Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Apollo stayed at the top row of bleachers hoping not to distract her, but wanting to watch all the while.

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Rita looked up at Apollo only for a moment, pleasantly surprised, and smiled. One girl, an active Apollo fan took note of this and on ritas third lap, when she was at her fastest, stepped in front of her on "accident" knocking both of them into eachother. The girl sniffled and yelled. "Coach! The crazy girl knocked me over!" Rita gripped her leg, wincing, but looked at the ther apologetically. "Im so sorry.. i didnt see you."
"What the hell?" Apollo said running down to the track to make sure she was alright. "Rita, are you alright?" He asked her as he arrived.

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(We have so many replies :3)

Adrian had bidded Cady fairwell when a nurse asked him to leave, and was now once again on the side of the road back to his home. His fingers fiddled with the note anxiously hoping it was all a cruel joke, though he knew better. He was crossing a bridge when a person caught his eye a crossed the road, his gaze fell upon the stranger. The man was leaned against the ledge of the bride staring back at Adrian with uncomfortable recognition, this caused Adrian to pick up his speed trying to leave the man. At a moment he looked over his shoulder to check once more and saw the stranger was taking slow steps after him. Adrian tried to look back down the road and continue walking but everything stopped when after he blinked. It was a simple blink of the eye but in that quick mili-second the man had disapeared. Adrian began to run back home in fear, was he going mad?
Rita nodded, but was firm on not moving. Her legwas cradled in her arms but she smiled. She other girl looked mortified, however, and moved towards the coach. "She did it on purpose! Look!" She pointed towards so blood trickling down her elbow.
Rita whispered sorry a few more times, looking towards the cute short blonde who was complaining. "Does it hurt?" She asked kindly.

The blonde humphed and the coach turned away to look at Apollo. "Barrett, what did you see? I cant have a girl on my team if she is going to hurt another student." He gestured towards Rita.
"That girl stepped in front of Rita, you saw her running she's the fastest out here. She should either get another chance or be accepted onto the team."

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Rita flinched, realizing that might not be such a good idea. She stayed seated and unmoving, waiting to here what the coach had to say. "I think she would make a good member.." he replied, trusting Apollo. "She already finished, basically." Ritas shoulders relaxed, hearing she wouldnt have to run. She slowly let go of her leg, cringing.
"Thank you coach, you won't regret it." Apollo told him as he helped Rita up. "I'm going to borrow your newest member for a bit if you don't mind" he said with a smile.

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Rita cried out, when she tried to move her leg and held on to Apollo. She gave one last apologetic look to the coach and girl as they left. "Whats up..? And thanks for defending me"
"Just decided to watch you try out" Apollo said as he picked her up to carry her to his truck. "You were amazing!"

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Rita pretnded not to mind being lifted. She may be thin, but she was over all tall. She laughed wwith glee at what he said. "Really? Thanks! And thanks for coming.. i was sure it would be boring. Well.. it was really short but still."
They arrived at the truck as Apollo helped her in. "What would you like to do now?".

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Rita turned red and shrugged. "Just. Give me a moment.." she rolled up her sweat pants biting her lip at a pain that surged from ankle to knee. Her knee was bruised in a few different places and had an odd bump. Her ankle wasnt as bruised but was obviously swollen up. "Did that girl really hurt me on purpose..?"
"It looked a little blatant as far as I could tell. I'm sorry." Apollo told her with a frown

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Rita looked down at the ground and shrugged, but then put on a pained smile. "Its fine. They can do whatever they would like. I may seem crazy, but im happy.. i just wish they wouldnt have hurt me right before track starts."
Rita gave him a quick hug, overjoyed to have someone like him in her life, before pulling away, a bit embarrassed. "So.. have any places in mind? I mean.. as long as nothing else is going on." She asked, rolling down the pant leg cringing, but staying quiet.
"It's up to you entirely" he replied with a warm smile. "Let's make it somewhere we won't have to walk too far at"

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Rita shrugged. "Want to get something to eat? And dont worry.. i need to walk it off anyways. Haha.." she shrugged, not having any good food ideas.
"Oh! Lorenzo's pizza? We can split something. The pizzas are huge." She said with a grin. It was one of her favorite food places. "Hm... then we need to tell Adrian to get Cady something."
"Text him, and that sounds amazing." Apollo said as he started the truck and hit the road.

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Rita nodded, texting Adrian. "Dont let Cady see this. Me and Apollo got her welcome back gifts and we are wanting you to find her something so we can surprise her when she gets back from the hospital. Might pick up a cake for her too. You in?"

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