory to him.
Cady smiled at the text pocketing her phone as she turned up outside the College, she walked down the familiar hallway shakily, happy to be back. She opened the door to the art room and smiled at her three friends.
Rita saw Cady and jumped up on one foot, grinning ear to ear from her place at the table. "Cady!! Welcome back!" She said, absolutely full of glee.
Rita hugged her back tightly, before sitting back down, not able to stay balanced on one foot. She grinned to Apollo. "Alright Cady. We all have something for you!" She took out the wooden box with watercolors inside and the paint brushes with matching wood, giving it to her.

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