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Dice Army of the Southern Cross - OOC

Just noticed that I don't even have a stat for sensory equipment - whoops...
lol Its not like you guys are making your die rolls to begin with....
Would have liked to fail the roll myself, though - this way, all I can do is blame my teammates for rolling poorly. Probably forgot to sacrifice a goat beforehand or something along those lines...
That's impressive - apparently, Fia is not ready to open fire.
Sherwood Sherwood can you please give me a quick description of what I'm seeing: -155/0/155

I just want to better understand the situation and if I need to write my last will and testament for the team.
I'm keeping track of your damage. The two numbers on the outside represent your arm shields (rated at 350 MDC each, I believe) and the 0 in the middle is your Main Body which hasn't taken any damage yet.
Right, okay! Yes, each arm shield is rated 350 MDC each. Woohoo, I can still fight! Thanks~! I thought this would be a repeat for me in going down while in level 1 (war flashbacks of fighting a mimic).
Ok, time for a House Rule. I don't like how the Myrmidon can only attack with its internal weapons when in its tank mode. I am now adding the rule that it can access the tri-lasers in its Battloid mode also.
AldarisLordOfLight AldarisLordOfLight
What we need is a larger hover tank with EW pods for Adrian to use. Can we make modifications to a tank to add them on? Perhaps replace the tri-laser with the EW system? That will give him extra armor, a heavy gun, and the ability to jack people up on the battlefield with the pods.
If the switch is possible, like I agree. A bigger tank with a healthy arsenal and the EW system will be a boon in future encounters. It won't cripple me in any way if that's the case be it in Tank mode or Battloid mode. Plus it has so much possibilities to be a walking forest too!

We just got to make it "believable" in the whole scenario for the upgrades to occur Sherwood Sherwood . Maybe after the encounter, Heinrich and the others point it out or in true Adrian fashion, he'll mouth off a long string of rants about design flaws and penny pinching contractors...
I like that, too. Once you get back to Anton-17, we can make it happen.
Maybe I should just start tossing coins: Head and tail are both disastrous misses, and it's a critical strike if it lands on the edge. Shouldn't differ too much from the dice-roller...
What's with the numbers RNG? Curse you Changer of Ways! I am not going to shoot unless I have too, guns are a last resort after all for the build till I get a better set....

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