Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Adrian sat in the last stall the door slightly open, Adrian on the floor with his knees brought up to his chest. He responded to Apollo with a sniffle before knocking on the tiled wall by him. The image of his sisters scar continued to reappear in his mind making him bury his head into his knees and shake it from side to side as though it would make it disappear.
Apollo opened the door as he knelt in in front of him "Come on, you've got to be strong Adrian. I'm not sure if it's being here or something else that's bothering you, in here for you, just like I said. If you want to talk about it I'm all ears, whatever will help you."

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Adrian looked up at Apollo before eyeing his notebook and opening it, 'I can't stand looking at my sisters face.' He wrote out truthfully imaging the scar before ramming his head into the tiled wall behind him harshly in a form of punishment for himself. His eyes scrunched shut in pain as more tears fell from the edges of his eyes. It felt odd to him showing his emotions but he felt like he had crossed the line like he had finally become unable to hide his feelings and thoughts. 
He the clutched his head before hiding in his knees once more, I'm an ifiot he kept thinking.
Cady looked up as a familiar figure walked into her room. Her face went pale as he sat at the edge of her bed. "Hello Cady." He said cooly. She swallowed.

"Hey Adam. What are you doing here?"

"Well when I heard you were in hospital I got awfully worried about you, and when I heard it was because you tried to kill yourself, I thought I'd come and gloat. I told you you'd be alone, no one would love you like I did, everything I did was for your own good and we both know it, so why don't you just come home with me?"

"Go to hell." Cady spat at him.

"What did you say to me?" He asked, grabbing her wrist tightly, Cady winced from the pain of the new stitches. "How dare you!" He punched her in the face. Cady let out a loud cry of pain and fell to the bed. "I'll come back when you see sense." He said, storming out the room. Cady curled up in a ball and cried, looking at her eye, she knew it was going to be a black eye.
His hands shook as he wrote out his agonizing memory.

'My father,' he began 'he would beat us and one day he threatened to kill our mom if I didn't cut Eliora for him.' He choked on a painful sob before continuing to write, 'I did it, and that's how she got he scar.' He threw the notebook in front of him before ramming his head into the wall once more far harsher then brfore. He couldn't hold back whispering with a blank expression, "I'm a terrible person who should die."
"You're not a terrible person, he was. You need to understand that. Your sister cares about you, she doesn't resent you at all." Apollo told him as he embraced him.

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Adrian didn't move as he was embraced only sat there stone faced until he shook his head from side to side in disagreement. Tears streaming down his face once more until the bathroom door opened and the familiar charadmatic voice echoed, "Aid! Apollo? The service started."
Adrian stood wearily his bangs hiding his eyes just as Eliora walked into the stall.

"There you are." She smiled.
Adrian looked up pushing his bangs out of his face, his eyes looking tired as he forced a smile before sneaking past Eliora liftng a hand to bid them to follow to the room.
Adrian only shrugged in response before sitting on a bench in the back and stared at his hands not moving for the whole service.
Alie slept through the whole night with the memory of her family, the happy days, sad days, dying days, and even the day of there funeral, the day her life turned upside down. She thought about her old, and new friends. Once waking up, she called her oldest friend, since he did not pick up, she left a message. Alie always had this feeling that someone is at a funeral she knows and messaged Apollo saying, "Are you and Adrian at a funeral? I always have the dream about my parents funeral the night before, or day of one that someone I know is at. If you are, tell Adrian that I know what a funeral can do to a person and if he doesn't want anyone to know about it, I'll keep in my secret vault. Sorry for the empty feeling in his heart."
"Yes we are. How are things back home?" Apollo text back before looking over to Adrian placing a hand on his shoulder, letting him know he was there for him.

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Alie replied, "It's okay, but I'm worried for Cady, a guy came in earlier, I heard the sound of someone hitting the other. After he left, she curled up into a ball and cried." After sending the message, she went over the Cady to try and comfort her.
"I'm going to handle that when I get back, don't you worry about that" he text back. Burying his anger for Adrian's sake. He had to be strong, for his friend.

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Adrian's face was distant his mind blank but a tornado of thoughts at the same time.

Eliora had sat at a bench closer to their mothers closed coffin leaving them. Adrian's hair fell over his eyes, why did Apollo come with him? He questioned, he has only gotten in the way of Apollo so why did he come. Adrian looked through his bangs for only a moment to stare at his first friend with confused suspicion.
Apollo looked back at Adrian, he knew how he had to have felt. He simply nodded his head to him, as if to tell him he was proud of how strong he was being.

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The service was short and quiet but had an affect on the people there. So when it ended Adrian stood looking over at Apollo.
Adrian was about to begin walking when a person tackled him to the ground. When he hit the hard carpet he could feel stares and hear the whispers of others. He clenched and un clenched his hands befor pushing off the floor and looking at the person. But seeing the person didn't make it any better,

"Aid your going to the burial, right?" She smiled widely, how she was so energetic was a mystery to Adrian he just nodded no her stare slowly falling. Adrian didn't want to take up anymore of Apollos time, so he stood slowly his chin red with a rug burn. Eliora then stood slowly staring at Adrian, "your hairs getting long, I can cut it really fast." She sounded like she was out of options and looked fearful for the first time. Then Adrian nodded no once more before looking at Apollo. Though his blank expression hid it, he was upset. He wanted to go, he wanted to stay with his sister despite he knew he can't. But he hid it well in his face as he waited for Apollo.
"Adrian let's go to the burial." Apollo told him hoping he was alright. "Maybe afterwards if you're feeling okay, the three of us can hang out" he said to Eliora with a smile. Hoping it would make Adrian feel better

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