Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Adrian opened his mouth like he was gonna say something but he knew he wasn't. As Elioras face turned to an expression of pure joy, "oh my god, yes. I'm staying in Crow for a while and to spend a day with you guys would amazing." Her arms flew up at the last word, "hey Aid. We should eat at Pockets afterword on me, c'mon." She spoke happily as she began to walk and waved them to follow. A child trapped in a teens body that was all she was. But Adrian looked like he had aged in the last couple minutes rubbing the bridge of his nose as he picked up his notebook off the ground forcing a smile.
"It'll be alright Adrian. It's your sister, listen to how excited she was to spend time with you."

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Adrian sighed looking over at Apollo before writing as he walked, 'are you okay with all this though?'
Adrian couldn't stifle his smile as he smiled widely, at that moment he seemed even more alike with Eliora. He held his notebook as he followed his sister his mood slightly brighter. Just don't look at the scar, he told himself, don't.
Adrian nodded the smile still apparent on his face.

"Your so slow..." Eliora spoke loudly earning a couple states from those who where especially greaving. "Hurry up!"
(To be fair Adrian and I will probably be home tonight the way things are progressing so it'll be back in action in no time)

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(And to be fair.. Hi)

Rita burst into the hospital room of Cady, after getting the room number from a nurse, sliding in right at a good visiting time. She had taken some time recently to help her family settle into her old house and after hearing from teachers what had happened and receiving a note from Apollo, she was devastated about the fact she wasn't there for them. "C-Cady! I was so worried!"
Apollo picked up his phone as they hopped in the car for the procession just to check and see if Rita had text him. His phone had no notifications in what seemed to be a feign effort.

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Rita looked down at her phone. Did Apollo know? She sighed and rubbed her forehead, thinking to herself about everything she seems to have missed when at her Aunts. She wasn't in a position to ask him if he knew now, so she figured it could wait until after the visit.
Cady looked up from the bed, trying to hide her black eye. "Hey sweetie, I missed you." She wrapped her arms around Rita tightly.
Rita hugged back, protective over the other. She noticed she was acting funny and bent down to attempt looking her in the eyes. "Some body come and hurt you? That mark looks fresh." She said, barely catching the dark mark on her eye.
"If you're sure." She said, still not entirely convinced. "At school, I noticed that you weren't around when I got back. I thought at first you took the trip with the others, but then I heard when asking a teacher. He was very nice, made sure I was a friend before he told. Can you please tell me what happened?"
"I-I-I didn't t-t-t-t-t-tell anyone..." Cady trailed off. "I-i-i-i-took a load of pills...i-i-illegal ones and..." she showed Rita her stitched up wrists.
Rita's frown deepened considerably as she stared at the wrist. The one she patched up before. She turned completely white as memories flooded. Of course she couldn't get her to stop. Patching it never fixed anything. Not for anyone. Just a thin cover. She shuddered. Nothing more than concealer, trying to fix and hide flaws deeper than appearances. She tried replying to what she said first. "S-schools get informed.. um.. you know, when someone gets check in.. I guess."
"I-I-I guess so." Cady rubbed both her wrists in turn. These cuts would never heal, they'd be thick vertical scars reminding her of her unsuccessful attempt. "So-so-so how've you been?"
Rita's eye contact dropped as she turned completely away from the other. "Um, you know. I just help my mom and Namane settle into the new house since the last was sort of destroyed in a way. It was nice.. some catching up time.. I even saw my dad." She last thing she mentioned had no emotion to it. It was just a fact. He came and helped out. Said a few words. Either way, that didn't matter at this point.
Adrian stepped into the car pulling his seatbelt a crossed his lap before getting comfortable. He looked out the window in time to see Eliora step in to another car her black hair shining in the coming sun.
Apollo looked out the window as he text Rita a simple "Hey" hoping she would respond. He looked over to Adrian and told him "We should be home by later tonight".

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Adrian nodded anxiously as he pulled out his phone to see a text, 'guess who?' He stared at the number squinting his eyes in fake annoyance before responding, 'Eliora...' Right as he finished the text they came upto the all to familiar cemetery.
Apollo climbed out of the car and waited on Adrian, so he could follow him.

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