Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"Goodnight" Apollo told her smiling. He he almost stumbled walking down the steps, feeling almost lightheaded with the euphoria of what had just occurred.

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Rita closed her door, leaning against it, not just for support for her leg, but also the feeling she got from the kiss which made her feel like floating. She stumbled, holding onto cluttered desks and the walls to get to her bed, collapsing on it. She rolled up her pants leg once again to see the color and swelling have gotten a lot worse, but she was too tired to care. She fell asleep seconds later.
Apollo got to school a little early, ready, and hoping to see everyone. He sat down at the tree in the courtyard and stretched his legs. Texting Adrian "Hey let me know when you get here."

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(Read the last 2 posts...And things are heating up between Rita and Apollo!)

Alie woke up the next morning wondering how the others are. Apollo and Adrain came home and Rita was as well, but wasn't able to see them since before. Morning was slow as she got ready for school, which was as normal as its been.
When Rita awoke, the first thing she felt was a horrible pain through her leg. She noticed it was worse than before and she felt like her ankle was just hanging there. Almost crying, she braced herself against the wall and changed as quickly as she could, just making it out of her room. She was not sure what to do at that point. She didn't want to call anyone, or see any doctors.
Apollo sat by the tree until his class and hurried in. He text Rita "how's the leg?"

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Rita looked at the clock, silently cursing to herself seeing as she would be late, and everyone was already in class. Well, everyone that could help. She read the text and replied shakily. "Im right outside my room. Cant make it to class. Can you tell Mr. Jay?" She replied.
"I will, do you need help after?" He replied to Rita. "Hey! We're in the same class! Awesome."

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Rita replied, "That would be great. It was worse when I woke up.. so I guess no dress shopping for me today. haha. Sucks." She didn't really feel the joke in the text but figured it would keep him from getting up in the middle of class. She decided to give up trying and sat down against the wall.
"I'm not sure, hopefully by tomorrow" he told her with a slight frown. "Wonder when Adrian's going to be here."

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"Alright, thanks. Hey, you seem worried, yet happy. If you need to go somewhere, I can help her if she needs anything." Alie suggested while motioning towards the girl standing next to them.
"I'm going to go pick up Rita, she fell during a track tryout yesterday, hurt her leg. Show her around while I'm gone okay?" Apollo said as he walked off to Rita's dorm to pick her up.

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"It's gym, the coach won't mind" he told her with a grin. "Hop aboard" he said jokingly leaning over to give her a piggy back.

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Rita laughed, uncomfortable about the situation, but still got on his back. "Sorry about this! I mean.. I figured I could wait it out.. but apparently not."
"It'll be just fine" he told her with a smile. He walked her down the halls and into her class. He looked at the teacher and said laughing "Sorry she's late. Sports injury."

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Rita waved nervously. "Hey.. um, sorry!" The teacher made his way to Apollo, a worried look on his face. "Miss Vince, how are you feeling? Have you gotten your um, leg looked at yet?" He asked, noticing the dark puffy spots on the leg, as she wore shorts so the fabric wouldn't touch.
Rita frowned and shook her head. "I really hate doctors.. but I might need to.." She replied in a sort of childish manner.
"I really wish you would " he said frowning. "I've got to get going, have a great day!"

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Left alone with the girl, Alie spoke, "Hey, I'm Alie. If you need anything, just ask okay!" Alie then text Apollo, "Hows Rita? if anythings injuries I can always take a look. I did do some medical courses. just let me know." and sent.

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