Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

Olivia saw Daniel disappear from his window and ran to see if he had fallen. She looked at the ground and there was nothing so she looked towards her room window and saw Daniel open the wall like it was a door. Olivia rushed out of Daniel's room and went to her door. She could hear him rumbling around, but had no idea what he was thinking.
He had finally gotten the key after a long search in the unfamiliar abode. He unlocked her door not really expecting to see her. "Here you are!" he said giving her the key as lightly as he could. "You did not close my door right?" he asked her feeling his pocket for his keys as he heard a heavy gust of wind and his door slammed shut. Daniel threw himself onto his knees as his stomach growled. "I'm not doing it again, I just wanna." he lied down on the floor and began observe the tiles.

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Daniel looked up at Olivia. "Yea, I would really like that." he responded with his face pressed against the floor. "What do you suggest we eat?" he twisted his head back to the point where anyone's would stall.

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"That sound, great!" he said throwing himself into the air with his arms and landing upright next to her. He let her lead the way to the cafeteria "So anyway, I still haven't asked you.. How old are you and what grade?" he asked her as he followed along.

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Claire went outside of the building and walked, she needed air.

Galen saw Claire and went to talk to her. "Hey Claire!"

Claire looked at him. "Hey Galen..." She said, looking troubled.

"Is there anything wrong?" Galen asked.

"No... Well, yeah but... You can't change anything of it..." Claire replied.

"What is it?" Galen asked as he putted a hand on her shoulder. He knew something was wrong, but what?
"I'm a sophomore, and I'm fifteen." she replied looking back and making sure she had closed the door and locked it. She continued walking towards the cafeteria. "How about you?"
"I can't talk about it... I just want to forget about what just hapenned," Claire said.

"I... I see," Galen said as he saw that Claire was seriously affected by something. He just wished he knew why. He hugged her.

Claire started crying as Galen hugged her.

"Let's head back to the dorms," Galen said, not letting her go. He took her hand and walked to his room. "Are you hurted or anything?" Galen asked, looking very worried.

"No..." Claire said.

Galen openned his door and sitted on the crouch with Claire. He left his door open. "It's fine... Everything is going to be ok... I'm here now Claire," he wispered. He sitted really next to her.

Claire hugged him and continued crying. In Galen's arms, she felt a little better.

Galen let her cry. She needed it and he understood it perfectly. 'I guess that guy named Kato did something to her...' He tought.
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"I'm sixteen, and Junior." he said as he wandered behind her. "So where are you from?" he asked as he stretched his head next to hers.

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"I don't know exactly. My dad never let me know where I was, and he forebade anyone from telling me. I didn't leave the house so I had no connections to the real world to tell me. All I know was that it was far away and near a coast where I could sit out on my balcony and watch the crystal blue water flowing below." Olivia sighed thinking back to her time at her house, which was not so long ago. "Where are you from?" She asked looking back at Daniel.
After crying for some time, Claire felt asleep.

Galen was still worried for her. 'I need to know what hapenned,' he tought to himself. He looked at Claire and had a surprising tought. 'She is cute when she sleep...' He was still thinking about what must had hapenned so that Claire was crying. 'I really need to know...'

Claire woked up. "What the... I've been asleep for long?" She asked to Galen.

"Nope..." He replied.

"Well, I'm sorry I lost your time... I'm going," she said as she left his room and went outside.

He sighed. 'I need to know,' he tought again.
Claire returned outside. She was thinking about why she started crying. 'I don't want my memories to come back...' she said to herself.
Daniel turns his head away from her keeping his pace. "Im from an ugly town in USA, full of ugly people, friends, and family." he said in a monotone voice and increased his pace "I hated it! It was bland, dirty, and full of morons. Don't get me started on my family!" his eye twitched with his neck for a split second and calmed himself."Not know where you were. It must've been hard, did you have anyone too keep you company?!"

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Olivia stopped. "My brothers tried to keep me company as much as they could whenever they were in the house. Some other people too, whom I don't really know, tried to keep me company. Usually though I'd wander our gigantic house and keep myself busy." Olivia sighed sadly then ran to catch up with Daniel. "I'm sure that those people you are talking about whether their family or friends no matter how ugly they are or how ugly their heart is they all have some sort of light. After all, even in the pitch blackness of night the moon is still there right?" Olivia smiled.
"Heh, yeah light. You could also just see it as the outside world being better and showing off whilst the awful surrounds you. meaning the moon is just showing you what the sun would be like compared to all that darkness swallowing you up." He realized he was being to negative and self-loathing. "I'm sorry, at least we are both here now and you have all kinds of people to keep you company." they reached the cafeteria and he went to the line and checked their menu they had pizza. "What kind of pizza do you want, I love spicy beef." He licked his lips staring at the menu.
"Pepperoni pizza is what I'd like. I never really thought of it all like that. Maybe the moon is just trying to show that there is great potential and the stars are like people being swallowed by the darkness. The farther out they are, the dimmer their light gets, but there is still light. And you're also right that there are many people here and could be potential friends too." Olivia sighed and grabbed her pizza.
"Maybe..." Start humming Maybe by the Inkspots. He looks at the time "8:11 PM" he whisperd to himself before he asked "Hey, you wanna watch a movie to pass the time and eat our pizzas? We can just go up to your room." Daniel looked over to her with a smile and waited for her response. (What happened to the people, it's like they all died out! Do I stink :c???)
(I'm waiting for ThunderDire. My characters been keeled over in pain for 2 days real time - around 8-12 hours rp)

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