Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"So do I" Apollo said as he finally cranked up the truck and headed towards town. "Turn on the radio" he told Rita with a grin.
"Today got a lot better considering how it started for me" said Apollo shaking his head, feeling that gut uncomfortable feeling about his ex moving to his school.
Rita looked at him with worry. "Whats wrong with her? Ill admit i didnt trust her, but why were you so set off?" (I have to sleep. Sorry. Usually id stay up but i have a headache.)
Rita nodded, jumping out, and waiting for Apollo. She had a feeling making something for Cady to come back to was the best thing right now.
"Hey wait!" She said, childishly grabbing his arm and looking up at him. Though she was tall, she didn't have much on Apollo. "Don't you want to find something too? It would be more specie if she had some love from everyone."
"I guess you're right, I'm just not so sure what I could do to help, do you have an idea?" He said looking down.

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Rita shrugged, thinking hard about her friend. "Just look around, and when you get that feeling that reminds you of the person, get it... All I know as far her loves is that she is a really good artist."
"We can figure it out" Apollo told her with a smile, looking around the store at all of the different things, wondering.

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Rita looked as well, giddy to see all of the art supplies. She felt a bit selfish, but seeing art and supplies made her inspired to do something. It was one of the reasons she and Namane never cleaned the papers and pieces from the house. She found a lovely wooden case and opened it to see tube water colors and a palette. The wood was a dark reddish and she touched it to feel the smooth texture of the glossy surface.
Apollo walked up to the clerk at the register and asked clearly out of his element "What's your finest paint?".

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Rita came back up to the counter, waving to Apollo, with the box and a couple paint brushes, wood matching the handle, made for water color. "Find anything? I think she'll like this."
"I'm not so sure about painting things , I'm a little out of my element" he whispered.

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"hm... what do you think would be a good present from you to Cady, then? I mean, something you can understand." She said, smiling brightly at the cashier and offering him a "Thank you. Have a good day."
"I've got it" Apollo declared. "Follow me!" He told Rita happily as he took her hand and rushed across the street to an antique shop.

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It was an old dusty store filled with odds and ends "Mr. Anthony! Mr. Anthony!" Apollo yelled throughout the old quiet store, as an small old man with thick glasses stepped out and replied "Apollo! How have you been? Is this the girl Zedric told me about? She's as lovely as he said" Apollo looked at him with a smirk knowing he was trying to embarrass him.

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Rita blushed, but smiled deviantly. "Hm..? Zedric said stuff about me?" She asked with a laugh. "I'm Rita. Nice to meet you, Anthony. Now whats this idea you had?"
"Do you remember that snow globe I looked at the other day Mr .Anthony? Bring it out, and I'll need to use one of your typewriters" to which Anthony responded with whimsy "I'll go get it right away, and feel free to use any of them". Apollo sat at a typewriter, fed some paper in it, and began pecking at the keys

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Rita smiled, a bit entranced in the typing. Writing was an art form as well. Some had the ability to put you in a different world with nothing but words. Her eyes traced his fingers, figuring she would wait until he was done before asking what he was planning.
"Finished" Apollo said with a smile. Mr. Anthony walked in after he had finished. "Here's the snow globe, just as you asked". Apollo handed him some money as he was handed an empty envelope to put the letter he wrote inside. Apollo folded it into the envelope and signed it "Cady". "See you later Mr. Anthony!" Apollo said as he walked out of the door. "Where to next Rita?"

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Rita smiled, walking out. "Well I think we-" She paused, seeing a familiar and very pretty face. One she had the pleasure of meeting not even a day ago.

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