Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"Yeah. A terrible one" Apollo told him wincing. "Our family's go back, we dated, it didn't end well."

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Alie sat in an old, metal chair with her one leg under the table and another partly out. The room had musky, sweat smell that made her feel even more uncomfortable. Cracks spread throughout every wall, here and there, along with holes that seemed to be from punches and struggles. Fear filled Alie's heart as she sat in the room for more than 15 minutes, that rose up when Darrin entered, with his partner beside him, and the question came one after another; Beginning with What, why, when, that over whelmed her. Sooner or later, he asked, "You must have been wounded badly, there is no hospital records on the day of the attack. We would like you to deliver your clothing, as evidence, and write down your story tonight. Any one who was involved, helped you during this." She was in the room, 15 minutes waiting, 45 minutes answering questions and another 10 minutes waiting. "You will be placed in witness protection until after the trial, alright?" was the last thing he said to Alie. After being let go, she went straight home to write the event and never to think about it again.
hey i'm sorry but i have to drop the rp as well because it goes way to fast and i'm not a speed poster and i want to dedicate myself more to writing a novel because i recently talked to a teacher i deeply respect and they have encouraged me to go for it as i have the aptitude to do it, for the posts i was able to do in the role play i did enjoy it but it just went way to quickly because i can only log on once or so a day if that and it's difficult to read 40-50 posts and then try and weasel my way in again, so i say to you all keep enjoying the rp and i hope you all have fun. And when i have something written i'll be sure to share it, and if you get curious or want to encourage me or give me a idea to add feel free to send me a message or a comment on my page. Enjoy rping the rest of this story out as it seems like it will turn out to be a very interesting story.
Adrian nodded staring down at the water, it's in-predictable patterns interesting him until he remembered what he was doing and texted Apollo, 'this is a nice place.'
Adrian had sat in the hot tub silently, but it hadn't been the same so he soon left and entered the room. To find Apollo constantly moving with what looked like fear. Adrian stepped over and placed his towel on the bed before he sat on the edge of the bed. As soon as he sat down he set a cold hand on Apollos shoulder and shook him slightly.
After a while, Alie wrote her side of the story and went deep into her closet to find a box. Within it had her cloths, bloody stains, ripped from the blade, with the scent of that dewy night. She placed the story on top of the cloths and quickly closing it up as the memories flashed through her mind. Apollo's house is on the way to the police station as she walked, seeing the blood trail on the sidewalk. When she came to the crime scene, she stopped and started to see the mans face when a homeless man passed by. Snapping back to reality, she made it to the police station. Everyone was running around like ants under attack, and Lieutenant Darrin came to her saying, "Alie? Thank you for the evidence. You could of brought it tomorrow."

"Thats alright, I'd rather do it now. Whats going on?" Alie asked

"He escaped." he said suddenly.

Alie collapsed when hearing the news and passing out. Brought to the hospital, she was sharing a room with a girl. After waking up, Alie realized it was Cady.
Cady groned when she saw the new comer, she didn't want to talk to anyone, and the one she did wasn't around. She didn't want to have to explain why she was in the hosptal

She text Adrian 'Alie is in hospital with me.'

As soon as she sent it she regret it, she gave away where she was unintentionally, it wasn't that she wanted him not to worry, but she knew it'd hurt when he showed he didn't care. As long as she didn't tell him she could at least pretend he did, this was just going to be a painful confirmation of the truth.
Adrian still shook Apollos shoulder becoming more worried as time passed. He had heard his phone receive a text but didn't see it of importance at the moment.
At one point in time, Alie had the nightmare of being killed by the man and screamed loud, waking up almost the whole hospital wing, even waking herself up. Darrin came in with a nurse to see the matter and Alie was given something to knock her out again.
Adrian wrote in the dim light, 'you where thrashing okay?' His expression was worry staring at Apollos own face.
"Yeah, it just happens from time to time. I'll be alright." Apollo told Adrian as he tried to go back to sleep
Adrian nodded un-certainly before chaning into a pair of pajama pants and a plain white T-shirt before crawling into a bed without checking his phone.
Cady woke up again and checked her phone, letting out a small sob at the lack of reply. She knew he didn't care about her, she knew none of them did. She pulled the drip out of her arm and wandered shakily up the hospital to the roof. She opened the door and stood there looking out at the night, shivering slightly at the chill. She sat on the edge, dangling her legs over, contemplating just jumping.
Adrians dreams where filled with the constant image of his mothers decaying body and of a shadowed figure who had caused her death so long ago. It grew more and more dark until he finally awoke to the small sound of his phone. He looked over groggily, his phone would vibrate after an amount of time if he didn't check a text or call. Knowing it was only going to continue Adrian reached towards it and looked at who had sent him the text from before. His eyes opened widly at the sight of Cadys name and texted her almost immediatly, 'Hospital?! Cady you're alright, right? Please please respond. Why? Cady.' He felt frantic as he texted her unable to fall back asleep once he hit send, his body filling with anxiety.
Cady's eyes teared up at his response, she dangled her legs over the edge. "I, I did a bad thing." She text back, she didn't know how to tell him what she did. "I...I tried to leave." She deleted it, it sounded silly. "I'm on suicide watch." Better, but not good enough. "I attempted." That'd have to do.
Adrian lifted a hand covering his mouth, his hands shook as he reponsded, "Cady, please. Don't do this again if you do it'll drive me mad."
Cady smiled a small sad smile "I'm stuck in the hospital for a few days to make sure the drugs are out my system, and my stitches are healed." She tugged the bottoms of her sleeves self consciously. "I miss you." She added as an afterthought.
Adrian smiled weakly at his screen, 'I miss you also, i'm sorry i'm terrible for leaving without telling.'
Apollo,woke up to Adrian's phone and turned on the tv. "If we're going to be up we may as well not be bored." Apollo said with a grin. He then text Alie "How's everything back home?

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