Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Adrian nodded happily in agreement until he saw the fish and tried to un noticeably scoot away. He wasn't a vegetarian entirely for the reason of animals but mostly because meat was gross to him. To stop himself from staring he began to open his pretzel bag.
"I'm hoping we touch down soon, I hate flying." Apollo told him after finishing his food.

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Adrian nodded knowingly as he looked out the window noticing the coming town. He pointed towards the glass as he looked back at Apollo.
Apollo sat back as they touched down, and climbed out of the plane to a town car "Where to first?" He asked Adrian.

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Adrian thought for a moment before righting down the address to the towns largest police station and after the address he wrote, 'just really fast.'
They sped there, finally arriving at the police station where they entered.

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Adrian took a small un-sure breath before stepping up to the women at the front desk, he took out his notebook and wrote 'I'm Adrian Crossan and I was informed I would be aloud to see Julia Crossan.' He felt odd using his original last name his palms sweaty as she read.

"Oh yes, sit down someone will come." She pointed to a set of chair s and Adrian nodded in thanks before sitting nervously.
Apollo sat beside him and told him "Everything's going to be alright, I'm here for you.".

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Adrian attempted a smile shutting his notebook just as a man in a lab coat appeared, "Adrian?" He looked at Apollo and Adrian with raised eyebrows. Seemingly examining them as Adrian stood. "An acquaintance?" He questioned, Adrian nodding yes in response before the man waved for them to follow him down the hall.
Apollo walked beside him preparing for whatever may come next, while looking around the police station.

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The man continued to walk taking turns at some points and at some point he began to speak, "I'm Dr, Johainson, I was put in charge of your mothers case. Her death seemed to be 10 years ago around the point of when your parents went missing." Adrian played with his cuffs nervously, "your mothers death seemed to have been forcably drown." He continued simply without emotion before entering a room finally. He turned towards them once he stopped in front of a human size box, "now her body has decomposed so I must ask if you are sure you wish to see her and whether you want your friend in the room." He looked at Apollo for his input.
"I'm here for you" Apollo told him nodding. He looked to the doctor and asked "Does he need to see this?".

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The doctor looked at Apollo, "only if he wishes." Adrian took a small breath his hands un clenching and clenching as he nodded. He needed to see, he felt a drive in him that pushed him to see.
"Do what you've gotta do man, just know no matter what happens it's going to be alright".

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Adrian gave a weak smile to Apollo before Dr, Johainson walked to the other side of the container bidding Adrian around before he gripped the tops handles. Adrian felt like he where in a dream as he walked around and next to the man as he lifted the top.

((Cliffhanger, got practice be back on in like three hours.))
Adrian's hands shook in tight fists as Dr, Johainson lifted the top.

"Just tell me when you want me to close it." His voice sounded far away because all Adrian's could see was the corpse which laid inside. It was clean of all possessions and skin. But he still saw his mother in the box, her dark curly hair pulled back into a bun, her signature sweater pulled around her small build. Adrian's eyes held no emotion looking distant as they gazed at the body. Without any thought tears starting falling from his eyes, Adrian was unaware of them until he felt them line his chin. He whipped them away quickly before biting his lip and nodding for the doctor to close it. The cover closed and Adrian suddenly felt empty like a part of him had disappeared, as if he was being separated from his mother. And though the coffin like box was closed he still stared at he old top tears piling out of his eyes.
Apollo reached over to Adrian, knowing his pain all to well. He places a hand on his shoulder.

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Adrian didn't quite jump at his touch but welcomed it, moving his gaze down to his feet. His shoulders shook as he began to cry like he had on the plane quietly but intensly. He didn't understand why he was crying so much then though he could have long ago. Adrian didn't want to move, not after seeing the one person that would stand up for him laying in what might as well have been a coffin.

"Crossan," Adrian stared at the doctor but didn't move his body as he continued, "at some point we'd like you to contact us. But for now go get some rest I'll see you at the service tomorrow." And with that Dr, Johainson nodded to both Adrian and Apollo but before leaving he leaned towards Apollo and whispered with a knowing glare, "your not from around here are you?"
"No, I'm his friend from school" he said as he helped Adrian out of the door.

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Dr, Johainson simply nodded walking towards the door and speaking before leaving, "thought so." Everyone knew everyone in this town. Adrian looked up once the door closed and texted Apollo sniffling lightly each time he breathed, 'let's go back.'

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