Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"You can do this Adrian. You've been strong for all of us, I know you can". Apollo told him as he got out of the car with Adrian as they walked inside of the funeral home.

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Adrian's bottom lip trembled as he stepped out of the car. The naturally cold Colorado air blowing into his face. It was 15 minutes before the service began and a few people still where gathered outside of its doors.
"Just remember Adrian, no matter what happens, or what you think, I'm here for you, no matter what happens alright?" Apollo told him as they approached the people at the door.

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Adrian's breath came faster as he nodded to Apollo picking up his pace as he stared at the ground. They stepped through the crowd, Some would stare whispering to one another but only at Apollos slightly in-familiar face while Adrian was like a shadow as they entered the building.
"I'll follow your lead from here" he told Adrian as he stood behind him.

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Adrian nodded weaving through crowds of people, the amount near the same as the whole towns population. He continued to walk until he came to an empty bench near the back of the large room sitting almost immediately. He let out a sigh of relief before looking at Apollo for approval of the seat.
Apollo sat beside him looking around the room, hoping no one noticed him, he would probably tell them he wasn't Apollo Barrett if they did.

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Adrian sat in his own silence with a blank expression until a familiar voice broke through the room which caused his expression to change into a look of fear.

"Adrian" her voice was playful and the person was unknown until they stormed out of the crowd. Her face was much like Adrian's her eyes a deep coal which matched her straight black hair which flew behind her. But a thick scar ran a crossed her face from her right eyebrow down to her chin. If it weren't for the scar she would have been easily described as beautiful to many. She ran over enveloping Adrian in a tight hug her cheerful laughs slowly turning into sobs, "I missed you" she croaked out quietly. And after a moment of pure fear and shock Adrian wrapped his arms around his sister, his only real flesh and blood and thought her name longingly, Eliora.
Apollo looked over while he untied his hair and let it fall. He watched curiously as they embraced. Possibly waiting for an explanation or introduction.

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Adrian slowly pushed Eliora away noticing Apollos uncomfortable stance. Eliora stared at him confused until she followed Adrian's gaze to Apollo and her mouth opened in astonishment.

"Is this your boyfriend?" She questioned, Adrian's face grew into embarrassment as she began to babble stuttering at some moments. "O-oh my, wow I never imagined when we where kids that you would uh not saying that I'm not alright with it' I totally support you guys...!" She continued to speak nervously, Adrian's head falling into his hands.
Apollo began to smile at laugh at the scenario "We're not.. I'm not.. We're friends from school." He reached out a hand to her and said "I'm Apollo, Apollo Barrett, and you are?".

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Adrian looked over at Apollo giving him a silent thank you. While Eliora had became silent taking a seat before shaking Apollos hand and speaking "wow, really? It must be tough living in such a high and mighty family, huh? I wouldn't know though," she smiled genuinely before looking at Adrian who had sat up by now, "I'm Eliora Crossan, Adrian's sis." She punched Adrian's arm making him flinch and rub his arm with an over dramatic look of hurt an expression he hasn't usenet since he where a kid.
Apollo grabbed Adrian playfully with a smile and told the two jokingly "I knew Adrian didn't get the looks in the family." He then looked to Eliora and said "It's great to meet you."

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Adrian looked at Apollo smiling while Elioras cheeks flushed a deep red that coated them entirely.

"Thank you." She spoke quietly looking at the ground before taking on her usual energetic composure and turned towards Adrian before speaking with large arm movements.

"Hey Aid!" Adrian looked up at the old nickname slightly surprised at his sisters memory as she continued, "Aid." She spoke again waiting for a vocal response, but only receiving his face which would say he was listening. After a couple seconds of silence she looked at Apollo and leaned in blocking her mouth and whispering uselessly, "does he not talk now?"
"Not necessarily, but we communicate very well. I consider him my best friend as a matter of fact" Apollo told her.

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Adrian clenched and un clenched his fists annoyed by the fact Eliora still spoke as if he wasn't there. He texted Apollo quickly before standing and walking out of the room, 'treat my sister with respect while I'm going to the bathroom.' He meant the first part but it slowly had turned into a lie, Eliora watched Adrian leave before facing Apollo her large scar making her slur her S's.

"I love the idea of Aid having friends," she leaned onto her arm as she continued, "when we where kids he was so angry and tough to everyone but me mom," she paused hesitantly before continuing "and dad. It's crazy to see him so calm for so long to be honest." She gave a large smile despite their supposedly dreary surroundings.
"He's very strong, and brave for me and all of our friends. If it's not an intrusion to ask, why don't you attend the boarding school with Adrian?"

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Eliora sighed but didn't mind the question, "well our parents went missing ten years ago and without any other family members alive me and Adrian where sent to an orphanage." She ran her fingers absently down a section of her scar as she continued, "within the year Adrian was adopted and was token to wherever you guys are now. While I stayed at the foster home for two more years until I was adopted. My new family lives in Washington so I live pretty far away I guess and that's why." She spoke casually but her voice became monotone as she continued.

"That's why this" she referred to the whole room, "is such a big deal because. We found her body,"
"You seem very kind, and enthusiastic, he's very lucky to have a sister like you." Apollo said as he reminisced on his brothers he had lost.

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Eliora smiled, "well I'm not gonna be all sad and blame myself for everything like him." She said with a pout before noticing his sad gaze.

"You've lost people," she whispered bluntly after a minute or so "don't try to hide it I've seen the gaze to many times to not be able to tell." She grew serious but stopped when her mouths edges tipped upwards.
Apollos look grew more serious "How could you tell?" He asked her, not wanting to ask if a newspaper, or news report had given it away.

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Her smile only grew before pointing out her thoughts behind the observation "you downcasted your stare keeping away from eye contact and as well as this your fingers grew more tense. If it was something else your eyes wouldn't have seemed so distant, and finally I'll point out the obvious sad in thought face you had." She spoke the last statement with a chuckle covering her mouth.

"Not many others would be able to see this so don't worry it's just a trick I picked up." She swept a stray hair out of her face after speaking.
Once more Elioras face became a bright shade of pink before rubbing her neck awkwardly and speaking.

"Where is he anyway does he have diarrhea or somethin'.." She covered her mouth at the last statement before griping her stomach and giggling immaturely.
"I'll go check on him" Apollo told her as he walked into the bathroom asking aloud "Adrian, are you in here?".

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