Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"Rita?" Apollo asked wondering who she could be looking at, yet not turning around.

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Alicia was walking down the street, seeming to have just left a group of girls, and was now looking at the two of them. Rita's blood ran cold, as she recognized the girls as some who made fun of her in the past. She only hoped she was never mentioned as the smiled towards the pretty girl.
Apollos eyes became wide as they never have before, for once he looked afraid as he decided not to look back "it isn't, is it?".

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"Apollo lovely seeing you her with... I'm sorry what's your name again?" Alicia asked Rita, to which Apollo answered quickly "Rita. Here name is Rita and we were just going.".

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Rita looked down at the ground, still smiling as she would, just polite enough. Then she felt her hands urge to tic. 'Ignore it..' she thought to herself, 'don't make a fool of yourself..' she tried her hardest to keep herself still, only for it to fail and her hands and arms ticked a couple times. "Hi again.." She said, hoping she didn't notice. People outside of her new group tend to be more judgmental.
"Oh you're the new girl" Alicia said in a condescending tone. "You two have fun then" she told them while leaving, but not before looking at Apollo in a way that made him remember just how rotten she was.

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Rita stayed quiet and nodded. It seemed easier to disappear around people like that. No need to confront her. She stared down at her shaky hands, watching them move in the way she hated. "Ugh. how rude." She said when the girl was out of listening distance.
Rita pried her eyes away after what felt like a long time, knowing she was going to get more teasing the next day. Sighing and shrugging off the though, she replied. "Hmm.. theres a shop with musical instruments. They even have a piano you can play. Want to check it out? Its pretty new."
"Well I can't play, but I would be happy to watch you" Apollo told her laughing.

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"Oh, sorry! Do you play anything.. or is there something you really want to do?" She asked, suddenly red after thinking of playing again.
"Let's check out the music store, c'mon" Apollo told her with a big smile, as he held his arm out to escort her there.
Rita took it, laughing a bit in disbelief. She held her other hand to her hair, playing with strands in front of her face.
Apollo walked into the music store, looking at all of the instruments in awe. "I don't play but I do appreciate music. If you wanna play anything I'll listen gladly."
I quickly looked through the music discs trying to find a Three Days Grace album. I finally grab the disc and turn to run in to a boy and a girl that looked like a couple. "Oh. I'm so sorry..." I said shyly as I looked up from the racks.
"Oh it's fine" Apollo told the girl with a smile. "What album do you have there?" He asked curiously.

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"Awesome!" He said with a smile also. "I'm Apollo, this is Rita. Do you play any instruments?"

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"Eh just curious, it is a music store. Do you go to the boarding school at the end of town too?"

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"Well if you play anything you could always join our artists club, we've got a room for music and everything" Apollo told her excitedly.

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"It's a hallway at the south end of the building! Feel free to come in after school and during lunch"

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