Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Alie woke up by the sound of her phone. It was Apollo and answered, "If you think fainting at a police station, being brought to the hospital, being killed in a nightmare by the man the day we first met; by the way, he escaped and might be coming after me, is normal, yes, everything is fine."
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"It's alright, don't worry. You look a little bothered. Everything alright Adrian?"
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"No, it's okay, you're under no obligation to tell me these things. I'll still be in hospital when you get back which sucks though, I was hoping we could hang out." Cady text Adrian.
Adrian looked down at the phone running his fingers through his bangs and sighed before reaponding to Apollo with a text.

'Cadys in the hospital.'
"Be there for her Adrian. If anyone can help her it's you. First thing when we get back we'll visit her." Apollo told him with a reassuring smile.
"Hey Apollo. You are a wonderful person for helping your friends Cady and Adrian and Rita..." before sending, the killer entered the hospital room, closing the door behind him and closing the blinds, he pulled the curtain, separating her and Cady, around and just stood there. Finishing the message with the words, "He is here" and sending before he covered Alie's mouth.
Apollo was stunned, he called the one person who could most certainly help. Zedric. Immediately Zedric rushed to the hospital to help her.
Adrian gave a forced smile to Apollo and replied to Cady, 'so, has the hostpital food gotten any better? I remember it being horrible.'

He hit send more gently trying t ocalm himself, but once finished he heard apollo talking and looked at him with the same expression of worry, an look he seemd to be wearinga ll to often lately.
Cady wasn't in the room, she was on a balcony in one of the more obscure parts of the hospital.. She chuckled at the text. "I don't know, I haven't eaten it. I've been living off a drip, my stomach can't take it yet." She decided she may as well be truthful.
Adrian though worried about why Apollo was calling Zedric to leave towards the hospital replied to Cady, 'I wish you would eat.'
"I can't though, it's just...a thing, and anyway my stomach is too messed up at the moment, the doctor said i'd reject everything."
Adrian sneaked a look at Apollo once again hoping he'd get an answer to his question soon before replying, 'I'll be back tomorrow night, i'm going to vist you immediatly so be prepared.'
Cadys eyes widened. "prepared for what?" she text. She leaned her head back and looked up at the starry sky, watching her breath escape.
Adrian stared intently at the bright screen the sounds of teh TV fading into the background as he typed, 'be prepared for me to attack you with kindness. :3'
Adrian thought about what was going to happen tomorrow, the funeral the event caused the image of his mothers dead body to flash in his mind. The image made the back of his eyes begin to burn with tears as he responded truthfully, 'me too.'
With lack of oxygen, not enough to suffocate, he carrying her out of the hospital. Alie noticed Darrin, nurses and doctors passed out on the floor. Before they made it out the door, Zedric stood in the door way.
Zedric rushed him immediately, picking him up by the throat, his long arms creating a distance between them "It would be unwise to resist any further" he said through gritted teeth.

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