Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

"So while we wait for the boys to wake up, want to come up with a plan?" Olivia asked as she moved into a more comfortable sitting position.
She turned to her. "Yes, that's a good idea..." she said. "Okay... That guy.... I'm sure he don't work alone..."

Everything was dark, warm. Feelings of tiredness, pain, went through her body. Yet she didn't dare move. Her body was sore even when she stayed still. Hearing steps, she tensed. Her breathing quickened,as fear mixed with panic went through her. A click to a door sounded, as the individual opened and closed the door. Hearing the steps move closer, she tensed. A hot breath coming down to her ear a man spoke softly "are you awake?" Trying to find her voice she spoke "" Her voice was scratchy, sore. "Am I sick" she thought. He spoke again "my name is Damen, Damen Garten."


Looking down at the girl, his power cloaked her body, taking in the pain that would be there. She laid before him, on a bed, of dark silver blankets. Her hair messy, dried blood and sweat caught in it. Her body cut, bruised, blood pouring earlier from broken bones the transformation had acured earlier. He grinned smiled at her position, knowing he gave her a shot a little while ago, so she wouldn't pass out from the pain. He needed to feel her pain, he used it to power his own. Knowing she was numb he knew that she would real the affects in a minute. Looking back down he noticed she spoke again. She said "why...please let go" she took a breath easily exhausted from those few words.


Taking in his name a realized who he was. She read about him years ago. He was the son of multi millionaires. It said that they we're murdered and he took all the money left over and took over his Family's companies. Now livening in the city, in his own building 'Garten towers'. Opening her eyes she noticed were she was. She was in a suite, in a dark bed. Looking up at him tears pooled her eyes,she took in what he was wearing, a black tux, under shirt, and black tie. His hair a black. "please...let me go...why am..I"


Looking down at he smiled. "Indeed you here. At the moment and for a while, I have been taking in your pain, but I need you feel it now. I need to recharge my power and sweetheart..this is my favorite way." And with that his power left, hearing her scream out in pain, walking away, he closed the door behind him. Walking up to one of the guards "you know what to do" the guard smiled, as he left. The guard, opens the door, grabbing a whip.


As he said his last word. Pain hit her to the extreme. Running down her spine, going through her whole body. Look over to the door as he left, she screamed "Please!!" She sobbed "help..!" Pain hit her again. As his power slowly made its way into her body. Then a click at the door sounded. Looking over she saw a tall man, holding a whip.. Fear ran through her as he body began to shake. Walking over the man grabbed her arm throwing her off the bed to the floor, dragging her to another room, opening her eyes again, fire was lit in the middle of the room, a perfect circle. Throwing rose in the middle, he grabbed a chain, reaching her hand. He roughly picked them up, clamping them in, now tide together. Forced to lean down, she kneeled. Face touching the ground. She sobbed in a lower voice she begged "please...don't do this." The guard laughed, unraveling the wipe, he threw it back slightly he spoke his voice deep. "The master have me a order, and this I must do" with that he snapped the whip across her back, making a intent cut. She screamed out, fading in and out. As it came and left again. At strike 18 her back was bleeding now, and was beyound painful. Her dress ripped in the back. Her body shook, as she faded out, fainting from pain. The guard yelled " DOnt you dare faint..master will make this wor..." And with that she went into the dark yet again.

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Claire was thinking about how they could help Rose. "Wait! He said his name was Damen Garten right?" she asked. She already heard that name.
(How can I join you guys :( ) Alice got up and started heading toward the dorm rooms for water controllers. She sighed and went to look for her room.

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Read the past posts, you need to to understand what is happening. And just try to join in, you can be a worker of Damen or something, a way for them to get in. I don't really know, but join in when you think it is right))

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(Last time i checked there's 782 comments.... No thank you :( just tell me where everyone is...)

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No I mean not that far just a couple of pages. That is when everything started to happen, they all at the arcane duel arena))

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Well everyone in the duels left except for olivia, Daniel, and Brandon. So since its still night, you can walk in.))

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Please though read a little bit back, I would recommend to 712. A lot of it is really important in who Damen is and what is happening at the moment. All you have to read is the rp comments.))

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Okay so there is There is a fight called the arcane duels. Brandon got attacked by some dudes and Damen. But never knew who they were because when he saw them, they were al in the dark. The next morning he was in pain, yet ran to class. Coming in only the teacher and Rose were there. Thinking he wouldn't be on time again he ran through the door coming to a halt. Saying finally I made it. He fell, fainting. Rose and the teacher rushed to him, which ended up with him in the health center on at campus. Rose stayed there sitting in a chair waiting for him to wake up in case he needed anything. He told her he didn't really remember but thought he was attacked. So they went to the arcane duels together, they teamed up. Other students were there as well. Damen (the bad guy) signed up possessing the women at the desk to let him in even though the registration were ended. So later on Rosé and Brandon fell asleep almost missing there mate. Which ended up them fighting Daniel and Olivia. Daniel and Rose are friends as well. S basically they know each other. They fought in teams, Brandon and Rose, against Olivia and Daniel. The whole reason Rose and Branden even went was to see if Brandon can get some flash backs and we could figure out who attacked him. Well as the fight took of, Rose got possessed by Damen, and turned into a dark flaming beast/ dragon. Completely under Damens control. He told the dragon /rose to kill them. She injured Daniel and Brandon, but before she got to olivia, Damen appeared in the middle of the arena. Damen told the dragon/ Rose to stop and she did. He said he would destroy the whole world in a few days. When the solar eclipse Reaches the sky. And explained why. Getting on the dragon back/ Rose he flew away into the night.

The last post I made describes where rose is and what is happening to her.

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Oh and if you don't know who Damen is he is has a huge part in this, a made a character sheet for him. It short.

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