Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

He entered her room now as a guest not delivery boy. "We should watch dead silence" He said with a sick smile pulled across his face. He investigated the flat screen in awe as he grew up with basic televisions, PC and such. He sat down looking at the roof and let out a sigh before his eye lids flailed open. "It's 9:07 around now and I need some stuff!" his time was accurate and he hadn't looked at the clock. "You can pick the movie and start it up" he completely forgot what he was doing and continued with "I really need to get some stuff before midnight." he flung himself through the window now running on the wall with each foot digging in. Daniel had reached his still open window and jumped in.

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Looking down at his grasp she gave a half smile and raised a brow. " actually have a great hand shake."letting go her hand went to her side "it's nice to know some guys don't think all of us girls are so fragile. Eh it's just annoying now." She chuckled. Realizing what he said she looked up " you know about the acane duels?" She stayed still in shock. Thinking . How does he know.

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Claire putted some music when she heard someone knocking at her door. She went to open it. It was Galen.

"Hey... You're feeling better?"

"Yeah thank you," she said. "Come on, enter!"

He entered her room. "Well I don't want to disturb you..." He said.

"You are not disturbing me.. Not at all Galen..."
Brandon looked toward the window smiling and yelled a victory cheer in his head 'No regrets gains a place in my mind as best thing to think before doing things'. His smile fades and is replaced with a puzzled look. " I heard some students talk about an arcane duel happening last night and... I.. feel that must have been the place I went to. My memory seems to be repressed. Images flashed in my head when I looked out of the window and the images brought a horrible headache. I saw a strange rock in the garden, a hole with a ladder leading down into the dark, and..." his voice abruptly stops.
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Looking out the window her smile faded thinking "please dont be down there.." she asked softly "And what?" she turned to face him, curious beyound belief.
Hey everyone I'm going to make the evil character now and a new one as well.))

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Brandon looked toward her and said after a deep breath " The last memory was of five dark silhouettes with a small dim light mid swing behind them. The memory seems to be from a time I was on the ground with them standing up looking down at me. The.. middle one had such a malicious smile that I still feel like it is still making that smile right now. This feeling is new to me. Being this scared is illogical... I..". He stops and returns to a neutral attitude. "Lets forget that happened and figure out what to do in the meantime" He says in a stoic tone.
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She grabbed her back. "We'll what about we meet at midnight. That's when the stone moves so.. Maybe we can Disguise are selves and go in. I know...someone that can get us in. " she looked down slightly. Pausing in thought. Then back up " we should maybe bring some more people to, case., what's ouou think?" She asked curious, bag in hand.

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Daniel changes to his gear wrapping his hands in a seemingly new set of fur, adjusts his spine necklace and takes off his shoes. He was ready for the Arcane Duel it was now 9:41 he began to make his way back to Olivia's room through the hall. He didn't care he was dressed like a brute he was just ready for another battle. "It's me Daniel I got my stuff ready. Can you let me in?" he asked.
Brandon had calmed down a little and let his emotions come back. He relaxed as Rose told him that she knew someone that could get them in. "If you can find people that can help then I won't mind." he said as he looked at the clock on the wall wondering why he didn't see it before. Brandon walked over to the door and before opening said sincerely "I want to thank you for everything... You have shown yourself to be a great person. I can only hope to not slow you down. End small monologue". 'End small monologue' 'yep, you're going to hear that over and over in your head for the next 2-3 hours' he thought while walking out of the door to his dorm.
She walked over to the door, chuckling as she walked out. "Naw I wouldn't even let you try, see ya at 12, at the gym bathroom, we need to disguise are eh, just bring something dark and hot, okay?" She left thinking "what the heck does end small monologue mean?"
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Brandon walked into his room and turned on his radio that he brought from home. Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd played and made his mind stop repeating 'end small monologue'. He went through his clothes looking for something to wear when he remembered she said black and hot. "Hot?" he repeats with confusion " I have this black shirt... and here is some black.. dress pants.. It will have to do I guess.". Wasted Time by Skid Row starts playing as Brandon lays down on his bed after setting his alarm for 12. He slowly falls to sleep as the song ends.
'She must've fallen asleep again.' he thought. He went to his dorm and sat down to stare at the clock it was 10:14. Daniel began practicing his movements for his spells and some swift dodging techniques. (Could we continue tomorrow im dying here atm)

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Walking back to her apartment, her mind was still set on End small Momologue "what does that mean?!" She mumbled. Walking up the stair to her apartment. She dragged out her keys, spinning them in a lock, she pushed the door open. Setting her bag down, she walked to her bed room. Walking over to her closet she grabbed a small tight fitting black dress, and tan pumps. Taking out some darker make up for later. "All or nothing tonight" she said to her self. Walking over to her bed, she took off her shoes, falling backwards on top of her bed, grabbing her phone she began to type. "I need your help.." A message shooting back in a second. "What's up?" She typed again " meet me at the arcane duels at 12, I need you to let me in, no questions" she pressed send. Her phone beeped "okay".

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((Okidoki see ya all tommarrow. We should get everyone to go. That can be the time when we all meet Damian. later on that day we can do the news cast))

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Toxicity by System Of A Down blares from Brandon's phone and startles him awake."Oh," he sighs sitting up rubbing his eyes "man.. That's a great way to wake up". He reaches for his phone and turns off the alarm. Stretching his arms while yawning Brandon looks over to his black clothes. "I don't really understand fashion or what looks good..." he says taking off his shirt. He picks up the black shirt with a small v-neck and continues talking to himself "I usually just wear normal clothes and my given school uniform". 'End small monologue' starts to repeat once more in his head. "Why... Why gods have you forsaken me" he mutters while taking off his pants and replacing them with the other pair. He takes in a deep breath after forcing his body through the small shirt. 'This shirt's pretty tight.. Why did I even bring it?' Brandon goes off on a rant in his head while putting on his shoes. He walks over to the window and sticks his head out. "Ah," he lets out a sigh of relief "The night wind feels great". Brandon leaves his dorm for the bathroom at the gym feeling refreshed.
Claire and Galen were still talking when they heard a ~Beep~ noise.

Galen sighed. "My cellphone..." he said. "Can I check it out?"

"Of course," Claire said.

Galen looked up at his cellphone and saw a text. He read it.

Hey there Gale! So how's going with ya school? Having a girl already?

Claire looked up beside Galen's shoulder. "That must be your brother or something..." she said.

"Yep..." "Seriously, what do he expect me to answer to that?"

"I don't know," Claire laughed. "Leave it to me."

He gave his cellphone to Claire. She started texting.
Olivia woke up on the couch with a movie's theme song playing. She yawned. "I must have fallen asleep..." She mumbled rubbing her eyes. She picked up her phone and looked at the time. 11:30 flashed on the screen. She jumped up. "I wonder if Daniel came back..." she whispered. She changed into something a little more comfortable and put her phone in her back pocket. She picked up the mess she had made and looked back at the clock. "It's nearly midnight." she whispered.
Claire send a text to Galen's brother. It was looking like that:

Hey, i'm making it great, wbu? Well, I have a crush on a girl named Claire, what should I do?

Claire gived his phone back to Galen as he received an answer.

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