Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Apollo was surprised at the size of the pizza "it's beautiful he said, grabbing a slice

(It's crazy here too!)

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After a while of eating and a few slices, Rita was full. She looked to see so much of the pizza left. It really was a group thing. "LEftover boxes again.." She said mainly to herself, proud that she at least felt hungry and ate considerably.
Rita nodded in agreement. "Best Pizza Ever." She said, getting a to go box from the waiter and getting out her wallet. "There are some other good places but this isn't fancy and its really good."
"Yeah, definitely. Can I tell you something hat makes me really happy? I've never met a group of people so genuine and kind before, I mean my aunt is pretty kind, but she's family. Its nice to know everyone can move forward without being alone. Thats kind of why I want to throw a party for Cady. I get it, you get it and I think you helped Adrian understand he doesn't need to face everything by himself, but I think Cady is still figuring it out."
"You're absolutely right, she needs us". Apollo told her with an approving nod.

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The bill came and Rita put down some money. She grinned. "Ready to get going? I had a lot of fun.. but its also getting pretty late." 
After stuffing her to go box full, she grinned at him. "Oh, and next time, you would ask me. I mean, besides the dance. You want the food?"
"It's all yours." Apollo then told her smiling brightly. "I'll definitely ask next time."

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Rita nodded, ready to go. She stood up, one foot on the ground at first, then when touching the other brought more pain, she leaned casually on one side. "Lets get going then."
"I'm going to help you into the truck okay?" Apollo said as he helped her there.

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Rita looked down, embarrassed once again. "I wonder if I could get that girl off the team for this.. and I'm sorry. It might be easier in track without some girl at my throat."
"Yeah you're right about that, don't let them bother you" he told her as he drove down the road

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Rita blinked tiredly, leaning her head against the window. "I mean.. if its a guy pushing around my friend, its easy to just beat the crap out of them and get them to say they wont do it again.. but if a girl is messing with you, things get weirder."
"You're certainly right about that too" Apollo then changed the subject. " I've got a tournament the day after the dance, do you wanna go?"

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"Just martial arts in general, a fighting tournament, and it'll be all day in the city."

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"Fighting? Hell yeah! I mean.. um, sounds great." She said, nervously playing with her hair. She is a fairly nice person, so her cursing always seemed strange. Still, fighting. One of the funnest things to do and watch, though she would never tell Adrian.
"I've been getting ready for this one" he said as he pulled up to the school and parked beside her dorm "c'mon I'm going to help you up there."

(It's awesome. This RP is the bees knees)

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(If I knew for sure bees had knees, I would be very confused. But since its an expression, Thanks! I try my best! )

Rita sat still for a moment. "What if its no better tomorrow? Then the dance is after that.." She asked, worriedly.
Rita nodded, trying to put pressure on the other leg but only making her cringe. "I'm just a little worried... But whatever happens, yeah, we are still going." 
After getting to her door, Rita smiled, silently thanking him. "Well.. um.. I guess I'll see you tomorrow than?"
"Today was wonderful, I enjoyed it, I loved it" he said in a noticeably nervous tone. "You beat me to the date punch, but I think I'm going to beat you to this one" he reached forward, running his fingers into Rita's hair, leaned forward and kisses her.

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Rita was first surprised, but then after a moment, leaned into it. Her face was warm and her knew the heat would radiate and he would feel it. But in the good way. When she finally released, she looked into his eyes with a calm smile. "Good night."

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