Arcane High School (school of elementals) [Inactive]

Brandon picks up his lunch and watches as a girl walks outside in the rain carrying her food. She created a bubble, but only around her tray of food. He thinks for a second about how it must feel to love the rain. He stops that thought and looks around to find an empty table where he can eat his food at. He finds one and quickly finishs off his lunch.
Claire got back to the dorm and went in her room. She changed her uniform and dry her hair. After drying her hair up, she did a fishtail braid with her hair. She was proud of the result. She runned to go to her class, music class. "Piano! Finally!" She shouted, laughing.

Galen continued walking in the rain to go in his class. He was going to music class. He remembered that he saw Claire practicing piano in class during the morning. "She will be happy going to the class," he said and finally found the class where Claire was already. "Already there?"

Claire looked at him. "Yes," she said. "Do you play any instruments?" She asked to him.

"I'm playing guitar... And you play piano, I saw you practicing in class," he said, smiling to her. "Ahh... My trench coat is all wet!"

She laughed. "That's the price to pay to go outside at the rain," she said as getting in the class.

"Yeah..." Galen said, getting in too after removing trench coat.
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Olivia rushed out of the cafeteria towards the gardens. She seemed to be having a late day. When she entered the gardens she was soaked from head to toe and it was still raining. She could see a small mound of earth under the closest tree and went to it for cover. She found Daniel fast asleep next to a tray of food. She stood for a moment then sat down underneath the tree, and she ate her lunch quietly.
((Haha I just relized that I have my rp chara's name wrong.))

Sarah saw a boy looking at her. Why is he looking at me? She wondered. Then she shrugged and found a place to sit down and eat her food. Yet once she found an area, she just sat there enjoying the rain. Then she looked up at the boy. He doesnt look to happy. He must not like the rain. She thought.
Kato heard a piano playing and followed the sound to where Claire was playing. "Hey Claire!" he yelled. "What you doing?" he asked.
"I see that." he said. "I brought you something.". He went in his pocket and pulled a knife on Claire. "Time to die." he said.
Kato turned around and saw Galen. He made a wall of ice to keep him form coming in. "I was kidding here is your real gift." he handed her a rose. 
He smiled "Like it?" he asked. "Sorry, it got squished in my pocket."
(I don't know if you've been watching too much school days.. But really whut...Oh wellll...) Daniel's eyes shoot open as she touches the ground to sit. His eyes wide open he stares at her as she is occupied eating. "I'm a light sleeper." he says as the coffin of stone collapses around him. "I should probably eat too..." Daniel picks up his food and finishes his dialogue with "Hello."

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Galen runned to Claire. "You are okay Claire?"

"Yes... I was just scared."

Galen clenched his fist. "That guy just camed out from nowere and pulled a knife on Claire," he said. "It was just a joke as he was saying but... That's not things to do."
"What!" Mr. Walter asked. "Kato that is far from a joke and you know that right?" he asked. Kato nodded.

"Well I have no choice." he said. Kato looked on in fear. "You Kato Macare, are hereby expelled from Arcane High School for elementals."

Kato looked at Mr. Walter. "I get it Mr. W you are showing me how jokes can hurt others."he said. "I learned my lesson." "This is far from a joke."

Kato looked at Mr. Walter and tears welled in his eyes.
Claire felt bad. "Leave him another try!" "We all learn from our mistakes!"

Galen looked at her, surprised. "Claire... He just..."

Claire looked at Galen. "Yeah, and?" "We all need another try." She looked at the Mr.Walter "Please."
"I don't know why I came to that school, in fact, it was a big error." Claire said that and looked at Kato. "I am sorry Kato." She runned away from the room.
"Freeze." Mr. Walter said. Icy mist came out of his mouth and froze Claire. "You disrespect my school and expect to get away with it? he asked. "You 2 to my office now." he said. Kato jogged to it hoping to suppress his fate.
"You have 2 options, Expulsion or option number 2." Mr. Walter said. Kato had heard about option 2 but would wait till Claire asked what it was.

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