Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

she raised a brow. "Obviously I remember you, you kinda saved me from a kinda embarrassing situation. By the way thanks again for letting me use your shirt."she laughed remembering what happen.

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'It seems Rose knows this guy. He doesn't seem as bad as the first impression I got' he thought to himself. Brandon made a small bow with his head to the guy and said seriously "Nice to meet you". "I came here to find someone, but I guess life's not so simple" He explained to his opponent."Rose was nice enough to help me find him" He continued to the battle ready student.
Realizing that everyone was introducing themselves, Olivia said, "Nice to meet you. I'm Olivia, but I guess you already know though." she rubbed the back of her head with her hand. "I hope we all have a good duel." she smiled.
Still studying the outfit of the guy called Daniel, Brandon hears the girl on the other team introduce herself as Olivia. He turns to face the smiling girl after she says "I hope we all have a good duel" and adds "I hope so too" with an absent minded tone. Brandon had been thinking about finding the guy from before ever since he hit the arena floor. 'Where is he?' he thought while scanning the audience. 'I didn't come here to fight with people I don't know' he continued while looking at where the announcer was. 'The announcer seems confused' he derived 'I wouldn't blame him though'. He leaned against the arena wall looking up at the ceiling and disappeared into his thoughts.
"Oh I'm sorry, I spaced out a bit!" His face was red as Rose had hugged him and he was not used to this greeting. He shook his head "Yes, yes I'm Daniel and I'm also your opponent. I'm not sure you'll find who you are looking for, but for now just concentrate on here and now. You don't want a rock knocking you out, because it isn't fun." A smile formed on his face and he threw himself back with a quick earth jump from the fence to the front of Olivia "For the beginning I want you to fight independently." he said before continuing with "When I make gun shape with my hand (finger gun you know) then I want you to add your wind too my attacks." he started warming up wavering his hand for them to enter completely still slightly distracted by Rose.
Alice was sitting outside under a tree with a book. So far she wasn't liking this school, no one would talk to her and most of the time ignore her...just like the people in her last school did. She sighed and looked around, the smirked then made a little water ball and made shapes with the water
Sarah wondered along the school when she found another water bender. "Hey, are you a waterbender too?" She asked her face all hopeful.
{Rose and Brandon are in an arcane duel with Olivia and Daniel. The arcane duels are hidden underground (under a rock in the garden). Brandon and Rose are looking for the antagonist [Damen Garter]. Daniel likes to fight and Olivia is joining him (i think) because he asked or she wanted to ( I don't have the best memory).} { Sorry Dannygirl, but it seems you found someone when i was typing this}
Olivia nodded. "Fight independently then add wind when there is a finger gun, got it."

((((am I supposed to be playing as the announcer then?)))))
Walking back to Brandon, she smiled "So what's the battle plan? I slide, you jump. We do some freaked amazing move. Ohh we have to make a explosion!" She giggled. Looking down slightly she dragged a hand up running it through her hair. Becoming serious she said in a normal voice "hey sometimes my powers get...out of control so if they do...Cut of all my oxygen. It's the best way to just cut of the flame." Looking up she said with a smile "just don't cute it off for to long. Ya know. Don't want to die or anything". She giggled.

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"I don't think I have ever fought anyone before" Brandon replied with a strange feeling that he was lying. "Well, I don't remember fighting anyone" he added."I don't feel right hurting strangers or friends" he confessed "But... I will find him.. even if I have to participate in this...". He took in a breath and let his mind reset so he could reply to what she was saying. He thought about what she said and told her with a smile "I don't think it will happen, but if it happens I'll do just that". "I think we could manage a flame tornado.." He said noticing he never commented on a move they could do together. He felt something watching him with unthinkable malice. The feeling almost froze him in place. 'I'm not afraid of this feeling' Brandon rallied trying to stop his body from shaking with fear. He stopped the shaking to the point where it was only showed as a small vibration of movement. 'It's starting to sting' he thought gritting his teeth 'I hope the match starts soon'. (Should we start the match - oh and sorry about using Damen. I just wanted to have Damen show Brandon that he is watching him)
No it fine! Anyone if you want. To use Damien go ahead. I'm not a huge fan of rping as two characters so if anyone wants to take over him or just use hum go right ahead)) :P

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Oh and maybe when olivia get back on?))

