Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Apollo woke up, looking around the room, feeling much better. He wanted to make sure Adrian told Cady, he text Cady "Hey, how are things back home?".

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Cady checked her phone and contemplated telling Apollo. It'd be nice for someone to know, Rita would freak out, and Adrian...she didn't know if he'd care or how he'd react. She text back. "Not too good, I'm kinda in hospital, I...I tried to commit."
Adrian curled into a tight ball in the seat his knuckles becoming white as his dream became dark. But it was barely noticable from anothers point of veiw.
Cady smiled a small sad smile. 'Well I'm in a hospital bed on suicide watch, I don't think I'm okay.' she thought to herself, but she typed:

"Well I'm alive, so I guess?"
"We care about you too much to have you do that again. We'll be back in 2 days, and everything will be alright. Now you don't do it again or I'll tell Rita and have her go all motherly on you lol" Apollo text her hoping the last part would brighten her spirits

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Adrian awoke slowly lifting a hand to his eyes in an attempt to rub the tiredness away. His eyes where still slightly pink around the edges but barely, he smiled seeing Apollo awake but noticed his grave expression his smile fading at the sight.
"Hey you're awake too." Apollo told Adrian with a smile " I think we're getting close".

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Apollo knew it would only trouble Adrian more to know about Cady "Just the flight" he told him.

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Adrian nodded un-certainly and turned towards the window, the feeling of being so close to his old terrible home troubled him making him bite his lip.
Cady sighed and smiled sadly. She knew none of them really cared and she really wish she had succeeded, she looked down at the two heavy bandages wraped around her wrists.
Adrian looked from the window after a moment and back at Apollo writing in his notebook, 'we havn't had much time to talk, just you and me, huh?' He crossed his legs awkardly, setting the notebook onto his knee.
Adrian nodded trying to come up with a small conversation, 'so, favorite color?' It was a terrible topic but it was what he had.
Adrian nodded intrigued at his choice before writing, 'blue, like a navy blue. Do you have any hobbies other then writing?'
Adrian raised his eyebrows in surprise not seeing Apollo as an acting type, 'acting? That's unexpected, have you been in any productions?'
"I've been in a few, nothing too special. What other hobbies do you have?" Apollo asked as he drank his water

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Cady rolled over and cried. She wanted to talk to Adrian, but she knew deep down he wouldn't want to talk to her. She doesn't know why he ignored her, but she wished he was here so she could talk to him, she contemplated texting him.
Adrian wrote slowly thinking as he did, 'I play the ukulele, dance, writing and' he thought a moment unsure of writing his other hobby but did so 'singing.'
"That sounds excellent,I'm no singer, I admire that talent though" Apollo said as he was brought his food. The attendant handing Adrian his pretzels. "It's strange, I haven't heard from Rita at all. Maybe you should text Cady, see how she's doing.".

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Adrian smiled at his friend before nodding and taking out his phone and texting, 'Hello, how's life?' He wasn't quite sure. About how to talk to her but it was his conversation starter.
"Turns out there's a nice Barrett hotel nearby we'll be staying at if you would like to." Apollo said, taking a bite of the fish he had ordered, "This is great".

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