Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"Someone call the police!" Zedric shouted to a nurse down the hall. "You'll put her down and I'll put you down when the bloody police arrive." He told him his grip tightening.
In the mean time, as the fight went on, Lieutenant Darrin came to his self at went to find out what is going on. He gave Zedric his handcuffs to finish the killer off.
Zedric picked him up hands behind his back and cuffed him. "Are you alright Madame?" he asked Alie while handing him over to the lieutenant.
Gathering oxygen in her lungs, and her heart began beating normally, Alie replied, "w...what...happened. I think so." while holding her head in her hands.
"Let's get you back to your room and checked on" Zedric said as he helped the nurses put her in a wheelchair.
Adrian's head bobbed up and down as he tried to fight the sleep that was slowly taking over him. His body curled up into a tight ball.
Alie was brought to her room and checked up. Before going to sleep, she texted Apollo, "Thank you for getting help. Tehe, he reminds me of Sebastian from black butler...Well, hope nothing bad is happening to you and Adrian. Night Apollo."
(Time Skip)

Adrian had awoken purposily early, dreading the coming day. His mother had been loved by many people and Adrian knew that if he went through with the funeral he was most likely to be recognized by friends. Adrian ran his fingers through his bangs as he stepped into the bathroom with his plain suit. Adrian hated the thought of being in his hometown but knew that he had to be, at the thought he peaked outside of the bathroom quickly before stepping into the shower quietly. He took his time in the shower as he began to remember who may be going, anxiety slowly took over him making him shake despite the warm water that pounded against his skin.
Apollo did his usual workout routine, put on his suit, and tied back his hair. He waited for Adrian at the door.

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Adrian stared into his own reflection as he fixed his tie one last time before stepping out of the room, his eyes edges lined with a bright red.
Adrian absently twiddled his thumbs in the car before beginning to second guess going to the funeral. The thoughts of the childhood people caused him to shake as he texted Apollo, 'we don't need to go. I'm sure you want to go home anyways.' Adrian hit send unsure on whether or not he was okay with leaving.
"You can do this" he told Adrian. "I'm here for you, don't worry about a single thing. If you want to go, and you would truly be alright with that then you can, but if you'd regret not going in there, then go inside and don't regret it."

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Adrian sighed Staring down at his lap, Apollos answer being enough to tell him to continue with it though it pained him.
"What do you think Adrian? What can you say without a donut one way or another what would be better for you?"

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