Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Apollo noticed Adrian texting, he assumed it was Cady "Tell her you'll be gone, don't leave her hanging".

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Adrian jumped seeing Apollo and nodded before sending another text, 'I'll be gone though for. Two days.' Adrian hit send then looked at his room slightly embarrassed. His home wasn't as grand as Apollo his room empty of possessions except for a small photo of a girl and a couple notebooks.
"Ready to go?" Apollo asked him with a smile. He was glad to be there for his friend. He noticed the photo and inquired "Who's that?"

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Adrian smiled nodding but it faded at the mention of the photo stepping towards it and setting it face down silently. Biting his lip harshly his fingernails dug into his palm as they where clenched tightly. He reached towards his notebook writing simply 'my twin sister.' She was 7 in the photo her black hair hanging at her shoulders. And despite the sun which was apparent in the photo she wore clothes that covered her body easily. She looked much like Adrian, his heart aching at the memory. The back of his eyes burned and to stop himself from crying grabbed his suitcase and began to leave passing photos with him and his foster parents which didn't hold any resemblance to him.
"Let's head out" Apollo told him, helping him with his things to the car.

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Adrian nodded once again leaving the house and setting his bag into the trunk of the cat before climbing into the front seat for the first time staring down at his hands as he waited for Apollo.
They arrived to a small airport as they boarded his plane. The inside was decorated nicely, it almost seemed like a living room.
Adrian looked about the area in awe surprised at what the plane could carry. He quickly texted Apollo, 'this is crazy.'
Adrian sat down still eyeing around him before smiling at Apollo and once again mouthing 'thank you.'
Adrian noticed Apollos nervousness and stood shaking to keep balance as he sat beside Apollo giving him a small smile before humming a small lullaby making more noise then he felt comfortable with but thought it would calm him easier. Before writing in his notebook 'your fine.'
Adrian just wrote 'I understand it's fine.' He gave a small shrug his all tune fading quietly before he continued writing, 'let's get your mind off it, so I've noticed you have the hobby of writing. What kind of writing do you do?'
"Just about life, the things I see, the things I feel." Apollo said looking up to the ceiling, much happier.
Adrian smiled as he wrote, 'do you expect to publish? The greatest stories are the ones you experienced.'
"Hopefully so." Apollo was still staring at the ceiling but relaxed a bit more "I'm going to rest a bit, make yourself at home though, get something to eat" he said as he leaned back with his eyes closed.
Adrian nodded though Apollo couldn't see and stood up to walk into the bathroom closing the door as soon as his whole body was inside. He sat on the toilet seat for a moment his elbows placed onto his knees. He waited for 10 minutes to make sure Apollo was asleep before his face fell into his hands small streaks of tears falling from his shut eyes. 
Adriana breaths would silently hitch as he sat there his hands wet with his tears. It felt odd to cry and he wanted to stop but a new tear would fall whenever he tried to stop. But at some point he finally stopped and sat for a moment. After waiting for a couple minutes he finally stood and looked in the mirror his pale completion not hiding the pinkness around his eyes at all. He stared into his hazel eyes until the pinkness wasn't as noticeable and walked out of the bathroom. Taking quiet steps towards his seat trying to not wake Apollo.
Apollo was fast asleep, as an attendant walked in and asked Adrian if he would like something to eat.

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Adrian thought for a moment before writing in his notebook for the ordinary Pretzels and two bottles of water so Apollo could have one when he awoke.
Cady's phone beeped and she looked at the text, blinking back tears. Her depression had hit her fully the last couple of days, she'd missed all of her lessons and hadn't seen anyone. The one person she did want to talk to was gone for a few days with no explanation. She sighed and rolled over again, she hadn't eaten and spent most of her time sleeping, more untreated cuts on her arms and legs. If her parents found out they'd put her back into the psych ward.
Adrian had fallen asleep his legs pulled close to his chest and his head angled to looked like he where looking out the window. His face was hidden behind his thick black locks as they where tilted downwards into his knees.
Cady woke up in hospital. She looked around the small room and heard the regular beeping of a heart monitor. She turned to her side and saw her mum stood there, tears in her eyes. "Wha-wha?" Cady asked, confused.

"Darling! Are you okay?" Her mother asked, running to her and cuddling her tightly. Cady winced in pain. "Wha?" she tried to ask again.

"Why did you do it?" Her mum asked.

"Do what?"

"Try to kill yourself."

Cady's heart dropped in her chest and she remembered everything. She found her stash of tablets, she thinks it was Speed and she took them all, every single one after cutting her wrists vertically, she then jumped in her car and tried to drive up the highway. The last thing she remembered was crashing the car and passing out.

A few hours and a heated debate later, Cady managed to convince her mum to let her go back to college after she was discharged. Her mum reluctantly agreed but only if Cady called her every night. Her mum then had to catch a flight because she had work, but she'd brought Cady her laptop, a lot of books and her phone.

Cady stared at her phone, no one had tried to contact her since Adrian told her he was leaving, none of them had probably realised she'd dropped off the radar. She could easily move back home and none of them would know.

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