Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Alie text Apollo saying, "I think it'll be good for you to surprise Rita. Here is the address, just tell the front office you are here to see Dr.Fredrick Quinton and his niece Ashalie Rose."
Right after school Apollo drove there texting Adrian to let him know if he wanted to hang out later. He walked saying "I'm here to see Rita"

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Rita smiled. "My parents feel distant though they are alive. I have an Aunt who takes care of me, so I understand. Its like a sort of loving feeling, like being accepted when you feel you have nobody.." She trailed off for a moment, but she put a hand on Alie's shoulder and gave her a knowing look. She quickly texted Apollo back before going into the room. "About to get an X Ray. Not a fan. Its fine for now but I'll kill the next person to step on my foot haha xD "
"yea, that feeling is somewhat something you want, but can't explain well. I'm glad I get to know you Rita."Alie said while helping Rita on t

he table and placing the foot. Over the intercom, Fredrick said, "Alright, Alie, is she ready? thumbs up if so." Alie replied with her thumb and told Rita, "It's alright, just relaxed, I'll be right behind the glass." and left the room.

~Off in the Office~ "Oh yes, x-ray room 2, through that door, down the hall, 7th door on the right." said the office lady
Rita tied to relax. She let her hands tic and move freely so she could hold the foot still. After what felt like forever, she was finally at her wits end. Rita didn't know why. Holding still was even harder when you are told to.
"Hey Apollo, Rita seemed to have issues relaxing and her foot is moving. Maybe you can talk to her over the intercom?" Alie suggested. "Thats a great idea Alie." said Fredrick motioning towards the microphone and on button.
"N-no! Its fine! Wait, he's already here? Why?!" Rita asked, only a little spazzed out as she kept her foot completely still.
"Hey Rita, it's me Apollo, I heard your ankle might not be in the best shape. Don't worry I'm a bad dancer anyways" Apollo said laughing at the end.

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'Alright, we are done!" said Fredrick over the intercom. "Alie, and Apollo is it, why don't you get Rita and I'll get her x-rays. Met in my office." Alie and Apollo came to Rita and helped her to his room. Alie left Apollo with Rita and went to find Fredrick.
"So how was school? You get anything done, or did you just run off the minute you dropped me off?" She asked casually, her mood brightening.
~Off with Alie and Dr.Quinton~

"So, What is the situation Dr?" Alie asked in a playful doctor like tone. "It seems it is just cracked, nothing to serious. See here, it's important for her keep it stable in the correct position." He replied, "lets take these to the others and figure a time in a few days to take another." he suggested. They both walked back to the room. "Me and my assistant here have come up with the solution.' he told Rita.
Rita looked up, giving her most "I wasn't freaked out or waiting or anything like that" grin and shrugged comfortably. "So, whats up?"
"You see, you have a lot of pain due to the location of the crack here. I can see that it's right next to nerve tissue where a corner is touching. By keeping it positioned correctly for the next 24 hours, I believe you will be able to go to the dance. You just have to stand on Apollos feet when dancing." Dr. Fredrick explained. "Now Alie will take care of your knee and be there to make sure your ankle gets air from being in that brace. Do you think that's possible Rita?"
Rita turned a little pale but sighed, shrugging it off. At least she could go to the dance. That made her happy enough. "Wait.. I'm in track. Is that going to work out?" She couldn't even touch her foot on the ground. She didn't even want to know at this point.
"If you have a way for me to contact your track coach, we can find out how many days he allows you to miss. I'd be happy to explain the situation and Alie here can back my up at your school. I'm sure we can see if your ankle gets better before you miss too much. Also, Alie has special ways to help pain and is able to ease the mind. But no, track will not be an issue." Fredrick said. "Thanks Fredrick." Alie replied. "I'll see you around" and hugged her uncle. Alie helped put the brace on and headed out towards the cars. "Rita, my house or your dorm? I'm fine with either." Alie asked.
Rita looked back, waiting for Apollo. "Wait. How am I supposed to get around easily..? Damn it.. probably my dorm.." She said, spirits. down. She played with her hair nervously. "This is no fun.. I hope that girl wont be on the team."
We drove back to the dorms and Apollo help Rita inside. She was placed on the bed to rest. "Apollo?" Alie asked, "I'll make sure Rita can go to the dance. Just let me know if there are any concerns."Alie left the room to let the two talk for a while. "I'll just grab somethings my my house. Be back soon Rita." and left home. A few minutes later, Alie arrived with medical supplies and other things. By nightfall, Alie let Rita's ankle breath for about 2 or 3 hours and placed it back to let her sleep. She was unable to sleep so she can help Rita. Alie put her music on and started some of her home work till the sun came up and had to let it breath and again after a few hours.

(I'm going to bed now. Night everyone!)

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