Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

Brandon sees a brown blur above him saying somehing that he can't comprehend. He made a weak laugh while trying to piece together what happened. He felt like he was moving somewhere, but the motions all felt strange. Brandon slowly loses conciousness and returns soon after looking up at a bright light. He stares at the light waiting for something to happen, but soon becomes bored and turns his attention on his surrondings. He turns his head to the left to see a brown haired girl reading a book. He remembers that she was the other student in the classroom. "Th-thanks" he says managing a smile.
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QuantumCat said:
Brandon sees a red blur above him saying somehing that he can't comprehend. He made a weak laugh while trying to piece together what happened. He felt like he was moving somewhere, but the motions all felt strange. Brandon slowly loses conciousness and returns soon after looking up at a bright light. He stared at the light as if it might tell him something wise. He turns his head to the left to see a red haired girl reading a book. He remembers that she was the other student in the classroom. "Th-thanks" he says managing a smile.
Lol I have brown hair blue eyes , my eyes turn red when I use her powers.

As she read her book, a noice awakened her from her thoughts. Turning she saw the boy, smiling. She smiled back "ehh quiet a fall there.. What happened? Did you eat some of the lunch food?" She lowered her voice "I think the lunch lady has it in for us.." She said in a serious yet jokingly tone. She winked. "Seriously though, what...happened?" See asked curious. 
Lol it's coolio ;D))
Brandon laughs, but stops and says "I.. have no idea what happened". "I went to sleep fine, but when I woke up I was on the floor in alot of pain" he stops and looks at his abdomen then continues "My clothes were burnt, cut,muddy, and even wet at some parts. I even found two large cuts on my stomach when i showered that seem to have been cauterized". (the cuts look like a slanted T). "I have no memory of anything that happened after I went to sleep in my bed" he said trying to convince himself that it's not his fault. He slowly proped himself into a sitting position so he could get out of the bed and go back to class. "Is chemistry still going on?" he asked the girl directly.
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((I guess I'll act like I participated in the Arcane battle... Herp derp.. time to wake up))

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Daniel sat there in his bed, eyes still wide open and from the look of it he hadn't closed his eyes in hours. He started smiling as he read the clock "8:29". Daniel was well aware that he was late for class, but he just sat there staring at the floor. Daniel's knuckles were bruised and his feet scratched from his quick movements during his fights. His fur bandages torn to shreds by his hands. He could remember it all he had battled some cocky Freshman water elemental and a challenging Junior Fire elemental. The only trouble had was with the fire elemental, because their battle hadn't even ended. He felt his knee the clothes were raggedly torn into an ellipses around his knee with burn marks around the sides of it. And for the water elemental, well he had made quick business of him and for that it took no more than a basic thumps to the head with some heavy dirt. He arose from his crazed stare and dressed himself in his school apparel and made his way to Agricultural studies.
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Olivia awoke on the floor of her bedroom. "Wha-?" she mumbled sleepily and rubbing her eyes. She looked around her and saw the makeup work for her class around her. "I must have fallen asleep." she mumbled. "Sh-shoot!" she exclaimed when she realized she forgot to meet Daniel the night before. "I hope he didn't wait for me too long last night." she whispered putting her fingernails in her mouth as if to bite them, but bite the skin underneath instead. It was a bad habit she had.
Eyes reverted and to stare at Daniel occasionally, because he had actually forgotten to take off his little 'bone chain'. He had no idea why the people were staring at him from his mind nothing was wrong. He went to scratch his neck when he felt a sharp item... he finally realized that he was still wearing his otherwise strange ornament. He didn't bother to take it off and just continued to take the notes of the lecture.
SO sorry about the time warp!)

Looking at the boy, she chuckled "No chem. is over, at least until tomorrow. Grinning "It sounds like you were in a....fight? or at least someone fought you? And that someone or people sounded like.." she pushed her hands back, her black gloves still on as her heated hands cooled from with in. "a Fire elemental, I mean that would explain the burnt clothing" she began to think. Her gaze running down to his chest where the T was/ would be thinking to herself "a T? it sounds like someone wanted to be known for who did this" she mumbled, She spoke softly. "I dont know who did this..but i know were we can find out. We might have to get ...involved though." looking back up at him, she stood up "Would you like some water or anything, I can go grab the nurse as well if you would like?" She said in a soft tone. 
((((((Hey everyone, so wondering do you all want to have like a prom or something? and i think maybe we should have like a kind of villain to spiff things up a bit. I can make that character (his power Darkness), and also maybe we should in corporate the portal. The villain can make news on television in the real world and ares. Saying that in 3 days the eclipse will happen and he is going to destroy the world. No one knows why but that is what we have to find out. Some people are with the villain and are protecting him, causing fights and chaos. So prom would be on the day of the eclipse. We must stop him, to save the people we love, and are home, are friends, and the only way too do so is if we all come together to destroy him. And once we all come together a new power starts to form between al of us...Light.))))))
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"I'm fine, but thanks for asking" Brandon said in a little pain. " I'm willing to get involved.." he hesitated for a second then continued " but I don't want to drag you into what's happening".
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She laughed "trust me, I can handle my only problem at the moment is controlling my powers completely but...I have been working on them.." She snaps her fingers fire sparking and flowing at the palm of her hand, her eyes flashing red "I'm ready." She closes her hand the flame Extinguished. Her eyes back to blue.

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Claire was sleeping in her class... She had insomnia all night. She tried anything but it didn't worked out.

Galen looked at Claire and saw that she was sleeping. He laughed.
"Thank you... for being so nice" he said sincerely looking into the girls' eyes. Brandon looked out the window for a soothing feeling, but instead started seeing images in his head. A strange rock in the garden, a ladder down into darkness, and five silhouettes standing above him all flashed before his eyes. A head splitting headache made him groan out in pain. Brandon collapsed on his side holding his head.
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Galen throwed a paper at Claire, what didn't woke her up. "Claire, hey Claire! Woke up!" Claire didn't moved at all.

(I'm starting something up, I might not answer.)
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Kato walked in limping. "Hey Claire." He said. Kato sat in the desk next to her putting a pillow down under his butt. " Did i miss anything?" he asked.

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After going from class to class and gathering stares, Daniel had made his way to the cafeteria before the bell rang. He was determined to be first in line he left 3 minutes before the bell. He collected his food as the stands were set up and the lunch ladies really did not care. The teacher had done attendance and he wasn't noticeable anyway after everyone had looked away from him in disgust of his bone ornament, but he had no idea why people were disgusted... he cleaned it (heh). Daniel made his way to the tree in the gardens that he had met Olivia he was hoping maybe she would remember that at least, although it was not exactly anything they discussed.

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