Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Rita grinned at the ground, playing with hair. "Im really excited. Ive never been to one.. and im really really happy." She said, thinking about clothing shopping the next day. "Is it formal, or casual?"
"It's supposed to be very formal, I suppose I'll have to look nice for a change." He said laughing.

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Apollo blushed which he hated was a habit being made "Um.. Ah thank you. Ahem. You look pretty great yourself" he said nervously.

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Rita smiled excitedly. "Good! They have the best and weirdest combinations. My aunt would always get pear and gorgonzola pizza."
"All of the meat" he said as they pulled up to the restaurant. "Let's head in"

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Rita grinned at first as she got out of the truck, but let out a yelp of pain as soon as her right foot touched the ground, and it didnt hold as she dropped down, cushioning her landing by sitting down.
Rita got embarrassed and shook her head. "Its fine.. i was just.. a little surprised. I dont know what i did.. but it hurts a lot."
"We can get it looked at after dinner if you'd like" Apollo said as he walked her to a table and sat her down, then sat himself.

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(Wow.. alrighty. See you! :) )

Rita nodded. She hates doctors and would usually rather die of some strange illness before seeing one, but she figured she needs to walk. "Y-yeah. Thanks." A waiter came by and offered to take drinks giving them an odd look. "Yeah, um.. ill have some water. Apollo?"
"I'll have the same" Apollo told the waiter. "Today's been wonderful hasn't it Rita?"

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Rita nodded. "One of the best days. A few minor issues, but im really happy that you and Adrian are back.. even more that i asked you out like this." She said, once again smiling downward.
"I'm pretty glad you did too" Apollo told her with a smile. "Once again I wish I could've beat you to it"

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"Well um.. maybe we can say today we just had fun finding Cady's stuff.. and when you are ready to go on a date thats unrelated to anyone but me and you, ask me out." She blushed at the thought of the up and coming dance, as a waiter came back, ready to take orders. "Apollo. You pick. Im good with anything."
"I'll ask you on the second date, how about that?" He asked grinning. "And waiter, all of the meat."

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Rita nodded at both of them excitedly. "Maybe at some point when Cady and Adrian get a clue, we could all go somewhere.. i mean, besides the dance. I think they are just a little more shy than us." She smiled, thinking of how close they were from the start.
"I agree, but hopefully they'll hop over that. You can tell Adrian likes her."

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"And I already got Cady to admit in a way she likes Adrian. Its a matter of time I guess." She pizza came fast. It took up almost the whole table. "See? Told you its huge!" She said, going after a sliver. 
(Its snowing so much at my house. Already have three inches.)

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