Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

After a while of Alie being there, Rita decided she could manage things on her own. She felt awkward with somebody around her helping her and didn't like feeling incapable, but after a while, she did end up falling asleep. She figured everything that happened was pretty exhausting, though she wanted to stay awake, talk to them more.
Apollo went home to train with Zedric, did his nightly rituals and slept. Before going to bed he sent Rita a "Goodnight"

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Rita shifted in her sleep, phone buzzing. She opened one eye and replied. "No class tomorrow. So glad. Sleep well. Tell Zedric I said hi." though the typing was messy and she was sure she messed up several times. She closed her eyes again and drifted off, until morning.
Apollo woke up the next day and arrived at the school early, knocking on the door of Rita's dorm.

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Rita woke up, and changed out of her old clothes when she heard the knocks. She got up and slowly made her way to the door, slightly less painfully than yesterday thanks to whatever Alie did with her hands of magic. She opened up, happy to see Apollo. "Hey.. whats up?" She asked in a voice reminiscent of her sleep.
Rita laughed. "Im not sure. Ill try to walk on it for now... but i dont have anywhere to go yet." She grinned, rubbing the back of her head. "Is the dance tomorrow?"
Rita shrugged, face turning pink. "I guess i mean.. its not important, and they already have enough to worry about.Adrian hates injuries and Cady has enough to worry about. Besides, in a way, we are looked to for strength. Id rather not feel any other way."
Rita shrugged. "Nothing about yesterday. I mean, the dance is fine. If i can get Cady to feel confident enough to wear a dress, we will be all set." She shrugged, her mind going back to her depressed friend.
Rita reached over and gave him a quick hug. "Thanks. Ill talk to her next time i see her." She said, thinking about the paint set she bought for her. "Get her to know shes loved."
"I'm going to head to class a little early, we'll get everything fixed up" Apollo told her "Hope you don't mind this" he said before kissing her, and jogging down the steps.
Rita blushed and touched her lips when he left. She went back inside, brushing her hair and cleaning up for class. She made her way downto class, barely using the bad foot, and probably messing up all the work Alie had done, but tolerating it. She got a warm welcome from mr Jay and a card. Leave it to him to overdo every little thing.
By lunch time, Rita had about all she could take from certain teachers. She got to the art room andworked ona simple handbuilt mug to passthe time. Well, she spent half of lunch just getting there.
As Apollo was changing a classmate asked about the large scar on his back "It's a long story, I'd rather not talk about it" he told him as he walked out, forgiving his apologizing classmate, and walked into the art room. "Long day" he told Rita as he exhaled heavily.
"It'll be just fine" he said smiling to her. "I'm beat" he told her as he walked into the hallway to find something tattered on the ground. It was the painting. The one that looked like his parents. Destroyed, he stood in silence for a moment, then clenched his fists, gritting his teeth.

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