Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

Kinda it's at the gardens, under a secret stone, it's basically elemental fights, two new characters have been added, Damen Garter and Jake Cross. There in the character sheets. Anyway you can be on anyone's team. Me and Brandon are on a team I think, Olivia and Daniel are on a team. I don't think Wings has a team mate yet. That's her user. You can join hers if she's cool with it. It's still kinda hard to explain just look back on some of the past post. ))

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(Claire is just not there for now, when i'll have some time, i'll just say that she was already there and that she is sign up already.To answer the question, Claire don't have a team)

(Okay, i'm there... I'm making something up, leave me some time.)
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Join in then, just say you we're already signed up, and you can go against one of us, :D oh I don't think wings has a partner yet you can ask to join hers :)
Claire looked around her. She was at the arcane duels. There is so much people... she tought. She made some ice in her hand to use it as a mirror. She looked at her reflction in the ice. She was confused. What is going on with my eyes? she asked herself. Her eyes, normally lilac were a pure silver color. Well, that's new... she tought. She crushed the ice in her hand.
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Just read back a few pages, oh and look at the character sheet I made two new very important characters.))

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Dark rings under his eyes grew into deep folds and his smile tore through the bottom half of his face. He calmly made his way to the arena with the unsettling look still pasted on his face. Even with his sickening appearance he still opened the gate allowing Olivia in first not saying a word. He adjusted himself putting Olivia behind him as he prepared his leather bandages and rubbed his feet on the rigid concrete floor. He was awaiting the opponents, but his position was completely static now.

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Olivia blinked and followed quietly behind Daniel as he led her to the arena. She stepped aside and let him get in between her and the opponents like they had agreed earlier.
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A passing person trying to get to a seat elbows Brandon's head and startles him awake. He watches as the guy sits down with a group of people and start talking about something. He feels something on his left arm and looks over to see Rose asleep leaning on him. Making a small smile he thinks about how cute she is while looking around to see if anything was happening. "Last Call for the team Brandon and Rose" echoed throughout the arena making him panic in that instant. Brandon scooped up Rose and ran down to the railing that separates the spectators and fighters and jumped off turning his body so his back hit the ground. He slowed down the speed of them in the air enough to not cause injury to either of them. Laying on his back with her still in his arms he looked up at the dim lights attached to the ceiling and thought to himself 'this might not have been the best way to handle that'.
(Answer to the first question: Somewhere over the rainbows~ Answer to the seccond question: Dancing with unicorns)

(Yeah I am definitively strange... I know)
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In a state of sleep she was comfortable, and everything around her remained quiet. All a sudden she was moving, slowly she opened one eye half way. It seemed as

though she was walking yet at the same time "she" wasn't walking. Realization occurring to her, someone was carrying her, she closed her eyes panic hitting her, she thought "Oh god...I'm being kidnapped." The next movement happening so fast yet she remained in the guys arms...they were falling, closing her eyes she reached up wrapping her arms around the guy on instinct, for the impact that would come, although it never came. Yet rather a softer landing. Knowing that they were now on the ground, she looked up realizing that Brandon was holding her, and now they were on the ground, her on top of him. Gently she dropped one of her hands laying it on his chest. Looking up she smiled still waking up. She chuckled "never been waken up like this before" she smiled "you okay? I mean I remember we were sitting down and now...were on the arena floor sooo?" She looked up amused. She noted that he was actually really strong. She blushed slightly at the thought, one coming to mind yet she pushes it aside. She smiled.
Staring up at the lights he heard Rose's voice and broke out his thoughts. "I'm fine" he said with a small laugh. "They were announcing us and they said it was the final call. I guess I kinda panicked" he answered with an uneasy smile. "We should get in place," He said a little nervous taking his hands off her thigh and shoulder "The crowd and opponents are probably waiting for us".
She laughed, putting her hand on the ground she pushed her self up gently. Standing up she grinned, offering him a hand. "So do you know who we're going against?"
Grasping her hand and pulling himself up he replied "I don't". He looked down at the dust on his dress pants with a slight frown and tried to pat the dust off with his hands. Remembering that his pants were just going to get dirty again he stopped and looked over to where the other team was. 'The guy's smile is creepy, but it's not the one I'm looking for' he thought then examined the girl behind him. Confused he stood staring at the girl that seemed out of place. Brandon shook it off and started walking to the opposite gate. "We should at least stand by the gate... I guess" He called back to Rose unsure about how it works exactly.
Following Brandon she nodded, yawning at same time she said to him "okidoki.." Bringing a hand up to her hair, she ran her fingers through it. Realizing she still had her pumps on she stopped for a second, lifting her leg up backwards she removed each heal. Following Brandon again the next. Looking back she noticed a boy and girl, not getting a clear view from Her drowsiness. Reaching the gates she leaned her head back against the gate, closing her eyes trying to get comfortable again. As she waited for the announcer.

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After her opponents had landed in the arena in a very strange way, Olivia looked to Daniel. "So, now we have our opponents, are we just waiting for the announcer?" Olivia took her shoes off as she asked; she had always felt better when her feet touched the earth.
Daniel's expression sunk when he saw one of the two people he had thought to be his opponents. 'I know that hair.' he thought tilting his head. His patience was interrupted by his movement to the gate. "Hello." he began to greet the two regularly even though they were about to fight. "If I remember correctly you are the girl who removed the fire from that nutcase on the first day, right?" he asked with stare directed to rose. "I don't remember your name, but if you're my opponent it is Rose. You probably don't remember me." He looked up at the confused crowd that was growing impatient.

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Opening her eyes she noticed a boy walking toe wards them. Focusing her gaze she brought up a hand and rubbed her eyes, looking back everything began to focus. Completely awake now. Taking in the boys feature a smile began to grow, walking forwards she laughed "Daniel! OMG it's so nice to see you." Reaching him she gave him a hug. Letting go she looked up at him. "So are you fighting today?" Turning around quickly she saw Brandon. "oh and this is my team mate Brandon." She smiled

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