Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

Hey everyone, just wondering does anyone want to rp with me and a friend, it's a wolf rp? :D ))

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"Thanks, Rose" Brandon lightly chimed. The arena seemed to be filling with shrieking and cheering after the commentator started the first fight. He passively watched as the two students fought each other with a primal instinct using their powers only when needed. ' Atleast I'm with someone and not sitting alone' he entertained himself with the idea of going against the mystery person and winning the fight against him. ' I have never really fought anyone and here I am going into a team match' he kept adding thoughts trying to pass the time.Glancing over to Rose thinking he heard someone say his name, he notices again that she is very attractive. ' This is not the time for that' he snaps at himself. A few minutes pass and Brandon falls asleep in his seat.

Looking up to Brandon she smiled softly "no problem " turning her face she looked off to the arena, still fearful of then man she saw earlier yet calmed down a little. Slowly as time passed the noise began to silence to her hearing. As her eyes began to droop, she yawned once closing her eyes completely. She fell asleep, not realizing that her body moved slightly now leaning on Brandon sleeping form.

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Walking forward to the stand he put his hand on the table. Speaking in a bland voice "Damen Garter, date, 18, wind" thinking to himself "maybe darkness might freak them out, wind..hmmm." The women looked up " Sir registrations are closed you can"..." Cutting her sentence off his eyes turned black " your not" his eyes turning back to his normal brown. "Sorry what was that miss?" The women shook her head slightly "oh eh...welcome. Okay since you signed up as one of the last your fight might and possible will be the last" he smiled standing straight up. " thanks" walking away his boots hit the floor at each step. "Today is the day of wreaking.." He whispered as he walked off.
Okay so who ever signed up before me and Brandon you"ll be first and I guess will just work are way down. :) . ))

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K wait for tomorrow so skylar(Olivia) can join me in team battle plus im tired)

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