Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Adrian nearly laughed out loud but restrained himself pulling his sleeves over his hands.

"What's going on...?" Eliora then asked suspiciously her state moving to each of them.
"It's nothing at all" Apollo said laughing nervously as they walked in and found a table.

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Eliora squinted her eyes looking at him like she'd find an answer as she sat down a crossed from Adrian who yawned again.

"So, any hobbies." Eliora gave a cheesy smile unable to think of any other topics just as a women came to the table.

"Hello I'll be your waitress tonight my names Meghan. Do you want to start with some drinks?" Her gaze lingered on Apollo with a look of recognition but Eliora interrupted her thoughts, "a sprite and lemonade would be amazing." Once she finished talking she winked at Adrian as the waitress responded, "great, and you?" She looked at Apollo her eyebrows raised.
"I'll just have water, thank you" Apollo said wondering about her expression.

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"And as far as hobbies go, writing, athletics, acting and hanging out with Adrian and the gang. How about yours?" He asked Eliora.

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Elioras eyes widened at all the hobbies intrigued in everyone, "well I sorta dabble in everything but mainly dancing, photography, and track." She leaned forward onto her hands, sneaking glances at Adrian. Who sat idly by enjoying just listening.
Adrian nodded no slightly, himself quite confused about the girl. He turned away looking at Eliora who was straightening her silver ware.

"What's this about a gang? Like friends, or are you dealing?" She looked up from her fork with a stare that could be joking or serious.
"It's more a figure of speech I guess, it's just the artists club at school" Apollo said with a nervous laugh.

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Eliora nodded, "how many of you are in this group?" She questioned intrigued as Meghan came back with their drinks setting them in front of each of them. Before interrupting the conversation, "are you ready to order?"
"You guys ready?" Apollo asked the two of them. "This is a nice town" Apollo told the waitress with an attempt to make small talk.

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Adrian looked quickly through the menu and pointed to the Wonton soup to Eliora so she could tell the waitress his order.

"Ya, it is. It's the kind of town where everyone knows everyone. But it's difficult to get out of this town if you grow up here." Meghan spoke casually but sounded like she didn't want to talk anymore just as Eliora spoke.

"Um, I'd like the Chow Mein and my brother would like the Wonton soup." Eliora stacked the menus setting them at the end of the table as she waited for Apollo to order as well.
"I guess shrimp fried rice" Apollo told her. "I find towns like this amazing" Apollo said to the waitress with a smile.

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(What would happen if you took a criminal organization of murderous men, forced themto celebrate valentines day and wrote them poetry with cheesy nicknames? Think about it for a bit)
(Oh wow)

Adrian took a sip of his drink the waitress nodding in response to Apollo before walking away.

"So, who's in this gang I'm really interested." Eliora leaned forward enjoying the company.
"Well there's Alie, Cady, and Rita" Apollo told her with a smile.

(Thinking about it)

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Eliora raised her eyebrows in amusement, "so...a bunch of girls?" Adrian instantly blushed looking down at his hands to hide it. He blushed so easily it became annoying.
"Yes, that could be said. They're all very nice" Apollo said laughing. He pulled out his phone and text Rita "Could you check up on Cady and Alie when you can?"

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"So you two in any relationships?" Eliora took a small sip of her drink eyeing Adrian especially.
Rita groaned and reached for her phone, light sensitive to her sleep blurred eyes. It really was nice to feel tired. She read the text and grinned. "It was the first thing i did when i got back today. Basically asleep right now. speaking of which, when you get back, wake me up so we can all go together."
"Sounds wonderful" Apollo text her back smiling as he did. Apollo looked around the room as she said that "Well, not exactly." He told Eliora as he tapped his foot beneath the table.

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Eliora looked a little disappointed leaning back in her chair. "I'm out of conversation starters.." She stated simply smiling softly.
Adrian looked up intrigued to hear about how she was doing. Eliora thought for a moment before talking, "um okay, I've been great and I've joined my schools dance team, in fact I'm Captan. And I plan on being a sprinter for my schools track team when it's 4th quarter. And I have a boyfriend..." She trailed off her eyes widening at what she said. Adrian leaned forward his stare serious and eyebrows raised. He held the expression of an over protective brother mouthing to her, 'really?'

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