Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

Taking what he said into thought she grinned thinking "okay fire, burnt clothing" standing straight up she said "okay I think maybe are best shot is to enter the duels, and I guess fight, you might get some flash backs when you fight with these people. What do you think?" Making hand gestures as she spoke.

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Taking what he said into thought she grinned thinking "okay fire, burnt clothing" standing straight up she said "okay I think maybe are best shot is to enter the duels, and I guess fight, you might get some flash backs when you fight with these people. What do you think?" Making hand gestures as she spoke.

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"If you're going to sign up you need to hurry!" Olivia exclaimed grabbing on to Daniel's arm. "There's only a couple minutes left!"
He signed the empty space for her and turned to her "Sorry just paused for a second" (It's usually best in rp to wait for more than one person to make their action.. At least I think so) He tore himself to the opposite direction tearing Olivia with him. "We might as well take a seat. It isn't possible that we are first, I think" he took her hand and guided her to the top row. He enjoyed watching from the top, because it was too annoying for him in the crowd at the bottom, the only time he wanted to be down there was when he was in the 'cage'.

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(sorry I was practicing)

Brandon looked over to the place where people were signing up and said " yeah it's are best shot at finding the person or people from the last time I was here". He grabbed her hand without thinking and ran to the sign up sheet when he heard they were taking final combatants. Brandon quickly jotted down his information ' Brandon Summers, (date), 16, wind'. He stepped aside letting Rose her information.
Sarah quickly walked into the tunnel and worked her way to the main area. She saw a couple of her classmates already there. She saw them signing up and walked to inspect the paper. Name, Date, Age, Element, and Partners (Optional). She wrote down her information and waited for her name to be called.
She chuckled as he grabbed her hand, rushing through the crowd, she said in a smile "Whoa...we can make it, there is no need to rush, at least I don't think?" Reaching the sign ups, she listened as Brandon confirm his information. As he stepped aside she realized it was her turn. Walking forwards, she began to give hers a way. "Rose Cross, (date) 16, fire"

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(I'll be back, I'm going to sleep)

"Okay" Brandon sighed out "we should go sit down and wait for our names to be called". He walks over to an empty section and calls over to Rose "this is a good place". Sitting down Brandon looks down at the combatant area waiting for his name to be called.
Following Brandon she began to get nervous, sitting down besides him, she looked out at each component, her trailing gaze falling on a guy in the shadows. Not able to get a clear view yet she could tell, he had black hair, and overall looked intimidating. Shrinking down in her seat she began to realize she was somewhat afraid of this being. Not even realizing she was staring at him, she noticed he was staring at her as well. Removing her sight, she looked away. Bringing her gaze up to Brandon she asked nervously " you ready?"
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"Yeah" Brandon answers gazing up at the rock ceiling drifting away into thought. He notices the abnormal tone in her voice and looks at her to see what might be causing it. He sees nothing around that might be making her nervous so he asks her directly "Are you okay?". "Whatever is bothering you.. you can tell me" he says without thinking " it's the least I can do for someone that is going out of their way for me".
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Looking from Brandon to we're the guy was. She noticed he was gone. It was almost as he disappeared. Turning her gaze to the arena she said in a bland voice " eh...there was a guy..he's gone now..but it just..something wasn't right." From the moment she finished her sentence the announcer began to call of names.

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"We signed up close to last so they might not call us until later" Brandon said not knowing how they arranged the fights. He turned his attention to what Rose said before the announcer started to call out names. "Oh... If you see him again tell me" he said slightly depressed that he couldn't help her.
She took a deep breath "honestly I hope I don't see him again...but if I do I will tell you. I promise." Names being called she listened for her own.

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"You can hardly see anything from back here." Olivia complained as she sat down next to Daniel. "But it's okay because it's not like there's a bunch of people, and I can't get lonely because I'm next to you, Daniel." She looked at him directly and smiled.
"I don't go here to watch them I come here to fight!" he exclaimed staring at her as she smiled. His heart melted and he looked down in embarrassment. "Im sorry!" he he held her hand "Lets hope we get called up soon, because I can't wait!" he said as he lifted his head enough to peak at her. He lifted his head completely "And when we get in that fenced hexagon stand behind me." he had a firm grip on her hand.

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Olivia nodded and dropped her gaze. She looked at the ground blushing when she heard a bell ring.

"And the first battle begins!" some announcer shouted enthusiastically as Olivia shifted her gaze back towards the arena.

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