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ThunderDire said:
Oh and maybe when olivia get back on?))
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Has it really? Lol ill start right now. :D
Before starting Daniel put two wireless ear buds in his ears and pressed play on the Mp3 in his pocket. As his only set song 'Dear hearts and gentle people' began to start. The announcer began to count down as the song was still being set up on the record player in the recording. "Let the duel commence!" shouted the announcer in a nearly deafening tone. Not a second later Daniel's face became drowned of emotion and the song began to play. He threw his right leg in the air and back to the ground knocking up 3 4 foot columns made of the stone floor. These columns adjusted to face the other two before violently he threw both fists forward.

All of these columns seemed to be directed towards Brandon for some reason.

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Brandon listened as the announcer started a countdown for the match. "Finally" he muttered under his breath. The countdown ended and he peered over to his opponents to see Daniel launch 3 columns of the arena floor at him. He jumped straight up and forced the air to send him higher. The columns smashed into the wall making cracks wherever they hit. The columns fell apart after hitting the wall and returned to the ground as chunks of rock. Brandon brought his body back to the ground gently and focused his attention on the earth user. Running toward Daniel with the wind at his back, he forced the currents behind him to go faster. He forced his body to stop running just before reaching Daniel. The wind behind Brandon curved around him and stirred up dust as it closed in on the earth user. (The wind would only throw you into the wall and hardly injure you. Later I'll trigger his other side and it will hopefully make the battle more exciting.)
Seeing the columns coming in fast her mouth circled in a O "oookkkaaayy.," she said slowly. With that her body moved back, jumping in the air she did a kind of back wards flip, letting out a gust of steam making her rise. Landing on the ground her legs easily landed, hitting her hand down on the stone earth. Her gaze moved up, her eyes now a crimson red. Taking a deep breath she blew. Fire growing in size as she aimed it at the two opponents. A screeching noise came from the fire as it traveled to the two. The ground around her becoming extremely hot.

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The screeching is so annoying. Olivia thought as she watched the fire come closer. She blew cold wind under the fire pushing it up towards the ceiling.

(((((I looked this up before I posted it. This can actually happen.))))
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As the fight began to take off, a figure caught her gaze. Squinting her eyes he came into focus, tall, thin, black hair, black

Clothing, pale. Realization coming to her fear broke through her body. Beginning to shake "there's something going on with him" the man was staring at her, a evil smiled planted on his face. Quickly looking over to Brandon she she said "Brandon the man, he's her.." Looking back to were the man was she pointed only to be stopped by his gaze. His eyes turned completely black and everything around her went dark, or at least mentally. In the outside world the battle was still happening but she was in his trance with not a sight out. He began to take over her body, as she panicked with in, in side she screamed for help, but heard nothing.

Inside world: Roses mind:

Rose began to cry, falling on the dark ground, flashes of bad memory's got her. And flashes of people dieing and being murdered. Everything was dark. She screamed In agony. "Please!! What have I done! What have I done.." Everything went dark as flashes came and left. She curled up on the dark floor, shutting her eyes tightly as hot tears fell.

Outside world: phisical

Damien: Looking at the girl he smiled. "Perfect, just the way to start this party off" and with that his eyes became black, hitting her gaze he knew he had her and now he took over whispering one word "..beast.." Her body became extremly still. Then suddenly black fire burst around her, covering her body. A mix of darkness and flames. Her back bent back and a she scream in pain yet know one heard her as the darkness muffled her. The girl still inside, the fire took shape in what seemed to be a dragon made of flames. He knew it was probably hurting her yet didn't care because at that moment she would be his servant. The crowd looked in shock everyone asking each other what power it was. The beast landed on all fours. A-swell as the girl inside, beginning to fall on all fours as though she was a animal. Sharp Teeth began to grow on her physical form, barley able to see her as the black flame finally took shape. Damen whispered again "kill them.." and with that he walked away. The dragon/ rose looked over at Brandon, not even remembering, turning it's head, it lunged forwards, snapping at him. Making a kind of human and beast scream.

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Brandon looked back hearing Rose say his name. She seemed to be frozen in place for a little while until she bent her back and let out a bloodcurdling scream while a black fire erupted around her. Right when he was about to cut off the oxygen, the fire took the shape of a dragon and lunged at him. 'This is definitely not what she meant by going out of control. This must be his work..' he thought when barely dodging the dragon's fangs. "Rose! Can you hear me?! I wan't you to know that I know this is not you! This is that one guy?! Right?!" Brandon yelled.

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