Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

Circling the boy, the dragon hissed, barring it's fangs. As black fire rose from the form. Taking a breath, black flames exploded out of its mouth. Aiming for the boy. Noticing the two others. It's was snapped to them, lunging forwards, desperate to meet its masters standards.


On the ground images flashed, she shook in fear. Steps approaching she looked up seeing the man. Jumping away she walked backwards from him "please please stop I'm begging you" she sobbed "why are you doing this" he chucked "honey...don't you see...I thrive of this. Today is the day everyone will no my name." He laughed "or at least yours..." And with that he left.

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He didn't have enough time to dodge and was engulfed in the flames. The pain he felt made it hard to think and move. Even after the flames dissipated the pain was too much for the nervous system to handle. 'I-I can't' Brandon thought forcing his body not to faint 'T-the pain.. ca-can't last for..ever'.
Daniel kicked the floor with his back heel throwing a sort of stone skin over his body. No matter the situation he was as calm as ever. Daniel began to run tearing through the fire and lifting Brandon up onto his right should as the stone around him began to become scorched. He threw Brandon over to Olivia before forming a wall in front of both of them. Feeling the heat of the stone his expression began to look a bit more agitated and hadn't taken a gasp this whole time. The dragon had lunged at him crashing into his stone armor knocking him onto the fire. All he could do is look at the dragon as his armor began to blister off and the fire was going to make its way through.

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Olivia took a step back as Brandon landed at her feet. "Are you okay?" She asked him while helping him up. Her gaze shifted to Daniel as the wall shot up from the ground. It separated them from the dragon, but she couldn't see if Daniel was okay.
Physical form:

Damen: Watching from the crowd he was amazed at what this girl could to. Her power and his own mixed were meant for destruction. Seeing that her flame caught her team mates, and she was on to cooking the next opponent. He laughed, thriving of the pain. Grinning he snapped his fingers, blackness left behind as he disappeared. Reappearing the next in the middle of the arena. Seeing the dragon he smiled as it noticed it, beginning to Lunge at him with a human scream mixed roar. He whispered "stop" and with that the dragon became still. Walking over he reached out a hand slightly petting its head. The fire not hurting since it was a mix of is own power. Turning his gaze crawled looking out to everyone, darkness in circled him, as his voice boomed. people watched not sure if this was apart of the show or not "My name is Damen Garten, and in three days I will destroy your world taking it for my own. This is all I have to say for now" he chimed as he smiled, raising a hand Darkness screamed out every shadow. People began to scream. Now realizing this was not the show or and kind of joke. Everyone ran to the exits only leaving him and the three people in the arena. He looked at them, as the arena had a wall. Lifting a figure the wall turned black as thornier vines grabbed it bring it back down to the earth "There isn't that better now we can all see each other" he smiled.

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Damien: raising a hand the dragon/ rose moved in between Claire and him. Hissing it barred its fangs, snapping at her. He spoke in a calm, yet playful voice. "Now now, you don't want to get to close, she's kinda snappy. If ya know what I mean" he chuckled. "You see my problem is the damn world. Everyone is so sickens me. So basically over all the way I see fit, is to take over what is suppose to be mine." His gaze shot to her.

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She looked at him. "That's all?" she said. "You don't have a better answer?" She did not moved, exept that she had a ice blade in her hand but that no one could see it.
Olivia took a step back from the man in darkness. She had seen glints of cell phones from the crowd before they left. She turned her gaze to Daniel, engulfed by the dark flame. She then looked at Damien. "Y-yours?! This world belongs to everyone who lives on it. Whether they were hidden from the world, whether they make bad decisions, even when they forced some of us to this place. Everyone deserves a place on this Earth." Olivia said without even realizing she had spoken.

Slowly looking over to the girl he said in a serious tone " everyone has sinned and will be punished, final. That is the only awnser needed for your question. You see I believe I can make this city better, and a little more punishment and killings will straighten everyone out. No one..will every create another crime, everyone will be obedient. Just like my new pet. I only have to say one word, and she is completely at my mercy". He said proud of himself.

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Whilst Olivia was holding her speech a smile grew on Daniel's face as his vision faded. He had been holding his breathe for too long and had finally fallen unconscious.(Heh, I got some stuff to do so my guy is K.O. here)

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He smiled even though her question was sarcastic "oh yes.." Looking to the exit he raised a hand "I must leave now..." Turning he spoke in a whisper "Come" the dragon/ rose walked over next to him. Walking up to the beast, Damen used his powers making a black leather saddle and rein. Jumping up he grabbed the reins.looking down at the girls "see you around.." Snapping his figures, the black flame toasting the boy, extinguished. And with that the dragon/Rose opened its flaming black wings, leaped in the air, an flew out the exit into the night. Leaving the others in a empty arena.

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Olivia left Brandon and Claire and ran to Daniel. He was unconscious. Olivia bit her lip and looked at Claire as she said they should do something. "But what?" Olivia whispered.
Brandon had watched everything happen. He still couldn't move, but he could talk now. "It's my fault.. I brought her to this place to find him.." Tears fell down his emotionless face " I'm weak. I can't believe I was so arrogant to think I could go on with my life after fighting him again. He took Rose... She didn't have to come here. She came her because of me". Struggling off the ground, Brandon fell down again making a pained noise. The scar on his stomach showed through his burnt shirt. 'He's going to pay for this...' he thought as he laid motionless on the ground.
She approached near him. "We are all weak once in our lives..." she said. She put her hand in front of her to help him get up. "It's not your fault... You didn't knew what would happen."
Brandon tried to move his head to see her face, but he couldn't make it go past her legs. "I'm sorry. I can't even look you in face. That fire... It's so powerful that even now the most I can do is talk. When it hit me I could hardly think" he told in a depressed tone.
Water started to came out from Claire's hands. She sat near him. "It's okay..." she said. "Are you hurt?" she asked.
"I'm numb now, but the pain will probably flood back" he said staring at the dirt on the ground. Brandon was thinking about where Rose and the guy could have went. Needless to say he was at a loss trying to think of a place they could be hiding out.
"Okay..." she said as the water diseappeared. "Look, we are going to find Rose," she said, her silver eyes glowed with determination.
The tears were gone, but their trails were still there.'If only I could move. I would wipe it off and scour the campus for Rose' he thought while looking at the burnt arena floor. "I don't want anyone else hurt. You don't have to help me... Rose shouldn't have helped me. Why should others suffer because of me?" Brandon ranted in a nonsensical order. "My body has been trying to make me go unconscious for a while. I think i'm going to stop fighting it" He smiled to the stranger. As he faded away he whispered "thanks" to the girl.
Claire waited there. "I wont let someone behind," she said out loud. She tought about how life had been hard on her when she was alone. I wont let that happen to anyone... she tought.

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