Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Rita nodded, reluctantly. "Y-yeah.. I'll go to the nurses office or something.." She replied. Mr Jay was kind enough to help her out and walk her to the office. He was the only teacher who didn't take her weird antics seriously, and embraced her loves. While they were walking, she saw Alie. "Hey! How're you feeling? Better since the hospital?"
Mr Jay nodded, giving Rita one last stern look and handing her off. "Be careful Miss Vince. See you tomorrow I hope." He gave her a grin full of smile lines and took off. Rita stood on one leg, looking just a little pathetic. "Hehe.. so who told you?" She asked.
"No one specifically, just observant but I managed to get it out of Apollo." Teehee Alie giggled. "I'm good with wounds, why don't we find somewhere to sit and I'll take a look."
"That'll be perfect." Agreeing to that, Alie helped Rita to her dorm and setting her down somewhere. "How did you get the wound?" Alie asked while examining the wound.
Her knee was swollen significantly, as the size difference between it and her other was quite noticeable. dark spots and one bad bump could be seen. On her ankle, it was much worse, it seemed to hang funny and there was a ring around it only going a third the way, a bruise that was almost black. "I was trying out for track, and on the last lap, someone tripped me... I thought I would wait it out.. but its worse today."
"It seemed pretty bad. Can I use a bowl and towel to clean it off?" Alie asked. Looking for a bowl and towel, she filled it up and went back to Rita. "I can see you knee will be better in a few days, but you ankle is a different story." After cleaning her wound, Alie put the bloody water on the counter. She now did a simple bandage and focused on the ankle. Alie carefully placed Rita's foot in her hand and felt around. "Sorry, this may hurt, I need to know if anything is wrong inside."
The moment Rita was touched, she screamed out. It didn't even feel attached to her at this point, but it still hurt like hell, without being touched. "P-please stop."
"Sorry." Alie replied. "I believe your ankle is really bad. Either something is broken or fractured, or something with the ligaments or tendons and only a bit in my knowledge. I suggest, at the least resting, and not be on that ankle. But I highly say to see a doctor or just get an x-ray. For now, I have something at home that can be used and if it works out, you won't have to see anyone. I have a free period currently and get it if you'd like" Alie said while cleaning up. She felt proud to be able help and waited for Rita to relax more.
A couple tears ran down her cheeks without Rita noticing. She relaxed and nodded. "I think.. god, I hate doctors so much.. but I should probably go to one.. hm? I cant drive though.."
"I'm glad to help, since you help me a lot. I'll be as fast as I can okay." Alie finished cleaning up and head out the door. "Do you want me to tell Apollo or do you? We could always wait till later." she asked.
"Um.. I'll text him a heads up."Rita said, smiling to the other as she was leaving. "Thanks though."

Rita pulled out her phone and messaged Apollo. "Hey. Sorry about earlier. Anyways Im going to get it checked out. Alie thinks my knees alright but my ankle might be fractured. Yikes. Well yeah, don't freak out if Im not there at lunch or after school. Sorry!"
Alie hurried to her home wondering. She found a brace that could fit her ankle so it's doesn't get worse and stays stable. She got into her car, an old midnight blue, two seater, porsche boxster and headed back to the school to pick Rita up. As she drove, she thought about her father who gave Ashalie the car and also showed her how to drive in this. In a few minutes, she made it back to Rita. "How you doing? I brought what I had. It might hurt for a second to put on." Alie reached and as careful as she could, put the brace on.
Her eyes watered as she bit back any reaction she could have. "I'm fine. And thanks, again. I know its like the third time I've said it, but really. Thank you." She got up, using her desk as support nodded to her. "Yeah. Im ready when you are."
Rita looked at her phone and laughed. "If you really want to. Sounds like a boring time to me though. But yeah, come by if you feel like it."
"Alright, Lets go. Did you message Apollo?" She asked as the headed to the car. "I know someone one who can take a look." Later, the made it to a doctors office and Alie help Rita out. "Ready to get it looked at? My friend is super nice and can get in there right away, and I'll be there the whole time." Alie smiled, entered the lobby and told the woman up front to tell Dr. Fredrick Quinton, Ashalie Rose needed to see him. They headed towards his office.

A few minutes passed waiting in the office, when a tall, man with brown hair and green eyes entered in a lab coat. "Long time no see Miss.Rose. What brings you here today?" he asked. Alie replied, "Nice to see you Fredrick. My friend, Rita, had an injury yesterday. I took a look a while ago and her ankle seems pretty bad." "You must be Rita, My name is Fredrick Quinton. may I take a look while you explain what happened?" he asked Rita. "Ashalie, you did exactly what I would've done. You pretty much did my job." he told Alie. "Thanks. I learned from the best." Alie replied.

(I gotta go to bed pretty soon. I'm having such a great time!)
(Yay, and aww)

Rita took off the brace as gingerly as possible and nodded. "Not much to say. I got hurt getting tripped in my track tryouts.. Im pretty clumsy I guess." She decided not to mention how the tripping was intentional. "Alie, you're quite the doctor, hm? Im glad I have somebody a friend knows looking at it instead of a stranger. Im not a fan of most doctors."
"Well. As Alie said, it's pretty bad. Why don't we head to the x-ray room to take a closer look. I'll go get it ready while you take her to the room Alie?" Fredrick said. "Thanks Rita. Dr.Quinton here is my uncle. Ever since my parents died, he took me in and trained me in the basics." Alie replied. "My father and Fredrick are twin brothers, so it feels good to be with my family."

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