Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

"To each their own" he spoke absent mindedly. "See you later" he said to the strange girl while heading back to his dorm.
Mr. Walter hit her 5 times and on the sixth time Kato was tearing up. On the 6th Kato stood up and put his hand in front of Claire's bum causing the cane to hit his hand." Stop. I cant take it." he said. "I will take her hits and mine." "That isnt an..." Mr. Walter was cut off."I will not let you hit her again." he said. "Very well."he said. "Get up Claire and sit were Kato sat." said Mr. Walter.
Her giggle charmed him and he threw himself down to a laying position hiding his red face. "You're welcome." he says before continuing with "You know in class I swear I heard some students talking about 'Arcane Duels' and that they take place at midnight out of sight of the schools staff. I'm thinking of joining. I've done too much construction magic. They said something about it being hidden by an earth elemental about 20 meters from here underground." he paused taking a chomp of his food and continued "You wanna stay up a bit and look at it? I'm sure you have some tricks up your sleeve!" he began to sit up as he asked her and he was wagging back and forth like a begging dog.

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His tone turns into that of a blood thirsty psychopath "I CAN'T WAIT!" he exclaims as the plastic fork between his side teeth breaks from his mouth's grip. "You don't have to participate, but I just thought you wind could give my attacks a little more force!" he says as he throws himself back to the ground to look at her. He frozen with the shrapnel of the shattered hanging from his lip as he stares at her.

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"Remove your school blazer and bend over this chair." Mr. Walter said. Kato slowly removed his blazer and bent over the chair. Mr. Walter winded back then brought the cane down causing Kato to yelp. Mr. Walter started to pick up speed and force with his swats. Kato started to shutter and then to cry. He didnt start crying loud until swat number 15. It was embarrassing having Claire there but he couldnt help it. After 20 Mr. Walter stopped and Kato stood up. "We arent done yet. You have 14 more." Mr. Walter said. Kato bent over and Mr. Walter started up again. Kato first cried , then he sobbed, then he begged, then he screamed. After it was all over Kato was sobbing like a baby. "I hope you 2 have learned your lessons." Kato nodded. "Now go and enjoy the rest of your day." Kato walked out.
Claire runned after him. "Are you crazy? Why did you do that?" 'It was dangerous!" "Are you alright?" Claire asked him.
Kato turned around. "Like I(sob) said (sob) everything will be ok." he smiled and walked toward the water school building.
Olivia smiled to see someone so excited to be with her. "I can certainly try, I don't have exactly full control of my element yet." she sighed, "Oh, and you have a little something here." she said rubbing her wrist on her lips.
He blew the pieces off of his mouth still dreamy. The bell rang not moving him one bit. "My next class is starting soon... I" he didn't want to finish. He sat up and picked up his tray. "I'm going to head to my physics ... Meet me here 11:45 pm." he walked off with his head facing his tray whilst gripping his sun bear ornament to the point of cracking it.

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Kato spun Claire around and hugged her. "I know what you mean " he whispered in her ear. "Now lets go to english." he let go and motioned for her to follow.
She followed him, in her mind.

Galen has been looking for Claire anywhere but never found her. He got back to the dorms to skip class.
"Okay." Olivia replied and taking her lunch tray, she left and went to her next class. When she walked into class everyone stared at her and she blushed.

"Do you need to go to your dorm to get a change of clothes?" the teacher asked in the most annoyed and sarcastic tone he could manage.

"That would be nice." Olivia replied looking at the floor.

"Very well then. I expect you back in half an hour. No dawdling understand?"

"Yes sir," she replied and quickly went to change. She arrived back in class and sat down silently paying full attention to the teacher.
Daniel arrived in physics out of place his white shirt making him show. He was stared at for a bit and called up by the teacher for a pop quiz alone up front. Yes, it was unfair, but he didn't care he aced the quiz and got a grade the others couldn't. From there on he sat back and repaired his sun bear ornament with some glue for now.

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Brandon walked the halls to his dorm when he heard two guys talking about an "arcane duel". "organized fights in the school" he thought "the staff probably has no idea that it's going on". He stopped around a corner and continued listening to their conversation. He heard one say it was going to take place at midnight tonight and that it was hidden underground. ' well, I probably won't be able to go to that then' he thought. A wind blew into his ears and he changed in an instant. Brandon walked up to the guys and asked with conviction " How can I get to the place where the arcane duels take place". The guys took an aggressive stance and created fire in their palms. " Why would you want to know" one of the students spit out with anger. Their flames instantly went out leaving a confused face on the two. "Fire needs oxygen to keep burning. You would know if you paid attention in science" Brandon said calmly. They were enraged by this and started to create blue flames around him. Brandon made a quick movement slamming one student against the wall with 50 mph wind. The other he pinned against the wall and asked again agitated " How do I get in?". Brandon saw he couldn't say anything so he let go of his throat. The student gasped for breath while saying that at midnight there is a strange looking rock that if you say the phrase 'arcane magic is meant for combat' the rock will move showing a ladder to the arena. A wind passed out of his ears and Brandon looked around confused by the two guys scrambling away. He tried thinking about what might have happened, but thought it would be best to go to his dorm and let it come to him naturally.
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Physics had ended and Daniel mended his treasure back together. Hooking the sun bear ornament back on his pants, he made his way to his dorm. The time was now 3 pm and classes had ended. He sat at his desk and set his ornament down and slid open a cabinet full of other ornaments and Jewelry. He fished out a necklace he made when he was 12 it was made out of the spines of several different animals. He prepared old bandages made of fur for later to wrap around his hands. Daniel may have been for construction but that was forced onto him by his parents, and now in this Arcane Duel he would let go of his promises to his parents.

He was overrun with nostalgia and excitement remembering the days when his parents didn't know of his activities and muttered "Who needs to be normal?" as the necklace moved around his neck with every movement.

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As the morning came Rose woke up at 7:50 smiling" thank you" she whispered happy she would finally be on time to chem. all changed she had a little extra time and put some work into her hair, put on some thin lipgloss, and some mascara. Her dark brown hair brushed out sailing behind her. Smiling she walked out to class. Opening the classroom door she walked in realizing she was the first one , MR. Gard looked up, grinning "I see you are on time today?" She smiled "yep " she sat down at one of the double desks. Waiting for class to begin.
Brandon woke up aching with pain on the floor with his arm reaching toward his bed. He forced himself up and went into the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed. Out the door Brandon focused all his energy on getting to chemistry on time. He reached the door and proped himself up to catch his breath. Stumbling into the classroom he saw he was the second person in. He looked to Mr.Gard,smiled, and whispered "I'm on time" before collapsing onto the floor.
Seeing the boy fall to the ground she jumped up rushing to his side"OMG are you okay?!" Mr. Gard ran to the door. "Rose stay with him, I'm going to go get a nurse!" He ran out. 
returning with a nurse they brought the boy to the center, putting him in a bed. The nurse gave him some strange liquid and said he should get better soon. Sitting on the chair white light shined, next to his bed she opens her book waiting for him to wake up.
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