Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Adrian wrote quickly, 'what's his name?' Eliora smiled, "wow your like an over protecting father, Henry." Adrian thought about the name looking at Apollo before writing, 'what're his grades like? He a good kid?' Eliora rolled her eyes playfully "he's a good kid with only A's."
Apollo started to laugh. "You should visit our school sometime." he said to Eliora with a smile.

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Eliora sighed in relief, "I would love that maybe sometime soon." Meghan came to their table with their food setting each persons meal in front of them. Before leaving with a forced smile.
Apollo began to eat as he couldn't help but think about the waitress. "I'm going to go to the bathroom. Excuse me." He said as he walked up to the waitress. "Excuse me miss, I guess I'll introduce myself first, I'm Apollo Barrett, I was wondering if you know my friend Adrian." He said with a warm smile.

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Adrian nodded before taking a sip of his soup immediately burning his tongue. He waved at his tongue Eliora pointing and laughing. While Meghan leaned against a booth "you already know who I am but I'll repeat myself I'm Meghan, Meghan Powers" she held her hand to shake Apollos before continuing "and ya of course I do."
"Good to meet you Meghan I was just wondering, I couldn't help but notice the familiar look."

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Meghan looked away for a moment, before looking back and talking.

"We where partners in ballroom dancing when we where kids alright Barrett." She spat out his last name slightly offended before calming down and continuing, "I care about him, he and Eliora had it rough." She looked desperate before looking away, "I have tables to check on thanks for the conversation."
Apollo walked back to the table, he sat down asking the two "How are you guys enjoying the food?" as he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and began writing upon it.

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Eliora smiled, "mines great and I'm guessing Adrian's is good since he keeps burning himself trying to eat it." She chuckled seeing Adrian flinch as he tried to take another spoonful of his soup. But stopped to look at Apollo in confusion on what he was doing.
"I think I'm going to take this to go" Apollo said as he put his pen back in his pocket and folded the piece of paper holding it in his hand.

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Adrian raised an eyebrow before mouthing 'something wrong?' While Eliora was in mid bite.
"Its whenever you're ready, I'm just not too hungry right now." Apollo told him.

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Adrian nodded before writing to make sure Eliora wouldn't read it, 'I can imagine you want to go home soon so tell me when, alright?'
Cady fell into a deep sleep unaware of the increased beeps on her machine and the flurry of nurses rushing around her bed. The amount of drugs she took caused her heart to randomly have palpatations.
"It's up to you entirely" Apollo told him. "I'll tell you what Eliora, if you ever have the time to come and visit Adrian back home I'll be more than willing to fly you out, and put you up in the Barrett hotel and conference center there." He said smiling.

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Eliora smiled nodding enthusiastically "that'd be great but I'd hate for you to spend money on me." She waved her hands in front of her before continuing with understanding "so your leaving?"
"Trust me it wouldn't be an issue whatsoever." Apollo said with a smile "There's a lot going on back home. Our friends need us back there, so just give us a call if you ever feel like coming down."

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Eliora smiled as tears began to fall from her eyes, "I'm glad I met you Apollo" she whipped her hand under one of her eyes "and I'm glad I saw you again Adrian. I'm gonna miss both of you" Eliora stood causing Adrian to stand and step around the table to hug in fair well. As they stood there Eliora whispered through sobs, "Adrian I love you, take care of yourself you've made yourself a good life and don't lose that." Adrian nodded biting his lip harshly, "and one more thing Adrian," Eliora pulled away hands on Adrian's shoulders, "speaking isn't painful and useless." Adrian was in slight shock as she spoke more "Now both of you get out of here before I kidnap you or something." Eliora pointed to the door falling into her seat.
Apollo left a generous tip, and the piece of paper he was writing on atop it addressed to Meghan as he walked to the door.

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Adrian stared down at Eliora before kissing her forehead and left after Apollo swallowing a sob. Meghan then came towards the table seeing Eliora, "I'm gonna clean this table but you can stay here.' Meghan began to clean but stopped seeing the paper.
The paper read

" I know I seemed intrusive earlier and for that I'm sorry. You said it was difficult to get out of this town and I would like to give you an opportunity. Call the Barrett Hotel and Conference center nearby, I'll be certain they set you up and they'll train you for whatever job you would like. There's one located in just about any major city you can think of and they'll put you where you want to go. Hopefully it helps you do whatever you would like to do.

Sincerely, Apollo Barrett."

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