Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

(Lol!) (I'm waiting for myself) (Oh and for your info, there was another time warp... Again)

Claire continued walking outside, alone. She made up an ice wall again and smashed it with all the strengh she could.
(the 8:11 I accounted for, but if it is day warp then I didn't catch it. [ 8:?? first class ->11 hours or so ->8:11 ])
(well whenever ThunderDire comes back and reads through all the things that have happened we can just pretend that the events [brandon fainting on the floor and being taken to the infirmary or nurse's office] that happened were on the day she replies)
(Heh what?) (Sorry I just have a bad memory about what had been writted...) (I'm like in 9 RP's all in the same time)
(Some things have happened, but nothing that would directly affect ThunderDire(Rose) or Brandon, but with her gone we are stuck in pause making things a little complicated with some people going to Arcane Duels and breaking apart the school. [i'm not telling you to stop it just that it makes the characters in pause not able to do what they would usually do ~check out the loud noise~ ~go to the arcane duel~ ...etc] The longer she is gone the more things that might happen and mess with the space time continuum ultimately turning my computer into a cat)

(all computer cats aside TL;DR = Don't go too crazy with events while Brandon and ThunderDire(Rose) are at a standstill in the infirmary. Even if a bunch of events happen I'm sure we can play it off that we both slipped into a coma for a few days or something.)
Claire fists were in blood. She stopped hitting the ice wall and crushed it down. "Dammit!" she yelled.
He was expecting a slap to the face with 'No you are a dirty perv!' so now he didn't know what to do. "We could watch uhh.. 'Dead Silence'!" it was perfect he had brought it from home and it was one of his favorites! (I love that movie :]) He looked excited he was absolutely in love with horror movies. "You do like horror movies right? If not I'm always up for 'Upside down' although you don't look like the romance movie type." (The movie has a good concept! :c, Why am I actually thinking about what I want to watch? Not like I'm going to turn on my phone and start watching it, that would be sillllyyyyy *looks up dead silence links* ) he said smirking as he began to escort her to her dorm.
"I don't really like horror but I don't mind it. Romance isn't too bad either. So I guess either one is fine with me." Olivia shrugged as she followed Daniel. Once they reached her room she unlocked the door. "Come in and take a seat on the couch. It's big enough to fit five people and one of my brothers gave me a flat screen t.v. though I don't usually watch it." She smiled and held the door open.
Looking back at him she gave Brandon a sincere smile. "Your welcome." Jumping up, seeing he was in pain she rushed to his side. "Wha..I Do you need some pain medication, or water, maybe even a nurse??" She looked at him worried, waiting for a response before she ran with out her self to get him some help.

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"No.. no i-it's fine" Brandon groaned out. The pain started to decrease slowly. Brandon propped himself up and said "It's stopping. I'll be fine."
Fear for him and worry was shown in her face. "Eh um are you sure....You seemed in alot of pain? " she sat back down making sure to keep a eye on him just in case something happened. Coughing slightly to clear her throat she looked back up at him. "When do you think you'll be back up on your feet? I mean...I don't want to push you or anything catch those guys we might have a better chance to find them sooner then later."

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Brandon pulled out his phone and saw there was a long crack vertically on the screen. He made a frown, but still quickly checked the time and stuffed it back into his pants pocket. "It's almost 9 pm" he said a little depressed. After thinking about his physical state he pushed off the bed and landed on his feet a little off balance. Catching his balance he walked around a little and informed the girl "It seems i'm fine". He noticed he didn't know the name of the girl and asked her in blunt curious tone "What is your name?".
Claire looked up at her bloody fists. 'Ahh they'll stop bleeding anyways...' she tought and got back to her dorm.
She stepped forward, just in case her. Fell. Looking up she smiled, Realizing she didn't know his name, and they were even in the same class. Putting her hand forward she offered a hand shake "Rose Cross...but just Rose." A piece of hair fell in front of her face, with her other hand she pushed it behind her ear smiling.

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Brandon looked down to her outward hand and back up to her smiling face. 'How am I supposed to shake a girl's hand' he thought feeling a little nervous. 'I'll shake it a little lighter than usual... but what if she dislikes it when men don't shake hands like they do with guys' he thought frantically looking at his shaking hand as it slowly moves to hers. 'No regrets' he yells in his head as he grasps her hand firmly and shakes it normally. He sighs out loud letting his hand fall to his side. "We have some time before the arcane duels" he said without thinking. 'arcane duels' he repeats in his head 'why would it... that.. that must have been the ladder under the rock I just saw'.

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